The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 36 **Vengeance for Another**

The maidservants gasped and then ran up to their master, to try and untie her. They had never seen such a horrifying thing in their entire life’s and didn’t know that their movements were, indeed, very slow…They were shaking and murmuring so much that they had no idea that time was slowly flowing by, as they fumbled through this chaotic event that was taking place. Normally, they were the ones that punished others...But seeing two of their own, lying dead with their tongues cut out and hands cut off, was more than they were used too!

When Sahara let out a chuckle, it was already too late for one of the maids, as she fell to the floor, with a sword removing itself from her chest.

“Mmm, left yourself wide open there!”

Sahara laughed, it seemed to become a bit of a game now!

In one-person shooters, you had to always be on guard!

This…This is what it was like before…She had her mission! And these people…Are in her way!

It's not like she wanted to become completely heartless, but she just became somebody strong enough to endure being able to kill people…


“Ah! Who are you! Help!”

Sahara made the sword slice the other maid’s head straight of her shoulders, making her headless body fall to her knees and then the rest of her body followed, falling straight to the ground.

Blood squirted out of hands, heads, tongues and chests, onto the white courtyard floor…Which slowly went red.

Loud mumblings of dread rained down in the room and Sahara looked up at her so called ‘mother’.

Even though her mother had someone else’s death on her shoulder’s, she looked like she had never seen it before with her own eyes. It’s just like those who can bully but never take the bullying in return…They never picture what it was like when it was done to them…That was her mother right at this moment. She looked like an innocent victim, even though she made someone hate her that much that he’s going against the rest of his family!


Having four maidservant’s dead, right in front of her, Sahara wondered if her mother even saw Borak’s mother die…

Did she get someone else to do it then?

Watching how her chest moved rapidly, to her heavy breathing, and her eyes tightly closed, made Sahara want to laugh.

Did she know now, that killing one person can shake the lives of many? Not only is she frightened from these deaths, but the families of these maidservants will have to mourn now…There will be more maidservants in need for the Rolland Estate, bringing other people jobs. Those that come here leave from where they were…


Just four people that die, can change so much for many. To a strange point of view, death can also bring someone happiness.

Sahara’s ‘mother’ had changed her Uncle Borak, or eldest Brother, into someone that became cold, distant and thought traitorously. Did her mother think at all about the repercussions of what would happen just by killing one person!? For her own selfish desires...

Sahara’s Uncle, sorry brother, may have been someone who could have lived better, because he wouldn’t be thinking of his rage and hate. Now it was time that she paid for it!

Of course, Sahara was an open-minded person. She wasn’t going to selfishly take her mother for my own reasons…Sahara was obviously taking revenge for Borak as well, so she wanted to make this a good scene for him to see!

And for someone who has lived with the person he's hated for so long...Sahara closed her eyes and thought about what he would like...What could potentially calm his hatred, his desire for revenge? Perhaps put his heart into a bit more peace than before…What would that man want to do with her mother?




Tears fell down her ‘mother’s’ cheeks and she was shaking her head, as though she was trying to compromise or apologize.

Seeing blood all over her…Sahara waited for her 'boiling' anger to help her do this. It wasn’t something that Sahara wouldn’t want done to her and that was a rule she lived by. It meant that she was going to overstep her rules of life! ‘Treat others as you like to be treated’…That was it…

But, obviously, sometimes that rule gets overstepped and in this dog eat dog world…Well, some allowances have to be made…Right? Isn’t it just like war? You weren’t enemies with the people you were shooting, just the country…But one plus one equals two…Two plus two equals four and bam, hundreds of thousands of deaths because someone wants more land!

Nonetheless, don’t learn anything from what Sahara is about to do. It is a revenge action, not just for herself but for her eldest brother. It’ll be an action that needs to cover years of hatred and murder…There’s to say, it’s not ganna be pretty! That’s for damned sure!


Bringing the sword back to her hands, Sahara walked to be in front of her mother.

Sahara hadn’t wanted to take too long, but now…Her anger to how she had treated Borak and herself set in!

In her mind, this particular circle of hate had started with her mother. But this circle, was going to flat line!

She showed her sinister eyes to her mother, with a sinister smile, and brought her sword up to her face. Having it lightly go over her face, it left a small trial of opened flesh and then blood slowing dripping down from her face.

Her mumblings sounded like they got louder and louder, as Sahara moved her sword down, closer to her chest.

In a chuckle, Sahara cut down her clothes, to have her clothes hang loosely and opened from the middle of her body.


Moving her head to the side, and putting her sword to her shoulder, Sahara let out a small, “Mmm.”

It did look rather odd…

When Sahara used to watch movies, the clothes would just…Fall off! Yet, she had to do extra work when she did it in real life! Bloody Hollywood!

Sahara didn’t seem to notice that the person in front of her fell into complete and utter despair, as more and more tears and blood dripped from her face.

Leisurely, Sahara moved her sword to go down one of her arms and saw that the clothes still didn’t fall to the floor…

Was it the clothes or the unreality of Hollywood?

Going down the other arm, the clothes finally fell to the floor.

“Ah! Finally!”


Seeing her naked mother in front of her, Sahara put her head to the side and her sword back to her shoulder.

“Mmm, what to write? Let’s see…”

Sahara put her hand up to her chin and blinked a couple of times.

“Fuck me? Screw me?”

Taking a breath in, Sahara continued to think. “This way to heaven?”

She let out a small chuckle, remembering a movie with someone wearing a shirt that said that.

“Mmm, an arrow? Oh…What about a target!”

Seeing a picture in her mind, of a bloody target on her naked mother’s chest, showing the inner target where her heart was, Sahara chuckled again.

…Her instincts didn’t hold out any alarms, so Sahara calmly pondered on…



So, easily, ten minutes went by, as Sahara contemplated on what to write on her mother’s naked flesh.

During this time, Matthew was panting and cold from sweat, from rushing to make it back.

Having the vast, land area with a few hills had definitely helped him return earlier, as he had glided off them. They had run that fast, that even when beasts wanted to chase after them, most of them had not been fast enough to keep up with them. He felt rather fortunate that they didn’t have to change their course, due to a divine beast, making them easily gain a day or two. Through his rush to return, he was starving and very tired, but had such a clear focus in his mind, that none of these things seemed to matter.

Especially now, that they had finally made it back!

Having pushed himself to the limit, and coming to the Rolland Estate before anywhere else, he saw upon this scene…

I thought she was only going to save Talon…

Matthew was quite confused, at seeing such a scene, after already picturing Talon disappearing from the estate in his own idea on what was going to happen.

Shaking his head, he could scarcely believe that his woman had such a cold side to her.

But…It was something he needed, for her to be his woman. He would protect her yes, to the best of his ability, but fact was fact and if she was to be his woman, she would be a weakness and so he preferred her to be strong…


Her cruelty could match his own…

This woman…She is getting revenge!

Seeing her like this, was a bit of a shock, as she had indeed put through to his head, that she was such an innocent and sweet, little thing…The only thing sinister about her, when he had last saw her, had been her eyes.

But now, as he looked at the dead bodies on the floor and all the blood everywhere, he started to realize that there was a lot more to his Princess that he didn’t know.


Suddenly, he felt eager…He wanted to know everything about her! He couldn’t wait to…

“Your Highness.”

Matthew looked at Band Three, who had just arrived. After a moment to regain his thoughts, he replied, “What happened?”

“The note had disappeared, and news of your escape fell through to the public. They had said that since you escaped, you were deemed guilty of the crime…Ministers are demanding that you are punished for murdering royalty…And…The ‘slayer’ that was to obtain the logbook from your first store, has not returned the logbook, claiming it wasn’t there…There is also a lot of rumors hanging around the emperor, he now has three ranked five guards constantly following him around…”

Matthew shook his head, so much to do...But it was good news, that The Crowned Prince had fallen into a trap…Or two.

It was now time to return some favors!

“Band One, watch the Princess, only appear if her life is in danger.” Matthew said, becoming formal and business like once again.

He was starting to understand Sahara, that she had her own way of doing things, and he found that he liked that very much. While she was doing whatever she wants…He also had things to do…

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“…Send messages from now on, don’t report in person. She won’t be easy to track, and I know messages will take most of your spiritual essence but…”

“I will do as you ask, Your Highness.”

Matthew stood from the roof of the building, giving one more nod to Band One.

Before departing himself, he took one last look at his princess, then he jumped off the roof and headed in another direction.

Become strong, make trouble and I shall cover you. I will see you again soon!


Gliding away and jumping, Matthew went straight towards his estate, that was outside of the palace. Ever since he had married, at the early age of thirteen, he had moved out of the palace. Back then it had only felt like something he had to do, he being the Second Prince, couldn’t stay where the Crowned Prince was…Yet, it was just a few short months after that, that his mother and sister had gotten into trouble because of the Crowned Prince…

Of course, it was lucky that the emperor had protected them from then on, but now, Matthew had to fix up his own real father’s mistake!


“Has everything been done?”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Taking off his outer clothing, while still jumping and gliding, someone following took it. “I will require everything in the study after I bathe!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

“Tell the Emperor that I seek an audience with him! And kill that traitor, don't even let him speak!”

Within another ten seconds, Matthew had removed the rest of his clothing and jumped into a hot spring, in his own estate.

War, just outside of her presence…Remembering when he had first met Sahara, he had thought this.

It was time to make up for all the time that he had been in prison!



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