The Ladies Gang Puppet Leader

Chapter 51: Principal’s Office (Part-1)

I am sitting on my seat, completely frozen in shock. Not even a single gesture of protest occurs in my mind as Principles Steele continues to kiss.   

While cozily resting her soft and shapely bottom on my lap and pressing her large breasts against my chest, she seizes the insides of my mouth with her slimy tongue and begin mixing her sweet saliva with mine.   

She seems to be a really fast learner as just moments ago, her kiss was really sloppy and screaming inexperience. But now, the movements of her lips and tongue have become really smooth and sensual.   

And obviously, it would be a lie if I say that my body is not getting excited by this. Just the mature scent whiffing off from Principal Steele’s body is enough to make my mind go numb. Add her curvaceous body into this equation, and I don’t think any man can resist getting excited.   

Yes, even down there.   

Fuck! What is Principal Steele doing!? I need to get her off of me!   

Finally, my senses start returning to me. I move up my hands and grab Principal Steele’s thin waist, intending to push her away…   


But suddenly, the door of the office opens up, diverting my attention. From the sounds of the footsteps, it looks like two or three people have walked inside.   

Shit! This is a really bad timing—  


Even though the kiss is still continuing, I open my eyes up to see the incoming people… only to receive a massive shock that is enough to completely blow my brains.   

Reagan, Chloe, and Zoe are entering the office respectively and are immediately reacting with different expressions seeing the scene in front of their eyes.    

While Reagan looks only slightly amused, Zoe seems as shocked as me. For some reason, I can literally feel a wave of explosive anger emanating from her body which is directed towards me.  

Chloe, on the other hand, has a bright red face and is staring at me and Principal Steele while starting to breathe heavily.   

What the actual fuck…!?   

What are they doing here!?   

I try to push Principal Steele away from my body again, but to my utter surprise, she’s holding on to me even more strongly than before. It’s almost as if she’s ignoring the three women who have just entered the office.   

“W-W-What are they doing in s-school!?”  

I hear Chloe ask stutteringly.   

“You should already know this by now, Miss Chole. This is completely normal. Leader always uses our bodies to his pleasure whenever he feels like it.   

“At school, where most of us are not present, Leader usually releases his lust on Amelia, who happens to be the principal of this school… and one of our gang members,” Reagan explains.   

… The fuck!?   

Is… Is Reagan serious!? Principal Steele is a member of the gang!?   

While I would have never believed this earlier, the behavior of Principal Steele showing right now is clearly stating that this is true.  

“T-That’s okay, b-but why are they not stopping even though w-we are here?” Chloe asks.   

“For leader, making love to his women is a bigger priority than any other activity. As he himself said once; everyone waits when he plays with his women,” Reagan tells her solemnly.   

“S-So, there is n-no choice but to wait, huh? L-Let’s watch them— I-I mean, sit her for a while,” Chloe says while blushing even more furiously. For some reason, she seems excited about this.   

“There is no need for that, Miss Chloe. We cannot make King’s granddaughter wait, can we now? Me and Zoe will make Leader listen,” Reagan says.   

“I-I am perfectly okay with waiting for them to finish. P-Please don’t disturb them for my sake,” Chloe quickly says.   

“Don’t be so modest, Miss Chloe. Come on, Zoe,” Reagan says before dragging Zoe closer to me.   

Both of them sit down on either side of me and start touching my body sensually. Well, Reagan starts touching my body sensually. Zoe just grabs by left arm roughly as if trying to crush the bones underneath.   

After continuing this for a few seconds, Reagan moves her face closer to me and start nibbling my ear playfully.   

“Keep up with your act, or…” She threatens in a low voice only I can hear.   

“Leader…” Moving her face away from me again, she speaks a little louder voice this time.   

“… We received a call earlier today from the Black Cross. Apparently, the King wants Miss Chloe to transfer to your school. He insists that Miss Chloe should spend most of her time together with you,” she explains.   

“So, are we going to accept King’s request?” Reagan asks while nodding slightly, signaling me to say yes.    

Damn, this bitch! She seriously wants me to follow through her orders even after what she did to Lily!?   

Agh! This is making me fucking angry again!   

Though I know that I cannot defy Reagan, no matter how much I want to. The consequences after that will be much worse. But I also cannot live with myself if I don’t do anything at all…   

My heart craves to see this Reagan suffer. Even if it’s just a fraction of what Lily went through. I want to take out my frustration and anger on her. And I think I have a way to do that…   

Principal Steele has already loosened her grip on my body, making it easier for me to end the kiss and speak through my mouth freely.   

“Yes, we are going to accept King’s request. I cannot let go of this amazing chance to study with such a beautiful girl, can I?” I say in a rather mischievous tone while winking at Chloe.   

Instantly, the color of her face upgrades to a darker shade of red.   

Man, this girl blushes more than anyone I have ever seen…   

“Amelia, you heard Leader. Please prepare the documents necessary for the admission,” Reagan says.   

“Should I leave? Don’t you want to finish this up first?”  

Principal Steele doesn’t even look at Reagan and directs her question straight to me in a seductive tone. Simultaneously, she also starts grinding her ass against my crotch in an erotic way.   

But I don’t get flustered by this even for a moment. From the way Principal Steele’s speaking, I can already tell that she’s acting in the best she could. Even Reagan is looking at her approvingly.   

“Aww~ you need to do it right now? But we were just getting to the good part… *Sigh* Well, I guess Reagan can replace you,” I say.  

“It will be my pleasure, Leader,” Regan replies sincerely.   

“Well then, off you go, Amelia. Prepare the documents.”  


I say while slapping Principal Steele’s bubbly ass.   

Giving me one final kiss on the lips, she gets up from my lap.   

“I believe that you brought the necessary certificates?” she asks Chloe  

“Y-Y-Yes,” Chloe answers while handing over a file to Principal Steele. Her hands are shaking heavily and her eyes are still stuck at me.   

“Okay then, I will take care of everything,” Principal Steele says before turning around and walking over to her desk.   

“Excuse me, Leader.”   

The next moment, as if just waiting for this small exchange to finish, Reagan stands up and spread her legs over my lap, intending to take the same position Principal Steele was in a few moments ago.   

“Reagan, wait.”  

But I stop her.  

“I am already done with kissing and cuddling. Let’s directly move to the next stage,” I say while rubbing her thighs.   

“The next stage?” Reagan asks while raising her eyebrow.   

This is it…  

I am sorry, Lily, but I need to do this.  

Making up my mind once again, I move my hands towards my pants and unbuckle them.   

“You see, I am already really hard due to all the things I did with Amelia. So, I just want you to suck me dry now…” I say while lowering my pant and underwear with a jerk, and revealing my erect penis.  


Everyone is staring in my direction with their jaws dropped open, unable to believe what I just did.  

Fuck! This is worse than I thought. I can feel all of their gazes on my crotch…   

But there is no going back now. This is the only way I can think of to get back at Reagan at the moment. While also following her order, that is.   

I look at Reagan’s face hopefully, wishing to savor the taste of her bewildered and angry expressions.   

“With pleasure…”    

Shocking everyone even more than I did, Reagan replies with a calm smile before lowering her face… And enveloping my cock inside her soft mouth.   



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