The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 52 **How big is my Mountain!?**

Master Moe narrowed his eyes at the young girl but was still quite shaken to her cultivation base. “What have you come to the Academy to learn then?”

“Dispersion.” She said happily. She smiled quite openly, looking like she could hardly wait!

Sahara’s smile was as Matthew had thought, as both the Master and apprentice thought that the young lady’s face lit up the area…

“…Why Dispersion?” The elder frowned, both upset to him being distracted by a beautiful face and that she was wanting to learn a meditation that couldn’t offer her much.

“Because I will make lots of money!” Sahara said, still happy.


Oh crap!

“Sum!” Sahara said quickly.

“You…Think you’ll get rich?” He asked, finding the girl in front of him suddenly stupid…

“No, I don’t think…I know I’ll get rich!” Sahara said, still happy.


At first, the elder was going to sigh in relief, but after the last words, he became absolutely flabbergasted!

How can she be so sure? It seems that she hasn’t learnt it at all…Did she not know that this meditation hasn’t been able to become rich in the last fifty years?

For some reason Master Moe didn’t want this girl to have dreams that couldn’t be accomplished, “I think you may have thought of another meditation and might be confused, my dear.”

“Ah?” Sahara tried to think about what Matthew had said, back on the mountain, and she was sure it was ‘Dispersion’, “I’m positive that it was ‘Dispersion’.”

“Are you sure?” Master Moe asked, confused.

“Yes!” Sahara said, back to being happy again. Sahara knew that there might be a chance that it could be a lie but she trusted Matthew in this case completely…For some reason…

“Thinking that you can do something doesn’t mean you’ll be able to really do it young one. One who thinks and pretends to be on a high mountain, will fall a great height when the mountain grows bigger and into something real!”

Sahara gave a small laugh, it had been a while since she had heard a riddle!

She thought about what he said and totally dismissed it, even wondering if she could say it better than he did…

Not only is my mountain not fake, but it’s also a colored one with a rainbow old man! A pretty little lake, a tree and…

“You think too highly of yourself!” Master Moe interrupted Sahara’s thoughts.

She scoffed and walked up to him, to which he backs away to her sudden movement.

“What are you doing!?” He asks.

Sahara raised her eyebrows, “I thought I’d show you my mountain…”


Touching him, Sahara flowed her spiritual essence through the elder’s body.

She fixed his joint problems and made his skin more elastic, fixing wrinkles that he had started to get over the last couple of years. His bones were a little brittle in some places, so she fixed those too, as well as his eyesight and hearing that had also deteriorated…

Even though Sahara was busy doing all of this, time did pass, and she didn’t realize a whole hour went by.

But all this time, the old man had stood there quite astounded.

People passing by, for the most part, didn’t do anything. Only one or two stayed for about ten minutes and was wondering what was going on.

They hadn’t thought that this old man was currently being tended to by a healer, a healer that didn’t need to touch a pulse, nor need ingredients…So, they never thought that this girl was, indeed, the ‘Divine Healer’ that everyone wanted to meet…


Master Moe felt better, a few times that he had moved, whether it was his arms or legs, he could feel a difference!

Having awoken, Naruto went up to him as well, smelling him and clawing him, then cuddling him. Seeing that the beast had jumped onto him, it really did slightly hurt him at first as his claws dug slightly through his clothes and pricked his skin…But, being so curious about the beast, Master Moe actually patted it and smiled.

The ‘apprentice’ who had been curious even longer than Master Moe had been, wanted to touch the beast desperately and patted it now that it was on the Master’s shoulder.

Naruto didn’t pay any attention to the ‘apprentice’, he seemed somewhat happy to be around this ‘Master Moe’ though, as though he had something that Naruto wanted…


“Master, your skin looks better!” The ‘apprentice’ said, pointing.

After this hour, Sahara was sweating, and she had used up half of her spiritual essence. Helping this old man, was different to the General. The bone problems were more common, but she didn’t have to do anything to his meridians. His joints had more problems, but Sahara hadn’t had to work on his dantian. What took so much of her spiritual essence, was the old man’s skin. Having the skin go elastic again was changing her spiritual essence and using it up!

As Sahara started to finish up, she remembered a sickly male…Back in the Rolland Estate….

Now that I can heal…I want to heal him!

Sahara tried to note that down, not wanting to forget her old friend from all those years ago.

Well, actually, he’s my brother, isn’t he? Would he be about seventeen now? Ah, I wonder if he’ll like Naruto!

She stopped and opened her eyes, thinking that she had proved the point that she was trying to make to the old man.

And ‘the old man’ was visibly stunned, noticing that he had gained ten years in his life! He even visibly looked younger!

“Say old man, how big is my mountain?” Sahara said, moving back away from him and smirking cheekily.


…What a brat…Yet this brat is magnificent!

“What is your name, young one?” Master Moe asked, totally smitten with her. He was thoroughly curious about her and particularly just wanted to take her away and find out about everything!


“Give her a cultivation token!”

Sahara quickly shook her head, “I don’t want a cultivation token, I already stand out enough as it is. I’ll pay the silver.”

Master Moe took a moment to understand the young girl. After a minute he agreed with her, honestly wondering how she hadn’t stood out as it was, with a power like that! “Agreed, give her a silver token! Young one, come ask for this elder anytime. I will help you!”

The ‘apprentice’ gave Sahara a ‘silver token’ and she quickly looked it over, before putting it into ‘storage’.

Handing over a big silver bar, the ‘apprentice’ didn’t want to take it.

She glared at him and said, “Take it!”


The ‘apprentice’ looked grievously at Master Moe and the elder nodded his head, smirking.

This young one is funny! I want to see how she’ll go with learning ‘Dispersion’…

After the ‘apprentice’ took Sahara’s money, she called out, “Naruto!”

The fox jumped back onto her shoulder, and she asked, “Can I go in now?”

“Yes, you have your token. When you are inside and have signed in, insert your spiritual essence into the token and it’ll tell you were to go.”

“Oh! Cool!” Sahara took the token back out of ‘storage’ and looked at it with a new light.

Back on Earth, something like this wouldn’t hold a map! But here! Ah, sometimes…Sometimes, it was ok here…


Walking away, the two males watched, with their eyes full of interest.

It really was the strangest of youths that they had just met.

“Have you heard of a meditation that does this?” Master Moe asked the ‘apprentice’, putting his hands to his chest.

“No, Master, she did something to your skin. Made it look…Younger. It’s like she was healing you.”

“Healing? Yes! She healed me, even my joints aren’t sore! My god…Could she be?”

“Could she be what, Master?” The ‘apprentice’ asked.

Frowning, Master Moe knew why this apprentice was out here and not anywhere else. He wasn’t very smart, easily making the elder not want to share his thoughts!

It wasn’t confirmed, but having a very strong suspicion, Master Moe smiled.

He will keep an eye on her and see if she is that ‘Divine Healer’ that sorted out the Rolland Estate!

Her age must be under twenty! Such a young age! …But where did she get that beast from!? Isn’t it impossible for them to enter the Haven’s?



After Sahara walked into the Academy and ‘signing in’ with her token, Sahara was raptured with how it could tell her exactly where to go!

She asked it a few things, and it would go in several different directions. Yet, when she asked it to show her the way to the ‘smoko room’ or ‘computer room’ it didn’t do anything at all…

Guess it was worth a try…

Having been so immensely into her own token, Sahara didn’t notice that a few people stared at her and frowned…Or fell into daze.

It wasn’t like the planet had suddenly got an extra sun…Why was this person so happy about the obvious ‘silver token’?

When Sahara walked away, most just went back to what they were doing, yet a few would remark about how ‘stupid’ she looked and that her cultivation rank must be pretty low.

“Most definitely another commoner!”


When Sahara finally made it to the place that the ‘Dispersion’ meditation was meant to be, she put away the token and entered.

Finding only five people there, three didn’t even look up when she came into the same room. The other two that looked up, fell into a daze, just like some others who had seen her outside.

Sahara sees that they are like this and put her head to the side.

“New.” Sahara said, pointing to herself.

Not wanting to go into details, Sahara walked around.

The surroundings included what seemed to be everything that the meditation needed. It had books, then empty pill packets that looked like modern pills that break into two. Seeing this, Sahara sighed, remembering the good old days on Earth…


What seemed to stick out and gain her attention, though, was that there was a ‘token’ above the pills. It wasn’t the silver token that she had received, and Sahara attempted to touch the pills, but was repelled…It didn’t hurt, it was just an obvious type of invisible wall that one couldn’t pass without holding the right token.

Nodding her understanding, Sahara guessed that this was just something that she couldn’t touch, as a ‘silver token’ student.

Breathing in, and seeing elsewhere, there was a huge billboard or plaque that had the elements on it. On another side of the room, it had old and used nucleus’s, that were nearly empty, that people could practice on. This too, had a token above them, stating that they were also under some kind of restriction. But this token was different to the one over the top of the empty pills from before. Obviously one token was for sum and the other token was for cultivation, but Sahara wasn’t too sure which was which. Thinking about the importance of the products, she assumed the white jade looking one over the pills were the ‘sum token’ and the black, jade like token, over the top of the nucleuses, was the ‘cultivation token’. Of course, that was just her opinion, she already knew that she could be wrong…


Taking another breath in, not caring too much for these ‘token’ restrictions, Sahara saw more books, but these had a token above them too. She wasn’t too sure what were in those books that made them better, but there were so many on the other side of the room, with no token, that Sahara didn’t care much at present…

People had their own kinds of desks in the last area, but many seemed to be unused. Some desks were for reading, then there were desks for experiments.

But still, there seemed to be a lot of space in this ‘room’, but only half of it was used…It reminded Sahara of a hall that she had used to have to go to in school, from her previous life…

There were some other gadgets and gizmos that didn’t make any kind of sense to her whatsoever…But she stayed excited!

This was more like it!

Sahara had been waiting impatiently to go to a ‘real’ school!

Nodding, satisfied with what was there, Sahara got a book, that seemed to be the basics and important information on ‘Dispersion’, and sat down in a corner of the room, that was furthest away from everyone else…

The people raised their eyebrows, but never said anything, and continued to do what they were doing…

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