The King’s Return

Chapter 37 - negotiation

Liu Chuan arrived in Shanghai yesterday afternoon and attended the ceL “China E-sports Professional League” All-member Conference as a standing director.

This is the highest authority in charge of all domestic e-sports projects. E-sports projects must be approved by the cEL e-sports league if they want to launch a professional league. The league’s responsibility is to review the game system of e-sports events, strictly monitor fairness during the game, manage referees and commentaries, prevent shady, and formulate professional rules that e-sports players must abide by. There are many branches under the ceL e-sports league, including martial arts professional league, miraculous professional league, sole step rivers and lakes professional league, etc., these branches have their own chairmen and members. The branch will make the individual event schedule and manage it. Information about e-sports players in this project.

As e-sports has gradually been accepted and recognized by the public, in recent years, countless outstanding e-sports players have emerged, and the scale of e-sports leagues has also continued to expand. In addition to summing up the first half of the tournament, this conference also has the task of approving the professional league system submitted by the Sole Jianghu Chapter. If the review fails, the application will be rejected, and the game official can only come up with a more complete set. Come the game system.

Liu Chuan personally founded the Long Yin Club that year, and was later invited to join the e-sports league as a standing director. He has to participate in each alliance meeting. He flew to Shanghai to prepare for a meeting yesterday afternoon. Everyone in the club knows this. Xiao Han also After seeing the news from the group, he took the high-speed rail to Shanghai to meet him.

“Boss, can you spare some time at noon, I’ll find you something in Shanghai.” Liu Chuan just came out of the venue and received this text message as soon as he turned on. Although he was a little confused about why Xiao Han suddenly found him, Liu Chuan was still very straightforward. After replying to the text message, he told Xiao Han an address and asked him to come directly for lunch.

At half past twelve, Xiao Han arrived on time.

The e-sports league met nearby, and there were many reporters around. Fortunately, the place chosen by Liu Chuan was relatively hidden. Xiao Han took a taxi directly to the restaurant door and followed the waiter to Liu Chuan’s booked room in advance.

“Did you not go to Nanjing? Why did you run to Shanghai again?” Looking at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Liu Chuan was surprised. “What is the rush to find me?”

“Well.” Xiao Han took off his sunglasses and masks and sat across from Liu Chuan: “Nanjing is closer to Shanghai, so I just came by high-speed rail.”

“Let’s order first.” Liu Chuan called the waiter to order a few dishes. After the waiter took the menu and closed the door of the private room, Liu Chuan said, “Say it. What’s the matter?”

“Do you know Qin Mo?” Xiao Han asked.

“Of course.” Liu Chuan said, “He is the apprentice of former team captain Ling Xuefeng, who is called the Alliance Twins with you. I remember that you two have a good relationship. He retired three years ago, right? “

“Yes. But he’s back now, and he’s back alone.” Xiao Han said.

“Come back?” Liu Chuan was very surprised. “Did he say that his state had fallen badly when he retired? Now he is back again. Is this state adjusted?”

“The specific reason involves some of his privacy, and it is not convenient to say. I am looking for you today for the sake of Qin Mo. I invited him twice to join the Long Yin Club, but he rejected it. Qin Mo has made it clear that he wants to I set up a team to participate in the professional league next year. I want to be in a team with him, so I thought of two methods. “Xiao Han paused, looked at Liu Chuan, and said seriously,” First, That is, I set up a new team for Long Yin according to the club’s requirements, and selected a suitable captain. When the contract expires at the end of the year, I will leave Long Yin and join Qin Mo’s team. “

“…” Liu Chuan couldn’t believe Xiao Han would leave the club.

Xiao Han came to the club with his master Li Cangyu. When he first came to Longyin, he was seventeen years old. He didn’t understand, he couldn’t even speak Chinese. Later, he followed the Canglan team in the North Battle and won the Newcomer Award. , Was also selected for the first national team. After Li Cangyu retired, Xiao Han even took over the master ’s class to carry the burden of the Cang Lan team. In recent years, the Cang Lan team has been doing very well. Xiao Han has also been selected for the national team to participate in the World Series. The youngster who didn’t know clearly grew up in Longyin to become a new generation of super-popular god, and also became an excellent captain that made Liu Chuan proud.

It was Liu Chuan’s most secure decision to let Xiao Han lead the team to stand alone. He believed that Xiao Han’s ability, as long as this young man was present, the team of Long Yin Club in the stand alone could definitely develop. Xiao Han’s contract does expire at the end of the year. Liu Chuan originally planned to renew the contract with Xiao Han after he was busy for a while. Unexpectedly, Qin Mo was killed midway, and Xiao Han actually said that he would leave Longyin!

To let go of such an excellent captain, Liu Chuan was absolutely reluctant. Moreover, if Xiao Han and Qin Mo really team up to build a team, Long Yin loses this general, and it is difficult for the team to stand alone in the future.

Liu Chuan said without hesitation: “The first one, let me talk about your second method.”

Xiao Han said: “The second is that I renew my contract with Long Yin, but only if Qin Mo is willing to join the new team. The name of the new team should be Mo Ju, and my contract with Qin Mo requires special terms.”

Liu Chuan is certainly happy with this method. The name of the team doesn’t matter. He was planning to re-name his name alone. Xiao Han saved his name and saved him the brain. Besides, Qin Mo is a very talented player. If the twin stars all join Long Yin, then the team on the other side will definitely create another myth.

“What special conditions?” Liu Chuan simply said, “Although mention it, the two of you can get the highest salary.”

“It’s not a matter of salary.” Xiao Han is also very straightforward. “I need the decision of the team.”

“Oh?” Liu Chuan asked with interest. “How to decide?”

“The team must be controlled by me and Qin Mo. In other words, Long Yin can be an investor behind it, but it no longer has the power to decide on the development of the team. What to do with this team in the future is up to me “Xiao Han’s attitude is very firm, and a paragraph also made it very clear. Obviously he has already considered it.

“You two come to control?” Liu Chuan was very surprised by this condition. He did not expect that Xiao Han would propose such an almost ridiculous condition.

The club is only responsible for investing in dividends, and the team has the final say-no professional player has ever made such a request to the club owner. The head of this mixed-race Xiao Han was really extraordinary, and he came up with such strange conditions, which is equivalent to directly overhanging the rights of the club’s senior management. In the future, the Mexican team will become Xiao Han and Qin Mo’s own team.

Liu Chuan really admired the courage of this guy, he dared to run against the boss!

“Xiao Han, don’t you think this condition is excessive?”

“It’s overkill, so come and discuss it with your boss.” Xiao Han said earnestly.

“Why do you think I would agree to such a condition?”

“Because, once you let me go, then the professional league Long Yin will not win the championship next year-the championship will be me and Qin Mo.”

“…” Liu Chuan was silent for a moment, watching the youth in front of him seriously, and suddenly smiled, “Well, I appreciate your confidence. Tell me about your detailed plans.”

“I and Qin Mo have 51% of the shares in the Mo decision team. I will tell Qin Mo what competition the team will participate in, how to develop, and how to select the players. The remaining 49% of the stock club will arrange it. The amount of funds, I will directly hit the funds to the club account according to the price you evaluated. You do not lack money or popularity, all you need is more honor. Other teams you do not usually care about, I think you do n’t have time to take part in the management of the team on the other hand. If this is the case, then it will be completely transferred to me and Qin Mo. You only need to provide us with a dormitory and training room, and then get a share at the end of the year.

Xiao Han’s words are well-founded. Liu Chuan is rarely involved in team management. As a manager, he is only responsible for overall planning of the long-term development of the entire club. It is his rule to use people without doubt and suspects, and the team on the other side of the rivers and lakes had originally planned to hand over to Xiao Han. The point is that if it is Liu Chuan Holdings, one day he wants to dissolve the team, or mobilize or dismiss the players in the team, the players can only obey him. However, Xiao Han’s proposal vacated this right, and he no longer has any right to decide on the Mexican decisive team.

Unexpectedly, this little young man was kind of visionary.

In this way, the Mo Jue Clan and Longyin Club are no longer a “subordinate” relationship, but a “cooperative” relationship with their respective shares.

Xiao Han does not need to listen to Liu Chuan, he can completely decide the future of the team.

After a moment of silence, Liu Chuan asked: “You have to control this team, what is the reason?”

“For Qin Mo.” Xiao Han said bluntly, “I want to give him a team that really belongs to him, not to leave him behind.”

“… That’s the case.” Liu Chuan has always heard that the alliance twins have a good relationship. Today, Xiao Han is fighting for Qin Mo’s control of the team, so he can’t help feeling some emotions-maybe, everyone has it in his heart. Such a weakness, Qin Mo is Xiao Han’s weakness. For him, Xiao Han is willing to do his best. This feeling is simple, yet so strong that it cannot be ignored.

“You came to negotiate with me for Qin Mo. Does he know this?”

“I haven’t told him yet, I’ll tell him when I have the results, I don’t want to worry him.”

“…” Liu Chuan was a little touched by this outspoken young man. After thinking for a while, he said, “You have no precedent in this country, but it is not impossible. Let me make a request first. You and Qin Mo are actually in power, but the contract must state that the team cannot be disbanded. Even if the one-on-one project does not run a league, you and Qin Mo must also do a good job in the aftermath and arrange the whereabouts of these players. Whether it is controlling or investing in the team, there has never been a precedent for failure. “

“No problem.” Xiao Han agreed very simply. Of course, the team he established with Qin Mo was unwilling to dissolve.

“Furthermore, since the members of the Mozambique team have been training at Longyin Club in the future, they must accept the unified management of the club and be treated equally with other team players. No special treatment is allowed.”

“Of course.”

“Well, with these two prerequisites, I can talk to other shareholders.” Liu Chuan paused, and said, “I’m a little puzzled that now that you have the capital and the contract is about to expire, you are actually It can be completely separated from Longyin Club and simply build a new club outside. “

“That’s too much trouble.” Xiao Han said directly, “To build a new club, you need to re-select the city and venue, renovate the training room, rent dormitories, and find advertising sponsors. You must also pass the approval of the senior executives of the cEL Alliance. The game is about to start in half a year. We do n’t have enough time to study the new game system and recruit members. I do n’t want to be distracted to deal with these chores. Everything at the Dragon Yin Club is readily available. Isn’t it easier and more convenient? “

“…” The biracial child’s head was really clever. After thinking about it, he came up with such a simple and quick method.

Liu Chuan has always appreciated Xiao Han’s outspokenness. Compared to those hypocrites who are shady on the ground, Xiao Han wants to sit down and talk to you face to face. He explained the conditions clearly, and Liu Chuan carefully touched his chin. After thinking about it, this novel way can also be tried. In fact, he has no interest in the management of the team. Xiao Han is in full charge of the team, and he will save a lot of things. As a major shareholder of Longyin, the new team is still anchored in the Longyin Club, which is basically the same, but he can’t just drive away Mo’s players.

Thinking of this, Liu Chuan said, “I will consider your conditions, but Long Yin is not my own. I have to discuss it with several other shareholders and wait for my news.”

Xiao Han nodded: “Okay.”


Since Liu Chuan was going to meet other shareholders in the afternoon, Xiao Han returned to Nanjing by high-speed rail directly after lunch.

I didn’t sleep well last night, but Xiao Han is still not sleepy. He looked at the trees that were receding rapidly outside the car window, and his heart suddenly became extra calm.

He made a bold decision for Qin Mo, ran to negotiate with the boss, and made an unprecedented request for the player to hold the team. Fortunately, Liu Chuan was more open-minded and not angry. As for whether Long Yin will accept his proposal, it depends on the attitude of several major shareholders. It’s best to agree, it will save a lot of trouble, it doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, he and Qin Mo have a big start from the beginning.

As long as he can stay with Qin Mo, even in the future, he will have no fear in his heart.

“Near the train to Nanjing Station, please bring your belongings with you …”

The soft voice of the announcer sounded in the compartment. At this moment, the phone suddenly turned on, and a Liu Chuan text message popped up on the screen.

“Your proposal was approved. The shareholders of the club are lazy. They said that someone is in charge of the management team and they don’t have to worry about anything. They just need to sit and count money. It’s good 🙂 Gao was truly amazing. It was only two hours before Liu Chuan drew a conclusion from all shareholders.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and replied, “Thank you, boss. Tell shareholders, I will not let everyone down.”

After putting away the mobile phone, Xiao Han, who did not bring any luggage, followed behind other passengers, and finally got out of the car.

The sky in Nanjing is very clear, just like Xiao Han’s mood at the moment.

——Qin Mo, the most difficult moment in the past, I was unable to accompany you.

——But in the future, I will walk with you.

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