The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 61

8 Organizing the situation

When Sonia stripped the veil, everyone breathed in its beauty. Charlotte also blurts next door “Wow beautiful girl……”

I was flattered, too. What’s going on? The previous Sonia was angry and rambunctious, why…?

Sonia gracefully talks about the King’s Capital raid twenty years ago.

I motivated Aronia to invite sympathy for her work and let her tailor it brilliantly to the Savior of Tragedy. I can’t tell you the truth because of my covenant of silence, but this lie won’t violate my covenant. How dare you, well, you can line up words that aren’t even so grand.

The audience was totally fooled and held Sonia’s shoulder. Although it is partly due to Emelda’s digging of the tomb, it has been completely taken with the stream and the princes have been put in a predicament.

Eventually Sonia accepted the dissolution of the marriage and began to seek compensation for the Prince’s outrage.

Calm, no loopholes.

I was increasingly confused. [M]

The first Sonia in my memory was an unprofitable hysterical livestock. Doesn’t this look like someone else?

What’s going to happen to you and this is going to happen?

“The sharp atmosphere there… you’re Prince Rain’s knight, aren’t you? And that lower back sword… witchkiller (Bloody Magatha)”

Sonia smiled lusciously, pointing to Ville.

“King Mistria, give me permission to make him my squire and take him back to his hometown of Kruge”

“… what?

I was out of my mind. [M]

In response to the King’s “what to do” question, Ville kneels down at the end of the grid to take a knight’s thank you.

“If the peace of the kingdom is to be preserved in this one person…… I have no grievances whatsoever. I’m coming to Kruge.”

Wait a minute!

It’s a hell of a development!

… I totally missed the time to kill Sonia.

“It’s okay, let’s calm down…… yeah, I can’t!

Ville has become Sonia’s squire. We’re supposed to kill each other, but it’s absolutely crazy. This is an anomaly.

I held my head in Nefra’s lab as the prince and Emelda were taken near the king’s side and Charlotte and Mocha were running around to gather information. By now, is Sonia on her way to a suburban mansion? Apparently, Ville will go face-to-face with Sonia as soon as the process to quit the knight is over.

“And, for now, let’s sort out the situation”

“You make tea, Master…”

Oh, it’s good to see Nefra again. I’m glad about that. But not if you’re happy. I have to think. I can’t fail anymore.

Let’s start by checking the difference from the first circle.

Take a headache and look for memory differences. I wonder how far back I could go. [M]

It’s the same to the point where Slayzia died, broke up alive with Cross, was picked up by Jebella, had a coup plot with Aronia, and was desperate in the Kingsville raid. Cross’s death was inevitable.

Then Sonia is born while Aronia invites me to start living in the Kruge and solicits the witches while sneaking up on the study of witchcraft. And Emelda.

There was a slight difference when I was spending time in the Crew. That I wasn’t very interested in Sonia at birth and that I always had an attitude that didn’t go away. I guess this is because the memory around me was unconscious. I naturally neglected Sonia for killing Ville and kept her away.

Even when I only hugged her once, my grandmother recommended me and I couldn’t help it, and I didn’t leave many books for Sonia in the library.

“Did this have anything to do with Sonia’s personality formation? No, it can’t be. Sonia was a baby, and you can’t possibly remember me. Something else…”

“Cookies, too. My master likes walnuts…”

I scrutinize my memories further as I sip Nephra’s brewed tea and cheeks with cookies.

… With that said, I haven’t seen Coral this time.

A young witch who broke into the crew into her jewelry recipe craving and was turned back by Sonia. Last time, he pulled into the organization and was killed by a buddy in the middle of a weird incident.

I wonder what Coral is doing now. I wonder if he could have been captured in a cruise and become near Sonia’s side.

Coral changed Sonia? I don’t know, I don’t think the presence of just one witch would change my personality so much.

I twisted my neck. There are many mysteries about Sonia. Even in the first circle, the area around Kruge could not be explored with all knowledge, and the secret detectives did not pick up much information. You don’t know the original state, so you can’t even notice a big change.

How about around me? [M] Would there have been any changes?

… Emelda’s relationship with Sufe was subtly different.

I let Sufe manage Emelda pretty hard. It seems that the negative sentiment influenced that she can’t be forgiven for marrying a prince and being happy while Ville protects her and keeps her alive forever. More than the first time around, I treated Emelda as a tool. Sufe also drew my will and scolded Emelda without a head.

As a result, this time Emelda is twisted and her heart is thin and dirty. I’m not saddened by Sufe’s death, I’m just in the state of playing a good boy trying to be liked by the prince. Still, like the first time around, I grabbed the heart of Prince and Ville.

“Ah! If you say so! Whoo!”

“Uh, are you okay? I’ll pour it instead…”

A fragment of a cookie stabbed me in the throat and I almost died, but not quite. I found an awesome difference.

That was when Emelda was twelve.

I picked up some funny predictive footage. It was a pictorial story-style video with music on it, and even had a title. It’s definitely “Emelda and the Witch Legend”.

When I peered into Emelda’s brain at the time,

‘Heh, that’s amazing. I didn’t know you’d pick up something like this… or some proprietary predictive footage created by your brain? But I don’t want you to know about the rose jewels. ”

… I only thought so.

I only erase the rose jewels and other inconvenient things from Emelda’s brain and leave them for later footage. Emelda took this painting story for real, and she was quite serious about waiting for the prince to pick her up.

Now that I think about it, this prediction is the first thing that ever happened. By the way, the information is as bug-eating as ever, but the moment of Ville’s and Sonia’s death that escaped my presence is also perfectly videotaped. You should assume that this is not prediction or anything else, but that the shards of memory around the circle have remained in Emelda.

The second time before I regained my memory, I also knew that the pictorial story footage was not predictive, but history that had already happened. And I believed it was a future that could be changed.

Even though Sonia was also shown to curse the prince and Ville to die, it would be because of that, not to mention leaving him in no hurry.

“Ha, I’m an idiot… sucks”

I wonder why I couldn’t get my memory back at the time I watched the picture story.

That was obsessed with touring around the world to build a witch organization, and I couldn’t really get over Emelda, and I couldn’t really come back to Mistria in the first place. If I had discussed the picture story a little more, my memory might have returned earlier.

I noticed my faults again, and abruptly.

“Could Sonia also…?

Like Emelda, don’t you still have memories of the first circle?

If you think about it, Tsujitsu fits. Sonia knew everything.

So I calmly responded without rumbling at the wedding ritual, and early obeyed Ville, who was mortally wounded to himself, to avoid the fate of death.

“Damn, they did it!

“Master, if you speak too loud, the human nature of the castle finds out -”

“That’s right, it’s nature. Sonia’s nature certainly hasn’t changed. I’m just wearing a cat. Such a witch robbed me of my vil. Worst!”

Just thinking about how that sexually vicious and brutal Sonia treats Ville makes me feel bloody. You must intend to abuse or disparage the subordinate relationship to a shield and dispose of it eventually.

As far as the behavior at the wedding ceremony is concerned, I would not kill Ville in public because I and Aronia’s social status were trying to protect it. Perhaps we can stay safe until we get him back to the Kruge. Because there’s no guarantee!

Nefra, unaware of the circumstances, had a raw warm grin.

“I don’t know, you’re still a parent and child even if you’re away. Similar. Master and Sonia, I can’t believe they’re both obsessed with Ville Obsidia. And the luscious atmosphere when I laughed really looked just like…”

“Stop it! If you looked like me, you wouldn’t be able to rule the field like that!

“… wouldn’t it make you sad to say it yourself?

I blocked my ears and closed my eyes. This time it’s going to come down to all the miscalculations.

Then Ville, who had come face to face with Sonia, came back outraged. I listened to Mocha and Charlotte while I was relieved to be back safely.

Apparently they wiped their wet feet, insulted their princes and emerdas, and were scattered.

I was angry, too. I knew Sonia had a bad personality.

I’ve just been curious. Hearing about the birth of Ville, in that Sonia apologized as a witch for the King’s Capital raid twenty years ago. You seem to have a back to bothering with something you don’t need to do.

“So, did Ville Chi come out clean?

“Oh, oh…”

Mocha and Charlotte all together sighed.

“Mr. Ville. It’s not smart to work disrespect now, even if the other witch made a weird case. You as well as the prince, Emelda and the entire Mistrian royal family will be in a bad position. You should be cautious about undermining her mood.”

“That’s right. Basically, what did you become a squire for? To explore the evidence that she’s a wicked witch, right? This place is rather enough to seduce Miss Sonia and mellow -”

“You can’t be such a clever imitator of Mr. Ville. Don’t say the impossible.”

“I know. But I have to pretend I’ve broken it and aim for a gap. No matter how much more humiliation you get than this, you’re gonna have to endure it.”

Ville nodded reluctantly. Do good, he said.

Though the story came together, I raised my hand without reading the air.

“Um, I don’t think you can run away. Mr. Ville will never be an honest squire.”

“That’s no good. I agreed to be a squire in front of all those people. If I run away, I’ll just paint mud on the royal prestige.”

You can paint it, I guess I’m the only one who thinks such a royal…

“I just got caught up in it, but I’m fine. I’m used to enduring.”

I hope you don’t say such sad things. I still ate. [M]

“But if they take you to Kruge, Mr. Ville could be killed! I don’t like that!

Ville slapped me gently in the head.

“Don’t worry. I’m not just gonna get hit.”

Ville’s eyes tell the story that even if you stab the worst, only Sonia kills. So I want you to stop doing that.

Oh, what shall I do? This is gonna end worse than the first time around, isn’t it?

I figured I’d better sneak into the mansion where Sonia is now and kill her.

“Still, it’s surprising that Ville Chi hasn’t been confiscated from witchkillers.”

“Right. I thought you made Mr. Ville a squire to take this sword away from the royal family. Nothing could be more dangerous to a witch.”

Charlotte and Mocha look at Ville’s hips. Ville nodded touching the sword.

“Me too. That was strange. I guess that woman also knows I can’t turn the witchkiller on the detour… but I’ll check it out tomorrow morning”

I roared, too. It sure is weird.

If I knew in the first place that I had been fatally wounded by witchkillings, I think I would dispose of this sword first. Why not if we can have as many reasons for confiscation as we want?

I don’t know what Sonia is thinking. Is it just alarming, or is there a deep plan?

We should just see how it goes……?

Tomorrow there will be a ceremony for the dissolution of the engagement of the Prince and Sonia. The covenant of silence engraved on the bodies of the two will also be lifted.

We must also pay attention to the King’s trends, although we are also concerned about Sonia.

I squeezed my heart and clenched my fist.

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