The King’s Return

Chapter 256 - Mo Ju VS Yulou Chunxiao (Part 2)

After the first round, Ye Chao quickly concluded: “Since Qin Mo has disabled all of the group teleportation cheats that Su Cheng likes, Yulou Chunxiao had to Using long-range kite flow tactics, unfortunately, they failed to break through the iron triangle defense formations of He Beiguang, Zhu Qingyue, and Li Muran, but Su Cheng was seized by Han Mo to seize the opportunity. “

Liang Rudao said: “Mo Jue’s defensive formation is really difficult to deal with. There are shields, formations and treatments. I think it would be better if there were assassins breaking into the back row to interfere with Qingyue and Muran. “

Ye Chao nodded in agreement: “That’s right. Qingyue and Muran are standing far away in this game. No one can beat them. They shouldn’t be too comfortable to put their skills on. If there is such a close interference ability of assassins and swordsmen Strong people interrupt their big move to read the article, Mo Jie’s defense chain will be interrupted, so that you can find an opportunity to miss Han Mo. However, this team of Yulou Chunxiao is mostly a long-distance professional, and the purely remote team fights The defensive formation is very disadvantaged. In the next game, Su Cheng should adjust his strategy. “

However, the next game is the home of Mo Ju. Even if Su Cheng wants to adjust his tactics, he will have to see what mode and map Qin Mo will choose. If the map chosen by Qin Mo is extremely unfavorable to them, it is not so easy for Su Cheng to play the teleportation tactics.

Qin Mo chose the dart mode in the second game. The lineup sent was the same as in the first game. He Beiguang’s front row, Qingyue’s assistance plus Mu Ran’s iron triangle defense, and then two Hanmo mobile output. This lineup is undoubtedly the best solution for the defensive mode of dart board. Qin Mo has no problem choosing this way, but the fans on the scene are a little unhappy. After all, Qin Mo defeated Yulou Chunxiao with this lineup. In the second game, I felt like I was laughing at my opponent.

Of course, Su Cheng knew that Qin Mo did not ridicule them. As the captain and commander, Qin Mo only made the most rational choice.

The match map is a mass grave post, which is beyond Su Cheng’s surprise.

The mass grave map has not appeared in the league very often, not because of how complicated the map is, but because the atmosphere of this map is too gloomy. From background music to map tones, it is completely in the style of horror movies. There were also strange cries, all of which made the back hairy.

This map may scare some timid online game players, but the impact on professional players is minimal.

One of the biggest features of the mass grave map is the map mobs.

In the dart mode, as the dartmaster team advances, the dead souls buried in the grave along the road will be awakened. These fierce ghosts are initially in a state of no hatred, that is, they will not actively attack the player or the dartmaster, only Will curiously follow the team of dartists. However, once they were attacked, they would furiously fight back.

Seeing this map, Ye Chao couldn’t help laughing and said, “Qin Mo is really bad! He actually chose the burial map map for darts. Yulou Chunxiao must attack the darts for robbery, and they have a lot of remote law systems. As a group attacker, once the Soviet team launches the sound wave attack and attack the surrounding ghosts, it will be impossible to eat and walk! “

Liang Ru sighed: “I didn’t find out that I want to target a team with a large number of professional offenses. The mass grave map is like a bug!”

If this map hits strong teams such as dynasty, Lihuo, and Frost Moon, the effect is not outstanding, but the biggest feature of Yulou Chunxiao team is the large-scale group attack to reduce the opponent’s overall health, and Su Cheng’s weapons have a distance increase. As a result, Sonic attack range is also the widest in the entire league. The presence of a large number of sharp ghosts in the map, and the characteristics of sharp ghosts that must be reported, and the crazy back bite after being injured, will greatly limit his performance.

When Su Cheng saw this map, he was very helpless. He had long found that in the map library of the current league, the biggest threat to Yulou Chunxiao was the random selection of burial posts in the dart mode. In the previous few weeks of competition, no one of his opponents chose this map to target. Su Cheng was lucky at the time. However, he did not expect that Qin Mo actually chose this map today.

Fortunately, Su Cheng had a foresight. Since he found that this map is a great threat to Yulou Chunxiao, he took his team members to practice and cooperate on this map repeatedly. Qin Mo chose this map, which did not let him be too busy. Instead, it made him very confident.

Su Cheng followed up with the team battle lineup. In this round, he sent out a more extreme lineup, two in each of the Luoying Valley Yudi genre and the Guqin genre, and one of the poisonous pharmacists in Fangcaotang—a full-range violence output array. Such output lineups, as long as they can set fire, usually slap who beats the second.

Ye Chaodao: “It is a confrontation between the spear and the shield. While outputting the explosion, the defense is strong. It depends on whether Yulou Chunxiao breaks Mo’s defense first or Mo decides to block their attack.”

Liang Rudao: “In fact, Qin Mo also used pure output before, but also in the dart mode attacker. Mo Ju’s five outputs dropped the opponent dartist to win. But Mo Ju’s pure output lineup It is more comprehensive, with melee and long range. Yulou Chunxiao is even more extreme, and five are all remote. This is an unsuccessful and benevolent play. The five long-range defenses are too fragile, as long as they are Xiao Han and Qin Mo is under close control, and they can easily die. “

Ye Chao said: “There is no way. If you use a more comprehensive line-up, you may not be able to break through Mo Jie’s defense. You might as well try a violent play regardless of life and death. You can win the dead darts. Lose simply. “

At this moment, the option box for disabling cheats appeared on the big screen. It was Su Cheng’s turn to ban the cheats. He decisively banned the three group-controlling cheats, namely, “Mountain Flowing Water”, “Bodhi Mantra”, and “Songs on All Sides” . Because Yulou Chunxiao’s five are all outputs, if they are confused and frightened, their lineup will easily collapse.

For the first cheats, Su Cheng decisively chose “Lantern of Lights”, which can complete the group teleportation with a huge organ lantern.

When Qin Mo saw this, he knew that Su Cheng was likely to play teleport in this game. He had expected that Su Cheng would do this, but he was not worried because this map had a great restriction on Yulou Chunxiao. Even if Su Cheng went to the transport stream, his hopes of winning the Mo decision were less than 40%. Therefore, Qin Mo calmly selected the cheats he wanted to use, and did not deliberately target Su Cheng’s transmission stream.

In the end, after the captains of the two sides selected the cheats, Yulou Chunxiao took two cheats with teleportation effects, such as “Lan Lan Lan” and “Yu Hua Liu Zhao”. In addition, he also took control of “Clear Heart” and triggered the “Long River Sunset” Single-strike cheats with immediate effect, and this group of cheats with “Qiutai Qiusi”.

The reason why Cheng Cheng does not take control cheats is because the two musicians in the team have quite a lot of control skills, and there is no need to waste control on the limited cheats.

On the contrary, Qin Mo took a lot of cheats with lower attack but control, such as the group attack band of “Water and Sky”, the group attack band fear of “Stars and Swords”, and the group of “Sword of Rain”. The attack was silent, and in addition, He Beiguang took the group shield of the Diamond Sutra, and Mu Ran also took the group treatment of the Suwen Heart Sutra.

The thinking of choosing cheats on both sides is very clear. Su Cheng is teleportation + attack maximization, Qin Mo is defense + control maximization.

After confirming the cheats, both players refreshed at the mass grave map.

The desolate music in the ears and the cry of the ghosts made the audience on the live platform send a row of ellipsis, and there were a lot of fans covering their ears. Professional players can choose to turn off the map scene music and only listen to the voice of the command channel. Qin Mo did just that. Moreover, the director also deliberately called up his first perspective, and the audience just saw him open the setting panel to turn off the music.

Ye Chao joked: “Is there a fan of Qin Mo in the live broadcast? Don’t look at your Moshen who is usually calm, in fact, he is very timid, he is afraid of ghosts.”

Fans: “…”

Ye Chao continued to break the news: “I heard that in the Fengsi Club, there were several players who particularly enjoyed watching horror movies. After the training at night, they gathered together to watch. Qin Mo didn’t dare to watch every time. It was really difficult for him to choose such a map in the competition. However, Mo Shen was still very clever, and when he entered the map, he turned off the map sound directly. “

Fans couldn’t help brushing the screen: “Mo Mo has always been timid. He was scolded and cried many times by Ling Shen. He was persuaded every time he saw Ling Shen!” “” I don’t know if Hanshen likes watching horror movies ~ “

In the live broadcast room, the issue of which good-looking horror movie started to be discussed happily, and Qin Mo still looked serious at the game scene, and led the team members to the refreshing point of the dart division team quickly.

The route of the bodyguards on the mass grave post map is not flat, and the narrow road is full of messy tombs on both sides. As the team of dartmasters passes by, the grave is constantly crawling out of the grave. Xiao Han saw this scene, forbearance Can’t help it: “Are you okay?”

Qin Mo said calmly, “No problem.”

In order to deal with the Yuxiao Chunxiao team, he has been walking around the map of the mass grave alone in the past few days. At first, he saw the scenes of countless zombies and ghosts crawling out of the grave. Things don’t feel much anymore. On the contrary, it seems that these little zombies are jumping and walking very funny.

The people in the Yulou Chunxiao team did not appear at the refresh point of the dart division. Qin Mo looked around-there was only a scorched tree and a few scattered graves, which were not suitable for the whole group to ambush. Obviously, Su Cheng He didn’t want to fight the team directly. He didn’t come to the refresh point of the dart division. He should observe the situation of the zombie mobs in the middle and then decide the timing of the team.

As the people in Yulou Chunxiao did not show up, Mo Judeng escorted the team of dartmasters and started to the end.

Along the way, more and more mobs were awakened. When the dart division team reached nearly half of the dart line, the remote output team led by Su Cheng finally appeared in sight!

The live broadcast platform brushed out a series of ellipses. At this moment, the audience at the scene widened their eyes in shock. Even Ye Chao and Liang Ru couldn’t help but open their mouths and couldn’t speak …

Because behind the team members led by Su Cheng, they also followed a large number of little ghosts!

When Qin Mo saw this scene, his alarm bell suddenly became a masterpiece.

The large number of imps brought by Su Cheng did not attack anyone, but only blocked the way forward of the dart division team.

Only then did Ye Chao react, and Su Cheng did the opposite-he led his team members from the end of the dartboard, and in turn proceeded to the starting point, awakening all the mobs along the way. In the future, the mobs of the entire map will be concentrated in the middle, and the concentration of a large number of mobs will definitely hinder the darts team’s progress and give them more time.

Thinking of this, Ye Chao couldn’t help praising: “The Soviet Union’s response is really powerful! Go the other way and die!”

Liang Ru said: “Although he successfully blocked the dart car with the mobs and made the darts unable to move forward, how to deal with these mobs is also a very difficult problem. As long as he attacks, the characteristics of the Sonic group attack will be Let the mobs’ hatred be transferred to him collectively! But Xiao Han can kill the mobs alone and help the dart division team to find a way out. “

Sure enough, as the two commentators said, Xiao Han acted immediately, the **** dagger in his hand raised decisively, and the two mobs in front of the dart division quickly dropped off. Although these mobs have strong attack power, their blood is not high. Xiao Han picked up his sword and dropped five mobs in a flash. Qin Mo also cooperated with him, and the two quickly helped the dart team clear out. One way.

The team of darts began to move forward slowly, but at this moment, Su Cheng suddenly made an operation-Yangchun Baixue, Han Gongqiuyue!

As the soft guqin tone sounded, a green sound wave instantly covered the 22-meter range, which not only caused damage to the dart division team and all members of Mo Ju, but also caused damage to the surrounding ghosts!

Li Gui, attracted by Sonic, turned at the same time and swooped towards Su Cheng.

At the same time, Xie Changming’s jade flute played a pleasant note-Han Jiangxue!

Pure white snowflakes fell from the sky. After the gorgeous skill effect, all the ghost groups were frozen.

The audience saw an extremely spectacular scene, and saw the crowd of mobs on the way forward, the dense mobs were frozen into ice sculptures, completely blocking the way of the darts.

Qin Mo had a terrible premonition in his heart and immediately reminded: “Xiao Han, hurry …”

Before the words were finished, Xiao Han had already acted, because Xiao Han also realized that he was not good, and also thought of the method Qin Mo thought. He directly teleported to the five people in Yulou Chunxiao, decisively tricked Silkworm lore wants to interrupt Su Cheng’s reading …

However, Su Cheng seems to have expected it at this moment, and at this moment he suddenly opened a transmission cheat book “Lan Lan Lan”.

I saw a huge Kongming lantern rising into the sky, teleporting the five members of Yulou Chunxiao to the rear of the dart division!

In this way, the team of dart divisions had to face a situation where the front was blocked by countless mobs, but the rear was attacked by five members of Yulou Chunxiao.

The distance this group teleported was very long, exactly 20 meters behind the dart master. Because Qin Mo and Xiao Han are currently in front of the dart master team, and there are dense mobs around them, they need time to get around, Yulou The output environment of Chunxiao five is quite good!

Qin Mo saw this and immediately reminded him: “Quick defense!”

He Beiguang and Zhu Qingyue also realized the danger, and Xiao Heguo cut off the defense cheats. Zhu Qingyue followed invincibly.

The two big moves thrilledly blocked the first wave of attack from Yulou Chunxiao. The team of darts was safe and sound, and Li Muran also started to add blood Buff to everyone.

After the end of the invincible array, the frozen ghosts in front of them also awakened. As the hatred of these monsters was on Su Cheng who attacked them first, a group of monsters began to move toward Su again. Cheng siege came over.

The mobs are going to besiege Su Cheng, they must pass through the team of darts. The road here is narrow, the mobs will not perform lightly, and they do n’t know to detour from the chaotic graves next to them. Therefore, a group of mobs lined up on the road. The cafeteria lined up for lunch at university is even more spectacular.

Ye Chao said with a smile: “The Soviet team’s approach is a bit unethical. It attracted the hatred of the mobs and transmitted to the back. The mobs couldn’t reach him because they wanted to hit him. They had to wait in line.”

This is a variable that Qin Mo didn’t expect, because he did not expect that Su Cheng did not start the dart division to refresh the dart division, nor did he ambush the dart division midway. Instead, he ran to the end and acted in the opposite direction. Mobs all lead to chaos. It is indeed an apprentice of Ye somebody, and his ability to reverse thinking and use the environment is first-rate.

Of course Qin Mo would not sit still and make a decision immediately: “No matter the mobs, let’s kill Su Cheng first!”

With so many mobs cleaned up, it was not a one-and-a-half time kill. Qin Mo didn’t want to waste time anymore. He and Xiao Han quickly flew to the rear and tried to kill Su Cheng.

But they are not so easy to get close. Among the five outputs of Yuxiao Chunxiao, there are two musicians of the Yudi genre, and they have a lot of control skills!

As soon as the two were about to rush past, they were stunned by Xie Changming’s “Broken Bridge”. Xiao Han had to open the “Golden Cicada Shell” to forcibly release the control and teleport to Su Cheng with five afterimages.

As He Beiguang’s shield cooled, Qingyue’s invincible array was also used, and the heavy burden of protecting the dart division fell on Li Muran.

Yulou Chunxiao’s five long-range attacks were quite violent. Li Muran added blood pressure and could barely support it.

Fortunately, after Xiao Han and Qin Mo passed, they interfered with Su Cheng’s reading, which prevented Su Cheng’s output from being maximized.

Su Chengdao: “Don’t worry about me, continue to output!”

The other four in Yulou Chunxiao had no choice but to disregard the captain’s life and death, and opened up all burst skills to kill the chief dart!

No matter how fast Li Muran’s blood-increasing technique can’t withstand the full-range fire of the four spell systems, the amount of blood he adds is far less than the amount of blood hit by the opponent. The total dart’s blood volume has been declining. . Seeing that the total dart head’s blood volume was less than 30%, Qin Mo said decisively: “Mu Ran returned to make up blood blue and gave up the dart head.”

Li Muran immediately obediently pressed the scroll back to the city. With the return of the treatment, the blood of the chief dart was finally emptied in one breath.

However, Xiao Han and Qin Mo were also very powerful. At this time, they jointly killed two remotes of Yulou Chunxiao and beat Su Cheng to death.

At this time, some mobs finally came over and swooped towards Su Cheng-apparently, Qin Mo had already figured this out, and did not waste too much output on Su Cheng’s body, and gave him to the mobs deal with.

Mo Ju died a total dart head here, and Yulou Chunxiao died of three outputs. In fact, Mo Ju suffered a loss. After all, the total dart head has the most blood and the highest defense. If the total dart head dies first in the dart game mode, the attacker’s win is much greater.

With Su Cheng’s death, the mobs’ hatred was cleared, and they no longer attacked the surrounding players, but instead obediently followed the team of dart divisions.

Mo Jushou escorted the team of dart divisions to move forward, but soon, the people in Yulou Chunxiao made a comeback.

Immediately after the resurrection, Su Cheng took the recovered team members to the dart line to intercept. The dart division team was getting closer and closer to the end point.

The mobs that were used before are now in a state of no hatred. They are all behind the dart division, blocking their way, and Su Cheng decisively makes an operation-Yuehua Liuzhao.

Under the shroud of silver and white light, a large law formation is generated in situ, which is another teleportation formation method, which can collectively teleport the targets in the range to the designated location. This time, Su Cheng simply transmitted his own people and all the mobs to the front of the dart division.

Then, he again used the sonic attack to hold the hatred of all the mobs, completely disregarding being attacked by the mobs, but hitting the highest output at the speed of the hand!

The other four teammates also attacked in full force according to his schedule. Five long-range set fires made the two darts with less blood fall quickly!

At the same time, Su Cheng was also killed by the mobs.

And because Yulou Chunxiao’s players have a wide range of attack skills, when attacking the dart division, they will definitely attack the surrounding mobs. As soon as Su Cheng hangs, the hatred of the mobs comes to the one who just put a wave of poison attacks. For Fangcaotang players-he did the same as Su Cheng, regardless of being surrounded by mobs, just let out all his output skills!

As a result, when he was killed by the mobs, the third dart division also fell down.

Yulou Chunxiao’s players changed their lives to get a warm applause from the fans on the spot!

Qin Mo’s heart was also very admired. Su Cheng’s judgment was indeed very sane. The first wave used the reverse tactics and transmission tactics. After the card slot killed the most difficult dart head, the second wave killed four. A dart division is relatively easy. Even if a player dies, the output is still sufficient.

Although Mo Ran is doing his best to add blood on the Mo Ju side, after all, the other party has five long-range violent output occupations, and if the fire is output at the same time, as long as there is no invincible array or defensive shield, basically it is to stare at the rhythm of the second. It was stronger than the one played against Guose at the beginning.

Su Cheng’s extreme approach also yielded unexpected results!

Mo Ju finally concentrated on the amount of treatment and defense to protect a dart division, but Su Cheng’s practice of transmitting all the mobs to the front made the movement of the dart division team obstructed, which gave Yulou Chunxiao’s team members more time. Yulou Chunxiao has three players left. Xiao Han and Qin Mo rushed together and attacked in the past. They quickly killed the two, leaving Xie Changming alone!

And the dartist has only the last one left!

When the game was the most critical, the moment Xiao Han stabbed at Xie Changming, Xie Changming suddenly jumped up and played the flute “Gu Suxing” and “Cai Sang Qu” in the air. Hit the last dart master!

At the same time, Qin Mo directly launched a locked attack into the air, “Sword Meaning Unparalleled”, with a cold sword sharply pierced Xie Changming’s chest!

As the flute came to an abrupt end, the blood dartmaster finally fell.

Although Yulou Chunxiao’s team was annihilated, as long as the darts were all dead, the dart car could not continue to move towards the finish line. According to the rules of the game, the attacker would be determined to win.

Looking at the word “Victory” popped up on the screen, Xie Changming clenched his fist excitedly: “Success! So amazing!”

Su Chengwei smiled and patted his brother’s shoulder, “Good job.”

Xiao Xie deserves to be the most popular musician in Luoying Valley. The flute rhythm just attacked in a straight line. Just when Li Muran’s reading strokes cooled down, the landing point was also quite accurate. Yulou Chunxiao’s team members killed the light dart division for life, and finally won the game in a difficult way.

“I can draw a tie with Mo. I can play this record for a long time, haha!” Xie Changming said happily, paused, and slapled, “The key is that my brother’s tactics are good …”

Yulou Chunxiao soundproofed in the soundproof room, fans at the scene also endless applause.

On Mo Ju’s side, Li Muran said with shame: “The last reading skill is less than a second slow. I am reading a dart master has hung …”

Qin Mo said: “I can’t blame you, this game is a matter of choosing the picture, asking for help.”

Xiao Han smiled and shrugged Qin Mo’s shoulder, and said, “It doesn’t matter, we have to admit Su Cheng’s tactical strength. I didn’t expect him to think backwards, pulling the mobs from the end to the starting point, and they The streamer’s style of play is very flexible, and he is indeed an apprentice to Ye Chenxi. “

Qin Mo nodded: “Well, he is indeed stronger than I thought.”

Yulou Chunxiao’s overall strength is not as good as Mo Ju, but Su Cheng’s tactical level is also very recognized by Qin Mo in today’s game.

Rarely, he will not stick to conventional ideas, but dare to take extreme but unique ways to take risks. This is very similar to his master, who always used desperate upset tactics to defeat various strong teams.

Because he recognized his opponent very much, Qin Mo also exaggerated him generously when shaking hands after the game: “The Soviet team really made me look at it, and actually could use the map I chose in turn.”

Su Chengdao: “In the first game, did Moshen also use the map I chose?”

Qin Mo slightly smiled and said, “I will have a chance to fight again in the future.”

The next time he fights, Qin Mo wo n’t choose a map like mass grave post. He originally wanted to pit Su Cheng with a complicated map, but it turns out that people who use Su Cheng ’s idea is still complicated. A simpler strategy is better—maybe it’s easier to win a vast prairie?

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