The Junior Martial Sister Has a Spatial System

Chapter 36: Reunion Dinner

Chapter 36

Emperor Wu fell silent, clearly displeased, and no one dared to utter a word.

After a long pause, "We shall discuss this matter at a later time."

"Your Majesty, I believe the Zhenguo General's request is understandable. After all, the General is advanced in years, and we should be considerate, though it pains us, but we cannot let the old General go to the battlefield in his poor health, so I..."

"We have said, we shall discuss it later. Are you, the Prince, trying to teach Us how to act?" The Emperor looked at him coldly, his eyes glinting with a chill that made people uncomfortable to look at.

"I would not dare. I was only considering the old General's welfare, I..."

"If you dare not, then you may withdraw. Zhang Fu, bring the dishes, let the feast begin."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The feast in the palace was sumptuous, with a wide variety of delectable dishes, from steamed lamb to salted goose webbed feet, sugar-steamed curd, and Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, to braised chicken legs and salt-and-pepper crab, the spread was exquisite. Together with the lavish and elegant decor, the marvelous songs and dances, and the magnificent attire, it was a feast for the senses, but everyone seemed to have lost their appetite.

The Emperor was displeased, how dare they eat when he was not? At this time, they must make themselves invisible, lest they incur His Majesty's wrath.

Of course, except for the Su family.

Su Chong was the first to come and pay his respects to his own father, whom he had not seen in many years, exchanging warm greetings. Su Yu and Su Yu recounted the hardships they faced on their journey to their uncle (second uncle).

The rest, however, kept their eyes down, daring not to speak much. They just wanted to hurry back to their residences and have their own meals, wishing this palace feast would end soon.

"We have heard the General has recently taken in a granddaughter, why did he not bring her to the palace?"

The people were puzzled, what granddaughter?

Su Huan rose respectfully, "This humble servant, while stationed at the border, came across and adopted a granddaughter by chance. I have not brought her to the palace, fearing she may not understand the etiquette and disturb the esteemed guests."

"The General need not be so distant, We are quite interested in this child. Bring her to the palace tomorrow so We may have a look."

"Your Majesty is unaware, but on my journey back to the capital, I have encountered dozens of assassination attempts. Although I have safely arrived, I have also suffered greatly. This granddaughter of mine is a woman, and she has endured the long journey with us, sustaining injuries as well. So upon reaching the capital, I have had her sent back to the manor to rest and recover."

"What? Injured?" Emperor Wu exclaimed, standing up.

Seeing all eyes on him, he composed himself, "Assassination attempts? Dozens of them? How dare someone be so bold as to attack a high-ranking official of Our Great Qing Dynasty. Investigate, find out who dares to disturb the court of Our dynasty."

The civil and military officials were also filled with terror, and although they dared not speak, most of them knew the reason, and no one dared to say a word.

"Your Majesty, let us leave this matter be. After all, the culprits have not achieved their goal. There are many who wish for this old servant's life, these small fry are of no concern to me."

Even with his restraint, one could see the veins on Xiao Shen's forehead pulsing, as if he was suppressing something.

"Very well, we shall heed the General's advice. Zhang Fu, remember to give the Zhenguo General's manor an additional reward of a thousand gold and ten bushels of pearls, as well as the best tonics."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I shall make the arrangements."

"Also, send the imperial physician to the Zhenguo General's manor to attend to the young lady. As a delicate woman, her health must be well cared for. Obtain any precious medicinal ingredients she may need."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The palace feast soon ended, and the civil and military officials hastily departed, fearful of incurring any misfortune. Only those closely related to the Zhenguo General's manor remained, engaged in lively conversation.

The Su family returned to their manor quite late, but the entire household had not yet retired or had their evening meal, waiting for their return.

"Grandmother, Grandfather and the others have returned," Su Qian ran in from the entrance.

"Really? They're back?" The General's Wife hurried to the front gate to welcome them.

Before she could take two steps, she saw Su Huan, Su Chong, Su Yu, and Su Yu striding towards her. "General!"

"Wife," Su Huan quickened his pace and grasped his old companion's hand, "I'm back."

"Good, you're back." The old Madam looked at her husband, though weary, he was unharmed, and she felt relieved.

"Grandmother, your grandson greets you."

"Grandmother, your grandsons greet you."

Su Yu and Su Yu knelt down and kowtowed in greeting.

"Good, good, you're back. Were you injured? I heard your journey was rather difficult."

"Grandmother, we're fine, no injuries, see?" The two young men turned around to show the old Madam.

"Let me have a look at you, Yu'er." Lady Liu approached and held her son's hands.

"Mother, I'm alright, as you can see, I'm in good health."

Lady Lin also checked over Su Yu from head to toe, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Mother, don't cry, look, your son has grown taller and stronger, hasn't he?" Su Yu comforted his mother.

After years of absence, they were all safely back.

"Alright, grandchildren, let's have our meal now. We can talk after we've eaten. Your Grandfather must be famished, having not eaten much at the palace."

As soon as Su Chong entered, he noticed the unfamiliar "young master", and with a quick realization, he knew this was his niece. "This must be Yue'er, right?"

"Yes, this is Yue'er. Yue'er, this is your Second Uncle," Lady Li introduced.

"Greetings, Second Uncle," Su Yue greeted Su Chong with a slight smile. "Good, good. Since we received the news, we've been eagerly awaiting your return, and now you're finally back."

"Alright, there will be plenty of time for you all to chat later. Now, let's eat, we've prepared all your favorite dishes, waiting for your return to have this family reunion meal."

"Yes, I'm starving, I barely had anything to eat at the palace." Su Yu patted his belly, pouting.

"Wonderful, let's eat. Mother has even prepared your beloved yellow croaker and crystal pork knuckle."

The family ate and chatted, filled with warmth and joy.

That night, as Su Yue lay in bed, her mind was unusually alert, unable to sleep. Suddenly, she appeared in her own space.

Big White was overjoyed to see Su Yue.


"I can't sleep, came to visit and make some medicines."

Big White: Master, shouldn't you be at your external grandfather's manor in the capital today?

"Yes, I just arrived today, met my external grandmother and a few external aunts. I'm having a bit of trouble sleeping."

Big White: Is Master too excited?

"Excited is certainly part of it, but it's also rather complex. Ah, I don't want to think about it too much. I need to prepare some medicines for the family."

Big White: Is someone ill?

"Yes, my external grandmother, because of mother's disappearance years ago, her hair turned white overnight. I need to concoct a potion with a hundred-year-old ginseng for her, and her eyes have also been damaged from crying..."

Su Yue busied herself in her own space's small apothecary, preparing not only the medicine for her external grandmother, but also additional tonics to give to the other elders, as well as some beauty and rejuvenating products to gift to her external aunts and unmet cousins. She also made sure to include some ginseng and lingzhi for the family.

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