The Junior Martial Sister Has a Spatial System

Chapter 23: Stab 01

Chapter 23

Three days later, the sun was shining brightly.

"Go back, no need to see me off. The arrangements have been made, don't worry," Su Huan said to his two sons who had come to bid him farewell. After speaking, he glanced around, and Su Li and Su Yi immediately understood.

Ever since the incident with Consort Yun thirteen years ago, the Emperor had truly valued the Mansion of the Zhenguo General. Whether it was the second prince or the Zhenguo General, there were imperial guards assigned by the Emperor to protect them. Even though Su Huan had refused to use these guards over the years, they had never left. It was only a few days ago that Su Huan met the leader of these imperial guards for the first time.

"Father, you must be careful on this trip to the capital. Your sons will be waiting for your return."

"Yes, I know. Elder brother, your third brother's health hasn't fully recovered yet. Take him back with you."

"Father, don't worry about me. I'm fine. I just want to see you off."

"A grown man whining like that, when have I ever taught you such behavior? Leave now!"

"Father!" "Father!"

Su Huan left without heeding them, and the others also bid their farewells and departed.

"Father, you should go back with uncle. We'll leave now and take care of grandfather," Su Yu persuaded his elderly father.

"Yes, let's go. Take good care of your grandfather and sister."

"Yes, I understand. Uncle, father, you should return quickly."

"Dear uncles, don't worry. We'll take good care of our grandfather. You must also take care of yourselves on this side. Use the medicines I prepared for you as I instructed. And third uncle, you can't take the Soul Cleansing Pill yet. Wait until your body has fully recovered before using it."

These past few days, Su Yue had been preparing various medicines for her two uncles, including medicines for stopping bleeding, detoxification, nourishing the body, and even poisons in case of need.

"Alright, we understand, niece. Take good care of yourself. If there's anything, don't hesitate to tell your two cousins. Don't be afraid once you're in the capital. We of the Su family fear nothing, understand? Just dutifully serve your grandmother when you return. Don't worry about the others," Su Li instructed with great reluctance to part.

"Yes, Yue understands, uncle. Uncle, have you started taking the Soul Cleansing Pill yet?"

"No, not yet. We've been busy these past few days, so none of us have started taking it. After you leave, I'll try out this legendary pill and see its effects," Su Yi said with great anticipation. "I'll use it after I've recovered. Yue has told me about this precious pill, so its effects must be extraordinary."

"For medicines, that's the least you need to worry about. If you need anything, just send someone to let me know."

"Alright, don't worry about us anymore. You should leave now, or you'll be late."

"Take care, uncles."

"Father, we're leaving!"

"Father, we're leaving!"

Xuan Little Three and Xuan Little Four watched as everyone bid their farewells. "Third Senior Brother, now that Little Five has family, will she not return to White Cloud Mountain anymore?" Xuan Little Four asked with worry and reluctance.

"Little Five may have found her family, but she's still our Little Five. That will never change, Little Junior Sister."

"Yes, she's still Little Five. Even if she has a home now, we can still go find her. I can just live at Little Five's home in the future."

Xuan Little Three: ...You have no shame. I still want to keep mine by not living in someone else's home so brazenly.

A large convoy of troops set off, with five thousand soldiers following behind.

Su Yu and Su Yu rode on fine steeds at the front of the convoy, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. Xuan Little Three, Xuan Little Four, and Su Yue followed closely behind Su Huan in the middle of the convoy. They had been traveling for three days without stopping, at a pace slowed by the thousands of troops.

"Third Senior Brother, at this speed, how many more days until we reach the capital?" Xuan Little Four asked.

"Probably around ten more days," Xuan Little Three replied.

"That long? Little Five, what about your third cousin? He left without a word and is riding alone. He's probably already reached the capital by now."

"Yes, my third cousin needed to return to the capital early to make preparations. He left at night without telling us. He should have arrived within the past two days."

"You and that little Su boy do seem to get along well. At least you'll have a playmate in the capital," Xuan Little Three remarked, feeling bored from the long journey. Although he had learned about the Su family's situation along the way, he still remained to protect his junior sister, as they were her family.

"Yue, have you ever traveled such long distances before?" Su Huan asked his great-granddaughter with concern about her living conditions over the years.

"No, I've stayed at White Cloud Mountain all these years. This trip to the border region was the farthest I've been," Su Yue replied.

"Aren't you feeling unwell then? After all, you're a young lady. The ladies of the imperial palace would never be able to withstand such a rough journey," Su Huan said with worry.

"Grandfather, you don't need to worry about me. Although I've stayed at White Cloud Mountain all this time, I've trained in martial arts regularly. I'm in good health," Su Yue reassured him.

"That's right, General Su. You don't need to worry," Xuan Little Three added. "We were taught by our master from a young age. Although we each specialized in different areas, we all trained diligently in martial arts and haven't neglected that aspect. You can rest assured."

"I'm well aware of Master Xuan's skills, so I'm at ease. Seeing your abilities is proof enough," Su Huan said. "It's amazing that Master Xuan has been moving about with my Su family all these years. I never imagined we would have such a fortuitous connection."

"Haha, indeed, the heavens have arranged everything," Xuan Little Three laughed.

"Enemy attack!" "All soldiers, be on alert!"

Everyone immediately became vigilant and looked around cautiously. Su Yu led his troops to protect Su Huan.

"Little Four, go help them," Xuan Little Three ordered.

"Got it, I was getting bored anyway." Xuan Little Four then unsheathed the soft sword at his waist and darted off.

At the front, Su Yu was leading his soldiers to engage the enemy forces, who were evenly matched in strength. The enemy's black-clothed cavalry were well-trained. But as soon as Xuan Little Four joined the fight, the tide quickly turned in their favor. Soon, all the enemy soldiers in black were slain.

"How about it, Young General? You alright?" Xuan Little Four asked Su Yu.

"I'm fine, thanks to you coming to help, Little Four Brother."

"No need for thanks. I was just bored, so a bit of action is nice. Since you call me Little Four, I'll just call you Su Second Brother. You're a few years older than me."

"Good, haha, Little Four Brother is so amiable. We're all family, so it's fitting for you to call me Su Second Brother," Su Yu replied with a laugh.

"Young General, all enemies have been killed. We've finished checking the area," a soldier reported.

"Good, return to the convoy," Su Yu ordered.

By this time, the main army had stopped to wait. As Su Yu and the others returned, Su Yu approached them. "What's the situation?"

"They've all been slain. No survivors," Su Yu reported.

"I see. Do you recognize their forces?"

"Heh, old adversaries. Who else could it be?"

"It seems the road ahead won't be peaceful. We need to be more vigilant," Su Yu cautioned.

"Brother, you underestimate me. Just a few puny soldiers and you think I need to rest? Let's hurry on."

"Alright, send out the order to continue marching."

"Continue marching!" "Continue marching!"

Su Yu rode over to Su Huan to report. "Grandfather, we'll continue marching. It seems the road ahead won't be peaceful."

"Understood. Make your arrangements. Don't hold back - kill any enemies that appear. Leave no survivors," Su Huan ordered sternly.


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