The King’s Return

Chapter 140 - the truth

Qin Mo lay in bed for a long time after going back last night, and fell asleep until three o’clock in the morning.

He knew that sooner or later he would have to face Master ’s hurdle and could not continue to escape. At that time, he was still young, his mental capacity was very fragile, and he was afraid to be sympathized and pitiful. He did not dare to tell the truth and hurriedly left the e-sports circle. But now I think back, the apprentice who took so long did not explain any reason It just disappeared inexplicably. Master must have been very disappointed and chilling, right?

From another perspective, if it was Shen He, a young apprentice who had worked hard to train himself, that one day suddenly announced his retirement, it would not explain the reason, Qin Mo would be furious.

Ling Xuefeng wasn’t stunned by internal injuries that year, and it was because his mental quality was strong enough.

A few days ago when I logged in to Q to see Xiao Han’s message, Qin Mo suddenly realized that his decision was not mature, he only looked at his feelings, but ignored the feelings of those who really cared about him and cared about him– Especially Master Ling Xuefeng. Leaving behind the master, disappeared completely, and where is the master who has worked hard to train him?

At this time, with a deep gaze on Ling Xuefeng’s back, Qin Mo’s back evoked a familiar coolness. He took a deep breath and gathered courage. He took out a prepared document from the bag and handed it to Ling Xuefeng, whispering: “Master, look at this first.”

Ling Xuefeng took the materials, which turned out to be a diagnostic case of Shanghai People’s Hospital.

The words in the case were shocking. The time happened to be three years ago during a vacation. Qin Mo suffered a car accident on the highway and his hands were smashed with a fracture …

Ling Xuefeng quickly swept through the case, her face suddenly became iron-blue, and she slammed the case on the table, stared at Qin Mo, and asked sternly: “So, your hand speed dropped because of a car accident? “

Qin Mo lowered his head and said softly, “Yes.” He paused, sorted out his emotions, and kept his voice as calm as possible. Then he said, “After I was discharged from the hospital and returned to the team, I could n’t play because I didn’t recover my fingers. After the game, I discussed with the Yan team and promoted some new people from the training camp. “

“I basically didn’t play that season. I let Xiao Qiu and Xiao Yuan take turns to play. When the season was about to end, the Yan team let me play two games. It was a farewell game … At that time, my finger status was still OK, I did n’t get good results in those games, and I did n’t make it to the semifinals. I ’m sorry. You are abroad and I have no face to explain to you … After the season, I retired in a hurry. “

Qin Mo’s voice sounded calm, but the tremor in the epilogue still betrayed his emotions.

The past events of that year were personally spoken by him, like tearing open wounds that he could hardly heal with his own hands, exposing the **** flesh inside.

At that time, it was the darkest time in his life for so many years. He was under strong pressure from outsiders, teammates, and himself. He wanted to do his best to do his best, but he had limited ability after all. A few players brought out from the training camp are still immature. It is impossible to become a first-class **** in the league at once. The team ’s performance has repeatedly dropped. The external skepticism is overwhelming … I feel guilty of Master and confused about my future. Let Qin Mo sleep uneasily every night.

But he just stubbornly didn’t want others to have pity on him, didn’t want to tell others about these things …

If he made all the truth public then, he could retire gracefully. Those e-sports websites will report a lot of painful facts about the injury of the team Qin Mo in a car accident. By the way, earn some tears from fans, and then hype this topic. Give him a few words of praise such as “training with illness” and “firm will”.

But Qin Mo didn’t want this. He didn’t want to show his wounds to everyone, and then accept the comfort and compassion of those strangers.

Don’t want to make Master sad for him …

Perhaps the decision of the year was indeed unconsidered, but if time comes again, Qin Mo will still make the same decision.

He would rather leave with pride than be a poor worm in people’s mouths.

Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment, and then began to look through the case again, leaving only the rustling sound of his fingers to look at the paper.

The surrounding air seemed to be evacuated. Qin Mo only felt it was difficult to breathe and he was almost out of breath.

Finally, Ling Xuefeng stopped and put the case back on the table.

Qin Mo’s spirit was tense for a moment. Just when Qin Mo thought he was going to swear, he suddenly put his hands on the top of his head and rubbed it gently.

“You … what should I say about you?” Ling Xuefeng’s voice was full of helplessness, and there was a bit of regret. “I already guessed that the reason for your retirement was not ordinary, but I did not expect that when you were What happened was so serious. “

The eyes of Qin Mo, who was rubbing his head, turned red immediately, and the tears of forbearance almost burst out of his eyes.

Ling Xuefeng looked very serious, often training him, and still letting him sit on the cold bench to reflect, but Qin Mo knew that this master was the best person in the whole style club to him.

Master cultivates him as his successor, so his requirements are so strict.

Ling Xuefeng taught him all the skills and experience, and I look forward to his leading the team to play some achievements in the professional league, but in the end, let alone inherit the master’s mantle, he ca n’t even continue the game, howling He retired and left, and found the opportunity to come back after three years of silence, but can no longer play the summoner …

Master must be disappointed, right?

Qin Mo didn’t know what to say, but his shoulders trembled slightly as if to cry.

Ling Xuefeng sighed in her heart, reached out and rubbed her apprentice’s head, and whispered, “I’m coming back to you this time, I just want to get an answer. You owe me this explanation, and you owe it for three full years.”

“Sorry, Master …” Qin Mo’s voice couldn’t help choking. “I didn’t inherit the style team, and I didn’t go to the style club after coming back this time, because I can’t play the summoner anymore … I’m playing the swordsman, but the style The core has always been the summoner. I do n’t want to change the tactics that have been passed down for so many years, and I do n’t want to be a supporting role there. Xiao Han and I happened to meet in online games, and his team was not well formed. , So we joined forces to form a new team … “

“I don’t blame you.” Ling Xuefeng interrupted him softly, taking his hand away from his head, and said helplessly: “Master is most disappointed not that you have not taken over the captain, or that you left the style Self-reliance, but you refuse to tell me when you are in trouble. Why did you not know to speak to Master when you were under so much pressure? What do you think of me as a Master? “

“…” Qin Mo bowed his head in shame.

It turned out that Ling Xuefeng was the most angry about this. The apprentice did not explain the reason and did not ask him for help, but instead assumed everything by himself, smashed his head, and isolated him as a master …

Does this really make Master sad?

“I’m sorry, Master.” Qin Mo was poor and didn’t know how to express his feelings of guilt and remorse. He could only apologize to him repeatedly.

“Forget it, you’ve said sorry four times.” Ling Xuefeng frowned. “Hold your hand out and show me.”

Qin Mo was silent for a moment and held his hand stiffly in front of him.

The young man’s fingers are white and slender, as beautiful as a hand mold. Three years have passed, and the traces of the car accident can no longer be seen. It is extremely difficult to recover from comminuted fractures. Qin Mo has been hiding for the past three years and apparently has suffered a lot-thinking of this, Ling Xuefeng’s whole heart was stunned.

This silly apprentice! Why didn’t you tell him?

If Qin Mo told him all this, he would surely ensure that Qin Mo retired without any harassment, and that he would not have to train newcomers with injuries …

The 18-year-old was so proud of his back that he stupidly resisted all the burdens to his young shoulders …

Thinking of the ordeal he had experienced, Ling Xuefeng’s heart was hurting and was about to explode. I wish I could smash this stupid head and see what’s inside?

Can pride be eaten? Why ca n’t even Master trust?

Watching Qin Mo’s hand stretched out to show him a cautious expression, Ling Xuefeng was really angry and distressed. After a moment of silence, she asked softly: “How is your hand, recovery?”

Qin Mo answered quickly: “The doctor said that the finger joints can not maintain high-speed movement for a long time, but it is fine to play for two or three hours.”

Probably it was very hard and attentive during the recovery process. His hands looked just like normal people, and his joints showed no signs of deformation. Ling Xuefeng was relieved a little, then said, “You have been injured in your hand. Combining work and rest, the intensity of the game should not be too great. You are only 21 years old, and you have decades to live. Do n’t leave any sequelae to play the game. Have you heard? “

Qin Mo immediately and earnestly assured: “I will pay attention, Master, rest assured.”

Ling Xuefeng’s deep eyes flashed a distress, and she reached out and rubbed Qin Mo’s short hair: “Recently cut hair?”

Qin Mo was awkward with a red cheek: “Uh … I cut it yesterday.”

Ling Xuefeng was speechless, just because Master wanted to come back and ran to cut her hair? When I was a kid, I was scolded out of my psychological shadow?

Li Cangyu was right, Qin Mo seemed proud, but in fact sensitive and careful, he was really a distressing guy.

The two were talking, knocking suddenly outside the door, and Ling Xuefeng interrupted raised her eyebrows: “Come in!”

It really turned out that Xiao Han couldn’t wait, and Li Cangyu, who looked helplessly behind him.

Xiao Han became more and more worried outside, always felt that Ling Shen was going to scold Xiaomo, maybe he would scold Xiaomo. Xiao Han, who couldn’t let go, knocked on the door stiffly, and found that Qin Mo’s eyes were scary red, and Ling Xuefeng sat beside him with a serious face. Xiao Han immediately stepped forward, gently hugging Qin Mo’s shoulder, and asked, “Are you all right? Why are your eyes so red …”

Qin Mo shook his head and said it was okay.

Xiao Han looked back at Ling Xuefeng and said, “Ling Shen, you are a senior and a master of Xiao Mo, but you ca n’t always scold Xiao Mo. To be honest, it was my idea to bring him to Long Yin. He originally I want to build my own team. It’s my face that pulls him up and cooperates with Longyin Club. If you want to scold, scold me! “

Qin Mo pulled Xiao Han hard: “Stop saying …”

Xiao Han’s short posture stood in front of Qin Mo, scanning the case on the eye table, and said, “Xiao Mo, did you tell him?”

Qin Mo: “Yes.”

Xiao Han was distressed: “Then he scolded you ?!”

Qin Mo explained quickly: “He didn’t scold me, Xiao Han, shut up quickly.”

Xiao Han realized that he had said something wrong and closed his mouth immediately.

Ling Xuefeng narrowed her eyes slightly, sharply glanced at Xiao Han, and said coldly, “Xiao Han, do you seem to have a big opinion on me?”

Xiao Han’s back was cold, and he smiled dryly: “No, no, haha, how dare I have any opinion with you! Just misunderstand to open it, Xiao Mo is so respectful to you, don’t you always call him …

Ling Xuefeng frowned: “How can I talk to my apprentice without your consent?”

Xiao Han was crying without tears: “I didn’t mean that.” He turned to Master for help.

Li Cangyu received a distress signal, coughed, and shifted the topic: “Are no one eating the fruit? I’ll eat it.”

Xiao Han then shifted the topic: “Master, you have to eat more, I won’t go again. Ling Shen also eats two.” With a look of joy, he handed the fruit to Ling Xuefeng.

Ling Xuefeng took a bite of the fruit, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit more active.

Li Cangyu ate a few pieces of fruit, took a glance at the case on the table, and then looked at Qin Mo and said, “Xiao Mo, your thing, Xiao Han probably explained to me, in fact, you really do n’t need to Too much pressure, you refused to say that, you were afraid that others would look down on you and pity you, right? But you know, that ’s the idea of ​​“others”. Your master, you ’re considered “others” “Is it?” Li Cangyu patted Qin Mo’s hand gently, “Master should count as his family, right?”

Qin Mo’s eyes were sour, and he nodded: “Um …”

Li Cangyu said softly: “Xiao Mo, although your master has no blood relationship with you, he has always hurt you, protected you, and cultivated you in one hand. How can this be compared with outsiders? When you were injured, you should actually tell us We can help you come up with an idea. You do n’t have to bear it all by yourself. In the past few years, your master has been very worried about you … You did n’t tell him when something happened, but now you do n’t tell him. It doesn’t matter, your disregard for him is what makes him most chilling. “

Qin Mo looked up at Master with guilt, facing Ling Xuefeng’s eyes exactly.

Ling Xuefeng said faintly: “I will not care about the past, let ’s take an example.”

“Um.” Qin Mo nodded immediately.

“Is the team already formed?” Ling Xuefeng asked.

Qin Mo said quickly: “Well, I changed to playing the swordsman in the new game. The new team’s lineup is exactly the front row attack control field with Xiao Han and me as the core.”

Ling Xuefeng nodded: “Xiao Han said that you are the captain. Can you agree that the person you airborne as the captain Liu Chuan?”

Xiao Han explained earnestly: “This is the case. Mo Ju is actually a team that I and Xiaomo created together. Each of us contributed a sum of money, accounting for 51% of Mo Ju. Long Yin is only a major shareholder. It will not interfere in the internal affairs of the team. Mo is up to us. Even if Xiaomo and I are retired, this team can continue to operate. “

“Oh? That’s not bad.” Xiao Han didn’t have time to say this just now. Li Cangyu was very pleased when he heard it. “You have ideas, this time you can think of a business as a business.”

After hearing this explanation, Ling Xuefeng comforted me a lot: “Xiao Mo, it’s not easy for you to come back. Don’t take the championship too seriously, relax and enjoy the game.”

The words of concern warmed Qin Mo and said, “I know Master.”

Ling Xuefeng looked at Xiao Han: “In addition, Xiao Han, you usually help Xiao Mo to share some work, don’t let him work too hard.”

Xiao Han immediately promised: “Of course! Ling Shen is assured.”

Ling Xuefeng nodded with satisfaction then: “Well, I also talked after eating, Xiao Han, please take us home.”

On the way back, Ling Xuefeng asked Qin Mo’s team again, knowing that Zhu Qingyue and Liu Hong were in the team. Although he did not praise Qin Mo, he looked much relieved.

Li Cangyu praised happily: “It is indeed our apprentice. This lineup is luxurious and promising.”

Xiao Han and Qin Mo drove away after sending Master to the hotel.

Ling Xuefeng returned to the room, stood at the window, and watched the car downstairs drifting away, helplessness flashing in her eyes.

Li Cangyu came over and patted his shoulder: “Distressed?”

Ling Xuefeng did not speak, but the distress in her eyes could no longer be concealed.

Li Cangyu sighed lightly: “Relax, everyone said that the calamity will not die, and there will be blessings. Xiaomo has grown a lot after this calamity, and now has a captain appearance. I believe that the Mexican team will definitely Taking steps alone opens up a whole new world-haven’t they just won the martial arts championships? I believe there will be more championships in the future. Xiaohan and Xiaomo will not let us down. “

Ling Xuefeng nodded, and after a moment, she gently held Li Cangyu’s hand and said with a smile, “I believe it.”

——I believe that the two apprentices have grown up and matured, and have been able to stand on their own. They no longer need Master ’s protection.

——Qin Mo, if you really feel ashamed, then seize this rare opportunity. Master believes that one day you will make Master proud of you.

[Volume Four · The King Returns]

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