The King’s Return

Chapter 261 - Mo Jue vs Whisper

When Qin Mo said at the meeting that “the next week’s game will be directed by Qingyue,” Zhu Qingyue was not surprised. After all, he knew his brother better than Qin Mohe. Xiao Han is deeper and more adept at playing in auxiliary formations. Qin Mo’s trust moved Zhu Qingyue so deeply that he took over the heavy command of the command without hesitation.

Although Qin Mo didn’t tell him the importance of this game, Zhu Qingyue knew very well that Mo’s next opponent was not easy to deal with. If he couldn’t get points from the whispering team, the situation he would face later would be More difficult.

Whisper’s home is now commanded by Wei Guanghua. Judging from the past few weeks, they generally use the terrain to play an umbrella array-Luo Yuan’s auxiliary array and twins’ black umbrella array. The team has extremely strong lethality. Wei Guanghua made a single-point breakthrough in front of him and used the umbrella control time to quickly drop a person. This can establish the number advantage and make the winning balance lean to whisper.

In the team battle stage, the whisper team’s record is not particularly outstanding. Except for the 2-0 score of the weakest team in the league, they have not played many beautiful wins. However, whisper He scored 1: 1 in five consecutive games and forcibly tied many strong teams. Wei Guanghua seems to be proving that although the current Whispering team is not strong enough, it is not easy to want to get points from their hands!

Zhu Qingyue wants to score 2: 0, which must be carefully analyzed and arranged.

Since taking over as the commander, Zhu Qingyue has been studying the video of the Whispering Team for the past few weeks and came up with targeted strategies. However, he was not sure of his tactics. Tonight, he was sitting in front of the computer to sort out his thoughts. The cell phone suddenly turned on. It was a message from the master: “How are you going to prepare for the next week?”

Upon seeing this familiar portrait, Zhu Qingyue felt warm and his lips could not help raising a smile. He immediately picked up the mobile phone and replied, “I am the conductor next week. I am not sure I can win, but I will do my best. s hard work.”

Chu Yan sent a hug expression, saying: “Trust yourself, you can.”

Zhu Qingyue asked, “Will Master watch the game?”

Chu Yan said: “Of course. Master has booked a flight ticket to Luoyang and went to the scene to watch the game in person.”

Zhu Qingyue joked: “Master Master came to the scene in person, I have a lot of pressure with the Brotherhood.”

Chu Yan said: “I want to see the confrontation between the two apprentices with my own eyes. Your brother can’t be taken lightly, come on, look forward to your performance.”

Zhu Qingyue said earnestly, “I understand, good night, Master.”

After finishing the conversation, Zhu Qingyue went back to review the text record of the two people’s chat again, and had more confidence in the game next week.

Master wants to be there, he can’t let Master down!


The site of the Whispering Team was in Luoyang. The day Mo’s entire crew arrived in Luoyang happened to catch a heavy rain. As a result, two people in the team caught a cold—Shen He usually jumped alive. After the cold, it was like a frosted eggplant. Then, a high fever was launched that night, and the whole person was burned stupidly, and nonsense was talking in his mouth.

Another person with a cold was Zhu Qingyue. Fortunately, his condition was not serious, but his throat was sore and he had a cough.

Zhu Qingyue said with regret: “I should bring more clothes next time I go out. I take a break early tonight and it will not affect tomorrow’s game.”

Qin Mo patted the back of his hand. “The body is tight. If you are uncomfortable, don’t force yourself.”

Zhu Qingyue shook his head: “I’m fine, but Xiaohe is still feverish. Tomorrow’s game should not be played. We have to change another lineup.”

Fortunately, several different lineups were arranged during the training this week. Other people can also play if Shen He is absent. Qin Mo saw that Qingyue was in a good spirit, so he relaxed and turned to the next door to see Shenhe.

When Li Muran opened the door, when Qin Mo and Xiao Han came over, they said, “Qin team, the burning of Shen He has not returned.”

Qin Mo went to the bed and sat down, and found that Shen He’s entire face was red, and his forehead was sweating, but his mouth muttered: “Champion, I won the championship, the trophy is heavy, it is gold Did you do it? Hehehe, I’m rich, I’m rich … “

Xiao Han couldn’t help laughing, “When he was confused, the dream was beautiful.”

Qin Mo touched the apprentice’s forehead with some distress, and he was a little hot, so he took Mu Ran’s changed cold towel and put it on Shen He’s forehead, and said, “Muran, you take care of Xiaohe tonight, if he burns Even worse, just call me and we will take him to the hospital. “

Li Muran whispered, “Know, I will take care of him.”

After Qin Mo and Xiao Han visited the team members, they returned to the room. Qin Mo did not sleep well tonight because he always had nightmares and dreamed that Shen He was sent to the hospital for rescue …

When he woke up in the morning, Qin Mo had a headache. Xiao Han warmed him a glass of milk and said, “I heard you talking about dreams last night, are you still worried about Shen He?”

Qin Mo said: “He is usually so lively and active, and the whole person is different after being sick. I heard that people who are not usually sick often fall sick like a mountain, and the illness is particularly serious. Otherwise, I Just go and see him … “

Xiao Han said: “Mu Ran just sent me a message saying that Xiaohe’s burn had faded and she was sleeping. Rest assured, nothing serious.”

Qin Mo nodded, went to the dormitory next door to take a look at the Shenhe, and found that the apprentice was no longer talking nonsense, and he went to visit Qingyue. Although Zhu Qingyue’s voice was still a little hoarse, but his condition was good, Qin Mo was relieved. . The game was scheduled in the afternoon, but Qin Mo didn’t want everyone to go to the internet cafe for training. In the morning, the team members of Mo Ju simply rested in the hotel and cultivated their spirits.


Before the game in the afternoon, Shen He woke up, usually the little monkey who jumped up and down, the whole person was a little weak after the high fever, but he insisted on going to the stadium.

Qin Mo said: “You don’t need to be on the court, what do you do when you go to the arena?”

Shen He said stubbornly: “I want to see it for myself! And, if I don’t, the reporter must ask Mo Ju how he lacks a person, and Master has to find a way to explain it, it’s too much trouble …”

This guy is quite mindful of Master. Qin Mo rubbed his messy head and said, “Well, I don’t worry if you stay in the hotel alone. Later, wear more clothes and take the medicine.” , Go to the scene and sit quietly. “

Shen He obediently nodded: “Huh!”

Although his face was still a little pale, when he laughed, he still showed a hint of aura. Xiao Han patted his shoulder lightly, and said, “When you have a high fever, you are still reading the championship, for your devotion. , I don’t think luck will be too bad this week. “

Shen He smiled and scratched his head: “Of course, I was sucked by bad luck! I won’t be on the court later, I will sit on the stage and continue to **** bad luck!”

Seeing that he had regained a lively look, it didn’t look uncomfortable, so everyone was relieved and set off for the game together.

The home of whisper, the number of fans is not as many as other teams, and some seats in the back row are not full. On the one hand, it is because listening to the school of Yulou is relatively unpopular in the game, and the umbrella system is difficult to play. Imitation, the player base is small; on the other hand, listening to Yulou’s auxiliary department, Zhu Qingyue, a more famous player with a higher face value, has divided a large number of fans, and even fewer fans like his brother Luo Yuan.

However, Luo Yuan didn’t care about these, and his brother’s popularity should be higher than him. After all, the brother took the Qingmu team for so many years, it was not easy to go all the way, and accumulated a lot of loyal fans. However, he left Qingmu and returned to the arena after many years. Although there was a great master, Chu Yan, Luo Yuan actually started from scratch and was not much different from the newcomer.

Even within the Whispering Team, the captain Luo Yuan is not the most popular. The commander is Wei Guanghua and the twins Lu Boyu and Lu Zeyan are exported. The popularity of these three men is higher than that of his captain. He may feel ashamed. But after being beaten by the previous master, the prejudice against Zhu Qingyue was wiped out, and after the knot was loosened, he gradually became bearish on these. Now, he only hopes that the whisper team can go further, hoping that he can realize the dream of “being an e-sports player” that he could not achieve when he was young.

Because of this, when the division brothers met in the background, they did not stretch their swords. Instead, Luo Yuan came over to say hello to Zhu Qingyue: “Qingyue, long time no see.”

Zhu Qingyue also smiled: “Brother looks good?”

Luo Yuan laughed: “But I have enough energy to prepare for this match with Mo decide. See you later on the field.”


At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the match between Mo Jue and Whisper officially began.

When Zhu Qingyue sat on the conductor’s seat, the fans in the broadcast room immediately got excited with tearful expressions—because Zhu Qingyue had an nickname called “little crying bag”, the fans actually brushed their tears with It is the same for other fans to brush “666” and “Shuaishuai Shuai”.

Ye Chao couldn’t help but said, “Qingyue’s fans have a clearer style of painting. Every time Qingyue comes out, the barrage is overwhelmed with tearful expressions.”

Liang Ru followed, “I want to wipe a tear when I see it.”

The full screen of tears barrage is enough to prove Zhu Qingyue’s super high popularity.

The first game was of course the whispering home. The opposite was under the command of Wei Guanghua. He quickly submitted the game mode and map.

——Dart mode, listen to the secret place of Yulou.

At first glance, this map is related to the martial art “Tingyulou” in the game. The biggest feature of the map is that there will be drizzle in the scene, and the field of vision of the players in the rain will decrease. The dart line is a smooth road covered with bluestone slabs. After being wet by rain, the bluestone slabs will become very smooth, and the forward speed of the dart car will increase. Similarly, the players’ movement speed on the ground will also increase. The principle is similar to acceleration on ice.

However, except for the dart line, there are endless ponds on both sides of the road. The lotuses in the pool are wet by rain and dripping. The use of light work is prohibited in the pond area and only swimming is allowed. The speed of swimming in the water will be much slower than the speed of moving on the road. Wei Guanghua chose this map obviously to allow the team of dartists to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

In terms of lineup, the Whispering Team sent Wei Guanghua, an offensive and defensive double-sided swordsman, the Lujia Brothers’ black umbrella formation, Luo Yuan’s assistance, and a cure.

Although this combination of defensive capabilities cannot be compared to the Mexican Triangle Shield + milk + auxiliary Iron triangle defense lineup, but because the black umbrella and white umbrella systems have slowdown, teleportation, plus the advantages of this rain map, light The language team also has a great chance of winning.

After the opponent’s lineup was announced, Zhu Qingyue also submitted the lineup soon.

He originally planned that if the dart board was in the defensive mode in the first round, he would send four outputs: Han, Mo, Hong, and He. He would assist by himself, and quickly killed the dart division by taking the violent route. However, Shen He had a bad cold and was in a bad state and could not play. Zhu Qingyue asked Pei Yu to replace Shen He—Although Xiao Pei’s output ability was not as good as Shen He, the field control was not weaker than Shen He. Maximize the output of Han, Mo, and Hong, and still be able to fight the whisper.

At the stage of banning cheats, Zhu Qingyue’s three bans were all matrix-style cheats, which is also a relatively good play of the Whispering Team.

The first one is the team treatment cheat book “Su Wen Xin Jing”-he does not want the other party to get this book, which returns blood by percentage. The Mo decision players played for a long time, and they were full of blood, which affected the rhythm of the game. As for the defensive cheats, they can be given to the opponent. There is no master t across from it. Wei Guanghua, a swordsman, even if he piles up to 100,000 health, but he does not have the skills of shield and anti-injury. Defensive ability is definitely not as good as that of He Beiguang. Meat Shield, even if he takes defensive cheats, will not be as difficult to play as Meat Shield.

Sure enough, after Zhu Qingyue took away the treatment cheats, Wei Guanghua decisively took two defenses.

Immediately after, Zhu Qingyue won the teleportation book “Lan Lan Lan Shan” and the “Chess Dresser Autumn Thoughts” group book the most harmful attack.

The audience was a little confused about his choice, Ye Chao explained: “He took away a teleportation cheat, probably because he was worried about the other party taking two teleportations, plus listening to Yulou’s own teleportation method, if Several teammates on the defending side cooperated to seamlessly teleport, teleporting the dart division team a few times directly, the darts distance was greatly reduced, and the attacking side would be very difficult to do. “

Wei Guanghua also saw some surprises here, because if this book Zhu Qingyue didn’t grab it, he would also grab it.

Qingyue took one of the teleportation, and Wei Guanghua immediately took another teleportation book “Yuehua Liuzhao”, and then took away the death-declared high-damage cheat book “The Long River Sunset”.

Zhu Qingyue followed closely to pick up the “Blood Hand” by Xiao Han …

After you and I came to pick the cheats soon, Zhu Qingyue’s expression on his face remained calm. Obviously, he had long had his own strategy for choosing cheats.

At the start of the game, both players refreshed on the gazebo on the pond at the same time.

The cheats that ten players brought into the arena also appeared on the statistics panel of the arena. To the surprise of the audience, Mo Ju, Xiao Han, Qin Mo, and Liu Hong all brought out the best cheats they usually do, and Pei The badminton belt is the cheat book “Small Dress Autumn Thoughts”, Zhu Qingyue actually brought the cheat book “Lan Lan Lan”.

Ye Chao said in surprise: “I thought that he took away the teleportation cheat in order to tear down the seamless transmission on the opposite side. Unexpectedly, Qingyue actually brought this cheatbook into the arena. It seems that he wants to grab the team fight To take the initiative. “

It is also a teleportation book, but there is still a certain difference between “Landscape with Lights” and “Yuhua Liuzhao”. The former is an organ lantern developed by the Zhuge family, which can take off instantly and move all targets in the range to any designated position within 20 meters. ; The latter is a mysterious array method passed down from Yingying Valley, which needs to be read and placed to teleport the specified target to any position within 20 meters.

The advantage of a dim light is that it is released instantly. The disadvantage is that the area is fully teleported, and it is possible to pass the enemy within range. The shortcoming of Yuehua Liuzhao is that it takes 1 second to read the bar. The advantage is that it can transmit designated team members, including friendly or enemy forces, whoever they want.

Zhu Qingyue stole the former in two books, apparently in order to release this advantage in an instant-the first mover, it takes this 1 second time difference!

In actual combat, he really used this time difference.

From the gazebo at the birth point to the starting point of the dart division, you need to pass through a large pond. Both players desperately swim in the water and reach the starting point of the dart car.

Almost the moment I saw the team of dartists, Zhu Qingyue directly opened the cheats for teleportation, and immediately pulled all members of Mo Ju to the stone road 20 meters away from the starting point. All members of Mo Ju are waiting on the road that must be passed 20 meters away.

In this way, it is not so easy for the whispering team to take advantage of the slippery road in the rain to play the difference in speed.

Wei Guanghua couldn’t help but admire when he saw here-Zhu Qingyue was indeed the captain for so many years. He actually saw through his intentions and made arrangements in advance.

Unfortunately, this is not enough.

Wei Guanghua marked a “forward” sign on the map, and everyone escorted the team of darts forward.

The speed of the dart car has a certain bonus on the slippery bluestone road. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the position of all members of Mo Jue. Wei Guanghua decisively said: “Open the transmission!”

Luo Yuan was reading the article in advance. According to their strategy, Luo Yuan could read the article and use the skills of “Qing Luo Umbrella Array” to transfer the entire group of Mo Ju to a pond 20 meters away. The speed will be greatly reduced, and at the same time, Wei Guanghua uses another cheats to transfer skills, teleporting his teammates and darts team on the stone road for 20 meters.

In this way, the distance between the two sides will be widened to 40 meters, coupled with the setting that light power is disabled and only swimming is allowed in the pond. When the Mo Ju group swims back to the ground, it will cost time to catch up with light power from the ground. Many times, when the whispering twins are ready to work, they launch a black umbrella array to control them, greatly weakening their ability to attack, and ensuring that the dart division team advances safely.

Wei Guanghua’s strategy did indeed pit a lot of teams, however, what he encountered today is God-level auxiliary Zhu Qingyue!

As soon as Zhu Qingyue saw that the brother stopped, he knew what he was going to do, and decisively read the article and put out a large-scale array method—the blue rain curtain!

As a result, the moment Luo Yuan read out of the Luo Luo Umbrella Formation that he wanted to throw all Mo Ju members into the pond collectively, Qing Yue also read out the invincible formation method, which offset the effect of this teleportation.

Wei Guanghua’s cheats teleported, and he really teleported the dart division team and whispered teammates collectively by 20 meters. However, the tactic of throwing all Mo Mo members into the pond and opening a distance of 40 meters was initially conceived by Zhu Qingyue. An invincible front was abandoned directly.

The distance of 20 meters is not difficult to chase. Xiao Han turned back and drove the ghost image of the ghostly steps. He used the displacement of the ghost image to catch up instantly. He held a sharp dagger and cut into the remote team of the Whispering Band. “Raid moon meteor” ‘s range of hidden weapon attacks directly interrupted the twin brothers’ black umbrella array reading.

Although Qin Mo and Liu Hong are slower than Xiao Han, Qin Mo directly uses the “Book Sword Zero” teleportation, and Liu Hongguo disconnects the “Floating Lights” teleportation, and in a flash, he catches up with the whispering team. Qin Mo does not A polite move “Sword refers to the sky” caused the white sword to explode in a wide range. The gold and silver rings in Liu Hong’s hands were thrown out like beads, and the two men’s attack was very fierce.

Pei Yu and Zhu Qingyue followed in light effort. Pei Yu used the group control of “Han Jiangxue” to freeze his opponent and was released by Luo Yuan in a timely manner. He followed and released the straight line of “Broken Bridge” dizziness. After being relieved by the other party’s treatment, the next highlight is Pei Yu’s first move “Taihuchun”, which is aimed at the twin brother Lu Boyu, and the other party’s monomer is silenced directly!

Seeing this, Ye Chao couldn’t help praising: “Xiao Pei is very smart! Two group control skills, forcing the opposite treatment and auxiliary solution control techniques to be forced, the last trick is the key! He started at the beginning I didn’t want to control the opponent in groups, but I wanted to control a black umbrella player alone and crack the opponent’s black umbrella array! “

Liang Rudao: “The idea of ​​today ’s team battle is quite clear. Xiao Han uses the advantage of fast speed to first enter the back row to interfere with a black umbrella player, interrupt the opponent ’s umbrella array reading, and avoid opening the serial umbrella array on the opposite side. Pei Yu followed to control another black umbrella player. After Xiao Pei successfully controlled, Xiao Han could let go! “

The whisper of the umbrella array game has caused a lot of headaches for many teams. Two black umbrella systems plus one white umbrella system, and a large team control field with three people. Once they are seamlessly controlled, the opponent will be in the umbrella array. It’s hard to walk. For example, Black Umbrella’s signature skills, squalls, will slow everyone in the range of the Black Umbrella method and drop blood every second. When two rainstorms are superimposed, the slowdown and blood loss will double. With a large number of negative states, the whisper black umbrella stack is more difficult than the national color dual poison stack.

However, as long as one of the players is controlled, the power of the black umbrella array will be greatly reduced.

With this core idea, Zhu Qingyue laid out the tactics of this round, and his understanding of assists and accurate prediction of the skills of his brothers helped Mo decide a lot.

The distance did not go away without saying, but the Mexican team members all rushed over to disrupt the rhythm of the whisper stack umbrella, and the start was extremely unfavorable to the whisper team.

Wei Guanghua had no choice but to open a defense cheat, and let the treatment quickly add blood, carrying this wave of violent attacks.

But they can only delay for a few seconds-because Mo Jue’s attack power is too strong, the treatment cannot be added at all!

This time, Zhu Qingyue used the tactics of a fire dart fighter. Pei Yu has been putting distant attacks in the distance to increase the pressure on the other side. Xiao Han, Qin Mo, and Liu Hong have set fire to kill the dart fighter. Qingyue adopted a very clever turning strategy, he marked the number 1-4 on the heads of the four darts, the three pretended to kill the number 1, and waited for the opposite treatment to crazyly add blood to the number 1 dart. At that moment, the three of them suddenly shifted their targets and opened the burst skills to directly kill No. 2.

Treatment options: “…”

The ability of the three great gods of Mo Jue to turn fire in an instant is quite scary, and the healing players obviously cannot keep up with their rhythm of turning fire.

Although Wei Guanghua made a decisive jump to the back row of Mo Jue to interfere with the reading of Zhu Qingyue and Pei Yu, he alone could only control one of Qing Yue or Pei Yu. Even if he forcibly killed Zhu Qingyue, he could not be reversed. Whispering team slump.

The three Han Mohong quickly killed the four dart divisions by transferring the targets, and the treatment was led by their noses, which could not be added at all.

In the first wave of team battles, although Wei Guanghua killed Zhu Qingyue and Pei Yu for two long-range crispy skins with his teammates, Mo Ju’s gain was that all four dart divisions were dead.

Luo Yuan’s heart suddenly had a very bad hunch. The seamless transmission of whispers and the matrix superposition were played by Zhu Qingyue. He cracked it at the stage of selecting cheats. However, he opened the distance and quickly used the advantages of the map. The dart strategy was also successfully resolved by Zhu Qingyue’s accurate prediction and invincible formation at the start.

Obviously, Qingyue has carefully studied the tactics of the Whispering team. The map advantage of this game and the most powerful umbrella combination of Whispering did not play out, and it was disrupted by the moment of Mo Jue. .

Luo Yuan said: “We don’t have much time!”

Wei Guanghua nodded: “Open the acceleration array, go at full speed!”

After the first wave of group battles ended, Mo decided to kill two of them, and the remaining three resumed their journey. They breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and Wei Guanghua led the team of dart divisions to move quickly on the stone road.

There is still a long way to go before the opponent will definitely make a comeback and kill the chief dart!

Wei Guanghua kept staring behind him, but strangely, Mo Ju’s players never appeared …

Until the moment when there was one hundred meters left, five people suddenly jumped out of the water, and at the same time, a series of traps on the ground exploded, and all the whispers unknowingly stepped into Liu Hong. In the trap array.

Ye Chao couldn’t help but said: “Mo Ju’s play is really unpredictable, this is another reverse interception!”

Liang Ru said with a smile: “I can’t help thinking of the game between Mo Jue and Yulou Chunxiao. The Soviet team also moved in the opposite direction and took the team members to the finish line, leading all the ghosts on the map to block the road! Qingyue Today The strategy is actually similar to that game. “

Ye Chao explained: “This map is a square. The resurrection points on both sides are on the diagonal perpendicular to the dart line. According to the mathematical rule of” the shortest vertical distance between points and lines “, after they resurrect, they follow the vertical route. It takes the shortest time to walk on the stone road. Most teams will also follow this vertical line when chasing the dart division team. But the dart division team has reached the bottom half of the map. If they walk the vertical line, they will reach the middle of the map. , You must drive lightly and continue to chase the dart car, which is a waste of time. “

Liang Ru said: “So they chose another way and went directly towards the end point under water. Although farther and longer, they were able to intercept the opposing team of dartists in the opposite direction, hitting each other by surprise!”

Ye Chao said: “But there are certain risks in doing so. If you can’t stop it, you will lose!”

Facts have proven that since Zhu Qingyue dared to do so, he must be fully prepared and have absolute confidence in his teammates.

——If he switched to the former Qing Mu team, he would not dare to take such a risk, but now, he is commanding the Mo decision team!

——It is a world-class ace player such as Qin Mo and Xiao Han, a resolute and decisive girl like Liu Hong, and a clever rookie team like Pei Yu!

So, what does he dare?

With a distance of 100 meters and a time of ten seconds, the total dart head that doubles the blood volume in a single breath must be strong.

The members of the Moju team have arduous tasks, but everyone’s eyes are calm and firm!

The traps that Liu Hong laid on the road in advance exploded the whispers and caught the whistle of the whispering team directly; Pei Yu kept up with the group control to create opportunities for teammates. Zhu Qingyue opened the attack matrix in a timely manner. Then, Han, Mo and Hong all rushed forward at the same time, and hailed the strongest outbreak with the fastest hand speed!

In 5 seconds, the blood of the total dart head was smashed into half blood in one breath!

The other party was about to give him back blood with the instant addition skill. At this moment, the white prime umbrella suddenly fell from the sky and made three consecutive turns around him. It was Zhu Qingyue’s weakness!

After the healing skills that could have added tens of thousands of blood were weakened, only 10,000 blood was added …

Zhu Qingyue was weak in treatment in time, so that the blood of the chief dart head could not be added back. The members of the whispering team tried to interfere with the output of Mo Ju by various methods. However, Qing Yue read the invincible formation method again. With the formation of the cyan rain curtain, allies in the area enter an invincible state for 5 seconds.

The dart car is still moving forward, but the health of the total dart head has been hit to 30%.

Whisper’s healing of the weak state is over, and finally the ability to add blood can be opened, however, it is too late!

Seeing that the dart car had the last 10 meters from the end, Xiao Hanguo cut off the dragon’s shadowless move, surrounded by thousands of lights and ghosts, and added the cruel strike of the flying moon—

The head of the dart fell suddenly, the dart car stopped, and the goods on it fell to the ground.

——The darts mission failed and the attacker won.

Watching this message pop up, Wei Guanghua reluctantly said, “Luo team, your brother is really amazing …”

There was a bitter smile on Luo Yuan’s lips. Qing Yue in his impression was not such a brave personality, but today he finally realized that since the day he joined Mo Jue, Qing Yue was no longer the one The sympathetic captain Qingmu and Xiao crying bag.

Mo Ju changed Zhu Qingyue and made him more confident. Because of his strong teammates around him, his command no longer needs to be as conservative and timid as before. With Xiao Han, Qin Mo, and Liu Hong beside him, he can just let it go …

On the stage of the VIP audience in the audience, Chu Yan’s lips also showed a smile.

Qingyue, your talent has been buried for so long, and now it can finally shine on the stage. This is not what Master gave to you, nor is it possible for the Qing Mu team to give you, but the influence of this environment, and your own. Work hard.

Master can finally say proudly that my apprentice Zhu Qingyue is not a little crying bag, but a reassurance for his teammates and a trembling of his opponent …

God-level assistance.

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