The King’s Return

Chapter 284 - Time race

Treasure hunting mode with the dynasty, Qin Mo really wanted to open a group, Mo lineup, Zhu Qingyue’s auxiliary control field, Li Muran’s healing life, cold Three people, Mo, and Hong joined forces to erupt the output. In the case of five people, it is very advantageous to fight with the dynasty.

When he chose the cheats in this game, he also brought all the control cheats, just to make adequate preparations for teamfights.

But he also knew very well that Sang Jun was very clever. The wave of sneak attacks just now suffered a small loss. Sang Jun could not repeat the same mistakes and continue to fight with the Mexican team. He would certainly search for the treasure chest at the fastest speed. After the number of treasure chests was dominant, they wrestled with guerrillas so that Mo could not catch them at all. Until the end of the game, they won with the number of treasure chests.

In online games, many people may think that this insignificant streaming style is very encouraging, but what about it?

The enemy advances and retreats, avoiding its edge, this is the decision that a sane commander should make.

At present, the most troublesome thing is that Chu Jianxin has already taken all the three treasure chests in the lower caves. In time, Mo will definitely suffer.

At the beginning, the players of the dynasty refreshed in a better position. One player even brushed directly next to the treasure chest. The tactics of Mo decided to gather all the members. It took a lot of time to gather in the middle of the cave alone, which is equivalent to When he started, he was a little behind.

But it doesn’t matter, I can always get it back!

Qin Mo quickly made a mark on the map and said, “Xiao Han, you are the fastest, and the treasure chest on the east will be handed over to you, and the rest will immediately follow me to the upper level!”

Liu Hong was a little puzzled: “Is there two treasure chests in the middle? I’ll go to the cold **** in the east, and the one in the west corner?”

Qin Mo said decisively: “Too far away, give up.”

Liu Hong took a moment’s notice and reacted quickly-yes, now it’s time to race against the imperial clan!

The treasure chests on the west are too far away. If you send someone to pick up the treasure chests and wait for Sang Jun and Wen Hua to be resurrected, Mo decided to go to war with the dynasty at the upper level and face a situation of four or five. Four to five is definitely not to beat the dynasty. If the treasure box is lost again, the situation will be very unfavorable to Mo.

Therefore, Qin Mo decisively gave up the treasure chest and went directly to the upper level to open a group with the dynasty.

At a critical moment, as a commander, we must have this decisive abandonment!


Qin Mo had time, and when the new three of the dynasty rushed to the upper level, Xiao Han also just got the treasure chest on the east.

The ratio of the number of treasure chests on both sides became 3: 3, which was a draw.

Seeing this, Ye Chao couldn’t help but say, “Today the treasure hunt mode is really deadlocked, and the number of treasure chests on both sides has been leveled again!”

Wu Zewen looked at the coordinates of the treasure chests on the map and said, “At present, there is one treasure chest on the west side, and Mo must be easily obtained. There are three treasure chests on the upper level. The people of the Dynasty team first came to the upper level. With all the treasure chests, you can defeat Mozambique 6: 4. “

However, just after Wu Zewen’s words fell, Xiao Han found that after taking the treasure chest on the east side, he directly followed the nearby stone steps to the upper level.

Qin Mo and three other teammates did not intend to go to the west to take the treasure chest, and collectively climbed to the upper level.

Liu Chuan touched his chin and said: “The treasure chest on the west, did they give up?”

Ye Chao stunned, and soon responded: “According to this situation, Mo definitely gave up this treasure chest!”

Liu Chuanwei smiled and praised: “Qin Mo’s decision is quite smart! If he had to get all the treasure chests in the middle level, then they would be far behind the dynasty in time, and might wait for them to come At the upper level, the people of the dynasty had already run out of their treasure chests. By then, they would find someone to grab them, and it would be very troublesome! “

Wu Zewen nodded: “Yes, but if you abandon this farthest chest and go directly to the upper level, the time point of Mo Ju and the Dynasty will be exactly the same!”

With the analysis of the commentary, the nervousness of the audience was also mobilized, and everyone was staring at the big screen.

The competition between these three treasure chests will determine the outcome of this game, as well as who will win the first professional league championship in the league.

Coincidentally, when Mo Jude came to the upper level, he was on the east side of the map, near the place where Xiao Hangang took the treasure chest.

There is a treasure chest just to the east of the upper floor, and Xiao Han quickly walked over to win it.

At about the same time, the dynasty team that came to the upper southwest direction also won a treasure chest.

The number of chests on both sides became 4: 4.

Sang Jun and Wen Hua also came to the upper level after resurrection. Sang Jun also thought that the number of Mo Jue ’s treasure chests became four, and all the treasure chests on the east and west sides of the middle level were taken. When I was about to win the refreshed treasure chest, I encountered a large army of Mo Jue!

——Mo Jue, shouldn’t it be in the middle? How would it appear here?

The members of the dynasty were a little surprised, but the next second, the sword in Qin Mo’s hand flew towards them!

——Jianyu Piaoxiang!

The dense white sword spirits caused a large-scale group attack, and at the same time played a group stun effect.

This group control skill will control all the players in the dynasty’s front. Fortunately, the dynasty’s treatment response is very fast, and it is immediately understood.

However, once Mo’s offensive was launched in an all-round way, it would not be possible to simply resist a single release of control.

After Qin Mo’s cheats were controlled, Liu Hong kept up with the cheats control field, Zhu Qingyue also stood on the side and began to read a big move.

Sang Jun reacted in an instant-Mo Jue was trying to force the group!

He spotted Zhu Qingyue’s position sharply, and resolutely hid behind Zhu Qingyue, interrupting his reading.

Zhu Qingyue’s formation is too threatening to the dynasty. If no one cares about him, he stands at the back and reads the control field comfortably, then this wave of group battles cannot be played at all.

Sang Jun’s response at the critical moment was worthy of being the first-class player in the league. After interfering with Zhu Qingyue, he immediately interrupted Mo Ju’s control chain. Originally Mo Ju had a set of continuous control skills. Various cheats and martial arts control techniques can be seamless. Ground connection, controlling the dynasty from beginning to end, and as long as the dynasty people are controlled, Xiao Han can comfortably deal with explosion damage.

Sang Jun was in stealth just now, and because he was far away from the front row, he was not affected by the other group control skills.

And he turned around and interfered in a timely manner at the critical moments, focused on Zhu Qingyue’s control skills, and instantly cut off Mo Ju’s control chain, giving the players of the dynasty a short breath of breath.

As Sang Jun continued to interfere with Zhu Qingyue, he said, “Xiao Wen went to steal the treasure chest in stealth, and the first team covered it, and then withdrew it!”

As Sang Jun analyzed before, if you fight with Mo Ju directly, the probability of the dynasty winning is small. Second, even if you win, there will definitely be death and injury, and the number of treasure chests may not be accounted for. Cheap.

He found at a glance that Mo Ju currently has 4 treasure chests, 3 in Xiao Han and 1 in Qin Mo.

None of Liu Hong, Zhu Qingyue, and Li Muran had a treasure chest, so even if the dynasty tried his best to kill the three, it would have no effect on the outcome of the game.

And Xiao Han, as an assassin, has extremely flexible actions, and it is impossible to kill Xiao Han in a team battle. As for Qin Mo, a glance at this formation shows that all members of Mo Ju have protected Qin Mo in the middle. It is easier said than done to kill Qin Mo.

The treasure chest is on Gemini. If you can’t kill Gemini, there is no point in playing the group.

That’s why Sang Jun made such a decision-let’s not fight, we will retreat to the treasure chest.

Wen Hua was also very clever. When she heard Sang Jun’s instructions, she immediately went into hiding and quickly opened the treasure chest.

Chu Jianxin stood at the front to directly open the harm-free big move and forced to absorb the range of hatred skills, let the treatment to brush his blood crazy, and put on a posture to fight.

The situation of the team battle was chaotic. No one found that an assassin was hiding behind the treasure chest in stealth, and while everyone was not paying attention, he stole the treasure chest suddenly.

Seeing that Wen Hua got the treasure chest, Chu Jianxin was also war-free, and turned and ran.

The audience was a little surprised when they saw this-the two sides clearly showed a desire to fight a group, the new building was aggressive, the sword was swept around in his hands, a set of skills were unceremoniously released, and Sang Jun was walking around and harassing the opposite side. , The treatment of blood and brushing must be cramped, but suddenly, the empire was withdrawn collectively? Run faster than a rabbit?

Seeing the five people of the dynasty falling apart in an instant, Ye Chao, who was about to explain the teamfight, was choking back before he could say a word. He couldn’t help but draw a little, thinking about it, and came up with a line: “The dynasty’s Players, the escape speed is almost first-rate. I didn’t react and thought they were going to fight! “

Liu Chuan said: “Chu Jianxin only used cover in the front row. Xiaowen went in stealthily and opened the treasure chest. After getting the treasure chest, he retreated immediately. Sang Jun’s command was very calm.”

Wu Zewen analyzed: “Just for the start of the regiment, Mo Jue ’s control skills were almost used up. Mou may not be able to retain people if the dynasty retreats now. After all, the assassins of the dynasty retreat quickly, and they can fight in stealth. 2. The poison division was originally in the distance, only the initial construction of new ones was slower … “

Liu Chuan laughed: “But he jumped.”

This picture also surprised the audience. I saw Chu Jianxin suddenly jumped from the side of the three-story cave and jumped to the lower level. Mo Jude obviously did not expect that he would jump straight down. Go up, and after Chu Jianxin jumped to the lower floor, he quickly found a cave and disappeared.

He could carry four full treasure chests.

There was a treasure chest on Wen Hua’s body, and Wen Huaguo disappeared and disappeared.

Seeing the two teammates with treasure chests successfully evacuated from the team battle scene, the remaining three immediately counterattacked!

Three to five, in the eyes of many viewers, is tantamount to hitting a stone with a puddle and asking for help!

But those who understand the rules of the game will soon be able to analyze-Sang Jun’s approach is to deliberately hold back Mo Jade’s footsteps, to give two teammates who escaped with treasure chests more time!

And he did succeed.

The 3V5 surface looks very disadvantaged, but the configuration of the three of them is really a bit hard to kill!

An assassin wandering in and out of stealth and wandering in and out, a remote poison division constantly stacking poisons to make Mo Ju blind, and there is a cure to his teammates at the speed.

It is not easy for five people in Mo Ju to kill all three of them quickly.

Seeing that time passed slowly, there was only one minute left before the countdown to the end of the game.

Qin Mo calmed down quickly to analyze the situation-Chu Jianxin and Wen Hua had disappeared. They both carried 5 treasure chests of the Dynasty team, and Mo Ju is now 4 treasure chests. Obviously, Sang Jun saw through his intention to open a group to grab a treasure chest, so he pretended to open a group, and covered his teammates to retreat immediately, trying to make a time difference with Mo. He dragged Mo’s pursuit, Chu Jianxin and Wen Hua could quickly hide in the caves with complicated terrain. As long as the score of 5: 4 is maintained to the last minute, the dynasty can naturally win.

Qin Mo did not expect that in the situation of the sudden attack just now, Sang Jun could still maintain such a terrible calm and quickly find the best response plan.

On the contrary, their positive plan to force the regiment was defeated.

Deserves to be his most respected opponent, so flexible.

But Qin Mo also had a backhand. He glanced at the countdown and immediately said, “Qingyue covers us to retreat! I will investigate, Xiao Han, it’s up to you.”

Xiao Han smiled slightly: “Relax.”

-Success or failure in this one stroke, I will not let you down.

A long time later, netizens mentioned that the Treasure Hunt in the finals of the first season of the One-League Alliance still talked about the IQ of the two sides.

At the beginning, the dynasty took the lead to score 2 points. As a result, Sang Jun and Wen Hua stealthily attacked Qin Mo but failed to give Mo to 1 point. The two sides tied with a 2: 2 draw.

In the face of Sang Jun’s accidental killing, Chu Jianxin did not go to support, but calmly searched the lower treasure chest and scored a 2: 2 lead.

Mo decided to search for the treasure chest in the middle level, and gave up the one on the west, and unexpectedly came to the upper level to take down a treasure chest. The dynasty also found a treasure chest in the upper level, and the two sides were tied 4: 4. In the face-to-face confrontation at the upper level, Mo decided to force the regiment. The dynasty pretended to open the regiment, but the first-class acting team covered the teammates to steal the treasure chest and successfully retreated. Chu Jianxin even jumped off the cliff and ran away. The score was 5: 4, and Sang Jun also successfully held back. Followed Mo’s pursuit.

There is one minute left until the end of the game.

At this critical moment, Liu Hong’s large-scale trap blasting successfully fixed the three people left behind by the dynasty. Zhu Qingyue put a teleportation array and sent Qin Mo and Xiao Han out of the team battle scene.

Gemini successfully retreated.

Sang Jun immediately reminded his teammates: “Han Mo has gone after him, so be careful!”

As soon as Gemini left the battlefield, they separated and acted immediately.

Treasure hunting mode In order to avoid players hiding in hidden corners after playing the treasure chest, there is a rule in the league that players carrying the treasure chest cannot stand still in the shelter of the building, otherwise they will be judged by the referee for the reason of “negative competition” negative.

At this time, Chu Jianxin took four treasure chests to swim quickly on the lower floor, and Wen Hua took a treasure chest to the middle floor, carefully avoiding Mo’s pursuit.

The goal of the two people acting together is too large, and it is easy for them to find each other. It is more convenient to hide if they act separately, which is why Chu Jianxin and Wen Hua separated and retreated. Moreover, assassins can be invisible and not easily found by the other party, so even if Wen Hua acts alone, Wen Hua is not worried about the treasure being robbed.

Unexpectedly, he had not taken a few steps to see a red dot on the map.

Red dot, that represents hostility.

Looking away, it was frozen for thousands of miles-the cold **** came!

Xiao Han searched for Wen Hua’s location on the carpet in the map. Fortunately, Wen Hua is currently in stealth and has not been seen by Xiao Han. However, the duration of the stealth skill is not long. After a few seconds, Xiao Han will definitely come over to him once he becomes active.

Taking a deep breath, Wen Hua calmed down and immediately moved in the opposite direction to avoid being caught by Xiao Han.

However, the audience from the perspective of God found that in the opposite direction, there is a carpet-like searcher for Qinhua—Qin Mo!

Han Mo’s two-sided attack was obviously forcing Wen Hua’s position.

Just when Wen Hua came to a stone cave and ecstatic to escape from the tracking of the cold god, there was a sudden loud noise around him–

The dazzling white light completely illuminated the cave, and immediately followed, a swordsman in white appeared with a sword in front of him.

Sword refers to the sky!

Hanhua Sword School has the largest attack range!

A large range of group attack skills, directly invisible him!

Wen Hua was startled, but unexpectedly, Qin Mo and Xiao Han jointly pursued one after the other, not to mention that Qin Mo would prejudge his approximate location and directly blindly open the big move of “sword pointing to the sky”. He exploded!

As soon as the invisible assassin appeared, Qin Mo immediately flew to him in front of him.

Wen Hua’s stealth skills fell into the cold, controlled by Qin Mo’s silence, and can only fight with Qin Mo stubbornly.

However, Qin Mo used too many skills when he was playing teamfights at the upper level. In addition, the sword’s finger sky is a big move that consumes a lot of blue. Now the amount of blue is a bit inadequate. After half a blood, he was empty.

On the other hand, Wen Hua, just playing a group, he is only responsible for stealing the treasure chest. He is still full of blood and full of blue. In this situation, 1V1, Qin Mo can’t actually take advantage.

Sure enough, Wen Hua was shocked when he was blown out at first, but soon, he discovered that Qin Mo was not in good shape.

How much damage can the empty blue swordsman do by ordinary attacks?

Even if he is a great player, he is not afraid.

Wen Hua quickly calmly looked at the situation. As long as he killed Qin Mo as quickly as possible, he could successfully escape from Mo Ju’s tracking, and after finding that he was found, Chu Jianxin was already in support. If the first team came over, Xiao Han would not be able to take away his treasure chest.

Thinking of this, Wen Hua also broke out the highest hand speed, the backhand hit a set of outbreaks towards Qin Mo, and instead beat Qin Mo to a disability.

The fans of Mo Jue almost mentioned their throats. When Qin Mo found Wen Hua’s location, they cheered on the scene, but when Qin Mo was beaten in turn, the fans were totally speechless— —This can’t blame Moshen, after all, he is empty and blue, and can’t single out with his opponent!

Is Mo Mo going to explain here?

In the picture, Xiao Han is going to support at a rapid speed.

When Qin Mo had only the last 800 points of blood, a black figure finally appeared at the scene like a wind.

——Thousand Lights Ghost Step!

Xiao Han directly used the highest hand speed since becoming an e-sports player, splitting nine afterimages in a row, and chasing it up at a speed that is indistinguishable to the naked eye!

And he shocked the audience’s horror support speed, and finally arrived in time before Qin Mo fell.

Afterimages strike together, and after light work around, the ice silkworm is absolutely killed.

Xiao Han’s set of outbreaks played extremely smoothly, and Wen Hua, originally consumed by Qin Mo as half blood, fell to the ground under the attack of Xiao Han’s outbreak.

Countdown to the game: 5 seconds.

The score ratio between Mo Jue and the dynasty became 5: 4.

The initial support for the new construction was still a step slower than Xiao Han. When he arrived at the scene, the countdown had become zero.

competition is over.

The treasure chest with the furthest distance abandoned in the middle layer still lay in place, but in the end, Mo decided to rely on the wave of Gemini to chase and surpass the score by 1 point.

Sang Jun gave a thumbs up on the public screen.

He didn’t understand until now that Mo decided to give up a treasure chest in the middle level, but instead went to the upper level in advance to get a chest, so that he could rush to the upper level in time, so as not to lead the dynasty 6: 4. In the case of 4: 5 behind, Hanmo Gemini cooperated with the position, forcing Wen Hua to the corner, and jointly killing Wen Hua to regain a treasure box … this dynasty was defeated.

On the big screen, the finals score became 3: 2 and Mo decided to win.

The audience was screaming, especially the fans of Mo Jue. Many people couldn’t believe that Mo Jue actually reversed the situation in the last 5 seconds. Many girls burst into tears with excitement.

Qin Mo and Xiao Han, at this moment, just looked at each other and smiled, then stretched out their hands and gave each other a hug.

it is more than words.

——Follow my ghosts, follow your sword to the sky.

This is the promise Xiao Han once made to Qin Mo in his heart.

Today, Qin Mo also gave Xiao Han the greatest trust.

At the last moment, Qin Mo asked Xiao Han to force the other party to move, and he opened a big move to bomb out the other party. He was in a blue state, waiting for Xiao Han’s support at the risk of being killed.

Xiao Han did not disappoint Qin Mo. He came to the scene with the fastest speed, and when he arrived, he directly received the opponent’s head with the most terrible explosive force.

At this moment, Xiao Han was the sharpest weapon in the hands of Qin Mo.

Qin Mo, willing to give Xiao Han the eyes to explore the road.

[End of Finals]

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