The Ladies Gang Puppet Leader

Chapter 57: Image Revamping (Part-1)

“You want some breakfast, Caiden?” My mother asks timidly.   

“Yes, thank you,” I say, sitting down on the dining table in my school uniform.   

Last night, I didn’t come out of my room at all— not even for dinner. Unexpectedly, mom doesn’t seem angry with me for that. In fact, she’s not even mentioning anything about the extension of my grounding.   

I have a feeling that she’s being cautious with me because of how I was yesterday…   

After having a hearty breakfast (buttered toasts, fried eggs, and some bacon), I get up to leave for school.   

“Thanks for the meal.”  

She gives me a small nod before speaking up reluctantly.   

“I… I just wanted to tell you that if you feel troubled about anything— anything at all, you can share it with me, okay? I am your mother, I can help you,” she says earnestly.  

Hearing this, a small smile forms on my face.   

“Thanks, but I am fine now,” I assure her.   

Mother still looks a bit doubtful but she doesn’t say anything after this…   

As expected, the moment I leave the house, a black car stops right in front of the gate and its back door swings open. Inside, I can see the Reagan sitting with her legs crossed, staring straight ahead.   

She gives no sign of noticing me as I sit next to her and closes the door shut. I merely look at Valerie first— who’s driving the car— and then, outside the window, as the car starts to move— not feeling any need to start a conversation as well.   

Only after we cover a considerable distance and the school seems just a few minutes away, did Reagan opens her mouth to speak.   

“I assume that you are ready, boy?” she asks, still not looking at me.   

“Yes, I am,” I answer calmly.   

“Good. I have gathered all the information on that English teacher; David Neustadt and your bully; Johnny Bristow as well. Wait for them to make a move on you, and when they do, give them hell.   

“You can say back anything you like, abuse or insult them in any way you want. We need to make a scene in front of the students. And you don’t have to worry, Amelia and our gang members will be on your side,” Reagan tells me.   


I give her a nod.   

“Oh, and this reminds me, here is the list of the twenty women who will be admitted to your school from today. See their photos next to their names so you can recognize them inside the school. A few of them are in your class and your section. Others are in different classes according to how they look,” she says, handing me a file.   

I can see a lot of familiar faces on this list— Natalie, Emily, Nora, and even Valerie’s name is here. Now that I properly look at her, she is indeed wearing our school uniform.   

After going through a few unknown names and photos, I turn the page— only to receive a small surprise.   

“All the squad leaders will be participating in this?” I ask, looking at the names of Zoe (who will be in my class), Chloe (who will be my junior), and Abigale (who will be my senior).   

“This is a really important mission for us. Of course, those three will participate,” Reagan answers.   

Hmm… This is actually better for me as well. Especially because Abigail’s name is here.   

“Whenever you get out of your classroom— whether it be for any assembly or lunch break, all of these twenty women will move in close vicinity to you. They are also equipped with button-cameras, similar to the one I gave you the other day so that I can monitor all the activities inside the school.   

“And remember, you need to keep up with your act, so flirt with them whenever you can and be as lecherous as you can possibly be. My orders are clear and strict, none of them will resist to anything you do— no matter how bold. Just make sure that the students see you,” Reagan says.   

“Sure,” I answer.   


For a few seconds, Reagan stays silent, observing me.   

“You are oddly calm, just like yesterday. What happened to you?” she asks suspiciously.   

“Nothing special,” I answer.   

“You don’t even want to know anything about your girlfriend?”   

“Well, now that you have asked— yes, I do. Is Lily going to come to school today?” I ask.   

“No, not yet. I have decided that she will wait until Chloe starts attending. And of course, she agreed to this wholeheartedly. Like my good little doll,” she says with a smirk.   

“Nice,” I say simply.   


Once again, Reagan looks disappointed by the lack of entertaining responses.   

“Boy, now you are starting to really irk me—”  

“Oh, school is here!” I announce, interrupting her.   

This is enough to divert Reagan’s attention towards the more important matters at hand.   

“Okay, this is it. I will be looking over everything from here. Enter the school along with Valerie, you know what to do,” She meaningfully says as the car stops in an empty parking space nearby.   

Giving her a nod once again, I get out of the car along with Valerie and start moving towards the school.    

“You ready?” I ask.   

“Yes,” Valerie answers, as expressionless as ever.   

I take a deep breath.  

Let do this…   

I confidently put my right arm around Valerie’s waist and pull her closer to me. She also places her hand on top of my mine. And like this, we enter through the school gate.  

It’s 8:20 AM already, the classes will start in just ten minutes. This is the time when students crowd the corridors in the maximum number.   

On our way to the class, I can feel the gazes of numerous students on me— mostly guys. And it’s not that surprising considering that I am walking like this with such a beautiful girl when I am already infamous for being really close to Lily, who is the most popular girl in our school.   

And before now, a situation like this would have been nerve-racking for me. But now, I don’t really care about these gazes at all.   

In fact, to give the audience some entertainment, I lower my hand from Valerie’s waist and grab her shapely ass— making the nearby girls gasp in shock and the guys to clench their fists in anger.   

As expected, Valerie doesn’t resist at all. She even leans closer to let me grope her properly. And thus, amidst the surprised and jealous looks, we make our way to the class.   


The reaction of my classmates is the same as that of students outside. Well, a little bit more intense, to be honest. Lily’s friends are literally trying to stare me and Valerie to death. Which is surprising, considering that all of them hate me.   

Looking around, I can see Emily, Nora, Zoe, and a couple of women from the list sitting around the class. Emily waves at me enthusiastically, Nora gives me a polite smile, and Zoe looks away in the opposite direction.   

“Okay, this much is enough for now,” I whisper before separating from Valerie and moving to my seat.   







Nothing much happened in Neustadt’s period. He just made Zoe and others give an introduction to the class while sitting on his desk and staring at them vulgarly.   

I could tell how exceptionally happy he is to get these many beautiful girls in his class at once— so happy that he didn’t even fuck with his favorite student today; me.   

During the other periods, Emily keeps looking back towards—winking and making dirty gestures. Instead of ignoring her like usual, I occasionally winked back at her— surprising her greatly. Nora and the other two women also stole a few glances at me, though they were just observing me. While Zoe resolutely looked away from me, focusing on what the teacher is saying.  

Currently, it’s the lunch break and I am sitting on my usual table in the cafeteria. Though instead of being alone, Valerie, Emily, and Nora are sitting along with me. I can spot Zoe, Natalie, and Clara sitting a few tables away as well.  

I should start getting on with my act now, but I am waiting for Abigale to come. I need her to be here.   

“Oh, there she is…” I mutter as Abigale finally enters the cafeteria along with a few other gang women.   

I raise my hand to call her out— but a pudgy hand grabs it mid-air and forcefully throws it down.   

“Ohoho! Hey, pussy! You got some nice company today!”  


Welcome, Pig. I was waiting for you.



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