The King’s Return

Chapter 15 - First invitation

It looks like a sacred heart. After this cooperation, Qin Mo can also determine that the thousands of miles frozen are Xiao Han.

Just then, a small line suddenly appeared in the private chat window: “Qin Mo, are you?”

This sentence gave Qin Mo’s inference the strongest evidence.

——Xiao Han is the person most familiar with him in the professional circle. Only Xiao Han can analyze his identity so quickly.

But now, Qin Mo doesn’t know how to face the boy’s best friend.

At the time, like Xiao Han, he had a good master. Both were the focus of the team’s training. The two originally stood on the same starting line, but their fate was quite different later. Xiao Han successfully took over as the captain of the Canglan team, led the Canglan team to win the season championship, and won the season’s most valuable player award. Increasingly. However, Qin Mo not only failed to inherit Master’s mantle, but even caused the performance of the style team to repeatedly decline. Eventually, he left the style team embarrassedly …

Qin Mo is embarrassed to acknowledge his identity, and pretends to calmly reply: “Who is Qin Mo?”

Thousands of miles frozen: “Isn’t it you?”

Ink marks: “I don’t know.”

Thousands of miles frozen: “Would we like to have another round?”

Ink marks: “It’s not necessary.”

Thousands of miles frozen: “What? You’re afraid I’ll recognize you once I hit?”

Thousands of miles frozen: “I guess you’ll hit the ellipsis.”

Ink marks: “…”

Qin Mo’s ellipsis and Xiao Han’s sentence came out almost at the same time. Qin Mo was helpless about Xiao Han’s prophecy. Xiao Han knew him too well, and this guy was stubborn. Once he decided something, It’s not so easy to deny. How can he get rid of this doubt? After thinking for a while, Qin Mo just typed calmly and said, “I’m not Qin Mo. As far as I know, there is a player named Qin Mo who is a summoner, but I play swordsman.”

Thousands of miles frozen: “If you play the summoner, I can recognize it at first glance, and still have to wait until now?”

Ink marks: “…”

Thousands of miles frozen: “I guess it’s an ellipsis again.”

Qin Mo, who was again guessed, was speechless. This feeling of being cut off in the face is really bad!

Xiao Han in front of the computer smiled slightly, thinking: his small habit of ellipsis did not change.

I remember when the two were young, whenever Xiao Han said something that made Qin Mo difficult to answer, Qin Mo liked to use the ellipsis as a reply. Qin Mo also told Xiao Han that when he was chatting, the ellipsis meant “very speechless.”

Six simple points, three years apart, and now appearing in front of me again, Xiao Han’s eyes could not help but feel a little warm, took a deep breath, and quickly typed: “Qin Mo, don’t be stressed, I won’t ask you why When I leave, I won’t ask you why you came back this time. When you want to tell me one day, I will listen respectfully. “

Qin Mo corrected: “I listen to you.”

Xiao Han’s heart surged in the familiar dialogue mode.

He still likes to correct his grammatical errors as a young man. Every time he chats with him before, Qin Mo corrects the first time when Xiao Han uses the wrong word, so that Xiao Han makes a mistake and makes a joke in front of the reporter. In fact, Xiao Han would have used the word “early ears and listened to it”. He just made a mistake on purpose, and the other party habitually corrected it.

Xiao Han couldn’t help smiling, and quickly typed, “Qin Mo, I miss you in recent years.”

“…” Qin Mo knew that he couldn’t make it anymore, but he didn’t expect that Xiao Han would just say “I miss you very much”, and I didn’t know how to reply.

Xiao Han said again: “Do you miss me?”

“…” How could this guy speak so directly? !!

Qin Mo quickly shifted the topic and said, “I went to do a task with my teammates and talk back.”

When he said nothing, he quit the team and disappeared in a flash.

Xiao Han looked at the white figure who flew away with light power and suddenly thought of an idiom that he had recently learned: fleeing the desert.

Is Qin Mo running away? Are you scared away by being too direct?

Xiao Han was a little helpless, but he couldn’t express his joy-he admitted that it was Qin Mo! Qin Mo finally came back! !!

In fact, Xiao Han would like to ask Qin Mo why he retired, but he knows that Qin Mo is definitely not willing to answer this question. He chose so at that time that there should be a last resort. If he was asked at this time, wouldn’t he cut open his wound and sprinkle a handful of salt on it? Therefore, Xiao Han was very clever and chose not to ask anything.

——It’s good if people come back, everything else can be said slowly.

Qin Mo loves his face, and he is particularly proud of his bones. His retirement must have dealt a big blow to him. It is probably that these experiences have made him much colder than before. But Xiao Han believes that even if he becomes indifferent again, he still has his place in his heart.

They used to have two little guesses, childhood sweethearts, and that innocent relationship was not something they could forget.

Qin Mo’s entry into the Dubujianghu public beta new area this time is obviously not about playing online games casually, but related to next year’s professional league. According to the information Xiao Han has learned so far, the team from Fengse Clan has already been formed. The four players, Jinghua Shuiyue, Feng Qingye, Xiaoli Tibetan Knife, and Xiao Yaoxian, are very average, not professional players. The temporary upgrade team here. Each club generally allows players to act collectively. Since Qin Mo came to Dubujiang alone, it shows that he has nothing to do with each club.

In other words, he is still free.

Then, you can do your best to win over Qin Mo.

At the beginning, he promised Liu Chuan to lead the team alone, but Xiao Han actually held the idea of ​​”trying a new game”. Today, he actually encountered Qin Mo in the game, which was a very unexpected gain for him. It is also the most pleasant surprise so far.


In the training room of the Longyin Club, when the newcomers were earnestly leveling, Xiao Han got up and walked outside the door. He found a familiar number in his mobile phone and dialed it.

A lazy voice soon came to my ears: “Hey, who?” It didn’t sound like he was awake.

Xiao Han walked into the corner and whispered, “Master, it’s me.”

Li Cangyu was sleeping. He answered the phone without looking at the electric display. After he heard the apprentice’s voice, he woke up and said with a smile, “Oh Xiaohan, call me suddenly. What’s wrong?”

Xiao Han said, “Master, the club decided to let me lead the team to Dubujianghu. Do you know this?”

“I know, Liu Chuan told me before … you are still young, it’s good to go to the new game, and it can be considered as rich experience.”

“I met Qin Mo in the new district.”

Li Cangyu sat up in surprise: “Xiao Mo? Has he gone to a new game?”

“Well. And he also changed his career to play swordsman.” Xiao Han said, “I didn’t expect that the swordsman would be him at first, only to see today that he does not play the summon stream, the change is too great.”

“Change to swordsman …” Li Cangyu thoughtfully.

“Master, do you know why he left the Fengsi Clan?” Xiao Han asked bluntly.

“Well, Qin Mo doesn’t go straight like you. He never tells people what he wants. Even his master Ling Xuefeng doesn’t know what he’s thinking.” Li Cangyu’s tone was helpless, “Ling Xuefeng heard that he was going to retire It was reported that he flew directly to the club to find him, but found no one at all. Later, Xuefeng Ling investigated the cause in the Fengsi team, and the team members said that Qin Mo chose to retire because of his serious decline and did n’t want to drag the team’s hind legs. I believe that if you look at the video of the game during that period of time, you can see that Xiaomo has made a lot of mistakes on the field, and the state is indeed not as good as before. “

Xiao Han clearly remembers that during this period, the team in the regular season ranked high and low in the regular season standings, and the fluctuations were very serious. There were many voices of doubt on the Internet, and the fans were also worried. However, strictly speaking, the defeat of the several games was not Qin Mo’s responsibility alone, but because the team was replaced by several young players who were in the running-in period, especially the newly called summoner players could not keep up. Qin Mo’s rhythm, coordination and tactics of the entire team have serious problems.

Qin Mo suddenly announced his retirement at the time, which was equivalent to carrying all the black pots alone. The anger of the reporters and fans all went towards him, and he was scolded on Weibo. In fact, after Qin Mo’s departure, the team has not improved much for a period of time, and has not won a championship in recent years.

Thinking of the picture of the teenager who was less than 18 years old leaving the scenery club alone, Xiao Han suddenly felt a little distressed.

——The apprentice who is also the captain, he has been much smoother than Qin Mo in recent years.

Xiao Han always felt that Qin Mo’s departure from the team was not a “decline.” And from Qin Mo’s avoidance of his master, we can see that he definitely does not want to let his most respected master know the reason, then this reason cannot be as simple as “declining status”.

Perceived Xiao Han’s silence, Li Cangyu went on to say: “Xiao Mo has a strong self-esteem. Don’t rush to the roots and take your time, take it slowly. You two have talked about nothing since childhood. His heart knot may only be you. Untie. “

“I see.” Xiao Han came back and asked, “When will Master return home? Is the tour over?”

“Go back to the Spring Festival this year, see you in Changsha at that time.”

“Okay, I try to bring Qin Mo too.”


After hanging up the phone, Xiao Han’s question was still not answered. Since the two masters did not know the inside story, it seems that Qin Mo did have an untied knot. But no matter what reason he left the team at that time, Xiao Han only knew that now he is back, this is a brand new start.

When they were young, they used to accompany and grow together.

In the future, they should also work side by side to overcome all difficulties together.

——Qin Mo, I will never let you leave alone.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han immediately strode to his place and sat down, opened the game interface, found ink marks from the list of friends, and sent a private chat window.

“You’re coming back this time to prepare for next year’s professional league, right?”

“I sincerely invite you to join the Dragon Yin Club. Let’s play together and win the championship together.”

“Qin Mo, are you willing?”

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