The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

VOLUME 2, CHAPTER 24 **Purple Haven**

At the age of fifteen, nearly sixteen, Sahara was finally completely healed and had been living at her own…Residence…

She was currently on top of a very large mountain, somewhere in the middle of the vast, land mass, area.

Sahara had decided with this place because there weren’t any land beasts that were able to come up here, probably because there was a steep area around the mountain that stopped anything from climbing up further, including her.

In fact, the mountain was more like a pillar then a mountain, like a big rock was under the earth and that it wanted to climb out but never get there, so she even had to teleport to get to the top…Nonetheless, she was pretty safe and was able to sleep peacefully, once again. Not only that, but it was a perfect place for one that liked to see a view! To the north is vast wilderness, to the south has its vast wilderness…You get it! Honestly, I wouldn’t know how to sell this place to another simply because I’m not really a salesperson…


After Sahara had completely healed herself, she was just too curious to stay still, and…She had found another ‘Haven’!

The world had become bigger! The world started to make sense with the story she had been told, but still…It was only one ‘Haven’…Was she still going to believe the stories, which would mean there’s probably more Haven’s around or…Start to think that the world is topsy and that maybe she shouldn’t worry at all about it anymore?

More ‘trips’ out with the stars was needed! She needed to go out in all directions from her high, best view one star complex that doesn’t even have water! Honestly though, Sahara knew, the world can’t only be this small, she came from Earth after all, and Earth compared to what she has discovered here was still so much bigger so…She could only get over it and wait until she discovers more. It was a shrugging type of subject…


With her stars being able to see this new ‘Haven’, Sahara was able to find that…It wasn’t worth going there to check it out in person. She honestly told herself, that she’d prefer to go back to Green Haven, then go into this other ‘Haven’!

Sahara was a little bummed out to find such a place that held no interest to her. The people there had not advanced beyond second rank cultivation and seemed to have no type of leadership…

They were fighting within themselves like they were doing the opposite to developing a working capital! They lived like barbarians, and it really did confuse the hell out of her!

In her previous life, purple was noble and it was apparently one of the higher colors in cultivation. Yet, when she found out this capital was called ‘Purple Haven’, Sahara was completely flabbergasted!


But Sahara did find out something new through this in the way of cultivation. Being able to tell what cultivation the people in this ‘Purple Haven’ were, was all thanks to her stars!

When she surrounded her star with her spiritual essence, then flew it away, Sahara transferred that spiritual essence to a person, and that’s how she was able to know what cultivation level they were.

What sucked, was that after Sahara transferred her spiritual essence from the star, the star would then be cut off from her, and she could no longer use it. Well, it was more like she could only surround, or enter, one thing at a time. If she wanted to, and could touch the star through means again, she could go back to the star, but then no longer be able to use her cultivation upon the person anymore.


But…Haha, she was able to go from one person, to another, with her spiritual essence, that’s of course if something went from one person to another. And, of course, she knew where she was going because there was no space between it and herself!

So, Sahara was really excited about that!

She guessed that since upgrading to a third ranked cultivator, she was able to transfer her spiritual essence as a gift…Or something. You know…Like how in games you got this extra ‘talent’ when you ‘ding’ and it pops up on your screen as your character has learnt this or that. Sahara pictured that through a bit of comedy and felt like she had achieved something!


More thoughts went from there, like if her spiritual essence was something she could leave inside another person for them to use or if she could ‘store’ it in them so that she can find out where they were whenever she wanted to. Could her spiritual essence inside another help them in any way, like healing…She does it herself, why not others? It was thoughts like this that invaded her and so she really did want to see what could be done!

Then, after those thoughts, she was worried that perhaps she could have been able to do this all along…All this time she had already been putting her spiritual essence into her stars but would disconnect upon being exhausted, never having tried it until now! How would she ever find out? It seemed such a down casted subject to the happiness from before that Sahara had an upsetting day thinking that she really shouldn’t be celebrating such a thing in the first place simply because it became a subject that has now put her in a bad mood!

Feeling a little stifled on this subject, Sahara could only shrug and hope that it was just a present for ‘dinging’, instead of something she hadn’t thought of previously…You could say she went into denial simply because it was ‘better’ this way…


Having decided not to go to Purple Haven, Sahara instead found herself nearly irritated that she hadn’t been able to fight against beasts yet. I mean, she was in beast territory here! She had been so careful that she had actually had not had a fight so far! It didn’t fit well at all with Sahara’s warmongering ways! It was like a big no no, a ‘must’ experience!

…So, that is what she did next.

Beasts didn’t ‘seem’ to have ranks like the human population, what they had instead, was growth. It became apparent to Sahara that the bigger they are, the stronger they were, when she accidentally had gone up against something that was bigger than her. Well, you could hardly call it an accident really, she meant to go up to them, but she called it an accident when she was found out…So what do you call that?


The very small beasts were simple, then the ones the size of a dog were a little harder, then the size of a tiger or lion would be harder again, obviously…

It was strange indeed, Sahara hadn’t thought she’d find a big ‘rat’ looking beast, but it was stronger than the smaller ones she’d gone against. But it was so true to the fact that everything was so much cuter when it was smaller! Imagine all the animals as small as a little kitten! Oh, so adorable! Or maybe it was just Sahara that seemed to have a particular face and smile upon the smallest animals in the vast land…


When the bigger beast had come towards her, Sahara had found him, or her, too hard to handle, so she would teleport away, like beforehand. It was the reason why she hadn’t attacked a beast before this, was because she didn’t have to, but this time it was to keep herself safe, not because she was too busy upon looking for somewhere safe so that she could get rid of her poison.

Actually, Sahara felt like a huge cheater, able to sneak up against many of the beasts and kill them in one go. But, as they got bigger, they would be able to feel her close by and quickly escape her attack. In fact, in one instance it had gotten her in trouble, and she was hurt…

It reminded her of some games, where you would stealth and if the other person was a lot higher than you, they’d see you coming.


So, Sahara found herself being able to sneak up towards dog sized beasts, but unable to sneak up against tiger sized.

Making it easier for herself, she guessed that the dog sized were equivalent to about third rank cultivation, just like her.

It really was interesting how the cute little, itty bity animals were ‘normal’ in her eyes but the bigger they got, the more they ‘had’ in the way of…Power?

For instance, if they were dog sized, there was a particular thing that stood out the Sahara that made her ‘play’ with them a little longer to see it. It seemed they had a ‘spiritual essence move’ that is basically an enhance upon an attack. If they were the charge, for example, the hoof that digs into the ground might flow with air or the earth around the hoof might go harder or something…It was not ‘normal’, it was weird and strange, but it made sense because the animals had to get ‘harder to kill’ somehow!


As time had passed, and Sahara had ‘dinged’ to be a fourth rank cultivator, she found herself able to sneak up against the tiger sized beasts and found that their sizes still really did ‘seem’ to have a cultivation rank.

…Did you just read ‘fourth’ ranked cultivator? Why yes, yes you did! It seems Sahara is thinking ‘meh’ but I want to celebrate by stating this one more time. Fourth ranked cultivator, suck it Rolland Estate! I mean…What should I say if I don’t have a dick? Read it? ‘Read it Rolland Estate!’ doesn’t sound very good. Perhaps it wasn’t meant to mean anything in the way of an action at all? Nah, it’s either dick or a lollypop right! Whatever, we’ll leave it as…Sahara is awesome! She is da bomb! So, watch out Rolland Estate! *smiles* much better!


Anyway…After all this time, Sahara had gotten used to taking the beasts nucleus’s, at first having trouble, but as she thought about things more and more, all she had to do was use her nifty meditation!

Sahara didn’t even have to touch the corpses, as the knife she used would do it by itself, with her own spiritual essence!

This knife didn’t really have a history, she had used it and stored it many times now. But she didn’t use it to cut up her fruit anymore, it became solely used to cut up beast corpses. It wasn’t great and became blunt quite a few times now, but Sahara had tried to make it sharper through rocks at first, then figured that she could use her spiritual essence in this way as well.

Isn’t it strange that back on Earth there was a ‘hardness’ factor. Like diamonds could put dints or hurt practically any other rock or whatever they were, and stainless steel was pretty good too but the real top notch, the real winner…It was spiritual essence. It was like a sharpness or hardness wasn’t even needed. It would do what Sahara wanted it to do like it was the soul of the universe!


And, with all these nucleus’s, Sahara was unsure on how to use them, or where to sell them, just putting them into her ‘storage’ space for now. She didn’t know if she had a heap or not but as long as she was learning to ‘hunt’ and needed some training by using the beasts, she was going to continue to store them up for now and that was that!

The nucleuses didn’t even look very spectacular, as most of them looked like a dull, black color.

On the rare occasion Sahara had found one that was shinier but was still the same kind of black color type of rugged stone…When she put her spiritual essence in, to investigate them, it was just a mass of essence that looked different to her own spiritual essence. She was curious about this very much, wanting to know what exactly they were and what people did with them!

Remembering books from her previous life, she thought that perhaps there would be auction houses or places that use these for money instead. Well, whatever, she can sort it out later…

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