The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 67 **A New Project**

“Where do we get a beast from?” Ren asked Sahara with excitement in his eyes.

The fact that they had openly called her ‘strange’ was pretty much forgotten…At least by him…

“Ah…He’s from the big land place, outside of the Haven…”

They stared at her and then Ren asked, “Yeah, but where can we get one from?”

Sahara frowned, “Outside of the Haven…”

They both looked at her in curiosity. “Yes, but didn’t you get him from someone inside of Green Haven?”

Ah…Perhaps I should say I did? Dam…I’m so not good with people.

“Do you want one?” Sahara asked.

“Yes!” Ren answered.

“What kind of pet would you like?”

Good, let’s try to divert the attention…Again…

Sahara wondered if this was what it will always be like to speak to other people…Never being completely honest.


It wasn’t like she liked it that way!

Honesty was something she used in her last life and look where that got her!

She hardly had any friends, because people don’t like hearing flaws! Yet, here, where she was trying to be a bit different, especially since it was the ancient era and that one could probably die easier, Sahara had tried to come across differently but…There seemed to be no type of win with humans!

They don’t like honesty and ‘dancing around’ a subject didn’t suit Sahara…

Why can’t she just be herself and not worry about this type of stuff!

A person went into her mind then, someone who she had been herself with, and honest…


Taking a breath, Sahara looked up to Ren, who was looking back at her, “Are you ok?”

She had not been aware that they had spoken already and that she had not answered, “Yes, sorry.”

Ren smiled again and repeated, “What kinds of beasts are there?”

Sahara shrugged, listing off a few from what she’d seen when she was in the large, vast land area. She was unsure if she said the right names for this planet, as she had used Earth names for most of them, and for the ones that she didn’t know the name of, Sahara didn’t say them at all…It wasn't like she was a nature buff from either this life or her previous one...

“Wow! So many!” Ren said, absently pattiing Naruto, who swished his tails in delight.

Really? You think that is a lot!? Earth had shit tons of species and you think just eight or nine is ‘so many’!?

Sahara sent over a piece of her hair to Ren, to get his cultivation base, and see it at rank two. If she was going to get him a beast it must be one of the smallest ones. His sister was at the peak of rank three, making Sahara think that she was more into cultivation then her brother.


“The ‘Buffalo’ sounds fierce! I want that one!” Ren said, his eyes sparkling. “How much are they?”

Sahara’s eyes started to sparkle as well, as she slowly smiled, making them a little dazzled to her beautiful face. “The price is…Negotiable!”

“Please, please, tell me what I need to do!” Ren asked.

“Ren, you’re not a child anymore!” Shima scolded him.

“But I want a beast, actually I want a fox! Can I have a fox instead!?” Ren said, changing his mind.

Sahara laughed and thought about Naruto. He was a good pet to have, so, Sahara totally agreed with Ren.

“I will see what I can do!”

Sahara looked around, seeing that it was mid-afternoon, and she actually wanted to know how far she could teleport to now, since she had ‘dinged’.

“I…Am going to go.” Sahara said, unsure on how to say goodbye. After all, she had nearly totally converted to her Earth ways again, literally meaning she would have said ‘cya’.


Sahara will have to think about the training that she had learnt a few years ago and remember everything all over again. The bowing and speech, proper manners and…

Ah, I’m already bored thinking about it…

“Oh! Ok, will you come tomorrow?” Ren said, “I’ll look after the fox!”

Sahara laughed, “His name’s Naruto, and I think I’ll be here, or maybe the next day…I’m not sure.”

She wanted to check out a few things first!

“Ok…Naruto!” Ren said, putting him down, who just stood there, looking up at Ren. “Haha, he likes me!”

“Naruto!” Sahara said and watched him quickly get onto her shoulder. “I’ll see you next time.”

“Goodbye!” Shima said, very politely.

“Bring Naruto and find out about…Hey!” Ren said, putting his hands to his head to where he got hit by his sister.

Sahara laughed and walked out.




Talon had been in his study, when there was an urgent report of a eunuch that had come to visit.

Having to rush towards the reception area, Talon couldn’t believe that the eunuch was one of the Empress’s people.

There was confusion and worry going through his thoughts, as he couldn’t find any reason for this eunuch to suddenly show themselves at the Rolland Estate.

Since the Right Minister was absent, Talon had to be the one to appear in front of this eunuch. He had other family, those from other branches and even the old madam, but he was now the next in charge of the Rolland Estate, after the Right Minister. With his elder brother still ‘indisposed’ in his own courtyard, and being monitored and watched constantly, Talon had practically taken charge of everything, making him very busy!


Walking into the room and seeing the eunuch sitting there sipping a cup of tea, Talon gave a very courteous bow, “Eunuch Han, this one greets you in the place of the Right Minister.”

The Empress was very determined, sending out this favored eunuch, so that there wouldn’t be any trouble and getting the Young Miss to come to the palace should happen rather quickly…Except…

Looking up at Talon, the eunuch went straight to the point, using his status to speak on equal terms, “This one has come here for the Thirteenth Young Miss. The Empress has summoned her to the palace!”

Talon widened his eyes and stayed silent.


Why are they here for Sahara? She’s supposed to be dead, so how did they even know that she was still alive?

Wondering what to say in return, Talon was silent too long and the eunuch stood up abruptly, “I don’t wish to keep Her Majesty waiting!”

Talon went on his knees quickly, and said, “This one doesn’t know where the Thirteenth Young Miss is! I had spent a long time thinking that the Thirteenth Young Miss had…Had perished!”

The eunuch frowned, “The Thirteenth Young Miss has not come here?”

So far, Talon prided himself on telling the truth, he didn’t know where she was, and he had spent countless hours thinking sadly that she had died…For a moment, he wondered how to answer this next question. “This one was healed by a Divine Healer only recently, before that I was bedridden. Please give this one forgiveness, for not being able to abide by your request!”


The eunuch gave out a heavy sigh, “If she is not here, then where else would she be?”

Talon tried to act like he was hearing news of a ghost, “Forgive me, Eunuch Han, the Thirteenth Young Miss has not lived here for over a year…She…She was poisoned!”

Rolling his eyes in impatience, Eunuch Han breathed out in a huff, “If you are to hear of the Thirteenth Young Miss, then you must report to this one without delay! The Empress will not be happy!”

Talon hid his frown, still bowing his head, “Eunuch Han, if you speak to everyone here, you will find us all thinking that she…Is no longer…”

“Then I suggest you search for her! I will take my leave!” Eunuch Han stated, showing his annoyance easily in his tone of voice.

Having come here, thinking that picking up a mere child would be easy, Eunuch Han stormed away towards the carriage that had brought him there. This mission, to bring the Young Miss in…Will be a lot harder to accomplish then he had originally thought! He couldn’t even find a reason to punish the Rolland Estate, as they couldn’t give him enough reason too! With the whole of Green Haven knowing about what had happened to this Thirteenth Young Miss…He had to be discreet for now, as he was sure the Empress disliked this child, if he were to make it known she was alive instead, giving her popularity, the Empress would most likely not stop at a scolding!

Either way, the Empress will most certainly not be happy!




Teleporting back to the General’s estate, the golden eyed person was there.

Unsure on whether he would know how to find a beast fox, Sahara rolled her eyes. It’ll be a lot easier if she just did it herself anyway...She had pretty, little, green stars to find them probably quicker and even teleport the foxes to her waiting arms! Although, her friend, she admitted, would help the process. Taming two at a time was better than taming one at a time…

Sitting down near him, Sahara ask how he was going and if he was hungry.

He spoke as many words as she did, so they had some kind of familiarity.

Sahara got out some food and water for him and told him that she was going to catch a baby fox and tame it.

The golden eyed person looked at her, like Samuel did earlier…

Everyone was always so full of questions…

After that, Sahara got up and smiled at him, she then remembered her pill. “Oh, do you want to be a lab rat?”

He looked at her strangely then, reminding her that her words might not make any sense, “Ah, I mean…I made this.”

Sahara got out the pill, then continued, “And I don’t know if it’ll work or not, do you want to do it for me?”


The golden eyed person was a bit skeptical, a white pure pill…

Sahara put the white pill away, “It’s ok, I’ll do it later.”

“Wait!” He felt the urge to protect her, if something bad were to happen to her, he would regret it! “I’ll do it!”

Frowning, Sahara squatted down, so not to be rude and have him looking up to her, “Are you sure? You know I don’t want to harm you right, but I just don’t know what will happen.”

“I’m sure!” He said, determined and put his hand out without delay.

“Right now?” Sahara asked, honestly not thinking that she’d be able to find out results yet.

He nodded.

“Then I’ll stay by your side.” Sahara said, taking out the pill, after sitting down properly.

He nodded once, but that was it, before he took the pill into his mouth and focused on meditating.

Putting her hand over his knee, Sahara went into his body and waited to see what would happen.


Having noticed that the grey pill had done about a quarter of her own dantian, Sahara wondered if the white pill would do anything at all…

Her friend was currently at the peak of sixth rank, which would obviously be different to the peak of fourth rank…It would be nice if he was able to ‘ding’!

Sahara watched as the pill went down his throat and then, at the first point of it opening up, a huge amount of spiritual essence from outside of them, rushed towards him!

It was a little scary, but Sahara focused and tried to stay calm. Honestly, the pill was like a bigger magnet this time!

Guessing now, that the mixing part was mostly to attract, Sahara couldn’t believe the difference from the grey pill to this one!

It was huge!

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