The King’s Return

Chapter 281

Zhu Qingyue’s death is undoubtedly a huge loss for Mo Jue. In the following team battles, he can no longer use the gain matrix method to improve the output of his teammates. ability. Fortunately, the other four took advantage of the 5 seconds of invincible formation and attack bonus time, and jointly output tons of damage. They had quickly killed two dart divisions.

The remaining two darts had a weak state that Zhu Qingyue put on in advance. Unfortunately, the duration of the weakness was only 3 seconds. When Qing Yue was killed, the weak state on the two darts had disappeared, and they wanted to kill them. They undoubtedly increase the difficulty.

What dynasty fans are anxious is that Chu Jianxin has not released any skills during these five seconds. He has been in the front row quickly and seems to be watching the situation.

Until the moment Zhu Qingyue was killed, Chu Jianxin finally shot–

I saw that the sword on his shoulder swept forward one by one, and directly knocked out Qin Mo and Liu Hong who were in front of each other with the “Sweep Eight Wilds” range attack skill, almost at the same time, Sang Jun and Wen Hua immediately Keeping up with the output, the dagger in both hands stabbed at Qin Mo at the same time!

Obviously, the next dynasty to kill is Qin Mo.

Sang Jun’s illusion control turned Qin Mo’s eyes into a flower bed, but Qin Mo knew the terrain here, closed his eyes, opened a light work, and quickly flew to the side. Sang Jun and Wen Hua naturally followed him and continued to pursue In this way, there will be only three Mo Mo attacking the dart division.

Liu Hong, Xiao Han and Shen He must kill the dart division as fast as possible!

Qin Mo quickly walked to dodge the attack, and said, “Set fire to kill one!”

Qing Yue was not present. If Chu Jianxin used counter-attack skills, plus the group treatment of the other side, if Mo Jue ’s firepower was scattered, there would be an awkward situation that the darts could not kill. At this critical moment, being able to kill one was one, and teammates naturally knew this, and he did not hesitate to execute Qin Mo’s instructions.

Xiao Han turned his head on the dart division in front of him, and Shen He and Liu Hong decisively followed the output.

The output strength of the three people is not small. It was easy to kill a dart division, but the first side of the dynasty has always retained skills at the beginning of the team battle. At this time, he suddenly made a move All the damage in the range is absorbed into himself, and then keep up with the rebound skills-

The anti-injury at this critical moment has great lethality against Mo Jue!

In particular, Shen He’s pet attack was directly bounced back to his body and instantly became half blood.

Fortunately, Xiao Han has always been paying attention to the new skill situation, and knows that he is likely to launch an anti-injury. He did not directly use the outbreak of Shenlong’s big move. Otherwise, the undead dartist will not say it, he is likely to give himself back to death. Already.

After the initial construction of the new anti-injury skills was completed, Xiao Han finally started to work-Shenlong no shadow stealth, Qiandeng ghost step shadows besieged, and the critical strike of the ice silkworm lore!

Liu Hong’s consciousness was not bad. At first, he only put a few traps as a tentative test. After the injury, the blood loss was not much. When Xiao Han started to expand, she decisively followed the “quiet water flowing deep” and silenced the opposite treatment. , Then use the beaded bird ring and interlocking crit to set fire to kill the dart division.

Even with the protection of the meat shield and treatment, Xiao Han and Liu Hong joined forces to open the university and still killed the dart division directly.

Ye Chao couldn’t help but praise: “Mo decided this team, the team’s execution ability is really terrible. With a command, everyone immediately started to play and played very decisively. Xiao Han and Liu Hong are both old players. It ’s very strong. The most important big move has not been countered by Chu Jianxin. Shen He is a newcomer and needs to be strengthened in this regard, but his auxiliary control field in the back row is actually very good. “

Liu Chuan said: “But the key now is that although the third dart was killed, Qin Mo’s blood was also very low, and Xiao Han and Liu Hong joined forces to kill the third dart. Teacher, when they hit the fourth, they did n’t make any big move and they may face the embarrassment of not being hurt enough. “

Wu Zewen said: “Qin Mo is deliberately pulling the front to disperse Sang Jun and Wen Hua’s firepower. He obviously wants to give his teammates some time.”

Liu Chuan nodded in agreement: “This is also the most sensible approach. He was set off by two high-explosing assassins from Sang Jun and Wen Hua. If they do not leave the battlefield and take away these two assassins, it is likely that they will return immediately after his killing. Continue to kill Shen He, Liu Hong and other teammates. Take away the core output from the opposite side, to give teammates time, Qin Mo also has good intentions. “

The situation is quite tense. Qin Mo’s blood volume is only about 10%. The blood strip has been flashing red, but to the audience’s surprise, he actually survived-because of Sang Jun and Wen Hua. When he wanted to get rid of him with a stab, he suddenly repelled the two with a “sword-sword into a river”, and at the same time, he retreated with light power, and instantly opened a distance of 20 meters!

At this time, the embarrassing person was replaced by Sang Jun. Continue chasing Qin Mo. It ’s a waste of time to chase after 20 meters. But if you do n’t kill Qin Mo and transfer firepower to kill others, the distance is not close. Qin Mo has taken the two to the distance without knowing it. 15 meters away from the team battle center.

In fact, Sang Jun also admired Qin Mo’s overall outlook. When besieged by two assassins, he was able to make decisive strategic adjustments that were most conducive to the situation. Qin Mo was indeed an excellent commander.

But he will not give up.

Sang Jun said decisively: “Continue to kill Qin Mo, you hold on!”

He followed Wen Hua’s decisive effort to follow up. Qin Mo, who was 10% bloody, was finally killed by the two assassins.

-[天涯 路] killed [墨 mark]!

The fans of Mo Jue gave Moshen a row of flowers without any hesitation. Just like Zhu Qingyue, Qin Mo’s death was not wasted. They all won enough time and opportunities for the team, no matter how the team won or lost. It is true that the performance of the two in the team battle did not get dark. It was impossible to live too long for Qin Mo as he was chased by two assassins, Sang Jun and Wen Hua. For a long time, Xiao Han and Liu Hong used a small skill to smash the health of the fourth dartmaster by half!

Unfortunately, just now, Xiao Han and Liu Hong both used the big tricks. In addition, the other party’s treatment gave blood back to the dart master at a critical moment, and his health returned to 80%.

If there is no big move, the output will be greatly weakened, and it is naturally more difficult to kill the dart division.

At the moment when the audience thought that the three men could not kill the dartmaster, Shen He suddenly made a clever operation-he directly summoned the organ horse to fear the opponent, at the same time summoned the organ rat, quickly bite and give the dart The teacher put on three layers of weakness.

Without Qingyue, Shenhe can also be weak!

The weak dart division will have a significant decrease in defense, Xiao Han and Liu Hong immediately took advantage of this opportunity to open up cheats skills.

——They have no big tricks, but they still have attack cheats!

Shen He also cleverly kept up with the group attack output of the organ hawk. Together, the three of them finally cleared the dart division’s health.

Qin Mo said: “Withdraw!”

Killing the four dart divisions has been successfully completed, and if they continue to struggle, they will likely be beaten back. Xiao Han resolutely retreated with stealth skills, Liu Hong teleported and dropped the trap to cut off the chase. Unfortunately, Shen He had only half blood and no teleport skills. Sang Jun directly turned on thousands of lights. Chase skills, a set of burst spikes.

The first wave of group battles ended, Mo decided to sacrifice three people and kill four dart divisions.

Ye Chao turned back and asked, “Chuan Shen thinks that the first wave of team battles is carefully calculated. Which side has the advantage?”

Liu Chuan cheekily: “Would you like to evaluate it?”

Wu Zewen carefully analyzed: “Mo Ju died three people, and the dynasty lost all dart divisions. From the rules of the dart game mode, Mo Ju took a certain advantage. But from the technical details, Mo Ju, except Qin Mo, With the exception of Qingyue, the other three people ’s cheats were all used. The dynasty used only one person to control the cheats, and there will be more skills in the next team battle. In addition, due to the resurrection time after death, the second wave group During the war, Mo must wait for all his teammates to be resurrected before attacking, and time will be very urgent. “

Ye Chao agreed: “Indeed, the first wave of group battles dragged on for a long time. Although the mountain roads are steep, although the dart division team is difficult to walk, the attackers are also not good at chasing. The second wave of group battles must be carried out with full force to kill Chief dart head, when the resurrection rushes over, the big move will definitely cool down. As Ze Wen said, there are very few cheats skills on Mo Jue ’s side, but fortunately, if the four output team up together, the output is still enough. Yes, if it goes well, there is still hope to kill the chief dart and win. “

Wu Zewen nodded: “Well, the key also depends on who can seize the opportunity. The second wave of team battles is actually a race in time.”


Although the waiting time for the resurrection is only a few seconds, the fans still can’t help but anxious, can’t wait for Mo Ju five to instantly move to the dart car.

At this time, the dynasty team had escorted the dart car through the mountainside, and was getting closer and closer to the end of the mission.

Finally, all members of Mo Jue were assembled, and all of them followed up with light effort!

What they face is still blocked by Chu Jianxin, the thick-skinned shield. At this point in time, the treatment had already filled Chu Jianxin with blood, and all his skills had been cooled down, and he also brought the cheat sheet.

In this team battle, Zhu Qingyue still started the invincible array directly because he knew that there was not much time left for Mo Jue!

Mo must use these 5 seconds to squeeze down the total dart’s head health, put a lot of pressure on the opponent, and occupy the initiative of the team battle.

The teammates did not disappoint Zhu Qingyue. The four output teamed up and opened up in 5 seconds, bringing the total dart head pressure to 40% of the blood volume.

The blood of the head of the dart is much higher than that of ordinary darts, and the defense is also higher. If the dart is an elite monster in the game, the head of the dart is equivalent to the boss, which can bring the boss in 5 seconds. Most of the blood was destroyed, and the output ability of the Mo Ju four people is indeed considerable.

But after the invincible time of 5 seconds, the dynasty began to fight back immediately!

Chu Jianxin first controlled the front row with group control cheats, and was cleared by Zhu Qingyue, followed by Wen Hua and opened another control cheat, and then Qingyue used the control cheat to solve it!

The two consecutive group controls were instantly released by God-level assistance. This was not good news for the dynasty, but fortunately, in addition to the control skills, the dynasty also had a thick skin shield newly built.

Chu Jianxin directly opened the “Blood in the Sea” skills to absorb damage on a large scale, and at the same time gave time for back treatment. Although the healer of the dynasty is not famous, after all, he came from a giant club, and his level is not bad. He immediately brushed the blood of the chief dart head, throwing out all the instant addition skills, and returned the total dart head blood to more than 60%!

But after the instant addition skill was released, he could not successfully release the reading skills-because Xiao Han suddenly cut into the back row, a magical dream-like control skill interrupted his reading skills!

As an assassin with high mobility, Xiao Han grasped the timing of cutting the back row quite accurately, interrupted the treatment reading, and gave his teammates time.

At the beginning of construction, a new shield was opened, and Mo Jue had to stop. Xiao Han focused on interference treatment. Liu Hong arranged traps to prevent the other assassins from cutting in. Shen He called for pets to prepare for the attack. Qin Mo quickly moved to observe. The situation.

As soon as the new big move was completed, Qin Mo immediately marked the map: Offense!

Zhu Qingyue suddenly sent a tactical transfer, bypassing the first construction, and passed all four outputs of Mo Ju to the front of the dart car. The four immediately acted like a tiger predator, and collectively exploded and killed the total dart head.

The four output fires cannot be treated at all.

But at this moment, the Lin Lin of the dynasty made an operation to save the whole regiment-sunset flute.

This was the cheat he carried, and the effect was group silence.

The dynasty team members brought several cheating field control cheats. The previous field control skills were all dispelled by Zhu Qingyue, but Lin Ye kept his own field control skills.

He did not release his cheats with his teammates for continuous control, precisely because he was very clear that with Qin Mo’s consciousness, he must have a backhand!

Sure enough, Zhu Qing surpassed the unexpected group teleportation and immediately bypassed Chu Jianxin, who was blocked in the front row. Four teammates were instantly teleported to the head of the chief dart head. Lin Yan’s eyes were quick, and he immediately released the group silent cheats-although only 3 seconds Silence gave teammates the most critical time to react!

Qin Mo felt a little complicated at this moment. He knew that the group teleporting strategy of strong second dart division failed.

Lin Ying is a player brought by Qin Mo. This player is very talented, but somewhat slow. After three years of obscurity, he finally showed a dazzling light on the field of the exclusive league. He followed the dynasty and played this. In the year of the game, progress was rapid, and now he can be ranked among the first-class masters. From the perspective of the professional occupation of drugs, he is not lost to the captain Li Junru of China.

In the first wave of group battles, he hid silently in the back row and poisoned him. The damage caused by Xiao Han’s cut-in interference was not high.

However, in the second wave of group battles, the most critical group controlled the field silently, interrupting Mo’s offensive rhythm!

The players of the dynasty were not stupid. When they saw the entire teleportation of Mo Jue, they immediately reacted and adjusted their positions within three seconds. The three seconds Lin Yong fought for made his teammates respond quickly. Chu Jianxin rushed to the front. Sang Jun and Wen Hua continued to go around to forcefully kill Zhu Qingyue.

After three seconds of silence, the Mo Jue four decisively launched an attack!

They are getting closer and closer to the end. They cannot afford to hesitate. They must make a quick decision!

However, Chu Jianxin ’s level of movement is first-rate. Unless it is a lock technique or a direct intrusion like Xiao Han, most of the other attacking skills are blocked by Chu Jianxin with his own body-actively to block the damage. No one can do a better job than the new construction.

Qin Mo ’s battle with the sword ’s horizons, Liu Hong ’s interlocking, and Shen He ’s chariots were all blocked by the flesh of the newly built area!

His forcible blocking slowed down the rhythm of Mo’s decisive killing of the dart head, and the treatment of the dynasty did not have time to pay attention to the new construction. The head was still beaten by Mo Ju to 30% of his blood volume.

This blood is very dangerous, a few skills go down, immortal and disabled.

There was almost sweating in the palm of the treatment, but Chu Jianxin was quite calm at the moment-there is still a way to the end. Even if he died, he would definitely save his life!

Seeing that Shen He in the distance made a hand-raising action, Chu Jianxin immediately pressed his finger toward the light work key—

Then, the audience saw a shocking scene, when Shen He summoned the eagle of the organization and launched a large attack of air attack; Liu Hong jumped directly into the air and threw the gold and silver rings in his hand and smashed into the chief dart head. Qin Mo also teleported past with the penetrating penetrating skills of the book sword …

But at the same time, Chu Jianxin also flew up with ease.

His flying route with light work is very subtle. First, he flew in front of the dart division, blocked Liu Hong’s double ring crit and Qin Mo’s penetrating sword, then jumped directly above the dart division’s head, forcibly blocking the Shenhe government eagle. Hidden weapon dropped from the air.

—— [Drunk Drinking Rivers] Killed [Sea and Sky]!

The first team to take the initiative to die, how can there be no reason to die?

The death of Chu Jianxin made the fans’ hearts be heard, because everyone knows that once the strongest shield sacrifice, no one can stop Mo’s attack.

Xiao Han should have stared at Sang Jun to prevent him from releasing resurrection cheats, but Sang Jun was also very clever. He disappeared shortly after the start of the second wave of group battles. The Mo Jue people could not see his position at all, only from the perspective of God. The audience only knew that in fact he had been following Zhu Qingyue.

Qingyue teleported his teammates and deliberately placed an order, in fact, in order to attract the opponent’s firepower and let the other party kill him. But Sang Jun did not kill him this time, because killing him was meaningless. In the second wave of group battles, the dynasty was not to kill anyone, but to protect the chief dart head with all its strength, and hold on to this last time.

He followed behind Zhu Qingyue in stealth, just avoiding the center of the team fight, so he would not be hit by the group attack skills.

So at the critical moment, he successfully issued the resurrection cheat “Six Reincarnation”!

Chu Jianxin, who was killed, is resurrected immediately, recovering 10% health and blue volume, and immune to all damage and control within 1 second!

In 1 second, many people may have no time to react, but all the players who reached the finals are fast. Xiao Han responded quickly and decidedly close to try to kill the first build with only a trace of blood. If I cut off the whole group’s ability to absorb damage and put myself on an anti-injury shield!

Xiao Han reluctantly stopped and Chu Jianxin was alive again. The treatment hurriedly gave him a big trick to add blood, and returned his blood to more than half blood.

The total health of the total dart head is only 15%, but the resurrected Chu Jianxin opened the shield to absorb damage and counter-injury, and Mo’s offensive rhythm was interrupted.

A few seconds later, the dart car reached the end.

Xiao Han smiled helplessly and said, “It’s just 1 second, he reacted too quickly, and I wanted to kill him for 1 second.”

Qin Mo said calmly: “These tactics should be practiced many times. Sang Jun and Chu Jianxin cooperate very well. Once Sang Jun released the cheats, he immediately opened the counter-injury, and immediately healed the skills and gave him back blood. , This is expected you will take the opportunity to second him … “

Mo was defeated in this game, but Qin Mo was also convinced.

This “resurrection counterattack” tactic gave the skin-thick meat shield two lives and almost doubled its ability to protect the dart division.

Sang Jun was able to figure out this wonderful style of play, and Mo’s defeat was not an injustice. Moreover, everyone in this game played well, and Qin Mo quickly adjusted his mood, politely on the public screen. Give a thumbs up like, give the opponent the most intuitive recognition.

Looking at the word “Victory” on the screen, Chu Jianxin was very excited, and he hugged Sang Jun vigorously, and smiled, “It’s great, Sang Sang is smart!”

Sang Jun didn’t speak, just smiled slightly and hugged him gently, saying, “We won a thrilling game, almost dragged to the last three meters from the end point. It also depends on you. I can have you There aren’t many front-line players with a fast response. “

Chu Jianxin accepted his compliments and said earnestly: “The tacit understanding between the two of us doesn’t actually lose the Gemini!”

Sang Jun said: But the relationship between the two of us is too far away from the Gemini.

Hopefully one day, our personal relationship will become as close as Qin Mo and Xiao Han, and it will be the best.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to think about it, Sang Jun calmly let go of the person in her arms, and said, “The final game, go all out.”

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