The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 75

4 Royal Light and Darkness

Life began in the Kingdom of Luziaro.

It will be fun if you were traveling or studying petite, but you have to protect and raise Rose and Tiga while aiming to solve the mystery of mass death shown in the predictions and discuss Celesta, who supposedly murdered the witch Melissa.

Too much work to do, too much fun. Well, I’m not here to see you, so that’s fine.

The most troubling thing is that there are currently no squires living in this hall other than Tiga.

Until now, it seems that Her Majesty’s trusting samurai head has taken care of her through the castle, but Melissa’s tragic body and Rosé have slipped back so that she can storm the magic, and now she’s asleep.

Cleaning doesn’t have to work hard every day, and laundry can be handled because the castle is close. The problem is to eat.

I heard that dishes made in the castle can be delivered through the knights of security…

Dinner on the first day, Rosé’s hope led the four of us to dine together. Ville was frightened, and Tiga seemed like a pain in the ass, but something more efficient to do at once. I agreed.

Me and Ville enjoyed a lot of the ingredients and cooking methods we didn’t see in Mistria except for the fact that it was cold, but Rosé didn’t really mouth it.

“Rose, are you okay?

“I’m sorry. I don’t have an appetite…”

“Let me get this straight. He just hates it in there again, and he says he’s going to be disgusted. You’re being harassed.”

Rosé, who does not deny Tiga’s words and leans down.

“I wonder what that means?

“No, um… me, I don’t like meat and spicy things… the castle cooks should know about that, but lately they come out with all the spicy meat dishes. But I can’t eat, because I’m bad…”

Tiga laughed with her nose.

“That’s the problem. I’ve never seen liver or intestinal dishes come out of nowhere before.”

While I am embarrassed that Ville reacted for a moment to the word meat dishes all the time, I think. Even though Melissa’s death doesn’t make her appetite, it’s really nothing but harassment to be carried around with all the bad food.

Most of the castle humans don’t even know Melissa exists. I can’t believe there’s a dish out there reminiscent of Melissa’s death.

This is not stomach-friendly. I can’t help it.

“Do you know whose instructions that is?

“You’re the First Princess Halemine, anyway. A woman of a nature who can’t help but feel sorry for herself at the center of the field all the time.”

Tiga tells me to throw up.

When it comes to Halemine, she’s the daughter of the First Queen and Ecliffe-like’s sister-in-law. The story of the tragic princess who has twice lost her fiancée also reaches Mistria.

Now I know what kind of personality Tiga is talking about. Every royal family is drooling.

However, there is no evidence that Halemine is harassing you. Where it was, it would be obliterated.

“Have you talked to Master Ecliffe?

“But even Ecliffe, I’m taking care of your brother, so no more… I’ll take this opportunity to overcome my bad behavior.”

Laughing weakly, Rosé puts a lump of meat in her mouth that is completely cold and greasy.

Rose had the consciousness that she could not rely on Master Ecliffe, either in her position or in her blood muscles.

That heart is fine, but you can’t cry to sleep.

I remember the unpleasant feeling of my tongue being paralyzed and I sighed small.

“Sure it’s not a good idea to like or dislike it, but don’t you have to force yourself to eat something malicious? It’s not good for your skin. You’re about to have a birthday party where you’re the star, and you’re gonna worry about your guests with that look on your face?

Other people’s, it’s not like me to stick my neck in a royal home situation either. But I couldn’t leave you alone. I don’t think it’s human resources.

“Right. If you’d like, let me introduce you to Mistrian home cooking. Especially good for beauty.”

… so I’m going to be cooking the next day. I told Mr. Ecliffe the situation somewhat and obtained proper permission. When Rose told her brothers and sisters that she didn’t want to make a wave, she looked sorry.

I’m afraid to cook a dish to put in the royal mouth in the kitchen I’m unfamiliar with, but let’s reopen it. I don’t think Rose would complain if she failed somewhat because she’s a good kid, and I decided to shut up even if Tiga followed me in the ass.

I can trust what I made myself after all. I don’t even like hanging out with Rosé and damaging my health to Ville.

The cooking itself isn’t so bitter because Ville helps.

“Wow, that looks delicious”

“I hope it fits your mouth”

Rosé, who came into the dining room, smiled small when she saw the dish on the table.

I wasn’t sure if it should be luxury oriented because it’s something the princess eats, but I ended up making it a very regular dish, mainly potovs and risottos. It’s just a disgrace to be glorious. However, I feel confident about the balance between nutrition and calories.

“So, what about the poison sight?

“No… if Sonia made it, I…”

I’ll do it. Just shut up and wait.

Tiga mouths and chews a bunch of dishes I’ve made.

Looks like you accepted it because the bite keeps getting bigger and bigger for the poison. Good, except only the enameled pepper stir-fry tries to get through as if it’s just “not visible”.

“Hey. Don’t like or dislike poisonous viewers”

I tongued back to Ville and Tiga immediately swallowed the pepper in her mouth looking terribly nasty. Then finish eating all the products and report to Rosé that there is no difference in taste or physical condition.

“Maybe you’ll be okay. There’s nothing I can do about it if it’s tasteless, odorless, and contains slow-effect poison, but I wouldn’t be stupid enough to poison my own cooking.”

“Tiga! I’m sorry, Mr. Sonia. I’m not worried about poison at all!

“Nothing good. But you should be a little more vigilant. Even if I’m not serving it, it’s possible that it’s pre-filled with ingredients, seasonings, and dishes. Of course, I checked everything, so I’m fine.”

I can’t cook until I’ve thoroughly investigated more than once a killer has broken into this building.

Rosé seemed a little frightened but dipped a silver spoon in the soup and carried it in her mouth.

“It’s delicious. Hey, Tiga?

“… nothing. Whatever you eat.”

With that said, Ville turns a cold glance at Tiga, who is demanding a replacement. Do you have any idea how I feel about cooking, or do you care about getting less credit… maybe for both reasons?


By the way, I gave Kohaku a loose white fish that had stuck around his leg.

Work vigorously to waste time, even as you tighten your neck with unplanned labor.

“What matters in magic control is understanding your magic waves. And then there’s the unshakeable spiritual power whether it’s an earthquake or lightning strike.”

“Yeah. Melissa said the same thing”

Let’s start with Rosé’s magic control training. I want to know what level it is.

The two of us hold hands and feel each other’s magic.

Tensions come from Rosé, but the magic itself is stable. And the amount of magic is surprisingly high.

I think eleven would suffice. Melissa must have been a good master too, although some say Rosé is excellent.

The challenge is a sudden emotional disturbance, right? All this has to do is get used to the treatment of magic and gain confidence. Shall we have some authentic repetitive practice?

“Have you ever done ice sharpening? Try making a triangle.”

Training Rosé to melt and shape the ice chunks I magically froze. You’re in a lot of a hurry because you have to form a shape faster than it melts naturally. If you add or subtract it incorrectly, the ice breaks.

Mmm, and Rosé glistens with ice as she wrinkles between her brows.

For a moment, I look through a report about the underground ruins examined by the magicians of Luziaro.

By the way, Bill and Tiga are out doing sword arches. Tiga didn’t rebel besides her thoughts about mentoring Ville, and how honestly she is being taught.

The name of the site is “The Garden of the Angel’s Sitting”.

At the point you’re underground, you’re like, “Is that an angel?” and you want to question it.

Angel… I wonder if it’s similar to the heavenly use of being at the top of Cathedral Spiritual Mountain.

My brother’s elite private soldiers haven’t seen him in person. They praised me for getting to the top, and when they realized it, they were holding a vial with tear silver Shizuku “Lumitia.”

Angels, giants, dragon gods, fairies, few people have actually witnessed such a mystical existence, but they have left traces that they have existed everywhere.

He appeared before man, sometimes with help to guide him, sometimes seducing and corrupting him, encouraging him to turn his history.

The Kingdom of Ruziaro is a country with a much older history than Mistria, and for nine hundred years since its founding, the direct lineage of the first king has never ceased. I think this is a little awesome.

[The door to the angel will be opened by the hands of a child who will inherit the bloodtide of the first king Mergin in colour and host unparalleled magic. Give me your sweet blood. If you do, you won’t be given permanent glory. Angel’s sleep is shallow]

I’m curious about the words sweet blood and eternal glory.

It’s as if sacrificing preserves the royal glory…


“No, you can’t. I’m sorry, Kohak. Because I’ll play for you later.”

This kid always tries to peek in when I’m reading books and materials, right? Could it smell like paper, Fetish?

I don’t like it, and it sticks rarely, so I have no choice but to put the kohaku on my lap. Feeling like we’re reading the material together. It’s soothing and I can’t concentrate…

I slowly follow the letters with my eyes, also pretending to be fluffy woolly.

The following material is about Pranatti, the Chongqing witch, born in the Royal Family of Luziaro.

Three hundred years ago. The witch left the country for her training, but returned to save Luziaro, who was starving due to the sunshine, and called for a giant rain cloud covering the entire kingdom ready to die. Grace and rain permeated the earth, and brought abundance to the fields immediately, and saved many people, he said.

But a massive rain-begging sorcery recoil, or Pranati left the world at eighteen youths. entrust my brother with the prosperity of the country.

For the Kingdom of Luziaro, when it comes to the Witch of the Redemption, it refers to Pranatti.

Rain begging magic is not so much a contraindication, but it’s one of the less recommended.

The magic of weather manipulation is extensively burdensome for the operator and greatly drives the surrounding environment crazy. Because shivers go elsewhere, if used poorly, they’ll be attributed to neighboring countries.

I wouldn’t use it if I was a smart witch, and I don’t remember. Something I used, but at the end of the day, whenever there is some natural disaster, I get blamed for that witch.

Although if you are royal like Planati, you may also be allowed to be impotent in saving your country.

So, the key now is the statement that Planati opened the door to the underground ruins before using the magic of rain begging.

She’s the only one who went inside. Returning, she did not speak much. Just one word, he said, with a calm expression, “Do not disturb the sleep of an angel”.

“You’re suspicious.”


On second thought, could an eighteen-year-old young witch use rain begging magic?

The national territory of Ruziaro is vast. Though three hundred years ago there was no more pioneering than now, I still don’t think one witch’s magic is enough if she wants to create a rain cloud that covers the entire kingdom.

At least not for me right now. Sometimes I don’t like water attribute magic, but I find it difficult to practice it for a few years. Even magic is surely not enough for your own.

So you’re saying Pranati was such a good witch?

The fact that they opened the doors to the ruins must mean “the child who dwells in incomparable magic”.

“Done! What do you say?

To Rosé’s voice I looked up and opened my eyes.

The surface of the ice is smooth and each side has an unwavering straight line, with the apex sharp and pointy. It was a perfect, unbeatable shape.

This princess, maybe a genius.

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