The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 34 **A Golden Eyed Figure**

Casually Sahara walked into a place that seemed like a ‘bank’.

Looking around, she saw an old plaque that was on the wall, that might look like something that held information.

Except, now it looked more like an historical artifact…It was hard to read and had definitely seen better days!

As Sahara saw a few things on there, it suddenly reminded her of spirit stones that was used in cultivation stories, so, she got fascinated as she tried to read it.

“May we help the young master?”

She was startled and jumped at the voice. “Yeah.”

Omigod…My voice!


Sahara coughed and tried to deepen her voice a bit more, “Yes.”

“…What is the Young Master looking for?”

“Ah…I want to borrow and then pay back later.” She said, giving it a shot.

Omigod, my voice!

It didn’t sound natural at all! She admitted to having to work on it!

Trying to pay attention again, Sahara began to think that she had only ever seen silver bars, that ranged in sizes here. She hadn’t seen one note that would represent currency!


Sahara had already had a feeling that money here was different to that on Earth…But she hadn’t really looked into it…

She smacked the lazy side of herself, knowing it would have been a lot easier if she had found out earlier! Well can ya blame her? People already had spoken her language, so she didn’t have to learn another…Why did she think much about money being different? For a long time, she had assumed it was very similar and should be really easily learned and obtained…That’s all…We all know what happens when you assume right? You make as ‘ass’ outta ‘u’ and ‘me’!

The man shook his head at me, “This we cannot do, Young Master…”

“It’s fine…How does money work?”

Time to find out!


The man raised his brows and looked at ‘the young master’ questioningly, still somewhat stunned to ‘his’ red, dazzling eyes, “Money?”

…No money here? Then what do they use for…


“Oh! I beg your pardon young master, we use the word ‘sum’.”


“…How do I get…Sum?”

Haha sum of this, sum of that…Come get sum!

Sahara’s eyes held some kind of sarcasm in them, and she gave a smile to her inner thoughts.

Honestly, the circus inside of my head needed to calm down, sum…

With this thought, Sahara let out a small laugh and shook her head.

I’m such an idiot! Focus!


Sahara’s strange attitude did not help the man at all! Still wondering about those strange, red eyes, and then to see her laugh to nothing, made him somewhat start to fret…

Am I talking to somebody sane?

Having seen her eye him normally again, the ‘banker’ swallowed and asked, “Young master doesn’t know about ‘sum’?”

She had a bad feeling about this. “…No.”

Hoping that he could still get something sold, and being a relatively good person, the man tried to act normal, “Then young master must follow me and this one will show you. Now, there are two different ore stones that can have ‘sum’ in them, one is for your own personal use, that lets only you use it with your own spiritual essence…”


“Old man…”

Sahara’s eyes glowed a spectacular red, to her impatience, making the poor person trying to help her, even more scared.

She looked at the big plaque on the wall and pointed at it. “Does this say, what you are about to tell me?”

When she looked at the old shopkeeper, she saw his eyes sparkle and he nodded his head, “Yes, Young Master. But this old thing is quite…”

Sahara reach out and used her strength, to pull the plaque off the wall.

“Young…Young Master you can’t do that!”


Sahara sighed and said, “Here…And I’ll clean it, before I bring it back!”

Leaving a few skins behind and one small nucleus, she put the big plaque into her ‘storage’, once she had run out of view, and then she teleported away.

Learning about…Sum…And paying these people back, will just have to wait…Sum time soon! Haha! Hang on…Did I just pay a banker for a plaque?

Sahara did actually stop, quite a distance away now, blinking and putting her head to the side…Did she really not gain anything? Why couldn’t she just learn from people? Had she really been so…

Sighing to her personality, Sahara still didn’t want to turn back and learn from the banker…People…Will she ever really want to be around them easily again?


Could you really blame her though, for not trusting people easily and having more faith in learning from a soulless plaque then a person that can answer questions?

She was abandoned by her own mother in this life, she was also brought up independently in her last life, so both lot of biological parents hadn’t really left a loving mark on her. She was poisoned by her adopted mother and bullied by her adopted sister. Used by her own father just because she could cultivate at the age of two and…Well in her last life she had to fight a gang to try to obtain her daughter back from them…How could she have too much faith in people!?


After her…Leave, from the ‘bank’, the ‘banker’ sighed heavily and sat down.

That ‘Young Master’ was so scary! I’m glad it’s over!

After breathing normal again, he looked down at the gifts, that ‘he’ had left, and raised his eyebrows in surprise…


Seeing such skins made him very happy again!

Everything was worth it, and he would even do it all again!

Upon seeing the nucleus, though. He wasn’t even sure what it was and just put it into a safe place. Remembering that the ‘Young Master’ had said that they would return, he will ask him then, what it was.

Having such a story to tell, this man told his family when he returned home, and his wife began the strange, unbelievable rumour, that a red eyed ‘Young Master’ had come to town. They didn’t say anything about the gifts that ‘he’ had left, but ‘his’ strange attitude was attached to the rumour…




A black figure emerged from the blackness of night, to slightly show himself in front of another figure in a particular courtyard.

Unknowingly to him, another figure was close by, and began to watch him closely with his golden eyes.

The courtyard seemed rather lavish, silk was seen throughout and there were beautified candlesticks. Famous art works and tapestries filled the courtyard, making it look a bit like a museum. Light, touching music played in the background to make this place feel very leisurely, and there were people talking.

The other figure in the courtyard saw this black figure emerge but didn’t move from his high chair that was surrounded by a couple of women.

The figure in black hid himself and waited out of sight.

Listening to the women fawn over this one sitting on the chair, the black figure raised his eyebrows.

“Your Highness, after Consort Day plays for you, may I sing for you?”

“My dear, after Consort Day finishes her song, this Prince will leave and come back momentarily, then this Prince will hear you sing!”

“Thank you, Your Highness!”

After the music stopped playing the man on the chair got up and repeated that he would come back in just a moment and walked away.


The black figure followed him to a secluded place and came out to show himself again.

“What did you find?”

The black figure bowed deeply, “Your Highness, I was sent on a mission outside of the capital, to retrieve a logbook from ten years ago, from an unknown person that is a shopkeeper.”

“…You were told to find…A logbook?”

“Yes, Your Highness.” The black figure took out the old, logbook and put it in both of his hands, holding it up towards ‘His Highness’.

Breathing out in puzzlement, the other figure took the book and skimmed through it.

Ten years ago? A shop logbook…What has that got to do with this Prince? This must be a ploy!


Continuing to find nothing within the logbook, ‘His Highness’ was even more sure that something strange was going on.

They must know that there’s a perpetrator…I exposed too much too quickly!

‘His Highness’ already felt that this acquaintance in front of him had been used to as much as he could get, and smirked. There are no other options then…

“Your Highness, I thought it strange, so I found another ‘slayer’ that went elsewhere and looked at what he had to find. When I found that the item that he collected was indeed in some relation to you, I went back over the logbook that I had, and found something…”


The black figure turned to a page at the front and pointed to the name. “This logbook started with one person, then ended with another. See the back.”

Turning the old book to the other side, ‘His Highness’ found that this was indeed correct.

But neither of these people were his men or were previously his men. So, what did this mean?

“Your Highness. Would it be possible that the Second Prince wants to give you a false crime of killing the first shopkeeper in the logbook?”


Even if the Second Prince wanted to do that? What did it matter to a Crowned Prince…He would just create evidence against the false charge…Besides, something like that…Wasn’t something the Second Prince would do…But why…

To Matthew’s plan, they were stomped upon this strange ‘evidence’ and what would be done with it…

Thinking that perhaps they were missing something…They kept the logbook, to look through it a lot more thoroughly…Sadly, this logbook was not only old, but quite large. So, they would take some time to thoroughly go through all of it…

And…To the comical part of this, Matthew only knew of this logbook being this way, because that shop was his.


Once the black figure left ‘His Highness’, a golden eyed figure appeared.

When ‘His Highness’ saw this person, he immediately kowtowed and said, “This one greets, Supreme Sovereign!”

“Mmm.” Was all the other said, not letting the other get back up.

Cold sweat started to appear on ‘His Highness’s’ back and he stayed there silently.

After a short moment, the golden eyed person said, “Have you not even found him yet?”

More sweat gathered as ‘His Highness’ responded, “No…No Supreme Sovereign, my men haven’t found him yet. They will endlessly look for the golden eyed person in which you seek, until he is found.”


“I don’t want him ‘found’, I want him dead! He must be killed as soon as possible, before he reaches seventh rank! Did you not want to show me your loyalty!? Then do so by showing me his corpse!”

‘His Highness’ started to breath heavily, “Ye…Yes, Supreme Sovereign, I will put in my utmost in doing as you ask!”

“Very well…He is most likely still recuperating from my bringing him here. The best time to strike him down, will be now!”

“Of course…”

‘His Highness’ was interrupted by the golden eyed person, “And what of you becoming the Emperor, how much longer do I have to wait!?”

“Supreme Sovereign, the plan has fortunately gone very well! The Rolland Estate’s ‘Young Miss’ will be going to the palace in two days. As soon as she is seen by the Emperor, then that hour will be his last!”


“…This ‘Young Miss’ can be relied upon?”

“Yes, Supreme Sovereign, I had seen both her determination and loyalty with my own eyes, I vouch that she is capable!”

“Mmm, very well…The Second Prince?”

“He has already been seen as guilty for murdering royalty, Supreme Sovereign. His time will come soon!”

“Then continue!”

A full minute of silence had gone, ‘His Highness’ only then, got enough courage to remove his head from the ground.

Breathing out heavily, he found himself alone, and in dire need to rid himself of the cold sweat that he had accumulated.

Relief spread through him as he slowly stood up.

The only time that he was small, was when the Supreme Sovereign was in front of him. It wasn’t a nice feeling, but there was no other way…


This is what you would call the lazy man’s venture. Getting someone else do your dirty work! The golden eyed man wanted some time off to recuperate and check out Green Haven but still catch his prey in the process…

Unlike many many others on this world, the golden eyed man was actually like a foreigner here and had come from a completely different place! Not another world but from across the vast wilderness…

There were different foods to try out and…Different women!

Yes, this man was that old that he could walk into a brothel and not be thrown out because of his age! Ah, yes, the woman here were different to those in the last Haven. In fact, in the last Haven he had not stopped to look around much and so, he wanted to make up for that!

Smiling while looking at some beauties, all he wanted to do was take his time to choose who he was going to spend the next couple of hours with!

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