The King’s Return

Chapter 108 - Power lineup

In the evening, Qiu Zongping drove back to the team and met Zhou Xuewei in the corridor. Looking at his wet wolverine, Zhou Xuewei couldn’t help wondering: “Yuan Xi didn’t come back with you?”

Qiu Zongping said: “He is angry and I want to calm him down first.”

Zhou Xuewei, who knew the truth, was helpless: “In fact, your original intention is good. Yuan Xi is not the kind of person who will avenge revenge. As long as you say clearly, he will certainly forgive you.”

“I’ll ask him to explain it later.” Qiu Zongping said: “Call Xiaochen, let’s meet the manager together, I have a suggestion to discuss with you.”

“Okay.” Zhou Xuewei turned and called Zhao Xingchen, and the three came to the manager’s office together.

The charming manager always smiled. When he saw the three love generals, he immediately let them sit down: “What do you want to discuss?”

Qiu Zongping sorted out his thoughts and said earnestly: “Manager, I opened a trumpet to go undercover alone in the past two days, and I also know this game. The situation of the new game is more complicated than we think, except for the clubs In addition to their own teams, the strength of the civilian team is also quite strong-for example, teams formed by folk masters such as Jian Ge and Yulou Chunxiao will definitely cause us a lot of trouble on the field in the future. “

Zhou Xuewei also agreed with this, and then his topic said: “The operation mode of the VR game has been greatly reformed. It does not require hand speed like traditional competitive games. Some people who are not born with high hand speed but are highly conscious also Being able to become a professional player has indeed created a situation where new game masters like Yun.

Zhao Xingchen praised: “Sister Xue Wei is right, and the officially announced points system model has also given many folk high-tech conferences.”

Qiu Zongping said: “So the style must have a strong enough lineup to be able to stand up in the new project.”

The manager nodded: “I’m thinking about this too, Xiaoqiu, what you call a strong enough lineup, what do you mean?”

Qiu Zongping said, “Our club’s most distinctive double-call lineup.”

——The double-calling lineup is indeed inherited from the original captain Ling Xuefeng. After experiencing the transition of Qin Mo’s generation, Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi’s fixed partner appeared. When Qiu Zongping took over as captain, he dug up a pair of new people from the training camp to train, intending to inherit this style of play. Double call has become the unique core of the style club.

Zhao Xingchen interjected: “Qiu team, the pair of summoners you have developed is really good, but if they all come to stand alone in the Jianghu team, plus Yuan Xi, are they three summoners?”

Zhou Xuewei frowned slightly: “Do you want Yuan Xi to be transferred back to the original team, so Xiao Yuan will definitely be sad …”

“No, I didn’t want to mobilize Yuan Xi.” Qiu Zongping said seriously, “I mean, I personally went to the rivers and lakes and formed a double-caller partner with Yuan Xi.”

Everyone: “…”

This proposal was unexpected even for the manager. Qiu Zongping has always been the captain of miracles. He was strong enough in the past to make the lineup, but is this necessary?

Qiu Zongping explained carefully: “The dual-summoning style will definitely exert enough power in the new game. The most scary thing in VR games is being controlled by people who can’t see the opponent clearly, and my summoner is good at fast control. On the field, Yuan Xi is taking the pet crit output line. Our two partners have known each other for many years. In the future, I can exist as a control field and Yuan Xi does the output. The only way to send such a tactical core is the style. In order to achieve good results in a strong league next year. “

Zhou Xuewei was silent for a moment, agreeing: “The Qiu team’s words also make sense. If you come here, your partner with Xiao Yuan can still fight for the trophy next year’s doubles. The team does not currently have a core output combination.”

The manager lowered his head to think carefully-Qiu Zongping’s statement is very reasonable. The sole move has opened up a new competitive pattern. If the style club’s performance in the next year’s league is too poor, this will also have a negative impact on the reputation of the entire club. . Even if you can’t win the championship, at least you have to keep the top few? He still feels worse in the current lineup. If Qiu Zongping passes by in person, the new team will certainly have a stable performance.

It’s just … As soon as Qiu Zongping left, what should the old team do? He is the captain over there!

The manager frowned and asked, “Xiao Qiu, if you go to the lone step, who will bring the miracle team?”

Qiu Zongping glanced at Zhao Xingchen and Zhou Xuewei and said, “I suggest Xiao Chen or Xue Wei come to bring, so come to you to discuss, who is willing to take my class?”

Zhou Xuewei thought about it and said, “I have arranged a miracle to replace my player before I transfer to the project. If I change with her, she may not be able to adapt to the new game environment.”

Qiu Zongping looked at Zhao Xingchen: “Xiaochen, how about you?”

Zhao Xingchen scratched his head: “I don’t care, the lineup of the new team is not yet determined, I am an exporter, and the impact of changing the individual profession is not great. But … as a captain, can I do it?”

Qiu Zongping said: “Your strength is not bad. You are also a player who debuts with us and knows this team. I have cultivated a new generation of substitutes. The lineup system has not changed much compared to the original. You used to. It should be okay to be a captain, and I have confidence in you. Moreover, you are a player who debuted with Captain Yan Ruiwen and inherited the dark magic of Yan team. You can take over as captain and everyone can convince me. “

The affirmed Zhao Xingchen laughed happily: “Hey, my foundation is taught by Mo Shen, the magician’s play is taught by Yan team, personal strength is okay, but my research on tactics is not as good as Qiu team you So thorough. “

Zhou Xuewei added: “We all know Xiaochen’s strength, but after all, he has no experience in leading a team. Is it not good to be a captain directly?”

Qiu Zongping said: “Xiao Chen’s consciousness is not bad. With the guidance of the Yan team at that time, the foundation is very solid and I will learn quickly. Moreover, I am still in the team. If you have any questions, you can always ask me. The miraculous league will start in March next year, and there are still a few months to make adjustments. In addition, the only step in the second half of the rivers and lakes points competition is the highlight. I will help Xiaochen in the first half of the year and slowly do the captain handover.

Zhao Xingchen said excitedly: “That would be great! If I were to be the captain, I would probably run over to trouble you in the future!”

Qiu Zongping said: “You’re welcome.”

Zhou Xuewei suggested: “Then let Xiaochen return to the miracles and be the captain. Qiu team, do you come here alone to be the captain?”

When the manager heard it, they agreed: “I think it is feasible. Xiaochen is indeed a successor to Yan Ruiwen, and he can manage the scene as a captain. However, it will be hard for Xiaoqiu. At the beginning of the league, you may have to consider both. Team, both sides have to worry. “

Qiu Zongping said decisively: “No problem, I believe Xiaochen will get started soon.”

Zhao Xingchen laughed: “Thank you for the trust of the manager and Qiu team, I will pick up this class. While it is a holiday, I just happen to learn some experience from Qiu team.”

Zhou Xuewei reminded: “How do you tell Yuan Xi about this?”

Qiu Zongping said: “Let me explain to him.”


At six o’clock in the evening, Qiu Zongping went out to pack dinner, and then drove out again. He came to the door of the hotel where Yuan Xi lived, and dialed Yuan Xi’s phone. It was clear that the call was connected in his ear, but the other party did not answer at all, apparently still angry. Qiu Zongping had to send him a text message: “I’m downstairs in the hotel, and I brought your favorite candy.”

Yuan Xi ignored him.

Qiu Zongping then sent a message: “Sorry, this time it’s my fault.”

Yuan Xi: “…”

Unexpectedly, Qiu Zongping would apologize to others. Yuan Xi suddenly fell off the bed and ran to the window in three or two steps. Looking down, he saw Qiu Zongping’s black car stopping downstairs.

A message pops up on the phone screen: “Give me a chance to explain, okay?”

Yuan Xi grabbed her hair, and it wasn’t very good if people didn’t explain it. It seemed that he was making troubles unreasonably? Thinking of this, Yuan Xi returned a text message: “Room 1023, you talk up.”

After a while, Qiu Zongping took the lunch box upstairs and knocked on the door. Yuan Xi opened the door and glared at him: “Don’t come here to take your meals with diligence. I’ll give you ten minutes and leave after you explain!”

His expression looked calm, apparently he stayed in the hotel calmly a lot, but his eyes were still red, and he looked a bit pitiful.

Qiu Zongping walked into the room, put down the dinner he brought, looked back at Yuan Xi and said, “Yuan Xi, I’m sorry.”

Yuan Xi: “…”

The other side suddenly relaxed his apology and apologized, but Yuan Xi was at a loss.

Qiu Zongping stepped forward, staring at his eyes and saying, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault, I didn’t think about it. I went to discuss with Xue Wei last night. I wanted to talk to You discussed it, but you locked the bedroom door. I thought you were asleep and didn’t bother you. I got up in the morning when the manager called me and I went out with him. I mentioned this incident to him in the afternoon. No I told you in advance that I was wrong and I didn’t expect you to hear. “

Yuan Xi turned her head indignantly: “Fortunately, I heard it! Otherwise I’m still in the drum, I don’t know that you have always looked down on me!”

Qiu Zongping whispered, “I never look down on you.”

Yuan Xi froze and turned back to meet his deep eyes for a moment, a little at a loss: “No? Then why do you say bad things about me in front of the manager?”

Qiu Zongping sighed and explained patiently: “I’m not saying bad things about you. Your personal strength is strong. I have never denied this, but Yuan Xi, leading a team is not as simple as you think. This There are too many powerful teams in this new game, and you are not good at playing tricks with others. Do you know? The undercover things you go to the Netcom area are not only clear and clear, but even the two members of Yulou Chunxiao Gang know you who is it.”

“…” Yuan Xi’s eyes widened instantly. He thought he was undercover as well. Was the vest he was wearing actually transparent?

“You said, you went to the undercover and they were instantly dismantled by their identities, and later on the playing field, how can you fight them with this careful machine?”

“…” Yuan Xi lowered her head and stared at her toes with a bit of depression.

“If you are the captain of the new team, you will be very hard after the start of the league next year. Yuan Xi, you must understand that a good player is not necessarily a good captain. When you are a captain, you need to consider too much, based on your personality. In fact, you really are not suitable to be the captain. You want to prove yourself, I understand, but the way to prove yourself does not have to be the captain. Many teams have very popular core players, and they are not captains. You are wrong in the direction of your efforts. “Qiu Zongping’s voice became softer and gentler. Yuan Xi listened carefully, and actually thought that what he said was reasonable.

“Some things I have never told others, but you are my roommate, you should be very clear, when do I go to bed every night? When others are resting, I am still working overtime. New games, all The tactics and configuration must be studied from the beginning. I don’t want you to work so hard, do you understand? “

“I …” Yuan Xi didn’t know how to refute, because he couldn’t refute at all.

“In the past few years, our relationship has not been as good as before. It is not that I look down on you or deliberately alienate you, but that I’m really too busy and sometimes I can’t take care of you, do you understand?”

“…” Yuan Xi’s eyes were reddish, and upon careful consideration, Qiu Zongping was right. He often closed the door and ignored Qiu Zongping because he felt inferior in front of Qiu Zongping. However, Qiu Zongping knows that he stays up late every night. This person’s down-to-earth and hard work does set the best example for the style. At this moment, listening to the other person saying these words, Yuan Xi felt a little uncomfortable.

——They used to be such good friends, why is the gap between them getting deeper and deeper?

Looking at the expression on the face of Yuan Xi, Qiu Zongping sighed in his heart, stretched out his arms and gently held the other side into his arms: “Sorry, I’m wrong. Don’t you be sad?”

Yuan Xi’s face was slightly red, and she wanted to push away the other side, but was clung tightly by Qiu Zongping. Yuan Xi struggled even harder, using both hands like a little beast with dancing teeth, Qiu Zongping had no choice but to let go Gaze gently looked at his eyes and said, “Yuan Xi, I want to make everything clear to you. I didn’t look down on you, you have always been the best partner in my mind, can we start again?”

Yuan Xi froze: “Restart? What do you mean?”

Qiu Zongping said: “I discussed with the manager, Xue Wei, and Xiaochen in the afternoon. I want to move to the project of Dubujianghu, and the miracles will let Zhao Xingchen go back to lead the team. We were originally partners, and the strength when we separated It will be greatly discounted, it is better to go to the same step together and continue the core of our dual summoner. “

Yuan Xi: “…”

——Speaking for a long time, Qiu Zongping actually wants to run away to fight him alone?

Yuan Xi had just refuted, but he heard Qiu Zongping said: “This time, you are the core of the lineup.”


“I did n’t let you make this decision, but the characteristics of this game are really suitable for this. I found from Yulou Chunxiao ’s partner on the Qindi ensemble, as long as the field control is good, seize the opportunity to kill the opponent, The win rate will be very high. I’m best at controlling the field, and you’re best at output. Once our double-summoned play is matched, the power will never be lost to the flute ensemble. “

“…” The previous team was Yuan Xi assisting Qiu Zongping to control the field, and Zhao Xingchen was the main output of the back row. This time let him take the role of the main force output? Yuan Xi, a habitual supporting actress, couldn’t believe it.

“Well, don’t have the look of eating eggs.” Qiu Zongping patted his shoulder gently. “Don’t you always want to prove yourself? The way to prove yourself is not necessarily to be the captain. Your advantages are also Not as a good captain, but as a violent output that can cooperate with me instantly and make all opponents afraid of you, isn’t it? “

“……”it is good! That makes sense!

“Don’t think about being a captain all day, let me handle those complicated things, you can concentrate on training your summoner, okay?”

“Uh … seems to work.” Yuan Xi scratched her head and said sloppily.

Qiu Zongping took the initiative to reach out his hand: “In order for the new team to achieve good results, we will work hard together.”

Yuan Xi immediately grabbed Qiu Zongping’s hand with excitement: “Well, then you continue to be your captain, let Zhou Xuewei be the vice team, I simply do nothing, I will focus on the output, hey hey, you control one, I’ll take it every second! “He was a very simple man, soothed by Qiu Zongping, his anger had already faded away, and he only asked to take the initiative to lead the team alone, just to prove himself, not necessarily to be the captain.

Previously, he wanted to be crooked, thinking that he could only get rid of Qiu Zongping’s influence if he led his team to make a record, and now Qiu Zongping said that he finally understood that he was in the wrong direction.

Everyone was ridiculed when they were undercover, didn’t they want to be laughed when they became the captain?

Nothing is wrong. It is easy to study the operation of the summoner and become a player with a fear of explosive output. This is the way he can really get ahead.

——The strongest style is the double-call method. Why not continue to use the new game?

Since Qiu Zongping wants to come here in person and let Yuan Xi be the core output, Yuan Xi is naturally happy to come! In the future, Qiu Zongping took control of the opposite side, and Yuan Xi burst out in seconds, so much more!

Yuan Xi grew more and more excited, and as a result, a “groan” sound suddenly appeared in the stomach, immediately destroying the **** atmosphere.

“…” Yuan Xi could not wait to find a place to drill into.

Qiu Zongping looked at him in embarrassment, smiled slightly, and opened the dinner on the table: “I know you’re so angry. Come on, it’s all your favorite dishes.”

Yuan Xi was really hungry, immediately flung to the table, picked up chopsticks, and looked up: “Did you eat? Eat together.”

“Okay.” Qiu Zongping also sat down.

When they were young, they often packed their meals into the dormitory and chatted while eating. If you think about it, it seems that they haven’t sat together and eat together so quietly for a whole year.

After eating, Qiu Zongping packed the lunch box into a garbage bag, looked at Yuan Xi, said softly, “Since the anger is gone, come back with me.”

Yuan Xi dropped her head and was embarrassed: “Well, do you all know that I left home? I seem to see Zhao Xingchen when I came out with my luggage today.”

Qiu Zongping said: “They don’t even know that they thought you were going to buy something.”

Yuan Xi: “Oh, then I will go back to you secretly later, and I will say I go to the supermarket to buy things, don’t tear me through!”

Qiu Zongping nodded earnestly: “Well, I said you carried the box to buy something, and you just met me on the way back.”

Yuan Xi’s face turned redder. I always felt that the excuse was ridiculous, but it was better to accept it than to run away from home. Otherwise, he’s such a big person, he will carry a suitcase and leave, and his teammates will laugh at him.

Qiu Zongping helped Yuan Xi carry his luggage to the front desk and checked out, then took him to the car. Although Yuan Xi changed her clothes, her shoes were not changed, and one step down was a dark mud mark. Qiu Zongping’s car is very expensive, Yuan Xi is embarrassed looking at the mud seal in the car: “I have stained your car …”

Qiu Zongping said, “It doesn’t matter, just wash.”

Yuan Xi said very positively: “Let me wash it for you!”

This stupid boy didn’t like the feelings of others owed the most. He soiled the car and washed it himself, so as not to feel guilty, Qiu Zongping no longer objected. While Yuan Xi lowered his head and fastened his seatbelt, he quickly pulled a small group in WeChat and sent a message: “I’ll take Yuan Xi back to the team later. Everyone pretends that he left home. Do you understand? “Zhao Xingchen:” Understand, I don’t know anything! “

Zhou Xuewei: “Yes, no one mentions it.”

Qiu Zongping smiled slightly before starting the car.

There will always be misunderstandings and contradictions between people, but as long as there is no malicious intention, you can choose to forgive after explaining clearly.

Qiu Zongping always remembers what Qin Mo said when he retired-the style team has always been the first-class strong team in the professional league. You can lose the game, but you can’t lose your confidence.

In these years, he led the style team to the north and south, and finally made the style’s performance gradually improve.

Now that he is the captain of the lone step, he is not only worried about Yuan Xi, but also because the new team can continue to maintain the status of the powerful giants and not become a second-class weak team that is laughed at!

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