The King of the NBA

Chapter 319 - And Kobe scored (below)


Coach Laker coach Byron Scott called for a timeout, replacing Johnson and Boozer and replacing Nick Young and Robert Sackley.

“Wait for Kobe, you will defend Ning.” Byron Scott said, Johnson’s defense against Ning Yi is really poor, basically can’t limit Ning Yi at all, like a transparent person.

In such a situation, even if it is a good fight by others, it is no good.

And Nick Young obviously has no way to limit Ning Yi. His strength is not defense, but outside shooting, allowing him to defend Ning Yi, which is similar to Johnson’s estimate.

But the Lakers are now lacking a major general and can be used in the small forward position, even Johnson is the only one. In desperation, Byron Scott can only let Kobe defend Ning Yi, and let Nick Young play against Martin. Although Martin’s strength is also good, compared with Ning Yi, he still has a lot of defense.

As for replacing Sacre, it is to increase the height of the inside. Boozer has excellent physical quality and dares to fight, but he has a little shorter height, and he can’t take advantage of the inside. But Sacre has 21 cm in the end. height.

Of course, the role of Thackeray is almost defensive, and it certainly cannot match Boozer on the offensive end.

The timeout soon ended and the two sides returned to the field.

At this time, the Timberwolves were behind. The Lakers came to Kobe and they were singles. Nowadays, Johnson and Boozer are missing. Sackley and Nick Young are all waiting for opportunities. So Kobe can only come.

Martin stepped forward, but was blocked by Thackeray.

Kobe took a step aside, just preparing to shoot, but the figure flashed in front of him. Kobe was surprised. When he saw the person coming, he narrowed his eyes slightly: “Ning.”

On the field, the players quickly completed the defense, Ning Yi blocked in front of Kobe.

Seeing that it was Ning Yi, Kobe did not give up singles, his eyes shone with light, his right foot took a step forward, but his left foot did not leave the ground, but the range was very large, very confusing, Ning Yi went subconsciously Moved half a step to the left.

At this moment, Bryant withdrew his right foot and stepped out to the left. His back was facing Ning Yi. His arms and back exerted force. His left hand flicked the ball to the floor with a burst of speed.


Even if he was 6 years old, Kobe’s explosiveness was still amazing, and he stepped out and walked past Ning Yi’s half position.

“Not good.” Ning Yi turned to pursue.

But at this moment, Kobe stopped and moved from swift to static, which was a matter of a moment, which made Ning Yi caught off guard and could only stop quickly.

The next moment, Kobe started again, using a change in speed and rhythm to directly leave Ning Yi who was too late to keep up, and then took a layup and scored two points.


In the audience, fans cheered.

This is Kobe, Staples’ arrogant man. Even if he is 6 years old, he has entered the end of his career, but as long as he stands on the court, he is the most dazzling star.

And, with this ball just now, can you say he is old?

“It’s Kobe.” Ning Yi secretly said.

This is not the first time he has played against Kobe. He played twice last season, and he didn’t have many opportunities to play against Kobe. However, those two games left a deep impression on Ning Yi.

Kobe’s strength is very strong, the technology can be called the level of the master, all over the body are fake moves, so many scoring means you can not predict at all. In addition, Kobe’s movement has a wonderful sense of rhythm, as if it has a strange power. It seems that the breakthrough speed is not very fast, but it makes you unable to prevent it.

“This is the realm.” The voice of the system suddenly remembered, said: “When reaching the realm of Kobe, any action will be natural.”

“Well.” Ning Yi nodded. He still can’t reach this level, but he won’t admit defeat.

Turning around, the Timberwolves attacked.

Ning Yi took the ball and Bryant quickly posted it. He is not only the “king of scoring”, but also a defensive master. He has been selected as the best defensive player for a while, and his defensive ability is one level higher than Johnson.

All of Ning Yi’s fake movements were seen by Kobe, and Kobe was using his body to exert pressure and interference on Ning Yi, forcing Ning Yi to be unable to connect some complex movements in series.

The purpose of this is to make Ning Yi feel uncomfortable and unable to stretch his movements. At that time, the offensive time is wasted, but he can only pass the ball or barely shoot.

But Bryant made a mistake, that is, Ning Yi did not need to pass him.

After two attempts, there was no way to break through. Ning Yi knew that it was impossible to easily pass Kobe. He made a decisive decision, changed direction, then steep and then withdrew, his feet back outside the three-point line, with a little back, raised his hand and shot.

“The shot was too fast.” Bryant flew to block, but he knew in a flash that the ball couldn’t be blocked and could only interfere as much as possible, because Ning Yi shot too fast.

Back step+backward, coupled with Ning Yi’s lightning-fast shooting speed, if he really wants to shoot, the defender can only interfere and it is almost impossible to block.

As for whether to enter or not, it depends on Ning Yi himself.


With a soft bang, the ball hollowed into the net.

Adelman let out a sigh of relief and nodded secretly: “This ball is very difficult, and it is rather decisive enough to be able to shoot. If you hesitate a little or are not confident, most of this ball will not be scored. As a result, The difference in points will become greater, and our morale will be suppressed, falling into the disadvantage.”

Of course, Ning Yi scored this goal, no reason is needed.

For some players, it is also a crucial moment. The more difficult the ball, the more they can score. Kobe is such a player, and Ning Yi is also.

Ning Yi’s three-point is very important, re-energized the morale, and continued the chasing momentum before the suspension. In the next two minutes, UU read the book www.uukanshu. Com Timberwolves slammed, chasing the difference to 1 point.

At this time, Coach Byron Scott called another timeout.

The two sides began to rotate personnel and entered the rotation time.

Ning Yi sat on the bench and gasped for a long time, but his heart was very happy. The match with Kobe was a test for him and a stimulus to make every cell jump.

“You don’t have to think about whether you can beat Kobe. What you need now is to hone and be a strong opponent, just like Kobe.” The system suddenly said: “At your level, it’s hard to get big by training alone. Upgraded. What is needed at this time is a match that can make you excited and excited that every cell is trembling and eager to fight for the opponent from the heart.”

“Well, I see.” Ning Yi nodded.

He already felt it.

This time is not the same as before. Last season, he played against Kobe. The gap between them is not small, and there is not much match. Ning Yi can’t feel it, but he has now reached level 9, which is naturally different.

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