The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 186 **A Battle of Unknown Tactics**

“I have come up with a few ideas but…I nearly forgot all about the army and…” Sahara put a hand through her hair again and Matthew took her arm.

“Hush, we had spoken of it a few times also. We at least got as far as how we were going to tell everyone to beware and find shelter. Take me to the north of the Capital, the highest area in Green Haven is there, and I’ll send out the message.” Matthew spoke this in low voice, hoping that Sahara could calm down.

Sahara teleported both of them to the north of the capital and teleported to the top of the mountain after seeing it. It wasn’t that big of a mountain, like those out in the vast wilderness, but it was higher and seemed to hold an advantage to most likely any other point of view in Green Haven…

Matthew let her go and walked a step away from her…As much as he hated to use some of his cultivation right now, wanting to save it for the fight, someone had to do this and as soon as possible!

Even though he didn’t see the army, he trusted Sahara completely and if she was this anxious, then calling out to the entirety of Green Haven would still be worth it!


Considering that a whole haven needed to be told about the upcoming army, the only way they had come up with, to tell everyone at once and as fast as possible, was to relay the message in as many places as possible. There was the fact that the people would panic and not spread the word to any others that wouldn’t hear it, but it wasn’t the time to worry about that.

Sahara watched as quite a number of flying things went out from Matthew and flew away, like that of shooting stars, making her smile to how pretty it was.

Each one of those thirty or so ‘flying things’ went to places in Green Haven and opened up like a letter, saying what the government had come up with when they had talked about it.

“Please be advised that Green Haven is under attack! Find shelter and defend yourselves!”

It wasn’t a long message but there were a number of people that knew what to do upon hearing such a message and so, as long as they heard this message, they would be running madly towards places that hadn’t heard the message or doing anything else that they were told to do at the meeting…

Sahara was so glad that she wasn’t the only one that could be depended upon with the battle ahead. Thank god that they had been talking about it!

Matthew put on a small smile for achieving something without having to rely on his beloved! He had loved watching her relax, so that not worrying her over the coming army and what they should do was indeed a good idea. Actually, the Emperor was all for it, simply because he hadn’t liked how much power that Sahara already had! He was all for being the one in charge!


Sahara hadn’t thought of everyone else very much at all, in fact…She wasn’t entirely sure how this battle was going to go!

She didn’t know what to defend against, she didn’t know how to attack!

It was…A battle of unknown tactics!

As much as Sahara had learnt about cultivation, it obviously already didn’t help when she had already lived a life on Earth. Already she had failed to acknowledge that the distance to start a battle may be very different!

She’d already learnt about elemental balls and that wind could be used but had never thought to use both like that as an offensive strategy!

There were no guns here, there were no bombs, but Sahara could feel like this place might be worse when it came to battles!

Spiritual essence can be used in several different ways, including that of helping someone run faster or shield themselves! It wasn’t a trench warfare, it wasn’t a hill fight where a general might be blitzing through…This was a completely different kind of war and…Sahara was nervous, anxious and unsure…She had absolutely no idea upon how she will overcome this at all!

So…If worse comes to worst…She could only rely upon what she does know! She will just have to go with the flow and defend and attack to the best of her ability!


As for the General and his men, upon hearing the message that Matthew had sent out, they were going to go towards the border of the anti-beast shield around Green Haven, that led towards the offensive army. Everyone else was going to tell others to raise shields, if possible, around their homes or if they haven’t the cultivation to do shields, they were to find somewhere that they could go and stay safe.

But…For Sahara, who wasn’t going to stick around the people who were scurrying around and panicking inside the cities in the Haven, she teleported Matthew to the shield and saw him sit down to meditate.

Keeping guard over him, even though…It looked completely safe for the moment, Sahara frowned and went to look at the army again.

Could she…

Before she could try to come up with a plan to help prevent anything, more than one thing happened at a time, and it was most definitely the start of the battle!




Sahara saw the balls of earth, fire and metal fly through the sky. Looking back at the army, it seemed that they had about three people pushing wind towards each of the balls, making them able to go such a long distance.

The fire ball was growing and growing in size, which made it obvious why the earth and metal balls were flying through the sky a distance away from it.

Quickly going back to Green Haven, with eyes looking from above, Sahara saw the earth and metal balls hit through the anti-beast barrier and knock directly into the ground, breaking whatever it was in their path but…That wasn’t the end…The fire ball then landed and in the two areas, plus what was in between, it all caught fire. It was almost as if the fire grew some arms to link to the other two balls just before landing…Or something…It really was hard to say…

One town on the outside of the capital was half obliterated just by that and…Sahara knew that they had made more than one ball of each!


Looking back at the army in the distance, Sahara saw that they were getting ready to do more balls but…It seemed…It seemed that people were busy, sitting down…What were they doing!?

Sahara didn’t have time to find out why those people looked busy because the other thing that was happening was that the Divine Beast was now slowly approaching Green Haven!

What do I do? Sahara said, pulling her eyesight back and seeing that Matthew was still safely meditating.

In no time at all, towns could be destroyed then…Then what would be the use!?

She wished now that she had just teleported everyone away! At least then they would only be destroying buildings right now instead of countless of lives!

Seeing more flying balls coming towards Green Haven, Sahara widened her eyes and watched as they went through Green Haven’s anti-beast barrier!


Looking from above, Sahara had an idea upon what the people who were sitting down in the offensive army were doing now.

The first lot of balls…It was like it was only the start when they had hit the town because, it seemed that the fire was being controlled!

It was like they sent a string of conscious into the fire and upon landing in Green Haven, the fire was now able to be controlled, even though they were all the way out of sight!

It was like they had learnt Bending Space Meditation!

Through a spout of fear, Sahara completely forgot about how certain elements can be controlled by spiritual essence and just thought of it as something unbeatable!

…It took Sahara a moment to calm herself into a more thinkable manner.

It isn’t like you haven’t seen it before! Right, elemental balls, fire…

Pulling herself together, Sahara finally saw the people in Green Haven and got her courage back. Courage to fight back, courage to do whatever it took to save as much people as possible!

Right, even if I can bring people back from the dead…This will give me too much work to do!


With eyes going red for the first time in weeks, Sahara saw how the fire was claiming life after life, making her incredibly angry!

Why!? Why is it that she has just a bit of free time, like a holiday, and now she has to tolerate such…Such…

She was so angry that she couldn’t even name what was going on at the moment!

Looking down at Matthew and suddenly remembering his sword and his golden dantian, Sahara suddenly wondered if it would be able to defend against these attacks…

Sitting next to Matthew and touching him, Sahara then turned spiritual essence into the same thing as Matthew’s dantian and sent it out towards the barrier…Only to come up with another plan…


She had been able to make the anti-beast barrier, she had nearly made a whole line of it going down to Purple Haven…Wasn’t this just the same then? Wouldn’t it be possible to make a Golden barrier, now that she was able to produce it, and cover the anti-beast barrier with it!

The barrier was huge though, and she had to do it quickly, as quickly as possible…God knows how much essence would be needed!

Before, with the anti-beast barrier, she had been able to take rests and meditate to bring back her spiritual essence, now…Now she could do neither of those! Sahara, with no other choice, she would have to tap into all that extra spiritual essence around her, which will no doubt bring her pain…Probably more pain than she was willing to endure! But…It had to be done!


Before she could start with that plan though, another attack was incoming and she placed the golden spiritual essence in front of the balls, frowning to how hard they hit the spiritual essence and how stretched out the essence was.

Seeing the balls lose momentum and after some of it go into what looked like ash, the rest fell to the ground outside of Green Haven, she came to the conclusion that she was going to need a hell of a lot more golden spiritual essence!

…A lot more…Hell, even if she used other peoples, it would probably still be painful!

Right, surely people won’t mind helping!

But she really didn’t have time to pick and choose which person was going to help her defend against these attacks!

Looking down at Matthew, Sahara wondered if he would mind if she stole his but thought better of it.

Either way, she was bound to get quite a huge headache so…She might as well get started!

The enemy may have taken slower to release the fourth lot of elemental balls, but Sahara still wasn’t ready!

With only using borrowed spiritual essence, Sahara turned it to the golden essence and stopped the balls once again from hitting the barrier.


Letting out a groan, Sahara breathed out a heavy breath while looking out into the distance, to finally hear and see the Divine beast coming closer and closer towards Green Haven!

“So not fair!” Sahara stated, still breathing heavily, and a headache already started to be felt.

“Sahara? Is…Is that the beast?” Matthew asked, now on his feet and bringing her to his side.

“Yes. The General is coming from closer to the where that fire is, you…I’ll have to leave the Divine beast to you guys…”

With another groan, Sahara used borrowed spiritual essence to teleport not just Steven and Kin, but also that of Christian.

“What, what is going on!?” Christian stated, looking rather unhappy.

Sahara had no time for this and just bluntly stated, “I need your essence!”

With that, Christian felt weakened immediately and fell to his knees, “You!”


Feeling slightly bad but having no time to say sorry, Sahara then started to shield Green Haven on the side that the offensive army was on.

Steven followed after Christian, falling to his knees and making sure that nothing happens to Kin while doing so.

Matthew didn’t know what to do as he watched high ranked people fall and his beloved show such a strained face. It was obvious that the job of protecting Green Haven from those balls was taking a lot out of her!

With seeing such a duty being fulfilled, Matthew turned and went towards where the General should be coming from, then looking in the distance to where the Divine Beast was coming from.

His job right now was the Divine Beast…But…How was he supposed to fight the Divine Beast!? It was so…Big…



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