The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 45 **Walking the Mile…**

Sahara was finally ready to go to the Academy…So, she set off, away from the cave, and did not having the intention of returning back there anytime soon!

Not knowing too much about the capital, Sahara had to ask two people for directions upon where the Academy was. Apparently, there was more than one but the one in the capital was the biggest and best of them all! These people had looked at her strangely but had never said anything, except the directions that she needed to get to the Academy. And, on her way there, Sahara was passing by a…Well, she would call it a ‘hospital’ or ‘chemist’…

There were medicinal ingredients and physicians there…Looking up at the name, it was called ‘The Seedling Substance’. And, as she passed by, there was a woman kowtowing and crying endlessly in full view of everybody, right in front of the place.

It looked like she had been there for more than a day, as her puffy eyes were only opened a small amount, and they were red. A small amount of wet and dry blood, looked to be coming from her forehead, making Sahara hate this era even more!


Sahara didn’t care too much for kowtowing or bowing. She only wanted to bow to people that she respected!

She’s read about too many characters that people bowed too, yet, they were complete pieces of shit and didn’t deserve it! But Sahara also knew that in this kind of era it was normal…She had slightly bowed to the head madam of the Rolland Estate a few times, and ‘stupid grandfather’, but she really hadn’t actually bowed properly to anyone in this life so far! Was it because she hadn’t actually met anyone worthy of her bow yet or was it because she wasn’t used to it? It wasn’t a something she did at all in her last life!

Whatever it was, since it seemed to happen regularly in this life, Sahara was pretty sure that she was going to bow to someone, just who was it going to be first!?


Seeing the lady kowtowing so diligently, made Sahara wonder why…

Her clothes looked like that of a noble, as it was a luxurious red color, yet it was dirty. Her hair was messy, but obviously had been put up as that of a married woman. She looked so tired, and her upper body was swaying, as though she would faint at any second…She was not only dirty from the floor that she was kneeling on, but the morning dew, or rain, had come upon her as well. I could see some damp places that probably had been more wet, quite some time ago. Then…The small amount of skin that could be seen, was burnt because of the sun…

I sort of felt for her, seeing her so determined, yet, by the looks of it…Not accomplishing anything at all…

Why aren’t they helping her?

Sahara stopped, the Academy was in sight…But she was…Curious.


Sighing to her flaw, Sahara turned and found a place that didn’t have many people, and she watched the woman continue to sway and quietly mumble, “Please, help…Please, help…”

Sahara noticed, a distance away, that there were two maidservants who were kneeling and watching the woman with watery eyes. They also looked like they had been there as long as the lady and looking just as bad. To Sahara’s eyes, they looked worse, simply because they looked like they had no hope…

Patting Naruto absentmindedly, Sahara sighed.

While one is unwell, three others become unwell…

Shaking her head, Sahara looked back at the single, determined woman and decided that she wasn’t going to let her die…

Sending over a bit of her spiritual essence, through a star, Sahara could tell that she was in need of nutrients. She had very little energy left and was already dehydrated.


Blinking, Sahara looked at Naruto, who was on her shoulder, and she shook her head, “No, you can’t eat her.”



Turning back to the woman kowtowing, Sahara helped her a bit, so that she doesn’t die anytime soon. She was able to tend to her eyes and her burnt skin, teleporting a little water into her as well, but that process was much too annoying, so Sahara only gave her what she absolutely needed for now.

I’m like a real character in an mmo, I’m a ranged healer! Haha! A priest? Nah, they are too holy! Paladin? Uh…Maybe…But…Aren’t they holy too!? Idiot!

Fixing up her forehead, Sahara could see that she was relatively quite pretty and became even more proud of her.

Someone as pretty as this, would normally have too much pride, or something…Right? She obviously loves the unwell person very much…


Sahara didn’t understand how she is not being seen to, when helping people who are unwell, was what physicians do. Well, that’s what Sahara thought…Probably that was just her own naïve opinion on the matter…

Even she felt an obligation of sorts now, that Sahara should help heal people. To her, this young lady was so dedicated, that Sahara would help her just because of that…

Thinking a little deeper, Sahara guessed that there was some kind of grudge going on. But no doubt, even if there is a grudge, there is most likely an innocent person that is still being victimized…

She knew very well about hurting one person, is still hurting others, even if you don’t touch them at all. And by the looks of this, the one that they might have a grudge on, might be the person that is unwell.

Yet, this lady is hurting because of it…


Feeling angry, Sahara sent a star inside the ‘hospital’, to see why they aren’t helping her.

Unknowingly, Sahara’s anger had made her red eyes return, completely overtaking the brown that she had fixed them with. It wasn’t hard to do this, as red was now the dominating color of her eyes…Changing them to brown was like putting on a cover, it didn’t actually mean that she was ‘changing’ the new ‘real’ color of her eyes. And now, they also glowed slightly to her anger.

Inside of this ‘Seedling Substance’ was quite a few rooms, holding quite a few people…

Some people had blue outfits, some had blue and white, then there was the occasional red. I guessed that there were different types of ‘doctors’, whether they were different in the name of what they were good at, or if they were because of status, Sahara wasn’t sure.


In one room, there was a white and blue outfitted person and then a blue one…

“Give this to Royal physician Ron.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Tell him that we don’t have Crogswuttle seeds at present and that I’ve sent someone to go get them for him, but they will come later.”

“Yes Master.”

What the hell is Crogswuttle seeds!

Sahara’s face looked practically comical at that moment, as she was questioning whether she had heard of it in either of her lives before or not.


As Sahara’s little, green star continued to go through the ‘hospital’, she finally came across someone entering a room in a rush, “She’s still there! Can’t we kick her away!”

“…No, the Crowned Prince had told us to endure, she will disappear as soon as the General dies.”

“…Can’t believe he hasn’t died yet!”

The other in the room nodded, “…He had a very good foundation. But it won’t be long…Since you are back, go and see Master Slate. He has been waiting for you for half an hour!”

“Yes, Master…”

Sahara retract her spiritual essence and put her hand to her chin.

So, the ‘doctors’ are on the Crowned Prince’s side…Back in the Rolland Estate, the ‘doctor’s’ didn’t see father or ‘stupid grandfather’…Doesn’t that mean that the one behind Borak…Is the Crowned Prince? Dam, what a big fish to catch! Argh…I hate fishing!

Honestly, Sahara was a bit annoyed. She was sure that royalty wasn’t someone you could just…Kill.

Sighing, she made another face and blinked, as she continued to ponder.

If the Crowned Prince wants this General dead…Haha, Mr General sir, I’m coming to help you!

Remembering that she liked healing, Sahara couldn’t help but smile. She was looking forward to this already!

Straight away, she came up with an idea, and got out some ink and parchment.



A few minutes later, a note suddenly appeared inside of the woman’s clenched hands.

Feeling herself drained and unable to think properly, she kneeled on her already hurting legs and sat up a bit. Opening her hand, she sleepily looked at the note and tried to make sense of it.

‘Walk to the General, I will follow and attempt to heal him, like I have done you.’

The woman scared Sahara a little, as she watched…She didn’t seem to say or do anything at all, for a full minute…

Hello!? Didn’t you want help?

Sahara widened her eyes and waited impatiently.

After another two minutes, the lady slowly got up. She was obviously very tired and sore, as she took so much time to move.

…Seeing the lady get up, Sahara’s eyes found the two maidservants slowly stand up as well.


The people close by, watched but didn’t help her. Most were the physicians who couldn’t help but want to smile at her departure! Some others were ones that knew of her misfortune and had already tried to help her stand, but she had disregarded them. Then the rest were arrogant people, who didn’t like how she had made a spectacle for such a long time…

Sahara followed the lady, who very slowly made her way through the streets and didn’t talk to anybody. Her two maidservants followed at a distance, bowing their heads, still looking like they had no hope. They did put their hands out on occasion to attempt to help their ‘master’, but the woman just kept walking slowly on her own, making Sahara respect her just because of her independence and determination.

Sahara so badly wanted to put the lady on a wooden board, and just take her where they had to go herself, but she seemed so…Damned…Proud!

Having been kneeling for so long, how could she accept help so easily? She obviously had a one-track mind, of wanting to get help for the General…So, her letter was so easily trusted that Sahara couldn’t back out now, even if she wanted to!


Sighing, Sahara could only follow her slowly…Giving her some help, with her spiritual essence along the way.

Sahara first fixed her bleeding legs, then gave her some more nourishment, by teleporting some water into her body again. She used some of that water to quickly fix her knee joints…Just so that she’d walk faster!

Opening her eyes, Sahara could see her eyes shining, but what Sahara smiled for…Was that she was walking faster now!

Breathing in and out in a rush, Sahara caught up and was sure now of the place that she was heading towards.

It must be the big, dirt ‘driveway’, with the big gates…That lead to…The gigantic land, that held heaps of little ‘houses’ and…Animals!

It looked like the General was a farmer as well!

Ah! I like it here! I must investigate…Later!

Smiling, Sahara nodded, looking around one more time, before she disappeared from outside of the big gates.


Outside of the ‘houses’ and inside of the General’s land, Sahara sent out a star and searched through a few of the ‘houses’, before she finally found what looked to be the obvious ‘General’s room’, simply because of the very sick looking man on a bed.

While she had been doing this, Naruto had sort of…Disappeared…

Seeing that the animals here were quite plentiful, Sahara let him go to do whatever he wanted, surely attempting and probably saving the General’s life could gain Naruto some supper…

Finally, Sahara looked at the General himself and blinked, he was in such a bad shape that she started to get doubts of being able to heal him…

He really was so sick. Honestly, how hasn’t he died yet!

She remembered some of the books from her previous life, stating that a good foundation had made it harder to kill someone, but she never thought it possible until today!

Appearing right beside the General, Sahara get comfortable beside him on the bed, and touched his head.

Within moments of searching, Sahara could see so much…Trouble!

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