The King’s Return

Chapter 213 - Carnival opening ceremony

At noon the next day, the fourteen players staying at the hotel will arrange a buffet lunch at the restaurant on the third floor of the hotel under the arrangement of official staff. Xiao Han and Qin Mo naturally came over and sat at a table with Zhu Qingyue. Luo Yuan greeted the two politely, but couldn’t help thinking: they did n’t know the twin stars would learn about Qingyue’s relationship with Chu Yan What is the reaction?

Since learning that Master and Master are with him, he can’t stop thinking about it anymore. As soon as he sees Zhu Qingyue, he can’t help showing the scene of yesterday’s inappropriate scene in the private room.

Seeing Luo Yuan walking away, Qin Mo couldn’t help wondering: “Isn’t Luo team comfortable?”

Luo Yuan busy said, “No, just … I didn’t sleep well last night.” He just made up an excuse, and then got up to get food.

It happened that Su Cheng, Brother Xie Changming and Lin Shuangcheng came over with food and sat down at this table.

Lin Shuangcheng asked: “The carnival event officially started in the evening. What are your plans this afternoon? Would you like to continue playing cards?”

Qin Mo asked: “Do you fight the Three Kingdoms again like last time?”

Lin Shuangcheng said: “The hotel has a chess and card room, you can go to play mahjong.”

Xiao Han was very interested in Mahjong: “Okay, I won’t, just learn a bit.”

So, everyone agreed to play cards together in the afternoon. Fourteen players played three tables of mahjong. In order to avoid collusion between teammates, Lin Shuangcheng organized everyone to sit separately. Qin Mo sat at a table with Sang Jun, Nie Yuzhu, and Qiu Zongping, all tactics. Xiao Han was sitting at a table with Lin Shuangcheng, Su Cheng, and Chu Jianxin. Two girls, Li Junru and Zhou Xuewei, and Xie Changming and Luo Yuan sat at a table. Zhu Qingyue and Chen Jiang watched the battle.

As a result, Qin Mo’s luck exploded, and he fumbled for five times in a row. Sang Jun couldn’t help but said, “I want to lift the table. What luck is this?”

Nie Yuzhu said calmly: “Calm, Xiao Han fired seven consecutive guns at the table next door.”

Xiao Han: “…”

Half-breeds said that the rules were too complicated for two and a half thousand, thirty-six or nine cakes.

Since Qin Mo continued to touch himself, everyone said that he didn’t want to play with him, and drove Qin Mo away for Zhu Qingyue.

The mahjong table is not like a playing field. Everyone has a good time without stress. Because Qin Mo’s luck exploded and won a lot of money, he took the initiative to pay for dinner at night, and then he rushed to the carnival collectively. The scene.

As the first carnival after the establishment of the One Step Jianghu Professional League, the scale is naturally unprecedented.

The huge stadium is full of official surrounding booths, and there are also many cosers wearing various martial arts costumes. These booths have been opened for fans to shop in the morning. As 14 popular players will come to the scene in the evening, at this time, although It was dark, but there were more fans on the site than during the day. When Qin Mo came to the backstage, the venue was already crowded. Glow sticks of various colors were like the stars in the night sky. There were also many supporters who held fluorescent cards to support themselves. Favorite player.

At eight o’clock in the evening, the carnival ceremony opened on time.

After the stage play in the warm field, the host Liang Ru said excitedly: “Below, the 14 great gods who have participated in the first carnival grand ceremony of Sole River and Lake are on stage!”

As fourteen people stepped onto the big stage in turn, deafening applause immediately sounded from the audience.

Ye Chao, who appears to be more rigorous than usual, said in a suit: “The fourteen players with the most popular votes from netizens have come to the scene, and the next is the long-awaited carnival fun project. Helping each other! Liang Ru, please introduce the rules of the project to everyone. “

Liang Ru stood in the middle of the stage, and there was a scene of interesting items on the holographic large screen behind her.

This is a very wide area of ​​water. On the shore, there are two large ships, red and blue, standing still, and there are many fast-moving boats around, and in the middle of the water area is a large golden ship with many on it. Glittering treasure chest.

Liang Ru introduced: “The fourteen great gods are divided into two teams of seven people each. There are two large ships, red and blue on the shore, both of which are upper and lower structures. The birth and resurrection points of the players on both sides are in the lower cabin. After the game starts, you need to grab the treasure chest from the golden boat in the middle of the lake, and return the treasure chest to the storage room on the upper level of your own battleship. Finally, the number of the treasure chests of the two sides will be used to determine the victory. When killed, the treasure chest will automatically fall and become pickable. “

Ye Chao followed closely: “Then divide into groups first, please draw lots in turn.”

This is actually a treasure hunt game, whoever wins more treasure chests can win.

Ye Chao came to Qin Mo holding a cardboard box. Qin Mo drew it just like a red sign.

Xiao Han, who stood next to him, went in and smoked, and got blue.

There was a laughter at the scene, and the audience watching the live broadcast couldn’t help saying: “The countdown to Gemini broke up!” “The two stay together and abuse the dog every day, this time is not in a team anymore!”

Other players also expressed their interest in the draw.

Xiao Han and Qin Mo looked at each other and smiled helplessly. How much do you hope that Gemini will be separated? But the truth is that they are already inseparable loving couples.

Next, Zhu Qingyue and Luo Yuan were drawn by lot. Zhu Qingyue was drawn by blue, Luo Yuan was drawn by red. The two assistants were divided into different teams.

With the end of the lottery one by one, the fourteen players have finally determined their camp.

Ye Chao said: “Next, please draw me to the Red Team.”

Liang Ru also said: “The blue team invited me.”

Ye Chao said, “You need to choose a captain on both sides.”

Everyone followed the two hosts to their own camp and began to discuss the choice of captain.

The players on the Red Team are Qin Mo, Chu Jianxin, Lin Shuangcheng, Luo Yuan, Xie Changming, Zhou Xuewei and Chen Jiang.

Regarding the post of captain, Lin Shuangcheng proactively proposed: “Captain let Qin Mo be?”

Qin Mo immediately declined, “I don’t know how to direct so many people, so please come.”

Lin Shuangcheng laughed: “Don’t be humble, you can play five consecutive Mahjong tiles. Today’s luck is so good, you might as well take us to win!”

Xie Changming immediately agreed: “Yes, Mo Shen is the captain, and I also feel that I have a winning aura suddenly.”

Qin Mo said: “Don’t give me a high hat …”

Chu Jianxin said: “You’re welcome, everyone voted and agreed to Mo Shen being captain’s hand.”

The six hands were raised in unison, and Qin Mo had no choice but to nod and promised: “Well, then I will be wronged by everyone for a while and listen to my command.”

Qin Mo began to seriously analyze tactical thinking: “To help each other is a game of treasure hunting, the key is the number of treasure chests. Later, the first team will cover in the front row, and the Xie vice team, Xue Wei and Luo team will conduct fire pressure and Treatment support, I, Lin and Chen left to handle the treasure chests, and try to ensure that each batch of treasure chests was successfully returned to the ship … “


On the side of the Blue Team, Xiao Han offered to offer: “How about the Nie team to be the captain? The Nie team has the oldest qualification among us …”

Nie Yuzhu calmly said: “Let ’s just come, the opposite is definitely Qin Mo as the captain, and the one who knows him best is you.”

Xiao Han said, “Then Junru is here? Madam is first, our team is just a girl for you.”

Li Junru simply said: “Cold God, come, and you should be more suitable for Mo Shen’s arrangement.”

Xiao Han said: “Su team? Qiu team? Sang Sang?”

Sang Jun said with a smile: “Don’t quit, everyone agrees to let you and Qin Mo tear each other, we should just like to eat melon.”

Xiao Han: “…”

It ’s so easy for you people to see that I ’m separated from Qin Mo.

In desperation, Xiao Han had to agree: “Well, let’s talk about opinions. How can this game be won?”

Sang Jun said: “You are the captain, we all listen to you.”

Xiao Han was no longer polite, and said straightly, “We have no treatment and no meat shields. The lineup is not stable enough, but the output firepower is much stronger than the opposite. We have a fast attack to suppress the start and grab more treasures as soon as possible. A wave of characteristic tactics. “

Su Cheng asked curiously, “What special tactics did Han Shen say?”

Xiao Han smiled and said, “You are best at the teleportation stream-go around and teleport to their boat to steal their treasure chest.”

Everyone: “…”

Hanshen, you are also welcome to pit your home Qin Mo!

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