The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 63

10 Cold Night bystanders

As an excuse for flying dragon sickness, when I asked Charlotte and Mocha to stay overnight in this town, I waited for the night to get out of the inn. My young daughter invites me just waiting. Celesta.

“As the boss predicted, the messenger of the kingdom is also here.”

“Right. Then let’s get close so we don’t find out.”

I rode into Fei Long and headed to Sonia and Ville. Have Celesta’s magic hide her figure so no one can find her. It was a highly concealed technique that even with a wounded brain could not feel the magic. These fine sorceries are difficult for me.

“That Sonia girl, she feels so bad. Full of magic all over your body, no gaps. Maybe stronger than me.”

Celesta was laughing in a good mood for some reason. Do you like Sonia, or the type of person who can’t stop being excited when he meets a strong enemy…… I don’t care.

Among the executives of the organization, Celesta is a little heterogeneous and lacks interest in beauty and romance. It’s easy to hang out where you don’t use color eyes on me, but it’s hard to read the behavior for that matter.

“Don’t take it personally.”

“Ha, boss”

Upon arrival in the woods, Sonia and Ville were just face to face with the king’s messenger Cedonil. We hide in the bush and watch. [M] Celesta doesn’t seem interested, though I’ve been yawning along the way.

I wasn’t comfortable living from start to finish. [M] Why did Sonia bring Ville here?

If the conversation goes on like this, there will inevitably be Ville……

“The truth about the raid twenty years ago…… that the present king of Mistria and the witch Aronia conspired to kill the previous king and Jebella. It was a coup at last.”

Sonia tells the truth about me twenty years ago. It’s dim and I don’t see Ville, but she seems to be trembling in small pieces.

“First, your mother decided to bring Ambert into her company to force Jebella to raid the king’s capital.”

“… eh”

Sonia mouths my name pale. I couldn’t read any emotions from that voice.

… I don’t care about me now.

So much so that Ville collapsed. I found out what happened at my birth, and I was desperate.

I felt like I was being choked on the chest, too.

I would not have cooperated with the coup or anything else if I had known that Cross was alive, that he was a knight of the kingdom.

I don’t know how much I regretted it. My actions, prompted by Aronia, led to the death of Cross.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Vil.

I couldn’t really tell the truth. I was afraid of despairing you or hurting myself. [M]

I am truly selfish and guilty.

Because of that, Bill is having the worst night of his life right now.

While depressed, the covert conversation developed rapidly. Sedonil blackmailed Sonia and Ville into a confrontation.

The overhead flying dragon’s voice rocks the eardrum. He seems to be inciting us to kill each other quickly.

At all, I guess that’s just what I said about King Mistria’s belly. Sedonil is a really ugly, nasty man. I wanted to twist him with this hand.

“Boss, what are you going to do?

Celesta asked me about sleeping.

Objectively, if Sonia and Ville fight in the present state, nineteen eighty-nine Sonia will win. Ville’s heart remains broken. I wouldn’t be able to use my usual half of my powers.

Even if miraculously Ville wins, now it’s just in the hands of the kingdom. Sonia and Sedoniel can’t leave, although it’s not very much if I don’t join them.

I can kill Sonia and Sedoniel right here. [M] The idea of protecting Ville and revealing who I was afterwards and taking revenge for Cross shook my mind for a moment.

… but that’s bad.

If we find out here that “Citrine” is the one that binds the conspiracy, then Ville really won’t believe anything anymore.

“… standby”

It’s all right.

Though Ville was in distress, she was wonderfully calm.

I don’t feel like killing in Sonia’s eyes. He was expecting this, like, spare time. I don’t think she’s my sixteen-year-old daughter.

“No intention. I knew there was nothing Ville could do where she found out the truth. You were right about me, weren’t you?

“Shut up! You don’t know how I feel!

Sonia was smiling gracefully against the furious Ville. That’s fine, just saying.

I knew it was crazy.

Beautiful girl standing in thin darkness. Everything is different from her in the circle, even though she looks the same.

Although I can’t say much about this, the… I felt sympathetic to Sonia for the first time.

Anyway, that guy named Sedonil licks Sonia too much.

She’s supposed to be just one “pureblood witch” in this world with the power to stand at the top of a witch, isn’t she?

If you wanted to cut the front and kill him, you should have brought a magician like me or a warrior like Ville. No, I wouldn’t be here.

Sonia quickly corrupted the Sedoneers to the ground after stuffing the ville with a blade of truth. He thoroughly carved terror into the messengers and told them to stab and sing in the spirit of Ville with the fact that Emelda was short-lived.

“Go home and tell His Majesty. The witch Sonia is unwilling to break the peace treaty with Mistria. Still, if you threaten me or my precious things, I will engrave the tragedy of more blood than twenty years ago into national history. I’m waiting for your wise reply.”

Sonia had taken the unborn ville back to the tent and was laboring.

Yeah, this is how you’re going to stick it in the weak ville’s mind and manipulate it as you please. I thought so with my head, but it doesn’t stick.

It looked like Sonia was desperately trying to protect Ville in my eyes. In fact, Sonia has never shown a bare gesture of hurting Ville.


I slowly shook my head to the side of Celesta’s words.

The worst thing that ever happened to me was the King and Sonia joining hands. But as far as the negotiations were concerned, Sonia seemed unwilling to do so. They’re not even going to build rose jewels.

I’m not sure if it’s true that casual rural living is good, but this (…) Sonia would know. That if you kill Ville, it’s what the King thinks it is.

Ville is protected and kept alive by Sonia’s hands. At least not until the king’s messenger brings back a response.

Sadly, in the present situation, there is no one else in Sonia to entrust Ville to.

There are wicked witches all around me, and I can’t go back to the king’s capital if I know the truth twenty years ago. The Charlottes are not enough to fight the Hands of the Kingdom. Just run to suicide even if you leave Ville alone now.

Being in Kruge with Sonia was the optimal solution, both mentally and physically.

Oh, my God.

He was gripping nature and his fist with anger. I couldn’t forgive myself, not Sonia, who created this situation.

Sonia did what I shouldn’t have done instead.

Being happier than not knowing is not a raw response, giving Ville a harsh truth that doesn’t lie.

Tough, but doing the right thing.

I should have known by staining myself. There was a tragedy I could have prevented if I had known. Ville, too, wouldn’t be wrong if she knew. Even if I made a mistake, there should be much less regret than finding out the truth later.

There’s nothing I can do for you right now. [M]

I regret it, but I ordered Celesta to keep watching and pull it up. Just in case Sonia does harm to Ville, just so we can report on the two of them to the best of our ability. Celesta agreed to “look interesting” without even listening to my aim.

I went back to King’s Capital with complicated feelings.

What needed to be done now was clear.

Serve vengeance on the King. I won’t put it behind me anymore. It’s also necessary to keep Ville safe.

I was thinking of many and many ways to get revenge. I’ve been preparing the most humiliating and brutal way for years.

In Nefra’s lab, I spread the book. It’s my secret book with all the information I know and have predicted. A draft of revenge is also written.

“I guess it’s best to execute him in wet clothes, imprison him and torture him, or no, curse him. Yeah. Perfect for revenge.”

“That’s a noisy solitaire, Master…… but I’m interested. The curse is the Seven Prohibitions, isn’t it? Can you do that?

Nefra’s looming with her eyes shining.

Sedonil returns badly wounded, and the king and his side are haunted by the night’s response to Sonia. In good time, Nefra, who had long appealed for competence, was taken up by one of the nearby ones. I’m supposed to be busy interrogating Emelda, but even at this point, Nefra’s intellectual appetite doesn’t seem to diminish.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t curse myself. But I know how to do it.”

“? What do you mean?

A spell is a contraindication that turns hate into magical energy to harm people. It’s not a substitute for aiming and using. You need magical talent, too.

But in my case, there should be enough hatred and magical talent, but the curse was not activated against King Mistria. If I can do it, I do it all the time.

“I guess it’s because I’m not real.”

When he grumbled, Nefra gave him an indescribable look.

I don’t want to think I feel weak mourning Cross’s death. I’m sure you can’t use the curse because I’m an artificially born demon. I want to think so.

“But the alternative method has been figured out using omniscience. You don’t have to curse me alone.”

All you have to do is leave the hatred to the other human beings and take charge of the surgical part only. Risks can also be replaced by shoulders. Nothing, though I don’t spare my life.

“This way I can curse the king, too. Even so, you need to experiment. Failure is not tolerated. Let Zeoli take the data. He seems to be familiar with spells.”

It would also be confusing on the part of the kingdom if it were made into a symptom close to a demonic disease that would cause widespread harm. I don’t want the king alerting me when he finds out it’s a spell.

Assemble the plan in your head. It was strange and not lost.

“Master…… are you okay?


“… no, nothing”

I decided to teach Zeoli how to use groundbreaking spells to experiment with the people of Mistria. I didn’t feel very guilty.

Because all those who sacrifice have done bad things that are not strange to be cursed by people. The collaborators of the spell choose those who are in a better situation when they die.

Is this lack of ethics due to demons, or because thoughts have been stained because they have bound the wicked witches for so long?

Even if I’m aware it sucks, I can’t change it. I don’t think it’s of a good nature.

“What will its collaborators do to curse His Majesty the King? Do you know anyone who hates you enough to want to kill His Majesty?

I laughed lightly at Nefra’s question. [M]

“There seems to be plenty if you look, but you know who you most deserve. He’s the only one who can reward King Mistria.”

Ville knew the truth and was deeply hurt. It’s not fair.

He has a right to know, too. And I need you to suffer.

Hey, Prince Rain?

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