The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 167 **Bond Attempt No 2…**

Sahara put her hands up and let them fall into her lap, sighing afterwards and looking up at the sky.

Silence came between them then and Sahara put out a green star, deciding to see how far she can go now…After all it had been a while since she had last checked…

Christian took a few glances at the now silent girl next to him but continued on with his work…Feeling slightly irritated…

The girl beside him did what he couldn’t do in less than a day, in just a few seconds!

Straight away he wanted to give up and make her do it, but then…He’d have nothing to do…

Sighing, he got over it and tried not to think about it anymore…


Sahara, on the other hand, went as far as seeing the army that was still on its way towards Green Haven.

Frowning to this, Sahara shook her head and then went to take a sneak peak on her apprentice…Only to find him looking weird.

She knew that Felix wasn’t one to show much emotions, but right now, he looked anxious which made her anxious in return…

Looking around Felix, watching him hide like a little child in a small space, Sahara frowned again…

What was going on!?


For what seemed like an hour, Felix did not come out of his hiding spot and Sahara got more and more worried. She saw that maids were looking for him and that no strange people were around the immediate area, so none of this made any sense!

Was he playing a game?

Quickly checking up on the Emperor, it didn’t look like he was worried about Felix…


Jumping to the voice, and rude nudge into her arm, Sahara lost her concentration and opened her eyes to the ice block men next to her. “What!?”


Taking a deep breath, Sahara pressed her lips together, “I think my apprentice is in some type of trouble…”


Looking away from the men, Sahara folded her arms, “Felix isn’t one to hide and show how anxious he is…Do you think…Ah!”

Being pushed to the side, Sahara fell off what she was sitting on and nearly lost her balance when her two feet hit the ground.


Turning to the ice block of a man, Sahara frowned, “Nothing happened for ages, but he’s still hiding! Dammit! I need to take another look!”

“It’s hard to believe that you have an apprentice, little girl.”

Sahara smirked, “Aye, it’s hard to believe that you are doing any kind of work. Working hard or hardly working, uh!?”

Christian immediately turned to Sahara and glared at her, “You! Have you not any virtue of a woman!? What pride could be found in tormenting me with your presence!?”

Sahara shrugged and looked away from him, for some reason she felt like she shouldn’t worry about him hurting her, even though he already has. “I am me, I am proud of myself because I don’t change and become someone else…As for tormenting you…I see it as a blessing instead. I’m blessing you with my presence!”


“Unbelievable!” Christian stated, giving up on work as long as the little girl stays here!

Walking away in a huff, Sahara sighs, “Yielding, uh? Good boy! While you’re at it, get me a drink…Please!”

“Get your own damned drink!” The men angrily yelled back, still walking away.

Sahara laughed at him and then frowned.

Getting another green star and sitting down to meditate, Sahara made it go directly towards where she last saw Felix and found him to be gone!

Quickly searching the area, and also finding Felix’s spiritual essence, Sahara found him to be out of the palace and in the vast wilderness…

When did he learn to teleport!? And to teleport so far!?

Sahara nodded, proud of her apprentice…Which didn’t last long because she saw him still not acting like his usual self.


He seemed to act as though he was being followed but…Sahara didn’t see anyone following him.

Next, she was certain that Felix was heading straight into danger, seeing some beasts in the distance of the direction Felix was travelling in.

Why on earth is he looking behind him and not at all in front of him!?

And why did he choose to not use the anti-beast barrier area instead?

Frowning, she teleported Felix to her and looked at him with searching eyes.

Just about ready to search his spiritual essence, to find out what the hell was going on, she saw Felix relax to seeing her and then fall to a dead faint right in front of her…


Blinking, as she felt bad for not stopping his fall to the ground, Sahara moved to be beside him and touched his arm.

Seeing Felix with a stab wound to his side, Sahara immediately searched for it and widened her eyes in surprise.

The stab wound was not small and looked pretty deep…Which could have been another reason for his sudden faint…Too much blood loss…

She had only seen him recently, what had happened since then!?

Why hadn’t she just assumed something was terribly wrong and check through his spiritual essence!? She had waited so long, just watching him like an idiot!

Was it because she didn’t want to take advantage of being able to see practically all thoughts and history with people or that maybe she forgot?

Whatever, tend to his wound first!

Closing her eyes, she immediately started to heal his wound and saw that her own spiritual essence was nearly half gone.

Luckily, she hadn’t used it all in making a wall!

Within no time, Felix’s wound was healed but he was still sleeping.

Seeing that he was exhausted, Sahara frowned as she looked at him and then couldn’t wait anymore to find out what was going on!


Seeing what the spiritual essence could see was a real cheat!

But it was at this moment that she was grateful to be able to do such a thing!

Searching, basically asking the spiritual essence inside of Felix, Sahara finally saw what was going on.

Felix had led a usual life after he returned from seeing her last but after a few hours, when it was dark, Felix was cultivating, instead of sleeping, and he did in fact save his own life because of this!

Having just been playing around with a stone, that he had it in his room, flying around, he saw the assassin coming and had dodged the death blow that would have killed him in seconds!


After that, there was a scuffle, where Felix was trying his best to run away, already knowing that the cultivator was higher than his.

Defending himself still led to getting stabbed, but Felix was her apprentice after all, and he obviously remembered her laughing teachings of blinking away when she was in trouble.

Felix hadn’t gone far, but he had hidden straight away and had meditated, getting back his spiritual essence.

In that time, that was when her star came up to see him like this and Sahara frowned.

So, who was it that had attacked Felix?

Opening her eyes and looking down at the sleeping body before her, Sahara slouched and groaned.


Sahara looked towards the deep, irritated voice and saw that Christian was back with a drink for her.

Nodding absently at him, she muttered her thanks and had a drink.


“Who’s he?”

Sahara sighed and said, “Felix. My apprentice…He’s being attacked.”

“He’s not even sixteen yet.”

If Sahara had been anyone else, she wouldn’t understand why Christian had said that, but she seems to understand, even though Felix would never be in the same situation of being chased down like he had been.

“He’s the Crown Prince of Green Haven…That…That might be the real reason…” Sahara thought that she hit onto an idea and got out another star, sending it off.

Hearing Christian speak again, Sahara ignored him and wondered why all of a sudden that he was talking so much!

Now, seeing the cold palace, Sahara shot towards it and saw Prince Liam still in there…

Frowning, Sahara opened her eyes and went into contemplation again.


The person to benefit the most to Felix’s death would be Prince Liam, yet he was still in the cold palace…

“I’m talking to you! How disrespectful you are!”

Before Christian went further, Sahara looked at him and raised her eyebrows, “Did I say that this is Felix?”

Christian angrily stared at her, but Sahara stared right back at him, waiting.

Finally, Christian said, “Yes, you did!”

“Did I say that Felix is my apprentice?”

After another stare contest, again Christian gave in and said, “Yes, you did!”

Sahara then then sighed and said, “Did you not hear me at all when I said he was being attacked?”

“He’s here, he’s not being attacked!” Christian retorted.

Sahara sent out her hand, making spiritual essence to make him fall over. She really wasn’t in the mood for all this repeating!


“Hey! And…” Christian sat back up and continued, “What about when I said how you did it! You never answered me, like you are too good for it!”

“Suck those words back in, idiot! I was too busy looking for this little dude’s brother. I thought he was after Felix.”

“…At Green Haven?” Christian asked in mockery.

Sahara turned to Christian and smirked, “Jealous?”

Christian widened his eyes and then angrily stared at her again, “Jealous of what! You’re lying, so there’s nothing to be jealous of!”

“You really are like a porcupine, or something aren’t you!” Sahara retorted, picturing precisely that and those little needle type things coming towards her every second in an attack.

“What are you talking about!” Christian yelled at her.


Sahara took a deep breath in and turned back to Felix, if only she could pay more attention!

Looking back at Christian, who was playing a stare game with her again, she was starting to think he really was just like a little, annoying boy!

Right! Fine! He asked for this!

Sahara turned to face him and put a hand on him, who jumped away from her in an instant.

“Get your ass back here, Dopey!” Sahara pointed to the ground and Christian ludicrously looked at her.

“…I’m not Dopey!” Christian stated, he did not know how to act when the little girl touched him. This is not how it works!

If there was any touching, he would touch his woman, not anything else!

“For…” Sahara teleported beside Christian and then connected to his spiritual essence and stated for the essence to show him outside of Golden Haven.


At first, she showed him above them, even seeing himself from a different angle, then zoomed further out so that they could hardly see themselves at all.

Not knowing much about anywhere else, Sahara made her way towards Green Haven.

Little black dots could be seen, to state the beasts and then thumping could be seen in the distance…It looked like a divine beast was coming from the south, heading towards Purple Haven.

Sahara then saw the people in the wilderness and remembered that she had yet to finish the anti-beast barrier from one Haven to another…So, next, to just rectify that she hadn’t lied, she showed him Green Haven.

Going as far as to the Emperor, she showed that yes, she can see this far!

Don’t underestimate me! Sahara thought, as she zoomed them out and then let go of the connection between them.


Christian was dead silent and just stared at her in astonishment.

Getting comfortable, by putting her hands behind her and closing her eyes, Sahara smirked, “See, I wasn’t lying!”

“That’s…Not Right! Trick…It has to be a trick!”

Frowning, Sahara started to get angry, “A trick!? I can show you a damned trick!”

Teleporting Naruto to herself, she then looked up and pointed at Christian, “Get him, Naruto!”

Making the little beast grow, she let him run wild and watched for a little while as Naruto went all out in chasing down her father-in-law.

Laughing, Sahara continued to watch and even started to cheer!

“Get him, Naruto! Go! Chase him down!”

This was great!


“Sahara? Why is Naruto chasing down my father?”

Shocked, Sahara got up and then saw Matthew move forward, seeing Felix, “Why is Felix here?”

Sahara scratched her head and then said, “Felix was in trouble, so I brought him here and healed him. Christian annoyed me, telling me I was doing tricks and calling me a liar so…”

Matthew raised his eyebrows and continued from where Sahara stopped, “So you got Naruto to chase my father?”

Sahara nodded innocently. That’s the truth!

“What am I going to do with you!?”

Taking her into his embrace, Matthew shook his head and secretly smiled.

How could he not love her more!?

She was a free spirit, one that he could hardly ever get a hold off!


With such a thought, Matthew felt lucky, lucky that he was with her and that he could see her be this way.

Taking her face in his, he lowered his head and kissed her.

If only…They weren’t away from home…

Tasting her and sticking her to his body, Matthew stopped, knowing that if he kept going…

…They were here visiting, it really wasn’t the time to make this little woman moan his name out loud!

Sighing, Matthew listened to Sahara get her breath back and then pulled back away from her…

“So naughty!” Matthew stated huskily, seeing Sahara’s desire in her eyes.


Watching Sahara blink, Matthew looked out to his father, then to Felix, “What do you mean that Felix was in trouble?”

How could he miss that!

Looking back at Sahara, who was only looking like she was just getting out of a dream, Matthew realized how he hadn’t asked…

“…Felix was stabbed and running out into the wilderness, before I brought him here.”

Matthew deeply frowned and stared into nothing as he thought about this.

After a moment of silence, except from hearing a voice about getting a mutt away from him, Sahara quickly said, “I’ve already gone to the cold palace and seen that Prince Liam is still there.”

Matthew turned to her and raised his eyebrows, only to look even more baffled.

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