The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 77

6 Witch’s Artifacts

While he was an apprentice, Rosé’s technique of magic manipulation was genius.

Even I can’t make a triangle as beautiful as that. Even if you can storm your magic by emotional ups and downs, if this is all you can do in normal conditions, Rosé may not need a master anymore.

Perhaps we can already use higher magic?

… and I thought to myself, when I asked Rose what Melissa had taught me so far, I had only trained in magic control to the point of being shy.

If you’ve only been learning to freely manipulate magic for nearly eight years, then you’ll gain craftsmanship, too.


I wonder what Melissa was thinking.

You can’t attribute to magic or build a surgical ceremony, and you have zero knowledge of herbs and warcraft. Rosé hasn’t mastered a bit of what a witch is supposed to learn.

Magic control is important. I can assure you that’s the first thing Rosé needs to master in order to be in public.

But that’s why I’m so biased in my studies.

I can’t use witchcraft if I’m only good at manipulating magic. Something that requires training in parallel processing of magic manipulations and the construction of surgical formulas. If you don’t get used to it early, it’s visible that you’ll struggle later.

I just don’t think Melissa was willing to raise Rosé as a witch.

“Hey, Rose. Could it be that His Majesty the King has told you not to remember witchcraft?

Fearing that her daughter would use powerful magic, she may have given Melissa instructions not to dare teach.

But Rose shook her head sideways.

“Never such a thing… your father and mother are looking forward to my learning magic. Oh, my training, maybe I’m late?

Even kids younger than Rose already learn the basics of witchcraft in Creuge and use it enough to prank Ville.

Listening to me like that, Rose exposed her confusion.

“Oh no… but Melissa said that this is what witch training is all about… until magic manipulation is perfect, you won’t be allowed to learn how to do it…”

“Rosé’s magic manipulation is almost perfect. Just in terms of accuracy, so much better than a witch in line.”

Rose laughed weakly, unfamiliar with praise, or because she could not read the deceased’s intentions.

“But, uh, maybe you cared about other educational progress and you were spoiling me… because you couldn’t remember so many things at once and you always said all those crying things”

Rosé is not only trained as a witch, she is also educated as a royalty separately.

Dance in manners, sociology in language, knowledge and education about the country. As the Queen once learned in the Aspinel family as much as possible, I know how difficult it is.

It’s a little hard to think, though, simply because Melissa doesn’t have to train witches to strain her adorable apprentice…

But I shouldn’t give Rosé anxiety. I smile as if nothing had happened.

“… I think so. I guess there’s a difference in the way you teach depending on the country and the genre, and Melissa focused on magic manipulation thinking for Rosé, right? Sorry, say something that makes me nervous”

Rose pulled out her shoulder strength as relieved.

“Where is Melissa from? Were there any family members or other disciples?

“Yeah. He said he was a casual bachelor, and I’ve never heard of your apprentice. He was born in the North, but it was like he hadn’t been home in decades.”

“Yes. So Melissa’s artifacts will be inherited by Rose, the most apprentice?

“Will that happen? Even so, I don’t know what it is. I just checked Melissa’s room briefly and left it there. I’ll have to sort it out someday, but I’m still in a very bad mood for that…”

My chest hurts because I remember the days I spent with Melissa. That’s what Rose said. She shook her little hand.

“I think it’s okay to slow down. Yeah, but maybe Melissa left something for you.”

In a witch’s apprenticeship relationship, it is decided that the results of the research left by the teacher will be inherited or taken from the disciple. If you have something you don’t want to give to your disciple, it’s something you do to keep it out of anyone’s hands while you’re alive.

After explaining that, I stared straight into Rosé’s shaky eyes.

“I don’t mind if you say no, but could you let me look into Melissa’s artifacts? If you find anything, I promise I’ll hand it to Rosé.”

“Huh? How could…”

“Melissa lived with you in this hall for years. You might have known something about the ruins beneath the castle, about those who target themselves, about the predictions involved in Rosé, right?

Melissa’s room will have already been examined by knights and magicians, but I’d like to confirm it myself.

I hate to sound bad about the deceased, but if you think about it, Melissa’s in a suspicious position, isn’t she? I can’t believe I took on the role of a princess master because the king asked me to, and lived in the back of a forest like this for years. There may have been some purpose besides rewarding the money…. like me.

Think about it in a dirty way.

Well, if you don’t have any thoughts, you’ve never been over it, and let’s keep looking into it. I was going to do it sooner or later, but listening to Rosé increased my priority.

Rose let her gaze wander into the universe with most of her eyes, and then snorted.

At night, me and Ville in a given room, and Kohak surround the desk.

“So, is this the relic of the witch Melissa?… dubious.”

“Never seen anything so suspicious.”


It was the lustrous black box that took Rose’s permission and brought it out of Melissa’s room.

The box itself is big enough to be on both hands, wrapped tight with a disastrous old chain. The chains seem to have a sealed sorcery, which cannot be opened at all costs.

I just want to suspect it’s a trap because I don’t seem to tell you how important it is in there.

“Where was it?

“It’s dark in the corner of the closet. It was magic, compressing space, locking boxes.”

Was it an imaginary diagonal stash, Ville ate.

“Well found…”

“It’s a coincidence. I wouldn’t have noticed if Kohak hadn’t beeped at me, and if I hadn’t read Nefra and your father’s paper on space magic, I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to take it out.”

“Ha ha.”

Somewhere proudly the kohak rang. I wonder if it was the wild exploration that found the distorted space. Whatever it was, it was handy. For the reward, I gave a lot of chicken sausage for dinner.

Aside from that, space magic is one of the “Seven Prohibitions”.

Though a much simpler theory than metastasis, distorting space can be dangerous, and requires considerable research and magical skill.

In fact, something that took hours just to fix the distortion of space. I’m so tired.

Besides, that surgical ceremony, if I hadn’t been infused with magic for a certain period of time, the space itself would have been extinguished. I would not have been able to take this box out if I had left it for a few more days.

A tightly hidden black box (black box).

The presence of the witch Melissa is starting to smell worse.

By the way, Rose didn’t know this box existed. While I was scared, the contents seemed to bother me, and I promised to give them to you when I found out there was no danger.

“Can you open this?

“We’ll have to decipher the sealing ritual in the tunnel. Though it may take some time.”

“That’s right. If you use witchkiller…”

“That’s a last resort. If the contents were magically-derived objects, they might break it with a seal.”

Even the distortion of space could have been fixed right away with the use of witchkillers, but it’s dangerous to defeat witchcraft poorly. That’s why I didn’t call Ville.

“What, well… sorry I can’t help you”

“Hehe, leave the witch thing to the witch. Don’t play with Kohaku.”

He gently stroked the back of the dropped ville and took the box away from the kohaku touching the chain properly with his front leg.

Quickly the next day I went to unseal the black box.

Rose continues to train in magic manipulation, while reading the Herbal Dictionary that came out of Melissa’s room. I could teach you how to build a basic surgical ceremony, but it sounds like you’re not into it in person.

Rose has not yet sorted out her mind against Melissa’s death.

Maybe I don’t feel like teaching witchcraft from a witch other than Melissa right away. Although Lord Ecliffe said he would look for a successor master, it seems difficult to get used to him at this point.

I have a pile of things to do too. It’s pathetic, but ask Rose to be moderately self-taught. It’s a waste of time now anyway.

I also thought… between the bundles. Further troubles have broken in.

“Tea party hosted by Master Halemine……?

“Yes, we would love to have Sonia join us.”


When I saw the invitation brought to me by the First Princess’s squire, I was stunned in my heart.

What the hell are you thinking when there may be imminent danger in your country? I don’t have time for tea.

If you want to spend no difficulty in this kingdom, you shouldn’t say no. They’re sent from Mistria, albeit informally. I can’t act badly considering Brother Sunnig’s mentions.

Well, what do we do?

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