The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 201 **The Red Haven King**

It wasn’t very formal, in fact, for normal circumstances, as this was indeed considered extremely rude!

Upon teleporting to the Red Haven King, Joshua, Matthew and Sahara found themselves in a room that held some ladies and light music.

*I must mention that these ladies were dressed…This time…

A scream interrupted the peaceful and happy atmosphere and suddenly it was like the world took a turn as quick events took place.

The music stopped, guards came out to protect their King and the women were led away as they were obviously in a bit of distraught.

“What is the meaning of this!” Came a bark from behind the guards.

“We, Green Haven people, are sorry for this inconvenient and rude timing but we hope to gain an urgent audience with you, Your Majesty.” Joshua stated, trying to be as polite as possible.

The Red Haven King pushed a guard to the side and looked at the people that didn’t originally belong there. “Who are you?”

Sahara would have forgotten if it weren’t for the Red Haven King…That her eyes were indeed different…

His stare at her at first made her remember, but then as he continued to stare, it made her wonder why the Blue Haven Emperor had not done the same and stare at her like that for a moment…


“Your Majesty, we do not mean to harm you but to gain an audience with you…”

Joshua was interrupted by a huff and Sahara could see that the Red Haven King was ready to press a button, to get more guards here.

Teleporting him to Matthew, who was startled to see the King suddenly changing positions, Sahara went before him too, “He was just about to press a button.”

“A Button?” Matthew inquired…

What kind of button?


“Here we go again…” Sahara stated, becoming alert and looking around.

It seemed that this time…It was worse…

Matthew took out his sword to immediately defend an attack and Sahara too got out her sword to do the same.

Joshua was a problem though, as he had not come prepared, and he had gotten hurt as the attack began.

“Don’t kill them all! I need to know how they got so close to me!”


Sahara angrily growled out and defended Joshua, who was now on the floor, whilst Matthew defended her.

There had been about eight of them, now there were four on the ground…The problem was, while they were busy, the King had run back to where he had been and pressed that damned button! It hadn’t been some type of modern day button, like Sahara had thought, it had just been like simple start procedure that made a bell ring outside of the room.

But now…As they continued to fight, there were more guards swarming in.

Quickly, Sahara pulled out a hair from her own head and then strengthened it. Closing her eyes, she placed her vision desperately into the hair piece and flew it around and through things.

Matthew fought two more before realizing that it had become a lot more quieter.

Turning to Sahara, to see her looking over Joshua, Matthew frowned as he looked back at the Red Haven King who was wide eyed at the corpses around us all and pressing the button like a mad man.


“Since you have given us no choice.” Matthew stormed up to the Red Haven King and took his clothes into his hands, dragging him back down towards Sahara. “Just take us to Blue Haven.”

Sahara opened her eyes, “Fine, but I still have to heal him.”

Actually, Joshua had been hit with a mortal wound and had been close to his last breath when Sahara started to tend to him.

Quickly, Sahara teleported the four of them to Blue Haven and trusted Matthew to look after her as she finished healing Joshua.

What were they expecting? A feast in their honor? They should have been ready for such an act but still, without question and letting them speak at all, the King had ordered them to be killed!

Some people really annoyed Sahara…Really…Really annoyed her!


If you think of the basics, we were all human. We all had blood going through our veins, we all felt pain, we all had two eyes, a nose and a mouth. The problem was that we treated our kin like shit. We murdered and stole from one another like it was normal…

Was it really our nature to be such bastards?

Her anger did indeed slow down her healing, but Sahara did bring Joshua back and he even woke up, just before she was finished.

“This King will not!”

Both Sahara and Joshua looked at the Red Haven King. Matthew had been talking to him all this time, while Sahara had been busy healing, so they have indeed missed out on some of the conversation…If there had been conversation, that is…

“It is not just your army, it has my men as well and I want to pull mine out!” The Blue Haven Emperor stated.

Sahara helped Joshua up and watched him walk over there, only to surprise the Red Haven King into silence.

Pointing a finger at him, the King stuttered, “You…You were died!”

The Blue Haven Emperor looked at the so-called dead person and then looked at Sahara…

It seemed that this woman was indeed…Very special…He thought…


Forcing her way through to the front, her eyes having gone back to red in her anger, Sahara put herself next to the Red Haven King and looked up at him.

“What, little girl…You have something to say to This King?”

“Hold him back!” Sahara stated, as she put her hand out to his chest.

Filling up the holes in his dantian, Sahara was done in just a few minutes and didn’t know how much the Red Haven King had struggled.

“What did you do?” Joshua asked. He wanted to have stopped her but at the same time didn’t…He had nearly died…He was sure of it!

“Blocked his cultivation base.” Sahara stated.

“Nonsense! How could such a wretched and lowly being do something like that to This King!?” The bark of the Red Haven King was followed by an action with his hand…And nothing else…

Sahara stared at him and was not surprised to see that nothing happened.

“What…What happened?”

The Blue Haven Emperor let out a small laugh and again looked at Sahara…

I should count my blessings! It is lucky that I had not been as stubborn is this so-called King here…


The Blue Haven Emperor, on first impressions, did not like this Red Haven King. He did understand why he was acting up, as he had lived through it himself, but it seems that in this half an hour or so the man didn’t let up at all!

“What did you do to This King!?” He roared out.

No one wanted to repeat the last words, as they started to get seriously impatient.

Sahara then turned to the Blue Haven Emperor, “If he continues like this, your men will not be hurt if we have too…”

Not knowing how to end the sentence, the Blue Haven Emperor smiled, “Then I must give my thanks to you, my dear. Perhaps the man here needs just that kind of push to bring him into reality.”

After another half an hour of trying to persuade the Red Haven King to accept a joint meeting, by even bringing the Green Emperor over as well, the Red Haven King only seemed to get more and more cocky.

He didn’t accept the fact that the army had not won, he did not accept the fact that the army had already fought and had been sitting there at the borders not attacking Green Haven for days! He did not accept that the army was indeed right now traveling away from Green Haven!

As far as the Red Haven King was concerned, as long as he didn’t give in, everything will turn out exactly the way he wanted it!


“Sahara, are you ready?” Matthew asked, completely exhausted because of the Red Haven King.

“Yes, I’m full.” Sahara stated easily, as she got up. She had taken this ‘nonsense and waste of time’ to meditate.

Matthew held onto the Blue Haven Emperor and Red Haven King, whilst the Green Haven Emperor and Joshua went for Sahara’s other hand, and they were gone…

They teleported outside of Green Haven, but inside the anti-beast barrier bridge and the army was in seeing distance as they continued to march in the opposite direction.

“Where am I now! Where have you taken This King!?”

Everyone ignored the annoying man…

“I will state that I may not get them all.” Sahara said, straight into the face of the Blue Haven Emperor. “But I will try.”

The Blue Haven Emperor could only sigh to this dilemma. He had hoped not to worry about this event ever again, but it seems that there are more stubborn men then himself out there…In fact, it made him feel better about himself…Not worse…


Putting her hand out to the Blue Haven Emperor, he looked at it for a moment and then put his own hand out…

For some reason he trusted her. He hardly knew her, but he trusted her…

In an instant, he was connected to her, and he was in more in awe, instead of that of being surprised and scared, like last time.

Seeing them zoom in, he watched as she spoke the silent words as, ‘The Blue Haven people, connect to them and then we are going to teleport them away.’

‘Yes Master.’


The Blue Haven Emperor went to open his eyes and look at Sahara, who still had her eyes shut, but said, “If you are interested, I will speak to you later, but I need to concentrate now.”

Looking at her, then to others around her, he nodded…Why did he feel like he was in the middle of all these secrets and that some of these secrets may be…

Being pulled down by her hand, the Blue Haven Emperor saw Sahara fall to the ground.

He watched Matthew moved to her and he knelt down, closing his eyes…He might be missing out on something!

Seeing what Sahara was seeing, which was zooming out from men, he then saw other men that were elsewhere and after another minute a Divine Beast suddenly appeared!


There was a mass of different voices after the Divine Beast had appeared in amongst the army, but Sahara could not listen to them. She might have had a full dantian of her own spiritual essence not long ago, but it was already half gone now.

Taking some breaths, while the Divine Beast did its thing in the middle of the Red Haven army, Sahara then teleported the Divine Beast away. The last thing to do now was to teleport the Blue Haven men back to the army.

After that was all done, Sahara let go of her hand and fell into Matthew.

The Blue Haven Emperor watched as the woman, who seemed to be the most powerful person he’s ever seen, collapse.

“That’s enough, don’t do anymore…” Matthew quietly said.

“Not finished yet…” Sahara stated. “I just need another pill.”

Sahara didn’t want people to know that it wasn’t a spiritual essence problem right now, that it was in fact just an exhausting job to use so much spiritual essence in such a short span of time. Just wanting some time to catch her breath would be nice, before her headache would get worse…

In front of everyone, they watched as Sahara slowly got out a pill, from nowhere, and placed into her mouth…

Everyone saw it, the white pill…Everyone could nearly feel it too…

But it was indeed quiet as the Red Haven King had seen the Divine Beast and was told that that was where his army was. The problem was, he had not directly seen it through Sahara, like that of how the Blue Haven Emperor had seen it. And so, the Red Haven King started to get over what he had seen and did not believe it anymore. To the Red Haven King, the Divine Beast being there didn’t mean anything! The Red Haven’s King was indeed in a very annoying and obvious denial!

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