The Junior Martial Sister Has a Spatial System

Chapter 30: Make peace when You Come

Chapter 30

Over the next two days, there were no shortage of assassinations, but with the Covert Guards Pavilion's people, they found it much more manageable. The Covert Guards Pavilion's killing power was truly astonishing.

After just dealing with a group of assassins, Covert One came over and paid respects to Su Huan and Su Yue, not bothering with the others. "General, we have half a day's journey left to reach the capital, let's rest here tonight."

"Good, I'll heed the Pavilion Master's advice. We'll rest here tonight and continue our journey tomorrow." Su Huan saw how the Covert Guards Pavilion's people had been risking their lives to defend them, standing in the way of everything, and his attitude had improved considerably.

"But we may not be able to rest tonight, everyone should still be vigilant."

"Hehe, yes, there's likely to be a big move tonight, otherwise they'd have no chance."

"Grandfather, I'll go make some arrangements." Su Yu nodded slightly to the group and left with Su Yu.

"Then I'll take my leave as well." Covert One bowed his head and was about to leave.

"Wait," Su Yue stepped forward and tossed him two medicine bottles, "Detoxification pills, keep them for use. Tonight is likely to be difficult."

Covert One's eyes lit up for a moment, but he didn't hesitate, directly putting them away in his sleeve, "Thank you, Princess, for the medicine."

Detoxification pills worth a fortune each, only a fool would refuse. Unexpectedly, this exiled princess was so generous, hmm, he must curry favor with her in the future.

Su Yue couldn't be bothered to correct him, watching him leave, she said to Su Huan, "Paternal Grandfather, tonight will surely not be peaceful, I'll also go help my eldest cousin."

"Okay, be careful."

"Mm, I'm going now."

Su Yue first went to find Xuan Little Three and Xuan Little Four, and the group went to find Su Yu. "Eldest Cousin."

Su Yu was preparing the defenses for tonight, seeing them arrive, "Cousin, why are you here, is there something?" Seeing the nearby soldiers, "You can go make the arrangements, I'll let you know if I think of anything else."

"Yes, General."

"Eldest Cousin, I've come to bring you some things, to set up some arrangements around the area." Su Yue took out a large bag from her Spatial Bag, filled with bottles and jars.

Su Yu was dumbfounded, what was she up to?

"These are all poisons. The ones with names on them, Eldest Cousin, take them and set up some traps around the area."

Su Yu immediately understood, "Mm, good, I'll go do that right away. These days, we've been at a disadvantage. Those people have gone to extreme measures with poisons and assassinations, today let them taste Cousin's poisons."

Su Yue smiled like a little fox, her poisons were far more potent than others.

"I'll go with you, so you don't get confused about the toxicities and end up poisoning our own people." Xuan Little Three snatched the bag of poisons and started looking through them, then not seeing any new ones, just casually picked it up and left with Su Yu.

"Little Five, what can I do? I also want to help you." Xuan Little Four asked eagerly.

"Fourth Senior Brother, you go help protect my Paternal Grandfather. Now that there are Covert Guards Pavilion people blocking the front, you don't need to go."

"Mm, good. Then Big White can come with me, Big White is about to leave, I can't bear to part with it, can it come with me tonight?"

Big White: Master, I don't want to go with this chatterbox.

"Okay, Big White can go with you."

"Ah, great, Big White, are you happy, I'll go catch a mountain chicken for you later."

Big White: Master, master... I don't want to go with this chatterbox, it's too annoying. Awoo~

"Look, look, Big White is so happy, haha, Big White, let's go catch a mountain chicken."

Su Yue chuckled, not looking at the poor Big White, and left on her own.

Deep night.

Su Yue lay on a tree trunk, staring at the sky.

It's been thirteen years since she came to this world, she had almost forgotten what her former self was like. Ever since being recognized by the Su family, in just two months, she could feel her own changes.

Before, she didn't like to talk, didn't enjoy talking, always keeping company with medicinal herbs and poisons. Her happiest moments might have been when she had just developed a new medicine or discovered a rare medicinal herb.

But now, she was becoming more human-like, a real person with flesh and blood. Actually, it wasn't bad. Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it.

"Fire! Quick, come put out the fire!"

Instantly, voices arose, chaos ensuing.

"Don't panic, don't panic, left vanguard, you lead the team to put out the fire, the rest of you back to your posts."

Su Yu was the first to rush over, quickly making arrangements. He saw Su Yue standing not far away, "Cousin, why aren't you resting?"

"Eldest Cousin, what happened? Where is the fire?"

"I'm not sure yet, you go rest, I'll take care of this."

Before the words left his mouth.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

"Help, what happened..."

"Ah! Help, quick, quick!"


Su Yu and Su Yue exchanged a glance, immediately rushing to the fire site.

They found the team that had just been assigned to put out the fire all lying on the ground, moaning, their faces swollen and red. The water buckets were overturned on the ground, judging by the flames, they must have been poisoned as soon as they started putting out the fire.

Su Yue went forward to check the injuries of the people, it didn't seem like they were burned. And the fire, it hadn't diminished at all.

Su Yue looked at the fire, black smoke rising, her eyes flashing, "This smoke is poisonous," Su Yue took out a medicine bottle and casually tossed it to the nearby soldier, "Give them this to drink. Eldest Cousin, you step back."

Su Yue found the water source, sprinkling medicine powder in the water, she swung a water bucket, then threw the water towards the fire. Su Yu immediately had people come put out the fire. Sure enough, the water with the medicine powder sprayed on it, no one else was poisoned. The fire was quickly brought under control.

Su Yue dropped the water bucket, "Eldest Cousin, someone has infiltrated, you need to thoroughly search. I'll go check on Paternal Grandfather."

"Okay, hurry up and go."

At this time, outside Su Huan's tent, Xuan Little Four and Big White were meditating in a nearby tree.


Xuan Little Four opened his eyes, a sleeve arrow shot out, "Bang" hitting the target, Xuan Little Four flew to the outside of the tent.

"Which brainless thing dares to run wild on Grandpa's territory, not showing its face, hiding and peeking, what kind of hero is that."

Big White also let out two "Awoo" howls, its aura formidable.

Soon, black-clothed men emerged from all around, each holding a long sword, their faces covered by black hoods.

"Hmph, too afraid to show your faces, still daring to fight Grandpa." Xuan Little Four's soft sword came out, instantly opening the battle.

Big White also rushed forward fearlessly, biting off a black-clothed man's neck with one bite.

Xuan Little Four's every move was ruthless and lethal, his killing intent fully unleashed.

Su Yu also arrived to join the fight. Soon, the black-clothed men were all eliminated.

When Su Yue arrived, Su Yu was already leading people to clean up. But strangely, not a single Covert Guards Pavilion person had appeared. Su Huan came out of the tent, also noticing something was off.

"Second Cousin, you stay here to protect Grandfather, Fourth Senior Brother, we'll go up front."

"Yue'er, be careful." Su Huan watched the departing figures, the people who could even block the Covert Guards Pavilion, he didn't know what was waiting for them up ahead.

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