The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 71 **Accepting the Voices**

What Sahara had seen, back at the ‘bank’, which she guesses now was a ‘shop’ called, ‘Spirit Convert Association’, was the colors that reminded her of spirit stones from other novels…Yeah, that is actually implying on how much sum the ore has…

‘The Cache Mint’ and ‘Commoner Cache’ changes color to let others know how much sum you have, whereas the one owning it can see precisely through their spiritual essence instead.

The first color is yellow, and then, as you reach up to 1000 sum, the ore will start to change from white to light yellow and then to a brighter yellow.

Red is next, going through orange, then blue, going through the color purple, when 50000 sum is obtained. Silver is the color at 100000, going through a cyan color, then gold at 500000, going through a light green and yellow color on the way to gold. Black is a minimum of 2500000 sum, having gone a brown before going to a pure black color.


To transfer from ‘The Cache Mint’ one is to touch it to where the sum is being transferred too, most of the time another’s ‘Cache Mint’ or ‘Commoner Cache’.

There are flaws to this, as for the person that has to pay, may not pay what they are supposed to, but for a long time, people use others to watch and make sure that they get everything, or they have witnesses to state that it wasn’t supplied. Of course, even that too has a flaw…People could be bought off, so really, Sahara couldn’t see too many pluses to this change in currency from Earth’s currency. They both sucked!

Actually, it’s not that ‘currency’ sucks, it’s more humans…Humans suck!

This, being written on the plaque, Sahara guessed it was something that they promoted.

She felt a bit sorry for the commoner’s though, it was a bit harsh to have it so easy to steal theirs…

But then Sahara thought back to Earth and remembered money in purses and wallets being stolen and shrugged.

Trying to read some words that didn’t seem readable, Sahara remembered that she had to clean this plaque anyway, so, Sahara cleaned that area first.

It also stated, once readable, that the ‘Commoner Cache’ was able to become some sort of jewellery as well, if one is able to put spiritual essence into it that is.

That helps, I guess.

Wondering how this type of currency will go, Sahara was not sure whether she liked it or not…

I’ll have to get one of those rocks and find out then!

After giving a sigh, Sahara finished cleaning the plaque, making it look somewhat brand new, and stored it back away.


Seeing that Steven was still sleeping, Sahara went into meditation, deciding that they will leave here when he was to wake up.


“Go away.”

“Master, please let us tell you that what you think of ‘bad luck’ is simply not true here!”

“Go away!”

Sahara clenched her fists and breathed out rapidly.

This voice inside my head is ridiculous!

“Master, we know of a reason you won’t stay with His Highness, but that reason simply does not exist!”

Opening her eyes, Sahara stared out into the distance. Suddenly, she felt like she had been right all along, having heard these voices in her head!

All those years…I was bad luck! So, people died because of me! They…

Widening her eyes in terror, Sahara thought of her late daughter…

“Did I kill my daughter?” Sahara asked.

“No, Master. Her instincts to run at a crucial time did go to you, but neither you nor we, made those bad men do what they did.”

Putting a hand shakily to her mouth, Sahara held in any sound that might escape.

I…Me…Her instincts! Why!?

Closing her eyes tightly, tears escaped at finding out something so harsh and scary.

I don’t understand! Why would I want her instincts, why!?

“Master, we were all attracted to you…We had traveled much and found our rightful place, you must understand your destiny!”


Putting her hands up to cover her face, Sahara tried to calm herself down.

But…It wasn’t easy…

Her daughter was a great part of her previous life, and she had helped destroy her future! How could someone easily think nothing of it!

Sahara knew that she didn’t have anything to do with those bad men, but like the voices had said, if she hadn’t taken her instincts to run…


…Sahara could still see her daughter running down the hall at home, ‘Stop running in the house!’

She could hear her talking about clouds, ‘Mum, look, it’s a dragon eating an egg.’

Her daughter’s stubbornness was from her, her sarcasm. She really was like a mini Sahara…

Flashes of memories ran through Sahara, as she thought about the past with her daughter. She and Sahara had watched a couple of anime’s together, and they both had liked to doodle with pen and paper.

Sahara hadn’t been very good at drawing, so Sahara had told her daughter to learn, so that she could teach her how. Showing a small smile to the memory of her being so engrossed in learning to draw after Sahara had said that, she shook her head.

Having grown up in a pretty good environment, her daughter didn’t even know much about fighting or having such bad behaviour that one might have had at her age.


They had been a family that cared more about keeping the peace, so when someone had bullied her at school, her daughter had no idea on how to retaliate.

When Sahara had heard about what had happened once, she had marched herself to the school and demanded something to happen and saw results…Perhaps, she came across as harsh and blunt to a child’s safety, but getting results was what mattered the most anyway...

Actually, now that Sahara was thinking back, kids in the 21st century did scare her slightly. They could be just as bad as Gabriella, when she had started to first taunt her about a decade ago…

And then, once again, Sahara remembered her daughters throat, her body, her eyes…

Sahara let out a deep breath and tried not to think about the worst time that she had seen her daughter…

After a minute, Sahara took her hands away and wiped her tears away, showing a cold, determined face.

Remembering that she wanted to hide her dantian, Sahara focused on that. Instead of feeling absolutely desolate and cruel, she ended up feeling like she had to accomplish something that was very crucial.

Being ‘blocked’ was something that she never wanted to happen again, and having thought of it once or twice, Sahara had an idea or two on what she might be able to do.

Ignoring the voices, that still occasionally tried to speak to her, Sahara focused entirely on hiding her dantian…Which ended up being close to putting things in and out of ‘storage’. All she did was hide her cultivation base inside a cell in her body.


Once Sahara did this, she realized it was completely shut off from her, so she couldn’t use any kind of spiritual essence at all…

Whoops! What have I done! Oh no!

“Master, it’s fine, we will bring it out whenever you need it.”

Blinking, Sahara took a deep breath in and realized that she had been angry enough to make a mistake. What if she never had…Whatever link it was that she had?

Putting a hand to her head, Sahara felt a little disturbed.

She was always someone that looked at things differently to others, one that thought differently…

Perhaps, I’m not crazy. If…I’m not, though…

Sighing, and giving in to her curiosity, Sahara got the ‘voices in her head’ to repeat whatever they had spoken to her about previously.

Again, the voice in her head repeated whatever it had said, and Sahara took it all in calmly, trying to make sense of it all.

She had ‘apparently’ attracted other people’s instincts through her heart and soul somehow. And now, that she had connected her instincts, or they connected to her dantian, they were also part of some kind of balance with her heart and soul.

In Sahara’s previous life, they had said that she did have ‘bad luck’, that since she had been unstable and incomplete, it was like a rebound. Since the instincts were connected to her, the rebound of her bad luck appeared on to others around her.

When the voice inside her head had spoken of the last few months of her previous life, it was just so unrealistic, that Sahara wanted to stop listening.

Unable to help it though, trying to think of it as entertainment instead, Sahara still continued to listen anyway…


Having been nearly complete, when her daughter was taken, Sahara had drawn in all the anger that she had, and her instincts were even stronger, taking other’s instincts, from those that she had killed, like it was some type of thing one could just pick up!

How could instincts take on some form, isn’t it a feeling!?

…Upon Sahara’s death in the police ambulance car, having already balanced her heart and soul, her instincts had helped her achieve an impossible technique that shouldn’t have worked on Earth. It was a technique that required the complete training upon the ‘Doomed and Blessed’.

Sahara didn’t quite understand what they meant through this, as even one of her eyes were twitching…But, apparently, it had something to do with good and bad.

…Sahara pretended to watch the information just go through one ear and out the other…

When this technique is accomplished, then upon death one is able to go back to the beginning of first creation.

This technique was created by Golden Empress Mandala…

And yet, to this utter ridiculous tribble amount of words, Sahara still found herself somewhat believing it to be true. Yet, it was still hard to believe that she could be the only one that this happened to. Sahara honestly thought others had instincts and a self-conscious. Wasn’t this all it is? So then why was she the only one that this could happen too!

“Master, it isn’t just that, as you grew and started to know what your instincts were and followed them, then you had already started to become different to everyone else.”

“I don’t believe that everyone else in the entire world doesn’t follow their instincts at one point! That’s just ridiculous!” Sahara said harshly.

“Master, people do, just not as much as you did! You did it all the time! For no other reason, you just followed them, then we were all attracted. That was when you started to get bad luck. But you wholeheartedly came to this point, you accepted us…”

Sahara shook her head, disbelieving…


“Being able to balance everything is a part of who you are. Golden Empress Mandala used this balance with His Majesty, Golden Emperor Marcus, and the entire planet’s population with her position as the Golden Empress.”

Again, Sahara frowned, wishing that she could see what was just said leaving one of her ears, so that she could send it off, “Then what about everyone else? Did no one else balance…”

Sahara went quiet. This was stupid. On Earth there was…What, six or seven…Eight billion people!?

Why just me!?

“Master, with your questions, do you not understand at all? If one is unbalanced, they wouldn’t be acting as you are. You are asking about everyone else, yet, even if you think this as stupid, you feel it! To be an Empress of the entire world, one must think of others and must feel the good and bad of everything to know.”

Sahara put up her hands, “To know what!?”

“Master, let me try to explain it once more.”

“Forget it! I’m done!” She took a deep breath and frowned.


…Since I had attracted these voices, can’t I dispel them?


Sahara sighed, always knowing that to a point she was particularly different, because of the way that she thought and did things…

Guess it was true, though! I’m nuts! Mental!

“Master…There is still something missing. Your own longing for fulfillment, and that is His Majesty, Golden Emperor Marcus. Your soulmate, your…”

“Not another word.” Sahara didn’t want to think more about this. As it was…She had lost a couple of hours to this strange…Conversation…



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