The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 52

Outside Crew Junior Animal Facts

My name is Unica.

This is a horse-shaped warcraft serving the witch Sonia.

By day we walk freely within the boundaries strewn by the sea of trees and spend the night in the beast house. The beast house is with other witch riders.

There are herbivorous carnivorous omnivores, all sorts of warcraft, but we don’t hurt each other or eat each other because our husbands are given magic and we have a special contract. In a world without a food chain, we are all friends.


Early in the morning, I sighed heavily as I woke up.

(I don’t know, Unica. It stinks.)

The black owls have turned a slightly round eye. They are warcraft used by witches to contact them, and they have lived in the Kruge for a long time before I did.

(Senior, what’s wrong? If it’s a weasel, I’ll talk to you)

The newly arrived cotton fox rang “Kon” worryingly. Each of the other Warcraft will ring and try to listen to me.

(Because your husband hasn’t played much lately…)

When I first came to Kruge, my husband took care of everything for me. That has replaced the Apprentice Demon Girl for two years. It’s for practice that can follow the Warcraft. Still, your husband often showed his face to the beast house, something he talked about and walked through.

Just before I went to your daughter-in-law, he came and played with me every day. I’m sure he was anxious. When the dowry disappeared, your husband looked clean. If I can continue to live in this place forever, I’m happy for you.

But it’s decidedly different from my previous life.

(Oh, my God, is that so? She’s busy. And didn’t you go on a long ride before this?

(We weren’t alone. You used to play more or talk to me. It’s all Ville’s fault. If only it wasn’t for him…… Huh!

A black owl flashed his face on my nose. Seems frightened.

Yes, it is. Ever since I came back to Kruge, your husband has adored other men more than I do.

I’m a brunette named Ville. Even though my black tenderness is cooler. I regret it!

By the way, he took care of me, too.

(That wouldn’t beat a human man)

(I like that brother. They clean it very carefully.)

Both black owls and cotton foxes seem to admit to him.

Sure, it’s not a bad job. You don’t get out of hand if you look disgusted, and you brush well and get unconsciously lukewarm. I’ve been feeling affectionate lately. I also know that you are a strong man. You may be eligible to be your husband’s squire.

But it’s not funny after all. During the last long ride, that man and your husband in the gap that I took my eyes off a little… I don’t even want to remember!

How did this happen when your husband’s favorite was me!

That’s when I heard footsteps.

(Rumor has it… it’s the usual time)


Ville will be here first thing this morning to start working with Tequipaki. Gradually the apprentice witches will also come yawning and take care of each warcraft.

“Still fuzzy today. Cute -”


A cotton fox is being moffed by her husband’s marine.

Marin’s brother has been sneaking in to indulge in fur lately. “It’s my healing,” he said, “but the cotton fox was in trouble. Anyway, you seem very adorable.

Ugh, you don’t envy me!

After you’ve been fed and health checked, things to walk, things to sleep, things to help with field work, and so on.

I am free except on the day of the buyout. Will your husband not go out today? I haven’t felt like running thoughtfully alone with your husband in a long time.

“Ville, Unica. Good morning.”

You got my wish, your husband came!

Oh, it’s beautiful today too!

I gently thrust the brushing ville, and I slipped over to your husband.

“Hehe, you look good today, Unica”

I’m glad you caressed my face. Meanwhile, Ville panicked.

“Bad. I’ll be home in a minute to prepare breakfast”

“Fine. Give him a slow brush. Sometimes I make breakfast. Can I turn it into pancakes?

“Oh, oh…”

“Looking forward to it”

Your husband laughed nicely and left. Is that it? Have you just come to ask Ville what she wants for breakfast?

Hi-hi, and my sad voice echoed the tree sea. On the other hand, Ville is cheek-breaking. And you tell me in a voice that the apprentices around you don’t hear.

“Our husband is still cute today…”

I’ll take it!

Kuh, abominable!

I went back to the mansion looking like Ville was floating a little. My heart was even rougher and I couldn’t help but kick the ground. Group Tai is the one.

(What annoys me is the smell of your husband from him lately!

The Warcraft say, “We can’t help it because we’re males and females,” or “The Lord’s happiness is our happiness,” but it’s no consolation whatsoever.

(Really? Is that how old that young lady is already…)

The black owls look far emotionally. She said it was time to sleep because it was nocturnal…. Ah, I slept.

Then a slightly loose cotton fox asked me.

(How was it when Senior Unica and Sister Sonia just met? Feeling like Marin now?

Well done. You listened.

Let’s say we soak up our anger by immersing ourselves in beautiful memories. I told him about our meeting four years ago.

As it looks, I’m a salad bread with bloodstains. I inherit exceptional leg strength from my parents. I don’t really remember my parents, though. Shortly after I was born, I was bought by the greatest house around here.

It is liked and much adored by the fierce youth of the house.

One day, he told me. With a very spicy look.

“Please, you take that girl with you. In my place.”

Oh, where?

And who’s that girl?

I thought I could be this fine human riding beast, but a different person seems to be my lord. Slightly depressed.

But I saw the new husband I was hooked up with, and my heart bounced.

(Hey, what a pretty girl!

It has bright red hair and has a somewhat noble air. And the magic is so luxurious. I thought you deserved to ride me.

Apparently a girl named Sonia looked at me and circled her eyes.

“Brother, this horse…”

“It’s a gift for Sonia, who’s studying hard. It’s called Unica, but you can change it. Pet, you wanted it, didn’t you?

There’s something about the word pet that I think, well, it would be good. I don’t care if this kid adores me. I was in that mood.

“Brother, oh, thank you…”

“What’s up, Sonia? Don’t you like it?

My little husband shook his head to the side.

“I’m so happy…… but can you live in your house, horse? Is it okay if I sleep in the bed with you?

“That’s… that’s hard. I’m sorry, Sonia. Then a dog or a cat would have been better.”

But then there was a shock all over me.

Oh, my God, this little husband wanted a little pet for his love.

“Yeah, this kid’s good. Something with very cute eyes. I’d like to practice horseback riding. I might have a dog or a cat when I can take care of this kid perfectly.”

Nice to meet you, and your husband gently stroked my neck. I relieved myself of my eyes full of mercy. It’s going to make you adorable.

When I brought you home, your husband’s mother looked scared.

“Hmm, that’s too much dassa for a witch riding beast to be a horse. But if it’s a gift from my lord’s son, I can’t keep it… Sonia, I’ll take good care of it for a while. I’ll buy you a dragon one of these days.”

“Yes, Mother”

They turned a nasty gaze that only the nucleus seemed to work. Maybe when the dragon comes, they’ll kill me and take my nuke… Hi-hi!

“It’s okay, Unica. I won’t let you do what your mother says… never.”

After my mother was gone, your husband whispered softly to me.

“Two more years of patience. After two years, your mother will be gone. That way you’ll be free. Hehe.”

It was a luscious smile, not like a young girl. I’m not sure what you’re saying, but it’s nice, sir. I fell in love.

This is how I began to live in Kruge.

Your husband was keen to take care of me. Realizing that I was loved, I was happy.

But I was curious. Your husband always seems sick.

He’s pale, squatting and stopping moving, he’s cold sweating, he’s shaking small, he’s obviously weird.

You’re fine when you go to your previous husband’s mansion, but you’ll be sick the night you come back. That’s when your husband faintly smelled of poison. The animal sensation makes me want to work and come closer, but that’s my favorite husband there. I pray to your husband that his suffering will be at ease.

“Thank you, Unica. You’re such a good girl.”

Master smiling with a blue face.

Yeah, I’d like to escort you inside the mansion if possible. It’s a shame.

“Let’s go to the meadows today”

Your husband suggested me on a day that seemed to be in good shape. I’m happy to hiss.

But before we left, your husband’s mother said.

“Come back before sundown. I’m gonna try something new tonight… you know what I mean?

“… Yes, Mother”

As I blew my melancholy, I put your husband on and ran through the waves of blue grass. There are still moments when it’s not enough, but I’ve gotten a lot better at hands-on judgment. Wow. I was careful not to rock your husband.

I ran all I wanted, ate buds, wore the crown of flowers your husband made, and played full of eyes.

But a good time is in no time. The sun tilted and the area began to stain red.

“It’s time to go home…”

A small grunt fell on my back. A very, very sad voice.

You don’t want to go home, okay?

I ran out for the sunset.


If you go across that horizon, your husband will be free. I don’t have to feel painful.

You shouldn’t have to go back to a mansion like that. All you have to do is throw away parents who don’t love their children. That’s the natural dish.

I know what your previous husband meant when he stained himself.

Yeah, I’ll take him. Somewhere, not here, you’re letting your husband go.


He pulled the reins along with his sharp voice, and I stopped by accident. My little hand is stroking my tenderness.

“Thank you. Really, thank you, Unica… but I have to go home. It’s okay.”

I’m not running.

I felt a strong will in my trembling voice, and I returned to the tree sea with a heavy foothold.

It doesn’t seem like that’s the time yet.

But someday we’ll go beyond that horizon with my proud legs.

Absolutely, one day.

By the time I finished talking, the cotton fox had been taken to the marine and was no longer there. Let’s play in the river together, you said something like that.

True, because seriously, I can’t envy you!

Some time after that day, your husband suddenly went out. He’s going to King’s Capital on a Fei Long, not me, and Ville’s going to accompany him.

It was rough for a while after breaking the grief limit.

I managed to bear it because everyone comforted me, but your husband didn’t come back for a few months.

The witches said that the greatest king in the land of man died, and then it seemed difficult to process it. Your husband is one of the witches who knows his name, so he has to work a lot on his behalf.

Will it be okay?

Since that livestock mother died, your husband has stopped feeling ill, but I’m so worried.

When your husband returned after a while, I literally cried and rejoiced. She looks fine and most importantly.

“I’m home, Unica. I’m sorry. You must have missed me, right?

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt your husband’s magic, and I’m thoughtfully sweet. I want you to stroke a lot.

Your husband has a heartless or neat look. You seem to have been more and more polished by the beauty. Eye blessing.

“Hey, Unica. I’m going to take a trip after a while.”


My husband smiled gently when he felt my anxiety that he would be left again.

“Of course Unica’s with us. I can go anywhere now. Let’s go far.”


I couldn’t help but shake my tail with joy.

“Ville said he was taking me to the sea. I’m so excited…”

The look on your husband’s face at that time was so cute. My eyes are moist, my cheeks are stained pink, and my happy aura is up.

(My husband… he looks like he doesn’t know me…)

Cucumber, my chest tightened.

Really? Ville’s taking your husband out, isn’t she?

I knew it. I was actually way too mindful.

Regrettably, if your husband is happy, fine.

But if Ville ever makes your husband cry, I won’t forgive him then.

I’ll kick you down with my proud legs.

So, Master, let me give you both the meaning of watching.

Your husband’s journey when he’s free, and I want to go with him.

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