The King of the NBA

Chapter 379 - Howard


Looking at this score, McHale was in a hurry. Ning Yi scored 10 points in a row and took all the Timberwolves’ scores in these few minutes. On his own side, Harden scored 2 points and Jones scored 2 points. 4 points.

A wave of 10:4 counterattacks is equal to Ning Yi alone overtaking the score.

“Alas.” McHale sighed, and he had to admit that Ning Yi was too strong.

Of course, it’s not that his scoring ability must be better than Harden’s. After a game, Harden can score 40 points. Ning Yi is almost at this level. It’s just that Ning Yi’s scoring power is too strong and the efficiency is very high. Most of the time he doesn’t score, but suddenly it bursts, but he can score continuously.

This also determines that Ning Yi can always play a huge role at a critical moment.

Shaking his head, McHale summoned his players, made some staff rotations, and then re-arranged the tactics. After arranging the tactics, he looked at the Timberwolves and secretly said: “Ning is after all coming back early, Adelman should want to Replace him. It won’t let him fight for too long.”

Here, Adelman replaced Ning Yi and Martin, Brewer and Turner, but Love still stays on the court. He wants to control Ning Yi’s playing time and protect Ning Yi, but he also needs to keep the scene. .

Fortunately, Ning Yi quickly scored 10 points to allow the Timberwolves to take the lead. In the last four minutes of the first quarter, Ning Yi should not be a problem and should not be a big problem.

Soon the suspension will end.

Back on the field, Harden remained on the field, Howard was replaced, the Rockets’ offense was still fierce, Harden continued to score.

When the first quarter ended, the score was 1:0, the Timberwolves only led by 1 point.

“Huh, Huh…” Harden hit the first quarter, and he scored 14 points alone, but the physical exertion was not small. At the moment, it was sweating and raining like a cow.

Looking at Harden, McHale frowned again, quite helpless. There are still too few people available on his side. Although Howard is also a strong point, his free throws are a weakness. Sometimes it is easy to use. It’s not easy to use, and there are only 9 people in the whole team. There are not many people who can help Harden.

The team needs Harden, but in this way, Harden’s physical fitness is a problem.

On the Timberwolves’ side, Adelman’s eyes glowed, summoned his players, and said with domineering: “Just like that, press me against the Rockets and beat them.”

“Yes.” The people promised in unison.

After a while, the second quarter begins.

Love didn’t show up, and Ning Yi returned to the field. Jack, Turner, Shabats, Jokic, Whiteside also played with him.

This is an unconventional lineup. Except for Ning Yi, the other four are all substitutes. Generally speaking, Ning Yi will not play with them. But today is special. Adelman has someone in his hands, not afraid of the rockets, and Ning Yi’s hot state, he has enough confidence not to play cards according to common sense.

“Hey, Harden played the first quarter. Although he scored 14 points, his energy consumption was not small.” Adelman glanced at McHale, and hey sneered: “I just want Ning to go up, because you can’t Harden.”

McHale is really embarrassed at this moment.

The Timberwolves are a backup lineup. It stands to reason that there is no need to go to Harden, but there is Ning Yi inside. If Harden is not, can he resist this side? What if I go to Harden and change the Timberwolves’ main lineup later? Isn’t it hard to let Harden fight forever?

After scratching his head, McHale still resisted and did not go to Harden, but he still replaced Howard.

Seeing that the Rockets couldn’t get to Harden, Ning Yi laughed inwardly: “Now let Harden not get on, and you will have to send Harden when you are forced to do it, and you should regret it at that time.”


The Rockets shot iron as soon as they came up.

White edged down the rebound and passed it to Jack. Jack advanced to the frontcourt and immediately passed it to Ning Yi.

The small forward on the Rockets is Josh Smith. The 85-year-old “Thirty-Year Old Man” has height and strength, but his footwork and flexibility are too poor. Ning Yi passed him by two fake moves in a row. Jumping against Howard, the two were in physical contact, and Ning Yi pulled a lever in the air and scored a layup.

After finishing, Ning Yi also sneered at Howard and scorned.

“This bastard.” Howard was angry.

Turning around, Howard singles, white side decisively started, and pulled Howard even the ball to pull down. Anyway, I won’t let you hit the ball. As for the free throw line, it doesn’t matter.

Howard’s free throws have always been weak. When he hit the free throw line, he missed two free throws. McHale shook his head and sighed: “If Howard’s free throws are better, the situation may be different. Don’t rely too much on Harden.”

Unfortunately, Howard’s free throw is bad, and today is particularly bad. After one minute, he was sent to the free throw line again. Both free throws were made and he missed four consecutive free throws.

McHale turned black.

The Timberwolves attacked Ning Yi, and Ning Yi quickly divided the ball and gave it to Jokic. Jokic took the ball to break through and attracted the defense to throw the ball onto the rim.

Behind, the white edge flew up and dunked his hands.

“Hey, Jokic passed the ball well.”

“A good shot, a good pass, and a deduction.”

In the audience, many fans praised.

Ning Yi smiled slightly and gave Jokic a look of encouragement. He said: “Although Jokic is an insider, he does have a pass, and he has his own outside to attract defense. He and White can have a good look inside. As. Well, it’s best to be able to make two Howard fouls, that would be great.”

Later, Ning Yi made a breakthrough and killed the inside to make a killing, and then rushed towards Howard.

Ning Yi’s scornful eyes made Howard very Then he was continuously “cut shark” by the other party, but he was totally confused by the foul of today’s free throw. Howard was stumped. Seeing Ning Yi’s unscrupulous killing to the inside, when he didn’t exist, he was furious and started to show no mercy.



Howard dumbfounded and looked at the referee, shouting: “I didn’t foul.”

The referee didn’t speak. Ning Yi stepped forward with a smile and said, “You have a foul, the thug.”

“Humph.” Howard sneered.

Ning Yi smiled and walked to the free throw line. After making two free throws, he walked back to the white side and said: “Wait to continue to cut and send Howard to the free throw line.”

White side met, hehe smiled and said: “Okay, give it to me, I promise not to let him score.” As for free throws, with Howard’s feel today, do you need to worry?

Harden missed the Rockets, Howard is the core, but he was very depressed, just had a foul, and he was ready to pay attention to the color here.

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