The King’s Return

Chapter 199 - Han Mo vs Qiu Yuan (Part 2)

In the first game, Qin Mo’s home game was also expected by many. Taking advantage of the intermission, Ye Chao asked: “Zewen You used to play the Summoner. According to you, what kind of strategy should Double Summoner want to win Gemini? “

Wu Zewen said seriously: “I don’t study tactics deeply. I’m afraid this question is not answered well.”

Ye Chao: “…”

He was so honest that he didn’t learn anything from Chuan Shen.

Ye Chao asked: “What about yourself? What kind of play do you like best when you encounter a melee career?”

Wu Zewen said, “I like to use swamps, obstacle map pet slots, or maze maps to fight guerrilla warfare. But Xiao Han is an assassin. The maze map has few restrictions on assassins, and the obstacle map cannot prevent Qin Mo’s sword from pointing at the sky. , Qiu Yuan said to Han Mo, I personally prefer the swamp map. “

Liang Ru nodded and said: “It makes sense, Qiu Zongping will play the second game at home, and he will probably choose the swamp map.”

Wu Zewen said: “He played too conservatively in the first game. To deal with Qin Mo, it is best to use a surprisingly winning style. It is difficult to follow Han Mo late.”

Ye Chao said: “It seems that Qiu Zongping in the second game needs to carefully consider the choice of maps and the combination of cheats.”


After the break time, I quickly entered the second game. As expected by Wu Zewen, Qiu Zongping chose a swamp map “Southern Poisonous Marsh”.

Since this map was used by Zhu Qingyue in the group stage, various teams have also developed various methods of play. Due to the blood loss setting per second within the entire map, the poisonous gas on the map can speed up the rhythm of the game and supplement the players. Deficiencies in output.

Qiu Zongping knew that it was going to be difficult to hang out with Han Mo in the later period, so he simply fought quickly and used the map to coordinate with Yuan Xi’s outbreak to quickly kill one of the twin stars.

In terms of cheats, he very simply chose the damage transfer cheats of “Transfer Flowers and Trees”, which is more stable than “Alpine Flowing Water”, because once the cold streets stand apart, the high mountains and rivers will not play their due effect. Transfer all the injuries from Xiao Han to Qin Mo. Yuan Xi brought the “Changhe Sunset”, a cheat that triggers the death effect below 30% of the health, and can instantly kill the opponent at a critical moment.

Qin Mo also quickly selected the cheats, the countdown ended in 10 seconds, the map was loaded, and the game officially started.

Qin Mo and Xiao Han acted separately. One East, One West, Qiu and Yuan approached quickly. Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi also dispersed to avoid Qin Mo’s re-use of high mountains and flowing water to cause pets to fight.

However, since Qiu and Yuan are remote, although the two are far apart, their pets can still cooperate with each other.

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer. Qiu Zongping quickly summoned a chariot to be placed on a stone block not far away, blocking Qin Mo’s way, while jumping lightly for ten meters, he released three chariots in Xiao Han’s must pass. On the stone, in this way, the four chariots blocked in front of Han Mo like obstacles.

Wu Zewen said: “Using pets to create obstacles, Qiu Zongping has a thorough understanding of the way the summoner controls the field.”

Ye Chao agreed: “This way, as long as Hanmo and the two are close, Qiu Zongping can use a chariot to knock them into the marsh pond.”

Liang Ru said: “But the impact may not be successful. You can hide with light work.”

Xiao Han was not worried about this. Although there was a threat of chariots on the stones, he still jumped over without any change. When Qiu Zongping hit him with a chariot, he suddenly jumped up and avoided the impact of the chariot. At the same time, the afterglow of the “Thousand Lantern Ghost Walk” split and quickly chased Qiu Zongping in front!

Although this method sacrificed five afterimages, it gave him a chance to attack the summoner at close range-the ice silkworm lore!

Xiao Han started off with a single assassin move. One move killed Qiu Zongping’s health by 20%, and interrupted his summoning.

Qin Mo made a leap in succession, approaching Qiong Zongping from the east, throwing the sword straight in his hand, locking and attacking Sword Yi Wushuang directly hit his chest.

Both Han Mo and Qiu Zongping attacked Qiu Zongping from left to right. Qiu Zongping naturally didn’t sit back and waited for his death. The cheat book “Move flowers and trees” was cut off, and Xiao Han’s damage was transferred to Qin Mo!

Xiao Han’s next “Moon Moon Fei Xing” crit really hit Qin Mo’s body. Instead, Qin Mo’s health dropped to 80%. Seeing the other party to open the transfer cheats, Xiao Han immediately stopped.

Seeing this, Yuan Xi decisively summoned the organ horse—a wide range of fear skills were released, and Qin Mo and Xiao Han were simultaneously feared.

Immediately after that, he summoned an organ chariot and slammed Xiao Han, who was closer to him, into the marsh pond, causing Xiao Han’s body to quickly stack up with three layers of poisoning.

When Xiao Han was smashed into the swamp, only Qin Mo was left on the ground, exactly where Qiu Yuan could attack.

Qiu Zongping immediately called Mu Snake to surround Qin Mo from side to side, and said, “Hurry up!”

Qin Mo was entangled by Qiu Zongping’s wooden snake and could not move for a while. Yuan Xi was so pleased that the summoner’s big move was broken. The wooden eagle opened his wings and flew in the air. Numerous hidden devices fell like a heavy rain. His blood pressure is around 55%!

But he had only one skill to release, and he was suddenly interrupted—Xiao Han responded extremely quickly, decisively using the “Golden Cicada Shelling” teleportation to escape from the swamp pond, and a move behind Yuan Xi “Changhong Guanri “Interrupted his reading.

Seeing that Yuan Xi’s offensive rhythm was interrupted, Qiu Zongping immediately cooperated with the field control and released the fear of organ horses to control Xiao Han, but Xiao Han suddenly opened the “Lost in the Valley” and went into a stealth state, and disappeared instantly.

Although Qiu Zongping failed to control him, fortunately he forced him away so that Yuan Xi’s output was not disturbed.

Yuan Xi immediately turned her head and continued to attack Qin Mo. She let the snakes surround her to bite, and hit Qin Mo’s blood to 40% in one breath.

As long as he compresses his health below 30%, and stacks his weak state, he can kill the opponent in seconds with the “Changhe Sunset”, a deadly cheat.

Golden opportunity!

Yuan Xi was a little nervous and agitated. He stared intently at the computer screen, holding his mouse tightly in his right hand. Snakes, cars, eagles, and horses are cooling down. The cooling of machine mice is over. Weakness is not a problem, but Qin Mo’s health is still 40%. This 10% cannot be slowly ground by ordinary attacks.

Fortunately, Qiu Zongping has a first-class consciousness. It has been seen that Yuan Xi’s big skills are cooling down. He decisively summoned the eagle to attack a wave of air strike damage. Although his pet’s damage was not as good as Yuan Xi’s, it was enough to bring Qin Mo’s blood pressure to 30. % Below.

Qiu Zongping’s attack was over, Qin Mo’s blood volume became 25%, and Yuan Xi also gave him three layers of weakness.

As long as the “Changhe Sunset” is issued and the cheats are dead, you can take away Qin Mo directly.

Yuan Xi immediately pressed the cheats skill with excitement, however—

Although Qin Mo fell, there was no text prompt on the big screen to kill [Ink Mark]!

What’s happening here? Yuan Xi could not help but stay in place.

Qiu Zongping was vigilant and immediately said, “Danger! Quickly retreat!”

However, he had just retreated a few meters, and an assassin in black suddenly broke out, hitting a set of explosive damage behind him—the flying moon, the ice silkworm lore!

The audience was surprised to find that Xiao Han emerged from the hidden state, was in a terrible state full of blood, blue, and skills!

what happened? Didn’t Xiao Han lose blood just now? And many skills should be cooling down.

Wu Zewen turned to look at Ye Chao.

Ye Chao responded and immediately explained: “Qin Mo was not killed by Yuan Xi’s cheat, but he committed suicide.”

Wu Zewen raised his glasses in surprise: “Suicide? Did you use special cheats?”

Ye Chao said: “Well, there is a cheat book that can be used alone,” Remember the Old Man. “

Liang Ru sighed: “No wonder I don’t think IQ is enough. The idea of ​​Moshen is really creative!”

Ye Chao quickly opened the battle statistics panel of the arena, and she really saw a line of small print-Ink marks used the cheats skill “Remember the Old Man”, and Broken Souls used the cheats skill “Long River Sunset”!

Qin Mo’s response was 0.5 seconds faster than Yuan Xi. It was also Qin Mo’s quick response at a critical moment that gave him priority over his cheats.

—— “Remembering the Old Man”, a special sheet music cheat book from Luoyinggu. The effect is to let the designated teammates return to the initial state at the expense of themselves.

The initial state, which is the best state with full blood, full blue, and all skills available.

Since this cheat was a suicide cheat for “sacrifice yourself”, it was almost extinct in the online game arena.

Qin Mo, did he sacrifice himself and let Xiao Han go to 1V2 with blood?

This approach made many viewers watching the live broadcast sigh: “Mo God is the true love to Han God!” “It is my sacrifice in exchange for you to kill the Quartet, not true love can not be justified!” ” From the beginning, Moshen has deliberately attracted the firepower of the dual convocation. When he was about to die, he committed suicide decisively to save the cold god! “” True love is right! “

The audience was cheating, and Ye Chao couldn’t help but sigh: “The tactics of Qin Mo are really unpredictable!”

Liang Ru also said, “In fact, in this game, he can continue to bring control cheats or transfer control cheats for Star Wars. After all, there are too many double-calls on the opposite side, and the control skills are too much. However, Qin Mo changed his style in the second game. , Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi fell into his trap again! “

Wu Zewen seriously evaluated: “Qin Mo is a tactical player who is good at thinking and innovation.”

In the same routine, even if he wins the opponent, he does not want to use it for the second time in a row.

In this game, Qin Mo and Xiao Han just started to separate their actions in order to test whether Qiu Zongping brought “Mountains and Flowing Water”. As a result, Qiu Zongping issued “Moving Flowers and Connecting Trees” to transfer Xiao Han’s injuries. When Qiu Yuan and the two attacked together, Qin Mo guessed that Yuan Xi was also likely to bring out the cheats, killing him with a quick attack.

Yuan Xi’s output cheats have been kept, but he used various skills to suppress his blood, which allowed Qin Mo to determine that he was likely to bring “Long River Sunset”. The output is the highest, but requires strict prerequisites- The opponent’s health is below 30%, and he is in a weak state. The cheats effect can directly trigger “immediate death”, allowing the opponent to die immediately.

Therefore, after the blood volume was lower than 30%, Qin Mo decisively issued “Remembering the Old Man”-Suicide Bao Xiaohan.

It seems that Xiao Han is now 1V2, but Xiao Han is full of blood, full of blue, full of skills, but Yuan Xi has paid a great price to kill Qin Mo. The big moves are cooling down. Qiu Zongping is also the same, many skills are cooling down, and the amount of blue is not much. After Xiao Han drove the Dragon Dragon to approach him and interrupted his reading, Qiu Zongping fell into a full passive—

On the field, Xiao Han ’s close-up explosion broke Qiu Zongping ’s original blood volume of about 50% into 10% of his skin in one breath. Qiu Zongping broke off and ran for the substitute, but Xiao Han did not give him Opportunity to buffer, quickly smashed his puppet, drove “Thousand Lights Ghost Walk” and chased himself in front of the main body with five afterimages. One move, “Changhong Guanri”, immediately dropped Qiu Zongping with only a trace of blood.

As soon as Qiu Zongping died, Xiao Han and Yuan Xi entered the 1V1 situation.

Yuan Xi was affected by the poisonous gas on the map. At this time, his blood volume was only about 80%. Fortunately, most of his skill cooling was over. Xiao Han also knew this, and resolutely avoided Yuan Xi to avoid being charged. After his skills had cooled down, he came close to Yuan Xi to fight damage.

Yuan Xi’s explosive power is very strong, but after all, Xiao Han is full of blood. Yuan Xi’s blood volume is only about 80%. In the end, although Yuan Xi beat Xiao Han’s blood volume to about 20% of residual blood, he was unable to do so. After Xiao Han’s pursuit, he died helplessly under Xiao Han’s dagger.

The game ended and the Geminis won again.

This round of competition was really a twist and turns. At the beginning, Qin Mo was directly beaten by the cheats of “Moving Flowers and Receiving Trees” and Qiu Yuan’s joint attack. If it was not Qin Mo at the critical moment, “Remember the Old Man” committed suicide in exchange for Xiao Han’s full state. Han left Shang Qiu and Yuan with the remaining blood and half the amount of blue, and the final result must be undoubted.

But who would have expected that Qin Mo would let Xiao Han go to 1V2 by way of suicide sacrifice, which shows that he has absolute confidence in Xiao Han’s strength, and Xiao Han did not let him down.

The enthusiastic applause of the audience could not be calmed for a long time.

Wu Zewen’s evaluation is objective-Qin Mo is a player who is good at thinking and innovating. He will not be complacent, nor will he be proud and complacent. He always treats the game with a mentality of research and learning. It can be found from this session of the double event that the tactics that Qin Mo came up with are endless and there is almost no repetition. Many of the cheats that were very unpopular in the game, he developed various magical tactics to play at critical moments, always achieving surprisingly winning results.

When leaving the soundproof room and shaking hands in the middle of the stage, Qiu Zongping admired authentically: “Mo God, I am really convinced.”

Qin Mo said calmly, “You two have also made rapid progress. I almost lost in the second game.”

— But in the end, you still won.

Qiu Zongping said with a smile: “It seems that my research on this game is not thorough enough, and I will continue to work hard.”

Qin Mo said: “Come on, goodbye teamfights.”

The four shook hands with each other, then turned and walked off the stage.

Off the stage, the reporter greeted with excitement: “Congratulations to Moshen and Hanshen for winning the game again! I seem to repeat this sentence every time …”

Xiao Han said: “Well, because we win every time.”

The reporter laughed: “Indeed, plus the group stage, the two have won five games in a row, and they have won all records!”

Xiao Han said, “I hope to continue.”

The reporter turned back and handed the microphone to Qin Mo: “Mo God, you just committed suicide by remembering the old man’s secret, and let Han Shen go to 1V2. Why do you want to use this tactic?”

Qin Mo replied: “I haven’t used it before. This will confuse opponents. By the way, try new tactical ideas.”

The reporter asked, “Are you sure that Hanshen can beat Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi in 1V2?”

Qin Mo said: “Xiao Han is in a full state, the other side has blood, it is not very difficult to kill two, and I believe Xiao Han can do it.”

The reporter said: “It seems that Moshen is very confident in Hanshen?”

Qin Mo nodded: “Of course, I dare to try all kinds of new tactics, provided that my partner is Xiao Han.”

This sentence made the audience screaming, and the audience watching the live broadcast even brushed the screen of “true love”.

Xiao Han also had a rare smile on his face. Looking back at Qin Mo, his voice became softer: “Thank you Qin team for your trust.”

Qin Mo said: “You’re welcome.”

The reporter suddenly had the illusion of being blinded, rubbing his eyes, and then asked: “The two have won the semifinals. Are you confident tonight’s final?”

Qin Mo said calmly: “Of course, our goal is to be the champion.”

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