The King’s Return

Chapter 222 - Mo Jue vs Whisper

After the second week of the game, Mo Jue still ranked first in the standings, but due to Mo Ju VS Guose Tianxiang scored 2: 1 Only 2 points were scored, and the dynasty and Frost Moon team behind both won 2: 0 and scored 4 points. Mo Ju’s gap with the second and third points has narrowed significantly.

After returning to the Changsha Club, the players seriously trained for a week under the arrangement of Qin Mo. On June 27, they collectively set off for the third venue, Shanghai.

In the third week, Mo’s opponent was the Whispering Team. The match was scheduled for Sunday afternoon.

The crowd arrived in Shanghai early on Saturday. Qin Mo led the team members to watch the game on the spot. Li Muran habitually took a laptop to make records next to him. The dynasty team defeated their opponents 2: 0 again, and suddenly scored 4 points, temporarily surpassing the No. 1 Mexican final team, which surprised many audiences.

Seeing the standings, Shen He was a little unconvinced, and couldn’t help whispering, “We haven’t played in the third week of the game! If we get 4 points in whisper tomorrow, we can return to the first!”

Qin Mo heard the apprentice’s muttering and asked lightly, “Is the first place so important at this stage?”

Shen He froze, scratching his head and saying, “But … I’m unhappy to be overtaken.”

Qin Mo looked back at Li Muran: “What do you think?”

Li Muran calmly said: “Three-player matches do not have trophies, they only reward points. They are the way to prepare for the final big group battle. It is important to temper the team at this stage.”

Qin Mo ’s lips angled slightly: “That ’s right. The small events in the first half of the year can only train individuals. The trio is more about teamwork. If I send the strongest lineup every game, Mo Ju ’s points will definitely rank first. One, but in this way, in the five-person team battle phase, the team cooperation is easy to mess up, and then lose a game, but directly deduct 5 points. “

Shen He bowed her head in shame, “You make sense, I, I, I …”

Qin Mo said: “What are you?”

Shen He blushed and said, “I’m short-sighted.”

Qin Mo gently touched his apprentice’s head: “This is also your characteristic. You can only see in front of your eyes, and you can speak quickly.”

Shen He: “…”

Master’s words do n’t seem to be praised. Shen He’s head is a little depressed and she is obviously her age. Why can Li Muran always think deeper than herself?


After returning that night, Shen He also asked Li Muran for a few questions, and finally solved the confusion of these days.

No wonder Master will often send him to play with Li Muran, Pei Yu and He Beiguang. This is to prepare for different combinations during team battles. According to Li Muran, different models of the year-end professional league require different lineups, such as dart mode defense Fang is suitable for the ultimate blood cows like Shanghe Beiguang, Qingyue, Muran …

The more Shen He listened, the more he admired. He always felt that Li Mu was amazing.

Regarding the worship of going to the Shenhe River, Li Muran explained a few more words in a rare mood. He described the various lineup combinations he analyzed during this time with Shenhe in detail. Shenhe lay beside the bed and listened to him carefully. From time to time, a few questions are inserted, and Li Muran will also answer patiently. The two people with different personalities are inexplicably harmonious.


In the afternoon of the next day, the Mozambique team ushered in its third week’s opponent—whisper.

In the first game of whispering, Luo Yuan chose the obstacle map suitable for the Umbrella Array. The sent team included twin black umbrella players, Luo Yuan’s own white umbrella department, Wei Guanghua’s swordsman, and team treatment. Qin Mo As before, there is no choice to ban people, and skip to the next stage.

In the end, he again sent the pressure-resistant combination of Shen He, Li Muran and Zhu Qingyue.

The audience couldn’t bear it: “Moshen is really wayward! The captain has been sitting on the bench for three weeks!” “This is the tradition of the Longyin Club. The captain sits on the bench to let the newcomers go up!” “If the opposite side opens an umbrella Yes, the little monkey can’t stand this game, right? “

Seeing Qin Mo’s way of sending people, Ye Chao couldn’t help saying: “Mo’s points have been exceeded by the dynasty, but Qin Mo is still very calm.”

Liang Ru said: “Should he have a bottom in his heart? According to the schedule of the Mo decision, he will meet several powerful opponents in the later period, Yunxiao, Lihuo, Frost Moon, and Dynasty. He will have to play at that time. Five-player matches are not easy to play. “

Ye Chao nodded in agreement: “Also, if the three-player match is not practiced, if the five-player match is not good, the cost of losing a match will be even more severe. But the captains of other teams also know this. Jun just didn’t get on; Nie Yuzhu wasn’t always there when he was away from the fire. Everyone would look for opportunities for the newcomers, but Mo Shen was a bit too hard. “

Liang Ru smiled and said, “Mo Shen’s serious expression is not in line with the description of” Too Fighting “?”

Ye Chao said: “He is serious on the surface. In fact, he has always been very hard. When he was young, he was desperately trying to smash big gods in online games. Now, he is desperately trying to make newcomers play and be abused. The essence is still the same!”

This evaluation made many audiences laugh out loud. Although Ye Chao’s words were joking, they broke Qin Mo’s current mentality. He did have a bit of hard work, trying to make Mo Ju points overrun to give newcomers a chance, but after thinking about it, he was also very stable, because he had his own considerations, and believed that Mo Ju could definitely surpass the opponents in the later stage. , Return to the throne of the first place.

In the first game, Zhu Qingyue, Shen He and Li Muran trio faced the pure attacking combination of Lu Boyu, Lu Zeyan twins and Wei Guanghua of Whispering Team.

Luo Yuan also didn’t play in this game, because Luo Yuan was an assistant in his own right. In the case of the other side’s teacher and brother, if he played, it would become a tug-of-war like cotton. The command of the Whispering Team is determined by Wei Guanghua. Luo Yuan also listened to Wei Guanghua’s suggestion and sent a violent output to break Zhu Qingyue’s defense.

Facts also proved that Wei Guanghua’s decision was very wise. Zhu Qingyue and Li Muran protected the Shenhe river. Such a defense seemed impeccable. However, the explosive power of the whispering double black umbrella array was extremely terrible, plus the existence of Wei Guanghua, a mobile swordsman. The sooner Zhu Qing felt great pressure.

Listening to the martial art school, the black umbrella system and the white umbrella system can be restrained from each other. Zhu Qingyue’s invincible umbrella array “Cyan Rain Curtain” can not be lifted, but the black umbrella system “fall without trace” can Specially used to break the formation, and can crack all formation skills, including cheats formation.

The invincible umbrella array was invalidated in front of the same facade. Zhu Qingyue soon learned the power of the “new umbrella array play” described by Brother—this pure attack array that simply abandoned the auxiliary is really powerful, and the double black umbrella is behind Line up to control the field, set up a large-scale umbrella array to attack, coupled with the interference of the swordsman in the front row, even Zhu Qingyue and Li Muran’s defensive lineup has been broken.

In the first game, ten minutes after the Mo Ju supported the three, Wei Guanghua finally found a chance. Under the circumstances that the three of them lost blood and Li Muran was charged again, he broke in and killed the Shen River. Zhu Qingyue pressed the surrender. As soon as Shen He died, there was no need to waste time on the remaining assistance and treatment.

Looking at the score of 1: 0 on the big screen, Ye Chao could not help saying, “The whispering black umbrella attack flow plays, among all the pure attack lineups, it is a first-class output strength!”

Liang Ru echoed: “Yes, the formation effects of the double black umbrellas can be superimposed on each other. In principle, the double umbrella’s group attack is much more powerful than the double poison, but the umbrella attack skills are too small. Compared with the explosive power of poisonous explosions, Wei Guanghua just made up for the shortcomings of the single attack. Whispering such a trio is really surprising! “

Ye Chao said: “I used to think that a triad of whispering would be an umbrella array of double black umbrellas and a white umbrella. I did not expect that the Luo team did not play this time.”

Liang Ru said: “It can be seen that the Luo team is making some changes. He seems to have abandoned his idea of ​​supporting the core to make Wei Guanghua the core of the team?”

The two started a lively discussion on this.

In the soundproof room, after Zhu Qingyue returned to his seat, he smiled helplessly: “I thought the brothers were in this meeting. It seems that after Wei Guanghua commanded, the whispering style has changed greatly.”

Qin Mo nodded in agreement: “Well, it has become more aggressive.”

The previous whisper always gave a kind of warmth. Even in the doubles, Luo Yuan and Wei Guanghua partnered in a slow-paced, attributive battle; but today, Qin Mo watched the bench and found it light. The original parachute array of the rhythm-controlled field was transformed into a sharp tactic of strong field control and violent group attack.

Maybe more than that …

In the second game of the Mo home, Qin Mo sent a combination of Liu Hong, Pei Yu, and Li Muran, and then sent someone lightly, sending a three-member team of Luo Yuan, Lu Zeyan and Lu Boyu-three umbrella players, double Attack, an auxiliary lineup, this is the original core of the Whispering team.

The rhythm of the two sides suddenly slowed down, but the shortcomings of the Whispering Team’s three umbrella lineup were quickly exposed-the single attack ability was too weak.

The two black umbrella players constantly stacking umbrellas will cause large-scale group attack damage, but Mo Muran has the treatment of Li Muran. He only needs to continuously stack blood buffs and properly release group plus skills, and he can The blood volume of the three was directly full.

In the absence of a single output, as long as the three of the other person cannot be dropped at once, and Li Muran adds blood back, it will become increasingly difficult to fight.

The effect of the double crowd attacking assist is obviously not as powerful as the single lineup of Wei Guanghua. On the other hand, Mo Hong is here. Liu Hong and Pei Yu cooperate with each other. Pei Yu constantly controls the field in the back row, and controls the single person at the critical moment. , Liu Hong rushed forward to a set of bursts and dropped one of them, the lineup of the Whispering Team was helplessly collapsed.

The score of both sides becomes 1: 1, and enters the final decision.

The random map of the tiebreaker is the common obstacle map Shilin. A black umbrella, a white umbrella and Wei Guanghua’s lineup are sent over the whispering side, while Mo Beiguang, He Beiguang, Liu Hong and Pei Yu are formed. What surprised Qin Mo was that in this trio formation that whispered, Wei Guanghua no longer played the role of main output, but resisted firepower in the front row, and by the way of single-point output, Lu Boyu continuously enlarged umbrella array interference in the back row. Luo Yuan is responsible for weakly designating opponents and assisting teammates in increasing their attack power.

The comprehensive lineup, which was not very distinctive, was unexpectedly good.

Seeing this, Qin Mo could not help but said, “The key lies in Wei Guanghua. The third and first innings have different equipment.”

Xiao Han also discovered this, and could not help but wonder: “I remember that he wore pure attack equipment in the first round, and the third round was equipped with defense weapons.”

Qin Mo nodded: “He can change his play style according to the needs of the lineup. When the team needs to output, his output ability can be tied with many first-line picks. When the lineup needs defense, he can instantly pile up blood to ten. More than ten thousand become defensive swordsmen-this player is even more terrifying than we previously realized. “

Xiao Han stroked his chin thoughtfully: “Isn’t he a whisper captain or a vice-team, is it really ‘hiding in the city’?”

Qin Mo said: “Luo Yuan probably also found his talent, and resolutely surrendered the command.”

When Zhu Qingyue heard this, he could not help but interjected: “No wonder, when I met my brother in Xi’an last week, he said that his whispering style had been transformed.”

Qin Mo said: “The performance of the Whispering Team has not improved much in the first half of the year, and it seems that they will work hard in the second half of the year.”

Xiao Han said very directly: “Luo Yuan put down his mind and let Wei Guanghua decide. This is a very wise decision.” He looked back at Qin Mo and said, “What do you think of Xiao Mo? Wei Guanghua’s consciousness is similar to Sang Jun and Nie Yuzhu. How does that compare? “

Qin Mo thought for a while and said, “I haven’t formally played against him yet, and it’s unclear what his details are. However, according to the lineup, he quickly adjusted his equipment and play to the most suitable state for the team. Transgender, the only step in the league is only him. “

This sentence is already very high.

The player with the strongest personal change ability, if the whisper lineup is a container, he can immediately adapt himself to this container, whether he puts it in a round, square or conical container. Qin Mo also admired this ability.

In the third game, the Mo Jue finally lost to Wei Guanghua’s single-point breakthrough. In this regard, Liu Hong was also caught off guard. He had been defending in the early stages. Who knows that he took offensive weapons at a critical moment. Pei Yu , Opened the gap in the lineup.

When returning to the bench, Liu Hong said with regrets: “He is on his way.”

Qin Mo said calmly: “It’s okay, this result is acceptable.”

Many audiences are gloating: “Mo Ju finally lost a game, 1: 2, 2 points deducted?” “Because Shuangyue got 4 points today at 2: 0, Mo decided to fall to third place, as a fan of strangers I’m a bit happy! “” How does Qin Mo’s powder look more black? “” Milk bite Moshen, continue to fall, fall to the countdown and then crawl back ~ “

The fans are not excited, but also because the sensible fans have noticed Qin Mo’s intention of training. After all, the twin stars have not been on. Mo Juguang is Qingyue, Liu Hong and the newcomer can match the opponent’s ace lineup like this. It is already very powerful.


At dinner after the game, Qin Mo asked Liu Xiang to take his teammates to eat nearby. He and Xiao Han left the team temporarily to meet the two masters.

The two arrived at the appointed restaurant and saw at a glance that Li Cangyu was holding the menu carefully. Ling Xuefeng poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

After turning over the menu, Li Cangyu said happily: “The restaurant you choose has sweet and sour fish that I love and the dishes are mainly sweets, but I remember Xiao Han loves spicy food?”

Ling Xuefeng said lightly: “Qin Mo loves sweets.”

When Xiao Han heard this sentence, he couldn’t help thinking that he was really at the bottom of the food chain and had no human rights at all. Ling Shen invited to eat, naturally will be based on the taste of the apprentice and cat god, he Xiao Han is free of charge! Love spicy food? Don’t be kidding, follow Qin Mo or eat sweetly …

Qin Mo also heard the conversation, opened the door and walked into the private room, shouting, “Master, the cat god.”

Ling Xuefeng nodded: “Sit down.”

Xiao Han immediately helped Qin Mo to open the stool. After Qin Mo sat down, he sat down and poured water for Qin Mo thoughtfully. His intention in front of Ling Shen was quite obvious. Ling Xuefeng looked at him lightly. One glance ignored him.

Li Cangyu handed them a good menu: “I only ordered sweet and sour fish, you can add a few more dishes you like.”

Qin Mo looked down at the menu, and Ling Xuefeng turned back to Xiao Han: “Is there a lot of pressure recently?”

Xiao Han replied respectfully: “Fortunately, there is only one game a week.”

Ling Xuefeng said: “I swiped the official website a moment ago, did Mo lose?”

Xiao Han calmly said, “Well, 1: 2.”

Looking at his calm look, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help but admire, but on the surface he asked indifferently: “You’ve been sitting on the bench lately, are you busy?”

Xiao Han laughed: “My idea with Xiao Mo is to try to get the new people to practice as much as possible in the first half of the game, to stabilize the state. In the end, the five-person team fight will be smoother and not out of touch.”

Li Cangyu praised: “This is the truth. Anyway, there is not much pressure on points now. You and Xiao Mo can take a break and give the game to the newcomers.” Li Cangyu paused and said, “Yes, talking about newcomers, I watched a few games of the Mexican Finals team and found that the treatment in your team is not bad. It ’s called … what is it? “

Xiao Han said, “Is Master Li Muran?” Yes, that’s him. “Li Cangyu said,” I think he had his own ideas, and he was not panic when he was under siege. It was a good thing. “

Xiao Han smiled: “Master, I am about to tell you that I have accepted him as an apprentice.”

Li Cangyu’s eyes flashed a surprise: “You assassin, why should you be treated as an apprentice?”

Xiao Han said bluntly: “Xiao Mo is teaching him tactical awareness, and we want to cultivate him as the next generation of captain.”

Li Cangyu touched his chin and said, “So, you just took him and throw it to Xiao Mo to teach?”

“Well, Shen He, Qin Mo’s apprentice, was teaching me recently. We plan to change the apprenticeship.” Xiao Han looked at Li Cangyu and added, “At that time, the two masters did not distinguish each other like this. street.”

Li Cangyu laughed: “That’s because Xiao Mo hit me face-to-face and said arrogantly that it would take me a second. I couldn’t help but want to guide him.”

Qin Mo: “…”

——Can you let me watch the menu quietly, why do you mention the black history of that year?

Qin Mo pretended not to hear, and continued to sketch on the menu.

Every time I come to see Master, he has to dress up very refreshingly. Today, too, after playing the game, go back to the hotel to take off his team uniforms, take a shower, and change into a brand new white shirt. His hair is also groomed as a capable youth. Fearing Master Qin Mo made Xiao Han very speechless, but felt that Qin Mo was closer to his youth.

Ling Xuefeng glanced at the apparently dressed apprentice and said, “Do you really decide to pass the captain to Li Muran?”

Master questioned that Qin Mo was naturally not good enough to die, and he could only bravely replied, “I have this idea. Li Muran is the most insightful and overall perspective of the four newcomers in Mo Ju. He is tactical He also has an excellent understanding ability and a calm and stable personality. After Xiao Han and I retire in the future, I hope Mu Ran can take on Mo’s responsibility. “

Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment and asked, “How much do you know about his background?”

Qin Mo froze: “Background?”

Ling Xuefeng said: “Look back and learn more. The captain’s position can’t be treated as a child’s play. You can still play for a few more years in your current state. Don’t rush to make a decision.”

Qin Mo nodded and said, “I see, Master.”

He knew that Ling Xuefeng said this because he cared about him. Mo was definitely the team that he and Xiao Han built together. If they did not choose a successor, the rivers and mountains they had laid down would probably be buried in the hands of the second-generation captain. Li Muran seemed a bit lonely. Except that he would say a few more words when discussing tactics with Qin Mo, other times, he tried to be as silent as possible, not quite like the character of a teenager of this age.

Ling Xuefeng never talked about anything. He suddenly mentioned Li Muran’s background. Is it because he knows something?

Qin Mo kept this in mind and planned to check Mu Ran’s information after returning to the club.

The four apprentices were chatting while eating. Xiao Han was concerned about the situation of the two masters at the Guose Tianxiang Club. Li Cangyu said bluntly: “After we went to Nanjing to sign the contract, we went to the Guose Club and went around. The girl gathered around to sign. “

Xiao Han imagined the picture and couldn’t help but laugh: “The club owner is a super idol, should they be happy?”

Li Cangyu sighed: “I am very happy, being oppressed for too long, seeing us is like seeing a savior.” Recalling the grateful and excited eyes of the girls, Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling distressed, “I and Xuefeng took them All the contracts of all people were pulled out and revised again. Their previous treatment was really bad, and Xu Lin was really not kind. “

Ling Xuefeng said coldly: “She only has money in her eyes, these girls are just her tools to make money.”

Li Cangyu said: “Yeah, we turned over the accounts of the National Color Club and found that she took tens of millions for the advertising endorsements of the two sisters Liu Xiang and Liu Hong, but only a few were assigned to the sisters. One hundred thousand red envelopes. “

Ling Xuefeng looked back at Qin Mo and said calmly: “Now that we have become the owner of the National Club, Liu Hong will refund the amount of liquidated damage when Liu Hong left the team in the first place. This is a little mo you Go back to her and tell her that after this season, let her spend time with Liu Xiang to visit the National Club, and I will give them some appropriate compensation. “

Qin Mo said: “Then I would like to thank Master for Hong and Sister Xiang first.”

Ling Xuefeng said: “No need to thank, I need to slowly clean up the mess left by Xu Lin. Liu Hong and Liu Xiang were originally players of the National Club, and they are all due.”


After the dinner, Qin Mo and Xiao Han returned to the hotel and told the sisters about the incident. Liu Hong simply said: “There is no need to return the penalty fee. My contract with Guose did not expire, and I left. Man, it was a real breach of contract! “

Qin Mo said: “You’re welcome. Since Guose is now taking over by Master, he also wants to deal with the relationship between the players leaving the team and the club. Moreover, all your savings over the years have been used to pay liquidated damages. Contracts are inherently unfair to you. “

Liu Hong also wanted to say something, Liu Xiang softly advised: “A Hong, since Ling Shen is going to modify the contracts of all players, you don’t need to be too stubborn.”

Qin Mo echoed: “Yes, when President Xu left the club, he couldn’t take away the club’s funds, and this money was actually the reward you deserved.”

Liu Hong nodded and said, “Well then, after the game, I will go to visit Lingshen with my sister.” Liu Hong paused and couldn’t help but sigh, “Lingxuefeng God is really kind as a boss, not only let all the active players Re-signing the contract, even the players who cancel the contract must compensate! “

Liu Xiang smiled, “He is not like Xu Lin. Xu Lin only has money in his eyes, and he cares most about money.”

He is more concerned about the personality of the players and respects the players’ thoughts, so he can cultivate such an excellent apprentice like Qin Mo.

Since the incident of Guose, Liu Xiang ’s heart has been hanging. Today, this heart has finally been completely let go—because she knows that there are bosses like Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu, girls of the Tianse Club We must be like the nirvana of the Phoenix. After the rebirth of the fire, we will complete the most beautiful transformation.

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