The King of the NBA

Chapter 152 - Fight Rudy Gay again!


   When the Timberwolves played, a huge booing sounded at the Air Canada Arena, and more than 10,000 fans booed like bobbing waves.

All the Timberwolves came out of the player channel one by one. They have long been accustomed to this kind of scene, and they will not feel uncomfortable. They all look calm and have a strong body. They look at the auditorium without dodge, as if they are telling the home court. Fans, today they are here to win the game!

   There were also many Chinese fans at the scene. Canada is a large immigrant country, and there are many Chinese in Vancouver and Toronto.

In some places in the auditorium, Chinese fans were able to see the waving small flags, wearing Ning Yi’s jerseys, shouting Ning Yi’s name, and even fans wearing DeRozan’s jerseys, but holding ” The “Ning Yi’s Best” brand makes some home fans who can understand Chinese speechless.

   In the seats near the front row, there are some celebrities, entertainment stars, business tycoons, this kind of people in the nba arena is never uncommon, almost every game can see so few.

   is no exception today. In the seat near the front row, rap star Drake is sitting there. He is the ambassador of the Raptors, but he does not boo, like a fan, very reserved.

   In addition, there are local Canadian artists, popular idol Justin-Bieber (Justin Bieber), he came to Toronto this time to participate in activities, leisure time to watch the ball at the Air Canada Arena.

   These two are big stars, and their reputation is not small, attracting the attention of many fans.

   But Ning Yi was not interested in these two, and did not even take a glance, because he saw another person, a person he never thought would appear-Yao Ming!

   At this moment, Yao Ming was sitting in the front position, next to the Timberwolf rest area. His two-meter and twenty-something man was too provocative. Even though he was sitting, he still stood out from the crowd. Ning Yi saw him at a glance.

   It was just that Ning Yi did not expect Yao Ming to appear here.

   Perceived Ning Yi’s gaze, Yao Ming showed a smile on his face, stood up and shouted at Ning Yi: “Ning Yi, how about it, didn’t you think?”

“Brother Yao.” Ning Yi stepped forward and hugged Yao Ming excitedly, “Brother Yao, why are you here, you called me yesterday, I thought you were in China.” Saying, Ning Yi suddenly responded Come here, “Isn’t that what you said was a surprise?”

   “Oh, isn’t that what it is?” Yao Ming laughed and joked: “I just intend to give me as a surprise to you, how about it, are you disappointed?”

   “A bit, it’s better to send a beautiful girl next time.” Ning Yi smiled.

   On the side, a group of fans, Timberwolves players, coaches and others looked at Ning Yi and Yao Ming. It was not strange how the two met them, but I didn’t expect the two to be so close and they looked very good.

   In fact, Yao Ming was able to come here to watch today’s game, and it would make the outside world guess. Because there is no news that Yao Ming came to Toronto, there is no incidental incident.

   This is deliberate. I came to Toronto deliberately to watch this game-or to watch Ning Yi’s game, cheer him on the spot!

  Can this relationship be normal?

At this time, the live camera also cut to the side of Ning Yi and Yao Ming. Seeing the two people talking and laughing, they were very intimate. Even the audience in front of the TV and computer, countless fans of Huaxia could not help but be surprised. Ning Yi has such a good relationship. Why haven’t I heard of it before?

   Of course, they didn’t know that Ning Yi and Yao Ming really knew each other, which was only two days, but sometimes, whether the relationship is good or not does not depend on the length of the recognition.

  At least Yao Ming had a very good impression of Ning Yi. He chatted with Ning Yi very happily and ridiculed Ning Yi: “I flew over to cheer you on, don’t let me down.”

   “Relax, you are watching on the side, I definitely have help!” Ning Yi laughed, very happy.

   Subsequently, Yao Ming also greeted Adelman, Martin and others. Although Yao Ming retired, his connections and status in NBA still exist. When Yao Ming went to the Rockets, Harden jumped on him when he saw Yao Ming, and a bear hug came directly. He was naughty like a two hundred cat child.

   At this time, the Raptors players also came out.

   “Rudy Gay.” Ning Yi looked over and his pupils contracted for a while.

Rudy Gay also looked over, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Ning Yi, whispering: “It’s right again, this kid, it’s really unexpected.” He will fight Ning Yi again, Rudy -Guy remembered the game in the preseason and sighed in his heart. He didn’t expect Ning Yi to grow to this point in the past two or three months.

   A string of unseen Mars collided between the two, silently annihilated.

   Players from both sides started to warm up and the atmosphere was calm, but it was another scene under the calm.

After a while, the warm-up ended.

“Let me talk about Coach Dwyane Casey clapped his hands, motioned for the Raptors players to come over, and then began to lay out the tactics, “The Timberwolves play mainly depends on the projection, especially after Love is injured , Their score in the penalty area became less. So wait for us to prevent the opponent’s shooting, as long as the opponent can not find the shooting state, the opponent will be blind. Of course, Valanciunas and Johnson, both of you must also guard the restricted area, and you cannot allow the other to score points in the restricted area. “

   “The other is Martin and Ning Yi.”

   “Now Martin and Ning Yi are the first two scorers of the Timberwolves, and their defense cannot be taken lightly. We don’t need to guard them all, as long as they guard one person, it’s easy to handle.”

“As for the offense, we still follow our usual style of play. However, DeRozan and Rory, you need to score more points, tear the opponent’s defense line, and pull people away. Once there is a chance inside, you must give the ball firmly, the opponent The inside line is weak, we can use this.” Coach Casey commanded.

   Subsequently, he arranged several tactics.

   Here, the Timberwolves will surround Adelman.

“First of all, we have to base ourselves on defense.” Adelman is very direct. “Defense is critical, especially the defense against the opponent’s backcourt, Lowry and DeRozan, these two people can’t let go, and must be strictly guarded. In fact. To a certain extent, the Raptors’ tactics are built around the two of them, and they are involved in almost every offensive round. So first of all, we have to guard these two people, we can limit them, and we win half .”

“And Rudy Gay.” Adelman glanced at Ning Yi and said: “Ning, relax, you have to have confidence in yourself, maybe you can’t prevent Rudy Gay, but he may not be able to Guard against you.”

   “Hmm.” Ning Yi nodded.


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