The King of the NBA

Chapter 43 - The new wolf king!

After the All-Star game, the Timberwolves began to adjust to prepare for the playoffs.

Adelman also made adjustments to the rotation of personnel, becoming more clear. Basically, it is an eleven-person rotation, including Ning Yi, Love, Martin, Rubio, Dion, Whiteside, Jokic, Brewer, Shabatz, Turner, Jack, even Clarkson, Turiaf, Cunningham’s playing time has been further compressed, almost less than 5 minutes.

   In the playoffs, the fight will become more intense, too frequent personnel rotation will be unfavorable, and only a stable lineup can maintain combat effectiveness.

   And, like Justin Hamilton, Cunningham, Clarkson and others, Adelman feels that they can not bring much help to the team in the playoffs.

Although Adelman still has some expectations for Clarkson, but his own problems are not small, there are problems with his playing style, and they are still being corrected. At least compared to Jokic and Whiteside, what can he bring to the team Help is limited.

   There is also a position problem. Clarkson played shooting guards. This position has Martin and Turner. His playing time will naturally not be too much. The same is true for Turiaf and Hamilton. In the 4th and 5th positions, the Timberwolves have Love, Jokic, Dion and Whiteside, so they can play a dozen in the regular season and reach the playoffs. It will definitely be deprecated.

   This is not a strange thing. This is true of almost all teams in the NBA. There are more than a dozen regular-season lineups. By the time of the playoffs, the number of players who can play in the game is at most eleven or two, or even a few.

  Adelman’s adjustments don’t stop there.

In addition to the lineup, Adelman also made detailed plans for each game, such as against the Rockets. The Rockets are now third in the West. The Timberwolves are likely to meet the Rockets in the playoffs, so In this game, Adelman let everyone treat it as a playoff, whether it is defensive or offensive, it is entirely the intensity of the playoffs.

  This is exercise, preparing for the playoffs.

  For example, against the Suns, Knicks, Magic and other teams, Adelman consciously reduced the playing time of Ning Yi and Love, but required the two to explode in their limited playing time.

   The Suns, Knicks, and Magic have a poor record. This season, they basically have no hope of entering the playoffs. For them, they are training more. On the premise of ensuring victory, they try to train players as much as possible. Of course, it’s also important to avoid injuries. Carrefour’s years of injury have already left the Timberwolves’ brains open, but I don’t want him to be injured again.

  When February ends, the Timberwolves have gradually entered a state of preparing for the playoffs.

When entering March, other nba teams also began to take action. The teams hovering at the end of the first eight in the east and west began to attack the playoffs, while the top ranked teams were at home advantage and postseason. The game is against each other.

   This situation is particularly intense in the west.

  Western is still ranked first in the Warriors, Timberwolves second, Rockets third, Clippers fourth, followed by the Blazers, Grizzlies, Spurs, Mavericks.

  The Warriors have a very good record this season. Curry and Thompson are very helpful. Especially Curry played an extremely amazing season to help the Warriors firmly occupy the first place in the West.

  The Timberwolves trailed the Warriors by 3 wins.

   The Rockets behind were two wins behind the Timberwolves, and the Clippers had the same record as the Rockets. The fifth Blazers were only two wins behind the Clippers.

   This has led to extremely fierce competition in the West. Even the top eight teams are very cruel to compete with each other, because there is not much difference in their record, and they will be surpassed if they are not careful.

  Behind the Timberwolves, the rockets and the Clippers are so powerful that they want to overtake the Timberwolves.

Of course, the most fierce competition is the ranking behind. Whether you can enter the top eight is a key. If you can enter the top eight, you can advance to the playoffs. If you can’t enter the top eight, you can only go home to fish. This is different from the top ranking. This is facing elimination. If you can enter the top eight, everything is possible. In the history of NBA, black eight is not non-existent.

   And for Ning Yi, he has another goal, which is to use the last period of the regular season to fight to make the shot break to level 9 before the playoffs.

   This means a lot to him.

   Throughout March, Ning Yi has deliberately hone his shots, midrange shots and three-pointers become his most used scoring means in the game.

   Against the Trail Blazers, Ning Yi shot 24 times and shot 20 times. He shot 10 goals, scored 34 points, added 11 assists, 9 rebounds, and scored a quasi-double.

   Against the Hornets, Ning Yi shot 26 times, including 16 three-pointers, altogether 8 three-pointers were scored, scored 37 points, plus 10 assists, 6 rebounds, leading the Timberwolves to win the big score.

Against Pelicans, Ning Yi against Biao Davis, Davis scored 39 points, plus 10 rebounds, Ning Yi scored 32 points, plus 11 assists, 10 rebounds, once again got three In the doubles, the Timberwolves also defeated the Pelicans again, which caused Davidson to be very hit. In many confrontations with Ning Yi, he did not have the upper hand.

Against the Mavericks who might meet in the playoffs, Ning Yi made 27, 18 of 27 shots, the efficiency was amazing, the game scored 45 points, plus 7 assists, 5 rebounds, detonated the entire stadium, making countless fans **** Tongue, terrified exclaimed.

   vs. Spurs…

In this Ning Yi became more and more violent, the data is more scary, averaging 28.2 points, 10.6 assists, 7.2 rebounds, overwhelming Curry, was elected as March Western Month Best player.

With Ning Yi’s nearly violent performance this month, the Timberwolves gradually opened the gap with the Rockets and the Clippers, surpassing the Rockets’ 5 wins and the Clippers’ 6 wins, which is almost equal to the second in the West. seat.

   The reason why Ning Yi scored madly all the time, the purpose is still to seek a breakthrough, but there is still no way to break through. Although he can feel his progress and feel that he is getting more and more progress from the breakthrough, he can never take that step.

   But it is not without gain,

   This month Ning Yi’s performance experience is very great, not only brought the Timberwolves victory, captured many fans, but also completely conquered the Timberwolves players.

   From Love to others, finally fully recognized Ning Yi’s leadership.

   This does not require any language or ritual, but is reflected in the usual training, reflected in the game, everyone can feel, Ning Yi has become the leader and soul of this team.

   For Ning Yi’s performance, Adelman was even more stunned. He helped Ning Yi seriously say: “Ning, you are now the leader of the Timberwolves, the new wolf king!”



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