The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 38 **All For Nothing!**

Many people were rushing everywhere, to get out of the estate, from where they had been captured.

Sahara remembered Talon’s loyal bodyguard, Salem, as one of the people that came running out, and he helped her. Without a word, he saw that a few people were laying down motionlessly and then a wooden board flew past and disposed of other motionless bodies, putting them in a particular area.

Did he know who these people were? And that's why he wants to help?

He was really a great help, by picking up other dead bodies and following the ‘wooden board’, and Sahara was getting more and more eager to see Talon, because of him!


When the pile of bodies was so huge, that Sahara was even quite surprised, she believed to be finally finished.

Really, the population of the Rolland Estate people, had probably dropped by a quarter…Most of which were of guards, stewards or maidservants. There was at least two on her list that she had not found, but she hadn’t seen them for at least a week.

Hopefully, the next people coming in to take these ‘jobs’ will be better. The potential idea that honest, well-behaved people, replacing these people, made her think better of the situation…

And, again, hopefully, from now on, the Rolland Estate will be of one group. That the deep, dark schemes and thoughts, could come to a halt.


Since most of her objective was now complete, Sahara’s mind released itself a bit, and she breathed out in relief. The feeling of her instincts showing her the way, also seemed to have ceased as well. Her natural frowning looking face, showed some sadness, but she held no regret.

Sahara wasn’t unfeeling, or unmoved, as she looked at the motionless bodies. She bowed towards them, from the tree that she was still currently in, and said, “I will save as many as I had killed. Rest in peace…”

Her eyes dimmed slightly, as she looked over at Salem and thought about Talon.


Appearing in front of Salem, Sahara said, “Thank you for your help. I have gotten rid of those, who I know, that are loyal to first Young Master. Do you know of any others?”

She cleared her throat, and was slightly surprised that she had said so many words…

Sahara finally saw that Salem was a bit on the weak side and even had a cut on his arm, that seemed to have festered for about a week. She put her hand out to his arm and closed her eyes, to heal the wound for him. Taking out all the bad ‘dots’ and replenishing the good ‘dots’, his cut was fixed within just a few minutes.


Sahara was silent afterwards, but happy, this was much better. She much prefers to help people like this…

The bodyguard looked at her with wide eyes and stood stock still for a few seconds afterwards. His eyes flashed briefly, before he bowed his head, “Does the Young Miss want me to go and look, to see if there are any more people?”

“Yes…Get rid of any that are on eldest Young Master’s side!”

Sahara pulled some food and water out of her ‘storage’, and gave it to him, “Quickly eat.”

…Suddenly, she realized what he had said!

Young Miss!


“This one will do as the Young Miss says…Please see this one’s Master soon.”

I looked at him…

Awwweeee! He’s so cute!


The man’s eyes were filled with so much reverence and joy, that Sahara couldn’t say anything to him! His loyalty was remarkable! People like him are the ones that make people smile and want to put their thumbs up!

Ahh…I’ll let him go for now and speak to him later!

Sahara smiled and nodded, “I will go see Father this instant! Now go!”

“Yes, Young Miss.”

Bah…I can’t even get mad at him! But…How did he know? Strange…

She couldn’t help it, though, she was a bit upset!

She had enhanced her muscles, she made her breasts smaller…

What gives!? How did he find out!? Really? Was trying to be a ‘Young Master’ all for nothing!?


Teleporting to Talon’s courtyard…Sahara was surprised to see…Absolutely nothing.

Uh? Where was he? Oh yeah…

Sahara had noticed, that he had been in a different place before, but she was…Not really paying attention. But now that she wanted to find him, she remembered that he was…In her own courtyard!


Teleporting to her still familiar and still small courtyard. She found Talon on her bed and Samuel just sitting there.


Sahara’s red eyes scared the boy, who was older than her by two years, but looking at his reaction…Sahara thought it was well into being abnormal.

She admitted to herself, though, he was a boy no longer!

He’d grown up so tall, and quite handsomely…He was like a mini Talon…Wait, no, a young Talon! Right…Pay attention!

“Hush! I’ve come to see…The second Young Master, to help.”

Phew, nearly said ‘father’.

Samuel didn’t come back from where he had run away to, instead, he cowered in the corner.

Unhappy with this reaction, Sahara was sure that he must have been tortured or something. Seriously, was he really eighteen! This was what a four-year-old would do!

Before Sahara could continue to ponder, Naruto jumped off of her and ran underneath her bed.


Samuel’s yell made her look at him again.


Within a small moment of time, the fox returned, with a rabbit between its teeth.

“That’s my sister’s! Put it down!”

Samuel’s outburst was really great, compared to moments of cowering before. Through being stunned to seeing such a change, Sahara still didn’t stop Naruto, and Samuel went to tackle the fox!

Seeing this, she finally snapped her attention back to what was going on! She released her cultivation base and both Naruto and Samuel fell to the floor, in surprise.

“Naruto! Drop it!”


The bunny was now free, with blood on its fur and Sahara picked it up carefully. Samuel rushed to her side and looked at her with wide eyes. “That…That rabbit…”

Sahara looked at him and smiled. “I will not harm the rabbit, little Master!”

I missed you!

Samuel had not changed, he was still very sweet and innocent. Seeing this…She was worried!

How long will he be like this?


Sending in her spiritual essence, Sahara closed her eyes and focused on fixing the rabbit’s injuries.

After ten minutes, she had finished and put the rabbit into Samuel’s hands.

Having healed something else, Sahara felt happy again. She felt like…A jar that had been emptied and couldn’t be seen through. Having healed Salem’s cut and now the rabbit, this jar had something in it. She felt strangely at a loss, as though, she hadn’t much a reason to live, or perhaps she didn’t have a dream…But…It looked like a reason was starting to take form. Her jar, not only had a spec of something in it now, but what made it unable to see through, had vaguely started to dissipate as well…She wasn’t sure if that was what was happening, but that was how she felt.

Sahara took a deep breath in and suddenly felt like she could cry, which surprised her greatly…

She did not cry. She had cried enough and knew it had never helped. Sahara grew to become independent and strong, through accepting her losses, through enduring through the tough times. There was no way that she would do something useless and start crying now!


Not wanting to think about this at all, Sahara tried to revert back to normal.

She patted the rabbit, as she remembered what she was doing. She was saving Talon, she was restoring the Rolland Estate…

Feeling herself once again, she gave a slight smile to the rabbit.

Looking a little longingly at it, Sahara sulked a bit, before turning to Talon.

I will get my cuddles later…

Taking a deep breath in, she moved to Talon and put her hand in his. Having saved the rabbit…She was running out of spiritual essence!

Do I need to come up with another plan?




For half an hour, as Sahara rapidly raced through Talon’s body, silence filled the room.

With great concentration, she tried to remember every single pressure point that Talon has. Sahara believed it would be easy to fix, the problem was, remembering every single one of them!

She hadn’t learnt this kind of stuff, ever, so seeing this for the first time, not only did she learn how it was done but how to undo them. Sadly, for Talon, he might have lost a pressured point, but then he gained it again, as she tried to accomplish how to place, or whatever you might want to call it, the pressure point in the first place…

Her strange way of learning how to do acupuncture, was never heard of, as there were no needles involved whatsoever…

Yet, Sahara was now understanding them probably more than anyone, because she was inside of the body. She saw the connections, she saw why a certain place was used. She really did learn a lot…

That’s right, I’m going to repay each and every single one of these acupuncture points right back to Uncle Borak!


Samuel had been watching as well…But was seeing no difference in Talon. He didn’t look any better!

As the time slowly went by, Samuel got more and more worried that he had let an intruder in, that may instead harm his father!

Finally looking at the other person again, in the start of a rage, Samuel stopped…

With Sahara’s eyes closed…She was found out. Yet, with her eyes opened, no one would know…But, another aspect had given her away, that coincided with her eyes being closed…It was her natural looking, frowning face.

Sahara looked older, but with her eyes closed and mouth slightly curved downwards, someone who knew of her beforehand…



Sahara was ignorant of his words or thoughts, as she continued to memorize places, in which to get back at Borak.

After another couple of minutes, she decided that she will leave Talon like this for now, just to make sure that she pays back in full.

It wasn’t like she couldn’t come back and check…It was also just to make sure that Talon still wasn’t involved. If he was seen walking around and Sahara hadn’t got to Borak…

Ah, I’m in no hurry, and I didn’t really have all the much spiritual essence left anyway.

Searching a body is different to cleansing it and whatnot. To a small degree, right now, Sahara was saving the rest of her spiritual essence for the one who she wanted to use it for…Well Sahara guessed that was the main reason…

If I need to have a break, I’ll do it after I pay back Uncle Borak…I mean brother Borak…He’s actually my brother, idiot!

Breathing deeply, Sahara pulled back her hand and opened her eyes, that had now gone back to a brilliant, shiny red.

It was time for payback!



Finally hearing Samuel’s voice, Sahara turned to him on impulse. “What?”

Seeing her reaction, Samuel’s eyes widened in astonishment, “Sahara!?”

Who could blame him from not believing!? The sister that was supposed to die…

Sahara stared at him and then realized her own mistake.

Dam…I’m not good at this incognito stuff, am I? My cover wasn’t blown just once, but twice…

Sahara started to get the impression that she may have to give this ‘gender bender’ idea away…

It really sucked, this wasn’t a book where the main character always seems to give no indication whatsoever, that they are actually someone else.

But, dammit, I wish it was! Haha! I already had a name picked out and everything!

Sighing to her own acting skills, Sahara decided to ignore the loveable Samuel, which is the opposite to what ‘Sahara’ would do.


When the fox jumped onto her shoulder, Sahara disappeared.

Actually, she needed to be shot! Disappearing like that, just made Samuel grow even more certain that she was his long, lost sister!

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