The King’s Avatar

Chapter 1548 - Impossible to Predict

Chapter 1548: Impossible to Predict

Translator: Nomyummi  Editor: Nomyummi

Zhang Jiale walked down from the stage, while Mo Fan stayed. Deception still had 72% of his health left.

28% to trade for 21%. Happy held onto their lead.

Who would go up next for Tyranny?

People were used to watching the group arena in the playoffs by now. Everyone immediately looked towards the seats on the loser’s side. There was no point looking at the big screen to see the upcoming player. The information would come from those seats first.

A player stood up.

Tyranny’s fans clapped wildly, welcoming Zhang Jiale and cheering for the next player.

Qin Muyun.

The reliable fifth player alongside the four Gods of Tyranny had been sent up as the important anchor in the group arena. At this moment, everyone realized that besides Zhang Xinjie, whose Cleric wasn’t suited for the group arena, the remaining three Gods of Tyranny, Han Wenqing, Lin Jingyan, and Zhang Jiale had been defeated.

They had always been the pillars of Tyranny! Yet despite these three players having played, Tyranny was still in a losing position. Now, it was up to Tyranny’s remaining players to get them out of this predicament.

It wasn’t that the fans didn’t believe in the remaining players, but there was still a gap compared to those three. For a moment, they began to worry. All of a sudden, a bit of hesitation could be heard from their applause.

Those who weren’t attentive enough might not notice this detail, but Qin Muyun was not one of them.

He could hear the worry from the applause.

He wasn’t affected by it though. The more it was like this, the harder he needed to work. He wanted to show that he could sweep away these worries.

Qin Muyun walked onto the stage and entered the player booth. The match soon began.

On Happy’s side, Chen Guo was feeling quite solemn. She could deeply feel that anything could happen in the playoffs. Even if Happy had a lead right now, she couldn’t relax. When she saw Mo Fan’s opponent, she felt even more anxious.

Enemies on a narrow road, an inevitable clash.

Mo Fan and Qin Muyun had met on stage again.

For a time, Mo Fan had been called the Godslayer. But in his previous two matches against Qin Muyun, he had lost badly. It wasn’t just a matter of luck. Despite being a quiet player, Mo Fan would take the initiative to express his helplessness after the match. Qin Muyun was his bane. When they played, it felt like he had his hands bound.

Only three nights had passed since their last encounter. Even if Mo Fan had improved during these three days, it was unlikely for him to turn things around in such a short amount of time.

If you considered how the previous two matches between Qin Muyun and Mo Fan had gone, then Happy’s lead would most likely disappear.

“Good luck…” Chen Guo clenched her fists.

The match began.

Qin Muyun’s Negative Nine Degrees rushed forward, while Mo Fan’s Deception took a roundabout route. He did the same as last time, choosing the left path.

Because of the lava, there weren’t very many routes in this map to choose from. As a result, when the two players noticed where the other had went, the start of the fight played out exactly the same as before.

Mo Fan continued to have Deception move forward. Qin Muyun made the same choice as Zhang Jiale. His Negative Nine Degrees look around. His pathing was the same as Dazzling Hundred Blossom’s. There weren’t any other choices on this map!

Deception was still that Deception.

Negative Nine Degrees’ movement speed wasn’t much different from Dazzling Hundred Blossoms’. In the end, the two combatants met in the same place.

However, this time, as soon as Deception was in range of Negative Nine Degrees, Qin Muyun immediately attacking. Gunfire spouted from his dual guns.

Bullets flew out.

Qin Muyun’s outstanding positioning skills had received no small measure of praise. In the beginning, he had been ignored. His existence seemed so thin compared to the four Gods surrounding him.

In reality, Qin Muyun’s strengths didn’t only lay in positioning. Positioning was one weapon, but the basis for his consistency lay in his solid fundamentals.

Perhaps it was because of this reason that he had been ignored for some time. The fundamentals were the basics. It wasn’t flashy. Even when he had his moments to shine, even experts would overlook it, let alone when there were four Gods stealing the spotlight.

But even for a stone that didn’t shine, if it stayed there for long enough, it would be noticed.

Qin Muyun’s ability was slowly discovered and recognized by everyone.

No one would ignore him anymore. Finding his hidden talents were even somewhat of a game for people now.

Just like now, he was moving while firing, yet his aim was extremely accurate. It was undoubtedly a show of his fundamentals.

Bullets flew. The aim was true.

For a player like Qin Muyun, there was no such thing as rashness. Every move had a clear purpose.

Peng! Purple smoke spread out.

Smoke Bomb. It was Smoke Bomb again. Mo Fan’s first move was the same as the previous round.

However, his opponent was not the same.

His previous opponent had been Zhang Jiale, who had been at a health disadvantage. For Zhang Jiale to beat Mo Fan, he had to try and trap him. But Qin Muyun was different. He had more health than Deception, so he wasn’t anxious at all. Seeing Deception’s Smoke Bomb, he immediately had Negative Nine Degrees retreat. At the same time, he fired normal attacks towards the fog.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.

Bullets tore through the smoke. Thin trails appeared in the smoke. Qin Muyun didn’t seem to care whether they hit. Mo Fan wanted to use the smoke as cover, but his Deception had no way of reaching Negative Nine Degrees. Qin Muyun kept a safe distance away.

Mo Fan didn’t waste any time. Deception immediately rushed out from the soke.

Qin Muyun immediately adjusted his aim, but Deception was moving extremely fast.

Shining Arc! An Assassin skill. Ye Xiu’s unspecialized often used it as a movement skill. Deception was using it in the same way.

Deception instantly traversed a length of distance. The bullets from Negative Nine Degrees missed.

Qin Muyun didn’t panic. Negative Nine Degrees’ hands were as steady as eve as he retreated while firing back. Aerial Gun? It was a form of movement. And for a positioning expert like Qin Muyun, his Aerial Gun technique was very skilled. His jumps backward and the recoil were paired perfectly. He would fire towards the ground as soon as he landed to maintain the maximum speed.

Suddenly, Deception completed a Shadow Clone Technique to instantly move forward, but there was still some distance between him and Negative Nine Degrees.

Deception formed a seal again!

His hands moved in a blur. By the time Qin Muyun readjusted his aim, he finished the hand seal.

Deception had clearly taken a single step, yet his character moved nearly two steps.

Ninjutsu – Ground Shrinking Technique!

Another movement skill.

Shining Arc, Shadow Clone Technique, Ground Shrinking Technique! Three skills were used in rapid succession. A large amount of distance was instantly covered. It didn’t seem like much, but when they saw where Deception had started, they were immediately shocked.

But what was more shocking was Qin Muyun.

Deception had directly used three movement skills, as for him? His Negative Nine Degrees had only use an Aerial Gun. But after Deception used these three skills, the amount of distance closed wasn’t enough.

In this chase, it wasn’t merely a contest of speed.

Any movement started from picking a location and then moving there. A contest of movement was also a contest of positioning.

Qin Muyun’s Negative Nine Degrees moved very efficiently. As he maintained his maximum movement speed, he also made it difficult for his opponent to move efficiently.

Three movement skills weren’t enough to catch up to Aerial Gun, but it didn’t meant that it hadn’t been possible. Deception had been restricted to a certain extent.

And at this distance, it didn’t gain him much of an advantage. It could even be said that by being neither close nor far was more disadvantageous for him.

But it looked like Mo Fan still had hope. After the Ground Shrinking Technique, he formed another seal.

What Ninjutsu would it be this time?

Mo Fan’s hands were too fast. Qin Muyun wasn’t able to tell what skill he was using. Even so, Negative Nine Degrees continued to attack.

Bang bang bang…

The bullets all landed on Deception, surprisingly. The shots made him slide backwards, but then, with a poof, he turned into a straw man.

Ninjutsu – Substitution Technique!

His real body had moved ahead similar to Shadow Clone Technique. However, Shadow Clone Technique could allow him to move towards the target, wherever he wanted. But Substitution Technique was random. What direction it went or how much distance was covered was randomly chosen.

As a result, Substitution Technique wasn’t a skill that could really be treated as a movement skill because it wasn’t reliable.

But even if it wasn’t reliable, it was possible!

A random direction and a random distance. What if luck got him to Negative Nine Degrees?

It was a gamble, a true gamble. No matter how experienced or how good you were at reads, it wasn’t possible to predict where Deception would appear.

Because even he didn’t know. No one would know.

Where would Deception appear?

The crowd gasped in astonishment. Empty Cicada Double Kill. Deception’s two daggers had cut into Negative Nine Degrees.

Mo Fan’s gamble was a success!

Deception appeared at an okay spot, but since there was no way to know where he would appear, Qin Muyun had no way to prepare. What was ordinarily an okay spot became that much more perfect as a result.

A silent attack from a Ninja, and it had hit!

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