The King’s Return

Chapter 267 - Mo Ju VS Yun Xiao (3)

The first game was lost in Qin Mo ’s surprise. If you lose two games in a row, the fans on the scene are expected to explode.

Qin Mo began to calm down and think carefully. He was very pleased to see the growth of Yuan Xi and Qiu Zongping, and realized that Qiu Zongping had used his knowledge of him to return to this tactic by surprise. Qin Mo succeeded in a surprise attack without preparedness.

Lost in the first game, this pot must be backed by Qin Mo.

But overall, there was no big problem with Mo’s lineup, and the players were in good shape. Qin Mo still had the confidence to come back in the second game.

Seeing Qin Mo thinking seriously, Xiao Han reached out and patted his shoulder, saying: “Xiao Qiu’s command style today is different from before. It seems we can’t take care.”

Qin Mo said: “Well. Their home court in the second game is likely to continue to choose the dart game mode to send Xue Wei, let’s continue to fight.”

Xiao Han nodded in agreement and turned back to his teammates and said, “Everyone follows the strategy set out previously. Anyway, winning or losing does not affect the ranking. We can relax and fight hard.”

Shen He raised his hand and said, “What if they don’t choose the dart mode?”

Qin Mo said: “It will be selected. What Yun Xiao is best at is the dart mode. Secret letters and treasure hunts, they are not confident that they can beat Mo Ju.”

Qiu Zongping knew him, and he knew Qiu Zongping as well.

No matter the offensive or defensive mode, the Yunxiao team has its own tactical system. The defensive mode is more stable because of the **** milk, which is also the key point for Yunxiao in the team stage. But instead of treasure hunting, the summoner group would have no advantage if they were singled out, and the ability to steal the boss in front of the secret mode was no better than Mo Jue, so the most rational choice is still the dart mode.

Sure enough, as Qin Mo expected, Qiu Zongping chose the dart game mode in the home field of the second inning, and the map was also a canyon, but it was changed into a “cloud sky canyon”.

The biggest feature of this map is that the terrain is narrow. The sky above the head is like a straight line. The narrow terrain allows a dart car and two players to pass side by side. Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi can just cooperate in such terrain-let the chariot. After interception, as long as the pet keeps the throat passage, the attacker will be helpless.

The lineup sent by Qiu Zongping turned out to be a double-calling and treating Zhou Xuewei’s Audio-Technica defensive lineup, with Li Dongqing and Qi Fei both out.

In the same Iron Triangle defensive formation, the key of Mo’s formation is the shield and the formation method, and the key of Yun Xiao is the pet card position and the field control. The other two outputs, Li Dongqing and Qi Fei, are naturally inferior to Xiao Han and Qin Mo, but Yun Xiao’s treatment of Zhou Xuewei is the **** milk of the current league.

Taken together, the level of Yunxiao’s defensive lineup is almost equal to Mo’s defensive lineup.

So in terms of the lineup, Yunxiao is not invincible. The key depends on how Mo decided to respond.

Qin Mo saw Qiu Zongping’s routine, and quickly sent out the corresponding lineup-five outputs, which is to talk to you positively!

Ye Chao laughed: “It seems that after losing the first game, Qin Mo has to make a quick decision in the second game. Although the game’s winning or losing has little effect on the Mo decision ranking, it can be a loss to lose two games at home. , It will become dark history under the command of Qin Mo. “

Liang Ru said: “The first game was lost because Qin Mo was sacked. He should not make the same mistake in the second game. I am more optimistic about Mo Ju.”

Ye Chao said immediately, “I found a strange phenomenon. Yun Xiao’s defensive formation is three trumps with two newcomers. Mo Ju’s output array is also three trumps with two newcomers.”


In the training room of Shuangyue, Chen Jiang said while eating watermelon, “Han Mo and Qiu Yuan 2V2 are definitely Han Mo wins. Liu Hong’s strength should be weak among the first-class output players. Zhou Xuewei is the top in treatment. Comprehensive comparison, The strength on both sides is similar. The key to this game depends on Zhou Xuewei’s performance. “

Pang Jia touched the fleshy chin and said, “Sister Xue Wei is indeed a **** milk with good consciousness, fast hands and first-class response …”

Rong Haibin next to the gossip said: “Little fat, wouldn’t you like her?”

Pang Jia scratched her head and said with a smile, “My weight is 3.5 times hers. Standing together is a living beauty and a fat bear.”

Everyone: “…”

You really hacked!

In the dormitory of the Dynasty clan, the vice team of Sang who watched the game with Chu Jianxin also made a detailed analysis: “As long as Shen He and Pei Yu can’t drop the chain on Mo Ju, Li Dongqing and Qi Fei on Yun Xiao also play normally, The key lies in the duel between the three ace players. Qiu Zongping will definitely try to interfere with the cooperation of Han Mo. The most important thing is-who will interfere with Zhou Xuewei. “

Chu Jianxin stroked his nose and said, “Xue Wei is indeed a great threat in defensive mode. Qin Mo should be the first to abolish the secret of treatment?”

Sang Jun nodded: “Yes.”


The competition site entered the cheating ban selection stage.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, Qin Mo banned defense and healing secrets, and first grabbed the healing secret “Lingshu Heart Sutra”, which is very similar to Qiu Zongping’s thinking.

Ye Chaodao: “It is indeed a master who took Qiu Zongping as an entry. The two people’s ideas for choosing cheats are almost the same.”

Liang Ru said with a smile: “Then Qin Mo should choose a large number of output cheats to maximize the output ability of the team.”

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she was severely beaten by Qin Mo.

-“Northern Geese Flying South” “Light as Yan”, what kind of ghosts are these? !!

Qin Mo actually picked the two most unpopular cheats for the league in a row?

Ye Chao finally reacted, and his face was full of surprise: “Light fight? No way …”

Liang Ru faced bitterly: “The idea of ​​Qin Mo really made me wonder.”

In front of the TV, Nie Yuzhu said calmly, “Qiu Zongping came to the yin in the last game. Qin Mo had to fight for his teeth in this game. He hit him by surprise.”

Sang Jun smiled and said, “Qin Mo’s brain is turning very fast. In such terrain, the interference of a large number of pets on the other side will make it extremely difficult for them to move. It is impossible to control Zhou Xuewei at all. He chose two light work cheats in a row. At a critical moment, maybe Yun Xiao’s formation can be directly collapsed in this way. “

Qiu Zongping also quickly understood Qin Mo’s thinking, but at this time he was too late to grab the cheats, and could only continue to choose the control field cheats according to his own ideas.

Han Mo had played once in the doubles match, but Mo has never used it during the team battle. I did not expect it to appear again today.

After the cheats were selected by both sides, Qin Mo and Xiao Han both entered the court with light skills. Liu Hong brought the innocence of this solution, Pei Yu and Shen He both took long-distance group attacks. On Yunxiao’s side, the five people all had control secrets, including group control and single control. Obviously, they wanted to control and interfere to the end.


At the start of the game, the players from both sides came to the starting point of the dart car at the fastest speed.

The terrain here is narrow, and there are at most two people standing side by side next to the dart car. Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi are smart enough to summon the institution’s blood cow to **** the position in advance, while protecting Zhou Xuewei to let her stand behind everyone, Li Dongqing and Qi Fei Two melees are defending in front.

The Mo Jue people also quickly rushed over. Due to the long distance of pet calling, the canyon was blocked by Qiu Zongping’s chariot when they arrived.

It didn’t take long for the team of darts to set off. They wanted to catch up and had to use martial arts for light.

However, before everyone had enough time to make light efforts, Qiu Zongping knew that he was about to call two snakes in a row, and settled Xiao Han and Liu Hong one by one. Following the summoning chariot, Yuan Xi surrounded Qin Mo. Next came Li Dongqing’s cheats for group fear.

Yunxiao’s preemptive play was very wise. As soon as the Mo Jue came over, they continued to open the field to keep them.

If you keep it but don’t kill it, it’s just a way to quench your thirst. You must kill the opponent’s core players while playing the game, and make a difference.

“Hit!” Qiu Zongping ordered, and Li Xiaoqing, Qi Fei, and Yuan Xi of the Yunxiao team shot at the same time, aiming at Qin Mo who was standing in the front row!

They wanted to set fire to kill Qin Mo, but Qin Mo ’s teammates were not vegetarian, especially Shen He just stood wisely far away and waited for the opportunity, and was not affected by the cheat control skills. At this time, he finally started to take action. Summon the organ horse directly, opposite the anti-fear!

Pei Yu stood with Shen He and also played a clear flute, so when Zhou Xuewei eased the fear of the organ horses on her teammates, Pei Yu’s freezing happened to fall on the two front-line players Li Dongqing and Qi Fei. .

It is also seamlessly connected. Although the tacit understanding can not be compared with the Qiu Yuan combination in the previous round, the two young men’s joint control of the field has caused great trouble for the players of the Yunxiao team.

The two sides exchanged a wave of field control skills at the start, and the team battle has not really started yet.

Suddenly, the 3 seconds of fear on Mo Jue ended, and Yuan Xi followed up with the driver and wanted to continue to take control. Liu Hong suddenly opened the cheat of “Clear Heart Judgment”-her ability to predict Precise. As early as Yuan Xi was preparing to read the article, she guessed that the other party needed seamless control, so she resolved it decisively.

At the same time, Qin Mo and Xiao Han acted tacitly.

Xiao Han used “Jin Chan Huo Hu” to teleport directly, Qin Mo also used “Book Sword Drifting” to penetrate the chariot block in front of him. The two came to the rear at the same time. Qin Mo greeted Zhou Xuewei with a stroke !!

Zhou Xuewei has stacked several layers of blood buffs on the dart master, but Qin Mo’s closeness makes it difficult for her to release the reading skills and she has to retreat quickly.

Qin Mo took the opportunity to directly open the big move of “sword pointing to the sky”. Shen He and Pei Yu in the distance also took part in the air group attack. The three men simultaneously launched a large group attack. In the blink of an eye, the blood of the dart team The amount was actually hit by 30% in a row.

Xiao Han broke out resolutely and stealthily. Eight strokes of ghosts split into eight ghosts, and two ghosts besieged a dart master. In a blink of an eye, the dart master’s health was all reduced to 15%!

The eight afterimages were divided into four groups. This sharp multi-line operation allowed the full screen of “6666” to be swiped in the live room.

Xiao Han’s practice of comprehensively lowering the blood line of the dart division is obviously trying to kill four dart divisions in one breath. The assassin’s position is really flexible, not to mention that this assassin is operated by Xiao Han. With all the blood remaining in the dart division, Xiao Han began to cut into the battlefield and quickly harvested his head. One move was “the ice silkworm lore” and the second was dropped. “Tuanri” dropped the third, a very handsome three-round kill, and also welcomed the excited shouts of the audience …

Just when he wanted to be the fourth in a second, a soft light lit up in the distance, which was Zhou Xuewei’s instant addition skill hanging thread diagnosis!

In the case of Qin Mo’s continuous close interference and interruption, Zhou Xuewei was able to release a key healing skill. It is not easy. Suspension diagnosis is the single most instantaneous skill of Fangcaotang’s healing. At one go back to about 80%.

Xiao Han’s plan to kill all four dart divisions failed.

And the battle in the front row was at a standstill.

Liu Hong has been using Qiu Zongping’s pet to explode. Pei Yu and Shen He occasionally throw in group attack and group control skills to assist, but after all, there are three fights and four, Mo decided to fall into a disadvantage, Liu Hong is even more. Only about 30% of the blood was left by Yuan Xi’s pet.

Qin Mo glanced at the situation of the battle and said, “Xiao He came over to help, and then withdrew after killing!”

The team of darts is constantly advancing. Everyone has been running and playing. Due to the chariots blocking the road ahead, the martial arts have light power and light power strength restrictions. The position of the Mo Jue members is greatly restricted. Shen He and Pei Yu also temporarily There is no way to break through the large number of pets intercepted by Qiu and Yuan.

But 傀儡 substitute is a good skill-release the 傀儡 exactly the same as the deity, and make the demon teleport to the designated place.

After hearing Master ’s instructions, Shen He released the stand-in stand-in without hesitation, and teleported to Master, and a large wave of machine rats bite at the surrounding targets like a flood!

When he came to help, the most important thing was the weak field.

The weak dart division facilitates Han Mo to join forces to kill. When Zhou Xuewei is weak, her treatment volume will be greatly reduced.

This wave of machine mice is just a timely rain. Xiao Han shot again to attack the two weak dart divisions, and Zhou Xuewei just used the instant blood addition skill. The next skill needs to read a note. Qin Mo decisively made a move. “Battle Sword End of the World” interrupted her. Just as Zhou Xuewei was about to fly lightly, Qin Mo took another trick to “sword into a river” to knock her out.

Zhou Xuewei was going crazy-Qin Mo was really not polite at all!

She was already weak, could not keep up with the treatment, and was delayed by Qin Mo. Xiao Han and Shen He had killed the fourth dart division together!

The tacit understanding of the cooperation of these three people is really admirable. Qin Mo controls the field, Xiao Han and Shen He join forces to output, and the rhythm is so fast that people cannot react at all.

After killing the dart division, Qin Mo, Xiao Han, and Shen He retreated at the same time and pressed the scroll back to the city.

In the front row team battle, Liu Hong and Pei Yu died in the besieging of Yunxiao.

Originally Han Mo went to kill the dart master to control Xue Wei, which was still under Qiu Zongping’s control. After all, Xue Wei’s strength was there, even if Qin Mo chased and beat her, she could add blood. However, the sudden opening and closing of the Shen River weakened Zhou Xuewei, which was unexpected by Qiu Zongping, and also caused Xue Wei to fail to prevent it for a while, and Xiao Hankai broke out and killed the dart division.

In the first wave of team battles, Mo Jueqiang killed four dart divisions, and the gain has been very great.

Qiu Zongping frowned: “The second wave must be guarded!”

He did not choose a return trip, probably because he went to the game and returned and attacked Qin Mo. He was worried that Qin Mo would make a sudden attack based on gourd painting. After all, Qin Mo is still in a good state, and Shen He and Xiao Han are together. It is not impossible for the three to attack the chief dart head together.

To be on the safe side, it is safer to follow the dart car.

Qiu Zongping thought for a while and said, “I will return with Xue Wei, and the others will stay behind.”

This compromise is the safest way. He and Zhou Xuewei consumed too much blue and needed a return supply. If no one is left, they will be afraid of a sneak attack on the opposite side. At least three people will be prepared in case of a surprise attack, so as not to be quickly dropped by the opposite dart.

In a blink of an eye, Qiu Zongping and Zhou Xuewei returned after filling up the blood blue. Zhou Xuewei also thoughtfully lost Yuan Xi a blue return skill.

Qiu Zongping urged: “Qi Fei protects Xue Wei later, don’t let Xue Wei’s reading be disturbed. Holly opens her invisibility to the back row of Mo decides, specifically interrupting Shen He and Pei Yu’s field control skills. Yuan Xi cooperate I use pets to stop them. If I can kill, I will kill. If I cannot kill, I will delay. I will try to give Xuewei time! “

Zhou Xuewei had quickly filled the dart head with blood Buff before returning. By the time she returned, the blood of the dart head had returned to about 80%. Her calculation of the amount of blood added has always been accurate. At this time, she added five layers of blood added to the dart head. After a few seconds, the blood volume will be full. In this way, the blue consumption is extremely low. She has always liked to use The least cost plus the most health.

After a while, the dart was full of blood, and Mo Jue finally appeared in the field of vision.

Liu Hong and Pei Yu hung once, so Mo Jue ’s crew gathered at a slow pace. Before they arrived, Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi had already made arrangements-Qi Zongping’s four chariots were blocked. On the road, Mo Judeng had to bypass with merits; however, Yuan Xi ’s four chariots continued to block the road. Mo Ju had to use meritorious power over there.

The use of martial arts light power will consume light power strength value, the strength value is generally 100 points, you can drive light power to drive about 700 meters, in the game, players like to drive light power in the wild, faster than riding. But the annoying thing is, once the strength value drops to 0, the martial arts can’t be used. If it drops to 0 when flying in the air, it will be even worse, and it will fall and die.

Controlling light power is one of the basic skills of professional players. You cannot use light power during competitions, and you must save energy.

The length of this gorge is about 800 meters. The dart car has now reached 650 meters, which means that all members of Mo Ju are chasing with light work after resurrection. When they catch up with the dart division, the remaining strength is already very high. Less, they can no longer be allowed to do light work.

The director had cut the camera to the players’ light work strips with great wit, and found that there were very few light work strips left by the Mo Ju five players.

At this time, the audience understood the cleverness of Qiu Zongping’s selection of the map. The key to this map is the second wave of team battles. As long as the opponents of the second wave of team battles use light work to chase the dart car, when the martial arts are unavailable when they arrive at the scene, they will be stuck on the road by a large number of pets and cannot approach the dart car.

Even though Xiao Han, Qin Mo, and Shen He used the teleport skill to pass through the pet group’s interception directly, Liu Hong and Pei Yu did not have this kind of teleport ability to pass through obstacles and were left in the distance. The regiment cannot exert its maximum power. As long as Qiu Zongping continued to hold the opposite side with the wooden snake after the opponent’s teleportation, the dart car gradually moved away, and Mo’s team members could no longer catch up.

Ye Chao lamented: “This picture was chosen so badly that the opponent ran out of light while running and then used a large number of pets to block the road. Even if the opponent bypassed the pet group, he would face the challenge of being unable to catch up with the dart car after being controlled again. Embarrassing … Qin Mo is really awesome. When he looked at the map, he guessed Qiu Zongping’s thoughts and made precautions in advance! “

Liang Ru sighed: “It is me, I guess I can understand it when I lose. It’s still a stranger, so choosing light work cheats is really prescient!”

For this, Sang Jun who watched the game couldn’t help admiring it.

In fact, at the moment Qiu Zongping selected the “Cloudy Canyon” map, Sang Jun did not calculate the relationship between the length of the canyon and the light bar, only subconsciously thought that Qiu Zongping would use the narrow terrain to complete the pet control field. With him, he will definitely not choose light cheats, but will choose a large number of output cheats to improve the team’s output ability.

However, the consequence of doing so is that the first wave of group battles may crush the opposite slasher, and the second wave of group battles will face the embarrassment of not being able to catch up with the dart car!

Sang Jun thought that here was also chilling back—if Qiu Zongping took out this map when the dynasty and Yun Xiao were playing, the dynasty would definitely lose!

Obviously, Qiu Zongping’s big move was reserved to deal with Mo.

It can be seen from the entire schedule that many teams like to keep the most amazing and difficult to guess tactics against the Mo decision-including the national color suddenly sent a double repair player, Su Cheng used a ghost to contain, the two games Mo was originally Can 2: 0, but was eventually equalized. But switching to other strong teams in the league will definitely be equalized.

In fact, the dynasty score is higher than Mo’s. The most important reason is the arrangement of the playing field.

The dynasty came to the national color after Mo decided to play the national color; after Mo decided to play the Yuxiao Chunxiao, the dynasty followed the Yuxiao Chunxiao. Qin Mo stepped on the thunder in front, and Sang Jun followed him. The team’s signature tactics had already been used, and it was naturally easier for the dynasty to hit them.

When Chu Jianxin saw this, he couldn’t help but said, “Qin Mo had guessed this in advance! It seems that his mastery of all maps and corresponding tactics far exceeds our expectations.”

Sang Jun nodded his head and said, “Everyone said that Nie Yuzhu was stable and Qiu Zong was stable. In fact, Qin Mo is the most stable commander in the league. You see, no matter how much he loses or wins, the expression on his face has not changed much, and he It’s hard to be disturbed by outside factors. “

Chu Jianxin was stunned, and said, “The external factor you said … was he hacked recently?”

Sang Jun said: “Well, many people say he is a 1: 1 professional household.”


At the game site, Mo Jue members were stopped by Qiu Zongping’s pets and could not move forward for a while.

At this moment, Qin Mo and Xiao Han tacitly opened up cheats at the same time. The two flew directly into the air, crossed from the top of the pet group, and immediately came to Zhou Xuewei’s side!

As early as Qin Mo’s selection of light work cheats, Qiu Zongping knew that his strategy was seen through by the other party.

But Qiu Zongping couldn’t help it.

Light work cheats are quite flexible, and Qin Mo and Xiao Han’s airborne operation level is top-level, Qiu Zongping wants to control them too late. From time to time, Qin Mo flew into the sky and swooped in. The sharp sword stabbed in his hand. One sword interrupted Zhou Xuewei’s reading. The white swordsman was like a white bird taking off in the air. Zhou Xuewei was interrupted by him and couldn’t take care of himself.

This operation is absolutely terrible, a martial art master!

The audience was very enjoyable. Many Qin Mo Fans in the live broadcast room did screenshots with expressions, accompanied by the text: “eat me a sword!”

Qin Mo’s aerial control of the field suppressed Zhou Xuewei in all directions without a blind spot, and did not give her the opportunity to read a note at all. Although Qi Fei was on the side protection, he was also a player of the Hanhua Sword School. He couldn’t keep up with the speed of Moshen. He saw Moss flying to the west. He worked hard and tried to stop, but Moss flew to the east in an instant. … It’s almost unrequitable!

A light work cheat, which instantly reversed the battle situation, Qin Mo accomplished the containment of the Yunxiao team and the swordsman. Xiao Han was not idle. While driving the light work cheat, he continuously opened six afterimages, although six afterimages Not as spectacular as the eight afterimages of the first wave of teamfights, but the key is that they can fly!

The audience was stunned directly: “66666! The afterimage that can fly!” “There is still this operation? Under the cheat sheet state, the afterimage can also fly?” “Mo God and Han God let us discover the new continent, Just go back and try! “

Light work cheats are too unpopular, and the effect of using light work cheats by a single person is not good. At least two people must complete the tacit cooperation in the air at the same time.

Seeing this, many captains of the league can’t help but sigh: Only Mo can decide to use this tactic?

While flying around in the air, they can also take care of each other. In addition to Qin Mo and Xiao Han, I would like to ask, which combination can complete such a sharp operation?

The players watching the live broadcast were sighing, the audience was worshipping, but Yunxiao’s players were a little aggressive at this time.

The feeling now is that I am standing on the ground with high-speed aircraft bombing above my head, unavoidable, and unable to interrupt.

Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi’s pets can’t go to heaven, right? The machine eagle is an air pet, but the machine eagle can only attack and cannot control it.

Zhou Xuewei couldn’t go to heaven with a treatment.

Qi Fei was overwhelmed by Qin Mo, and there was a Li Dongqing who wanted to fly up to interfere with Han Mo, but Liu Hong and Pei Yu did not eat dry rice. Before he acted, Liu Hong took a trap with his eyes and caught him. Given that, Pei Yu kept up with the follow-up and kept Li Dongqing in place.

Shen He’s flexibility also played a key role at this time. He once again opened and turned to teleport to the front of the dart car, and the two wooden snakes bited towards the head of the dart from left to right.

Xiao Han immediately exploded his hand and let the black afterglow in the air dive down, besieging the chief dart head from three directions!

Seeing Xue Wei accused, Yuan Xi decisively turned back to help, summoned the eagle to attack Xiao Han, his pet’s attack power was extremely strong, Xiao Han was smashed by the eagle’s hidden weapon, and the blood lost was quite terrible. However, both Xiao Han and Qin Mo were using light work cheats at the moment, and the two were flying in the air. Even if Yuan Xi and Qiu Zongping’s organ hawk could hurt the two, that would not kill them.

The indestructible Qin Mo and Xiao Han are hugely threatening!

Even if only one drop of blood is left, the two can make a horrifying output!

Xiao Han flies while beating, throwing a dagger in his hand like a torrential rain. Changhong’s consecutive strikes have been brushed more than ten times. The damage caused by the hidden weapon in the air has made the eagles of the organs feel filthy.

Qin Mo also flies while beating. The long sword in his hand keeps sweeping in a fan-shaped manner. First, she silences Zhou Xuewei. At the moment when she wants to release control, she uses the “sword to make a river” to fly Zhou Xuewei from behind, just falling into the distance. In the trap of Liu Hong.

Liu Hong decisively threw the ring in his hand and brought Zhou Xuewei to his own place.

When she broke off with the assistance of Qiu Zongping, Pei Yu quickly read out the silence of “Taihuchun” and silenced Zhou Xuewei.

On the surface, Qiu Zongping’s pet stopped him from catching up with the dart car, but Hong and Pei’s goal has not always been a dart car, but to keep the people on the opposite side and let Xiao Han and Qin Mo go all out!

The two kept staring at the movement over Qin Mo’s side. As soon as Zhou Xuewei was blown over, Liu Hong immediately stood in a straight line to cover up and blocked Pei Yu’s position. Pei Yu opened the penetration skills and the sound wave passed directly through Liu Hong. His body accurately controlled Zhou Xuewei, but Qiu Zongping caught him by surprise.

The treatment was blown away, Qin Mo and Xiao Han joined forces to kill the chief dart, and Shen He hurried out of the weakness of the rat.

By the time Zhou Xuewei finally got out of control and flew back and wanted to add blood, the total dart head had been hit to 10% of his health. She only saw a sharp sword with a touch of chill, flying straight down from the sky, and a sword pierced the chest of the chief dart, bursting out a gorgeous blood flower.

That was Qin Mo’s “Swords and Immortals” locking skills. He kept it useless and waited until the last moment to make up the knife.

Xiao Han broke out fully, there are not many attack skills, and the effect of light work cheats is about to end.

But Xiao Han has Qin Mo beside him. When you control the field, you can’t breathe, and Qin Mo never loses the chain.

The accurate make-up knife, a sword flying in the air, very simply emptied the total dart head’s blood.

… lost.

Watching the head of the dart fall suddenly, Zhou Xuewei was helpless, but also helpless Qiu Zongping.

He doesn’t know what those people who think about online black Qin Mo think, but those who have really dealt with Qin Mo know that to fight with Qin Mo, you must use 100% concentration and effort to make a careful layout. A 50% win. And once your layout is discovered by Qin Mo, 100% will definitely lose. However, even if you see through Qin Mo’s layout, you can’t help it.

Qin Mo broke the away game very badly, but the strongest is his home layout ability. His game is too difficult to solve.

But throughout the team stage, he did not have many high-end games …

Obviously, he still keeps his hands.

The special tactics of Mo Ju, such as the light power stream that other teams cannot emulate, appeared once today, and other methods will definitely be left to deal with Lihuo and the Dynasty.

Qiu Zongping was so convinced that he lost all his calculations. Qin Mo’s calculations are under the control of Qin Mo. What else is there to say?

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