The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 42

42 Thistle of thorns

Lady Emelda, who had exhausted herself, lost her mind and was taken out.

I felt the temperature in the room drop all at once and I shuddered small.

Think back in the guise of calm.

Emelda was called the Thorn Bulb by the wicked witches in the Aftermath.

She has always appeared where the strange events take place and has stopped all sorts of witch Sonia’s attempts. thorns blocking the way to the completion of rose jewellery. Even though it is small and weak, there is a discomfort that cannot be ignored.

I felt like that stung me, too.

Who the hell is Miss Emelda?

Are you sure you’re a predictor?

The fact that Ville will die sheltering Miss Emelda, or that I will be “Rasobsu”, is a future that can no longer happen in this world. Knowing that means you are likely watching the final episode of “Tomorrow”.

But it’s impossible to see another space-time entertainment with predictive ability.

So, just like me, you were peeking past life with a past view and keeping your mouth shut about the “morrow” development?

But that doesn’t make Tsujitsu fit.

Miss Emelda can’t possibly know I killed your mother.

The truth about your mother’s death was not shown in “Tomorrow”. Only Ville knows I got my hands on it directly, and the Corals aren’t sure. Since there is no way everyone is going to tell Miss Emelda, she will inevitably have been informed by her magical abilities.

I’m the only one who knows I killed him laughing and looking happy in the first place. I was hilarious and couldn’t help laughing at myself for believing that my revealed mother’s plan was too cruel and that time would solve everything.

It doesn’t matter what you think Miss Emelda knows about that fact.

Past view is something you can only see what you’ve been through. When I killed your mother, there was nobody but me.

Also, in the original “Aftermath,” Prince Rain is on the cursed side, not the cursed side, and no black mole has floated. But I hear Miss Emelda in reality even mentioned the black mole. Yeah, I guess I’m pretty sure you have predictive skills.

… except Miss Emelda has other uninterrupted abilities.

The flashing answer caught my blood.

“Sonia? Are you okay?

If you noticed, your gaze all over the room was gathering on me. Waiting for the first voice of those suspected of parent-killing.

The more you immerse yourself in thought, the better to handle the bomb first.

“Sure… there was nothing I could do back then. You might be right if they told you they killed your mother who fell ill. But what she said is bullshit. I wonder how much you hate me.”

Looks like your excuse worked.

Everyone had a complicated look, including Ville, who knew the truth. No one here is more familiar with witchcraft than I am, and because the disease is a delicate topic for all, I don’t really go into it and ask.

“Guess what, paranoid falsehoods… either way, that’s offensive”

My brother frowned as he watched the servant clean up the broken tea set. Point the grumpy aura straight at the boy who stayed on the spot.

“So you don’t have to shelter or chase that young lady? Is that a friend of yours?

Charlotte replied with a squeezing voice.

“I apologize for the repeated disrespect. As with Emelda, I am happy to accept any blame. Just… could you please just give me a little more time? I have concerns that I can’t ignore.”

“Fine. At this point, say what you want to say.”

Charlotte took a deep breath and opened her mouth. The face was different from what it had been earlier, and belonged to a man with a stomach.

“If we reward Wang Du for failing to obtain Tear Silver Shizuku, Prince Rain will be immediately sentenced to arson. Even if the curse is broken, His Majesty the King and His Majesty the Queen will break up. The fact that the prince of the side chamber is not the vessel of the king is well known to the people of the wealthy. The conflict between the King and his wife and the loss of the heir to the throne could bring civil unrest to Mistria”

“There will undoubtedly be civil unrest first. There are as many as there are likely to be sparks. And don’t let the neighbors in.”

“You’re right. But not all lords can read ahead like Master Sunnig. Especially in eastern Mistria, there are a large number of aristocrats who run to immediate interests and try to take advantage of this opportunity to fly a flag. Those who sell their country to other countries will also show up. As it is, the kingdom of Mistria is ravaged by war and will follow a path of doom. And the people who suffer the most are the innocent.”

Charlotte looked up and stared straight at me. It also seems to challenge and beg forgiveness.

When I got here, I finally figured out what Charlotte was trying to say.

“You should be able to understand the dangers of your position. If the prince were executed, it would eventually spread among the people that the witch’s curse was responsible. I understand very well that Miss Sonia is irrelevant. But it’s not a good time. If you are a witch disgraced by a flashy betrothal with a prince, it is no surprise that you curse the royal family. Many of the people who do not know the details link you to the curse and hate you. Or that would be the aim of the real killer. The world is filled with rumors that Sonia Carnelian is evil.”

Regrettably, Charlotte’s words were persuasive.

I know only the inhabitants of Azrite. They are kind to me equal to the body of the Lords clan and do not move with some rumor. My brother will contain me if I have to. But other territories are not necessarily the same.

… If the wicked witches took over the country like this, they could have fought with their brother or moved to another country, but it’s not that simple. Even enemies should want to crush the power they should crush before taking over the country.

If the real killer of the curse terrorist disappears like this, it will be just as Charlotte’s concern is.

“The witch organization that carries out the curse terrorism may be targeting not only the Mistrian royal family, but also Miss Sonia”

“That’s a possible story. The same was true at the time of the weird incident. Terrorist organizations really want to sin against me.”

The wicked witches made a weird case and named me behind the scenes, probably for this time now. It seems to be in my eyes. I’m sure the people the prince and Miss Emelda have been helping on their journey will raise their voices.

“Witches are crazy beings with brutality heads. Emelda’s predictions are right, and Sonia Carnelian is the evil one”.

Such voices spread quickly in an unstable reign. If everyone returns their palms, the wind will change.

One of these days the people may take the weapon in their hands in an attempt to discuss the witch who vandalized the country. If you shelter me, the whole Azrite realm will be condemned. I don’t know how long my brother will be on my side……

As it is, the entire witch will suffer prejudice, not to mention the Kruge.

Any witch hunt could happen. There is no room in the country to stop it.

The rivalry between the king and his wife, the battle for succession to the throne, the invasion of neighbouring countries, and the hunt for witches by the people.

Mistria falls into chaos since history.

Me, maybe I didn’t think enough.

Perhaps the feeling of crisis was fading, flirting with happiness bokeh and hostility towards Miss Emelda.

Reflect and sigh.

“Our cooperation is also for you. Please help me with the Spiritual Mountain attack. I hope Miss Sonia will accompany us as well as Ville”

“… me too? Can I accompany the untrustworthy?

Charlotte lowered her eyes softly. Like hiding your guilt.

“There shouldn’t be any more problems than Emelda can no longer accompany us. I don’t think Miss Sonia is an evil witch anymore. But if you can’t trust me or anyone else, you and Bill can go to the top. There should be enough power.”

Could it be that Charlotte didn’t dare stop Miss Emelda from rambling along the way?

Because if Miss Emelda doesn’t doubt me hard enough, she can make me and Ville go get tear silver Shizuku.

I mean, did Charlotte betray Miss Emelda and cut her off?

I looked seriously at the pale boy sitting in front of me and asked him with a gaze.

What are you going to do? What’s the point?

It was purely strange. What did Charlotte become a traitor for? Charlotte meditated her eyes in agony.

“What I wish for is peace in Mistria. If it gets so rough that I can’t even do business, I can’t live, my family, my employees.”

The voice was trembling.

“To be honest, I don’t think I’ll make it anymore. Even now Prince Rain could be executed by fire or the king could collapse… it’s likely to be in vain that he climbed the spiritual mountain fastest from now on. But anyway, now I want the fact that Miss Sonia acted for the royal family. With that, we can at least deter the evil sentiment towards the people’s witches. Use the power of the Air Arm Chamber of Commerce to the maximum to scatter that information to reduce even one cause of the country’s roughness. That’s the best I can do.”

Please, and a desperate plea charlotte. Doesn’t look like he’s acting… I don’t know.

Anyway, what I found out was that he was pushed by the Queen to the fate of the country.

You must have acted desperately in the absence of a prince or a ville that you have relied on in your previous journey. If you fail to obtain Tear Silver Shizuku, the Prince will die and Mistria will be rough. Unstoppable burdens were hanging on one charlotte.

… a lossy role in both the original and the real world.

Looks like Miss Emelda was optimistic she could handle it as long as Ville was around. I’ve been able to make a huge reversal at the end of all this time, so I’m fine this time. I don’t doubt a happy ending. I don’t know if it’s just a clump of legs, but it’s abandoned.

I glanced at my brother. If I told Charlotte about “The Thing,” he said.

My brother nodded one and opened his mouth.

“We don’t need to head to Spiritual Mountain. Tears Silver Shizuku will be available shortly. The most skilled of my soldiers have already attacked the Spirit Mountain. I’m due back in two days.”


Both Charlotte and Ville peeled their eyes at this.

There was a curse attack on my territory. Even though Zeoli doesn’t have as many users, it doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t be next. I thought my brother would definitely be prepared.

“Immediately after one incident at Bannheid converged, we formed a team to make our way to the Ganoderma attack. It took me a while to fully equip myself, gather information at the foot, scrutinize and climb the safest route.”

For that matter, a few elite people seem to be on their way home with tear silver Shizuku in their hands without missing a single one. They are, of course, too competent and nice for their brother.

I hear your brother’s team and the Charlottes chose a different route, and they didn’t meet.

“I have regular contact from my men in Wang Du tonight. You’ll get to know the castle. If the Royal Crisis is true, as soon as the team returns in two days, I will dedicate Tear Silver Shizuku to the Royal Family. With our flying dragon, we can reach Wang capital in about three days. I hope we make it.”

“Well, what the hell are we…”

Charlotte held her head and was about to scream out now. If I had brought information to my brother from the beginning, I would have lost nothing, broken no bones, and helped the royal family.

But Charlotte is still better.

Miss Emelda overlapped with her silence and impotence, and her trip to the cabin was almost confirmed. I only lost money. I’m starting to feel a little sorry for what you’re doing here.

“I can’t help it. But… Your Highness didn’t count on the Aspinel family.”

My brother laughed sarcastically. I don’t see a lot of faces.

I did hear that His Majesty had given me the words of labor after reporting one of the cases of Bannheid to the King’s capital. But at times, the king was already cursed by the prince, wasn’t he? Perhaps it was the false letter brought to Azrite by the Queen’s instructions?

My brother seems to have something to think of in the royal family. Eudia seems worried. Maybe something is moving under the water.

As it was, my brother often looked up to the universe and turned to me with orange eyes.

“Sonia, do you want to bring Tears Silver Shizuku with you to Wang Du? It involves all kinds of dangers, but it is a necessary action to protect the future position of the witch. Whatever, you can decide you’ve been getting tears, silver, Shizuku.”

“That… seems to distract my brother.”

“Never mind. Good if everything fits in circles. It would be comforting if you and Ville could escort us to the King’s Capital in Sonia. Of course not.”


It was a difficult choice.

If I deliver tear silver Shizuku, and save the royal family, the witch’s position will be preserved. At least having a good witch and a bad witch spread among the people, and the witch hunt might be prevented. You can also sell favors to the royal family.

But that’s dangerous, too.

If the purpose is to get me out of Azrite territory, the pot the enemy thinks.

What worries me most is that they suspect me of doing a selfie. Keep your own curse terrorism and deliver tears silver Shizuku at the best time to save the king. You’re too suspicious.

Like your mother, I’ve plotted everything to be the Witch of the Redemption, and I wonder if I can fall for it later. The king is going to suspect me first.

I hope I don’t make it and just stay with the fact that I tried to help.

Looking up at Ville, thinking such a bad thing. His complexion was close to the worst.

“I’m sorry, brother. Let me talk to Ville for a second.”

“Fine. I’d like to hear a little more from Charlotte, too.”

Promising to come up with an answer by tomorrow, me and Ville left the reception room behind.

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