The King’s Return

Chapter 181 - Master\\\'s Evaluation

In the next few days, the members of the Mozambique team will conduct double partner training according to Qin Mo’s arrangement. In the morning, everyone will form a team with Qin Mo and Xiao Han. Hiccup the platform, go to the online game arena in the afternoon to get familiar with the rules of the game.

According to the arrangement of the alliance, March 10th to April 15th is a double-player match. The registration limit for each team is four groups, and all members of the Mexican team are registered. At least the other teams have also reported in two groups. By March 1 At the close of the day registration, the league announced all the registered teams-ten teams just registered 32 teams, divided into eight groups of Ah for the group round-robin competition.

On March 2nd, the group list was put on the official website.

Zhu Qingyue and He Beiguang are in Group A. Coincidentally, Zhu Qingyue’s brother Luo Yuan is also in this group. His partner is Wei Guanghua, a melee swordsman.

Liu Hong and Pei Yu are in group B. This group has Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xishuang who Qin Mo knows.

Shen He and Li Muran are in group e. There are Li Dongqing and Zhou Xuewei of the Yunxiao team, Sang Jun, the first team of the Dynasty team, and Xu Sizhe Tanxi team of Jinghong team.

Xiao Han and Qin Mo are in Group F. Two of the four pairs in this group have not heard of their names. They should be new to other teams, but one of them is an old acquaintance of Qin Mo-Lin Shuangcheng. With Song Changdong, the front and back of the Jiange clan, they are separated from Xiao Han and Qin Mo.

After the group list came out, Qin Mo convened another small meeting to briefly analyze the situation of each group.

He did not give everyone the pressure to go out, but let everyone relax and experience the game. In this double match, it is more important to find out the details of the major teams. Many new players Qin Mo have not heard of it before. For example, the combination of Luo Yuan and Wei Guanghua of the Whispering Team in the individual match Neither of them participated.

As far as the Whispering Team is concerned, everyone knows only the umbrella formation of team fights, but there are eight players who registered for this year ’s Whispering. Except for the twin black umbrella brothers, what is the origin and level of the others? It ’s not clear to everyone. Even Zhu Qingyue couldn’t figure out what Brother was thinking.


The night that the group list was released happened to be the weekend. According to the convention, no training is required on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Qin Mo’s arrangement is also for the team members to work and rest. After all, the formal team battle has not yet begun. Small projects The stress of training is not necessary, otherwise everyone will be overwhelmed.

On a rare weekend night, Liu Xiang and Liu Hongzhai watched a TV show in the dormitory. Pei Yu and He Beiguang went to the nearby billiard club to play. Shen He ran out of toothpaste. Li Muran accompanied him to the supermarket to buy toothpaste. Qin Mo and Xiao Han I didn’t know what to do when I was in the dormitory. Zhu Qingyue was bored. When he returned to the room, he turned on the computer and looked at the group list again.

He and Xiaohe are in Group A. The players in the same group include two long-distance combination of Jinghong team, Luo Yuan and Wei Guanghua of Whispering team, and Chen Jiang and He Yue of Shuangyue team.

Objectively speaking, the double-whip joint power of Xuanbing Palace will be far greater than the single-person long whipping method, and there will be a significant “one plus one greater than two” effect. Chen Jiang and He Yue, a pair of seniors and sisters, have been affected by the Qixingcao Club. Master’s guidance and cooperation are bound to be tacit understanding. In addition, Chen Jiang had the ability to reach the semi-finals in the previous singles match, and He Yue’s personal ability was also very strong. This should make no difference for the brothers and sisters to qualify from the group.

The two long-distance players of the Jinghong team, ID “Gu Suxing” and “Yueying Po Xun”, one is to listen to the white umbrella of Yulou, and the other is a knifeman who is mad at the gate. It is exactly the same as Zhu Qingyue and He Beiguang. Zhu Qingyue Naturally confident to defeat this combination.

The key to going out is the group of seniors.

At that time, when Zhu Qingyue paid homage to Chu Yan’s door, Luo Yuan had followed Chu Yan for almost a year. If his family suddenly became seriously ill and needed him to take care of him, the player who debuted with Master as a double assistant partner should be Luo Yuan, and It’s not Zhu Qingyue who is less than sixteen.

Zhu Qingyue temporarily replaced his brother in the battle. Because his mental capacity was too weak, he lost the game and cried secretly, and was also awarded the title of “little crying bag”.

Luo Yuan disappeared for so many years, until now he suddenly appeared in the arena.

Zhu Qingyue was not clear about Luo Yuan’s level. He only knew from Master ’s description that he was a very talented player.

Zhu Qingyue and Luo Yuan have never played against each other, but Master ’s evaluation of Luo Yuan has always been higher than Zhu Qingyue. This is also the knot that Zhu Qingyue has been unable to put down over the years. He always feels that no matter how hard he works, he cannot compare with Luo Yuan’s status in Chu Yan’s heart. Probably because Luo Yuan has never played a game, the people who stay in the memories are better than those who are close at hand. The big disciple in Chu Yan’s impression is the young man who is full of spirit, full of conviction and ideal in the training camp, but the little apprentice in Chu Yan’s eyes is a crying bag that lost tears after losing the game. Therefore, Chu Yan thinks Luo Yuan It makes more sense than Zhu Qing.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qingyue’s heart suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Soon after he arrived in the Qingmu clan, the brother left, but the shadow left by the brother has been buried in Zhu Qingyue’s heart.

Zhu Qingyue was thinking wildly. The cell phone suddenly turned on. It was a WeChat sent by Chu Yan: “Mo decided not to train tonight, right?”

Thoughts were pulled back, Zhu Qingyue immediately replied: “Um.”

Chu Yan said: “Downstairs in ten minutes, I will take you to a place.”

Did he come directly without asking his opinion? Zhu Qingyue was a little puzzled, but he hadn’t seen him for a long time. His miss of Chu Yan still made Zhu Qingyue change his clothes and came downstairs on time.

The familiar car stopped at the door. Zhu Qingyue opened the door and sat in the co-driver. Then he asked, “Where to go?”

Chu Yan smiled: “I’m asking now, don’t you think it’s too late? Aren’t you afraid I sold you?”

Zhu Qing Yue groaned and touched his nose. He just wanted to meet with Chu Yan, but didn’t want to ask the Master where to take him carefully.

Chu Yan looked at the embarrassment of the young man next to him, and put away his mind, fastened his seat belts and started the car.


In the night, the lights outside the car window quickly passed, shining on Zhu Qingyue’s face, forming a mottled light and shadow.

Chu Yan found that the person beside him was silent all the way, apparently having a mind.

The scenery along the road became more and more familiar. Until the car drove into the underground garage, Zhu Qingyue was not sure-Chu Yan just took him home.

The new home designed by Zhu Qingyue himself has been renovated, and Chu Yan has already moved in, but Zhu Qingyue usually lives in the team dormitory, but he rarely has the opportunity to come here.

When entering the door, Chu Yan naturally took the slippers with him. Zhu Qingyue changed his shoes and found that the slippers of the two were actually the same pattern, a pair of blue and gray couple models, which were not available when they came last time It should have been bought by Chu Yan.

The house was very clean, neatly glanced at a glance, there was no clutter, and all the flowers on the balcony were in full bloom, apparently Chu Yan was taking care of it.

The warm yellow light let Zhu Qingyue relax temporarily and asked, “What are you doing here with me?”

Chu Yan looked back at him with a smile: “Master is staying alone for so long. I want to ask my apprentice to come and sleep for the night.”

Zhu Qingyue’s face reddened slightly: “Can you be serious!”

The smile on the corner of Chu Yan’s lips could not help widening, turning around, directly holding Zhu Qingyue horizontally, holding him all the way to the bedroom.

Zhu Qingyue was hugged, and his whole body was tense. He looked as if he was close to the enemy and pushed him with a blush: “Let me down!”

Chu Yan looked funny, and could not help but shave Zhu Qingyue’s nose lightly: “Don’t be afraid, I just asked you to come back for a good night’s rest. Is your training busy recently?”

He put Zhu Qingyue on the bed, while he was sitting next to Zhu Qingyue, hugging each other gently.

Seeing that he had no plans to move further, Zhu Qingyue breathed a little sigh of relief and said, “It’s okay, not particularly busy.”

Chu Yan said: “As far as I know, the doubles are about to start?”

Zhu Qingyue nodded: “It officially started on March 10th, and we will all go to Beijing on the 9th.”

Chu Yan asked: “Are they grouped out?”

Zhu Qingyue suddenly became silent.

Chu Yan sighed softly, and said, “Did you have anything to ask me about your brother Luo Yuan? I walked all the way and still want to continue to tomorrow?”

——It turned out that he had known about the groupings and had seen through his concerns.

Zhu Qingyue hesitated for a moment before asking: “Master, do you … do you always think that your brother is better than me?”

Chu Yan froze, and suddenly smiled: “Why is there such a strange vinegar smell in this sentence?”

Zhu Qingyue’s face reddened slightly: “Can you answer well?”

Chu Yan smiled and said calmly, “What answer do you want to hear?”

This rhetoric made Zhu Qing silent immediately-what did he want to hear? Want to hear Master say that he is better than Brother? Still listening to Master saying, yes, I just think your brother is better than you?

Zhu Qingyue’s heart suddenly felt a bit contradictory.

Chu Yan whispered: “Qingyue, I know this has become your knot. Today, I ’d better say it clearly-before, I really think Luo Yuan is better than you. Luo Yuan joined the Qing Mu team at the age of sixteen and was very talented. Gao, willing to work hard, hearty, confident, just one month I learned to teach him assistive play, and have some innovations. At that time, I always thought he could be used as my left arm and right arm to continue the Qing Mu team The assisted play. Luo Yuan’s departure also made me very sad. “

Zhu Qingyue nodded gently, Master applauded Luo Yuan, and it hasn’t changed after so many years. Obviously, Brother is really excellent.

Chu Yan paused and went on to say, “You weren’t mature enough at the time, I forced you to debut on his behalf, and I often compared you with him, saying that you are not as good as him, surely creating a lot of pressure on you, right? ? “

Zhu Qingyue was silent, and the silence at this time was equivalent to the default.

Chu Yan sighed softly, and touched the apprentice’s hair gently, saying, “Actually, I did that just to motivate you to grow up as quickly as possible. The sixteen-year-old you are really not as good as your brother, I want You use your brother as an example and strive to improve your level, so you will say that. But later, as the captain of Qingmu, you have played with the team for many years. Now you are not comparable to him, you are the world. With the assistance of level one, even with his strong talents, Luo Yuan still has a few years of blank space. He can’t compare with you in game experience at all. “

Zhu Qingyue’s heart trembled slightly. This was the first time he heard the meaning of “you are better than a brother” from Master’s mouth.

It was also at this moment that he understood that the original knot that he had been unable to let go was not “he is not as good as a brother”, but “is not as good as a brother in the mind of the master”-he cares more, in fact, the master treats him View, not his own level is not as good as Luo Yuan.

It turns out that what I care about most is actually Chu Yan’s evaluation. I actually valued his evaluation so importantly, tangled for so many years?

Zhu Qingyue thought of this, his cheeks couldn’t help but feel hot, and he felt that he was really making trouble.

Chu Yan saw Zhu Qingyue’s idea, smiled slightly, and said, “You and Luo Yuan have different positions. As a master, I won’t be partial to either of you. But … you don’t need to fight with Luo Yuan because In my heart, you will always be my unique baby, and Luo Yuan will always be my apprentice. “

Listening to the gentle voice in his ear, Zhu Qingyue’s face could not help getting redder.

Chu Yan’s simple words completely unlocked his heart. He really didn’t need to compare it with his master. Master always said, “How good is your brother”, this is just a way to encourage him to grow and let him Learning from brothers is just like parents always say “children of other people’s homes”.

Master doesn’t love brother more than him, but … loves him more than brother.

Now, their brothers and sisters in different clan, duel between the two, should not involve the long-retired Master.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qingyue looked up at Chu Yan and said, “It’s not appropriate to help anyone from your standpoint. I won’t ask you about the tactics of the team, and you shouldn’t tell the brothers about our decision … Stay neutral, okay? “

Chu Yan nodded: “Okay, I don’t help anyone.”

Zhu Qingyue was relieved, and the corner of her lips couldn’t help but smile.

Chu Yan looked at his elegant smile and couldn’t help but kiss him and said, “Your brother doesn’t know our relationship yet, do you want me to tell him?”

“…” Zhu Qing Yue busy said, “Don’t!”

If Luo Yuan knew that Xiaoshi and Master were together, he would probably collapse.

Moreover, in that case, Zhu Qingyue will face Luo Yuan faceless, it is better to keep it secret!

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