The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 80

9 The Depression of the Royal Family

Olivia, the First Queen, was a woman with strict air.

Exactly what it feels like to be the righteous queen of the country. Compared to the Third Queen’s Yulaiah, there was no hua, but an absolute presence that could not be distracted.

“Welcome to Ruziaro. Welcome. Miss Sonia Carnelian, Lord Ville Obsidia. Enjoy yourself today.”

I was a little wary of Princess Halemine’s mother, who only hears bad rumors, but I felt no malice in Olivia’s voice, but rather the breadth of her fair nostalgia.

“Thank you for inviting me”

We finished greeting the organizers and exhaled.

Actually, Bill is invited as well as me. He’s calmed down and escorted me because of my previous experience of being a wingman attending a party in bump production. I’m used to the curious gaze of other participants. Reliable.

I’m worried about the rosé I left in the hall, but he was laughing “okay,” and Tiga and Kohak are on it. Believe it.

Well, all you have to do is have a proper conversation with the other participants and enjoy the tea…… I hope.

The tea party, organised by Master Olivia, takes place in the garden of flowers proud of the Royal Castle of Luziaro. There are no fixed seats, like the style of sitting back and welcoming the flowers to their favorite seats while loving them.

Next to Olivia, Ecliffe refrains from having a soothing conversation, mainly with the women. Thanks to him, the air on the field has been softening for a long time.

Twenty or so invitees, including us. Looks like they’re basically invited two at a time. There were couples who looked like you and your wife, and there were women who had the vibe that they would be sisters, mothers and daughters.

In it, a woman approached us with an international discoloration.

“You’re the Witch of the Redemption, aren’t you?

Clear skies, black monochromatic dresses floating neatly on colorful flowers. A novel design, then, as if it represented a rough heart. Although she looks scary for her decadent beauty, she’s only uncomfortable in this setting.

In a way, it’s fashion like a chunk of self-assertion. It’s too opposite to Rosé, and it’s as clear as it gets.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you. I’m from Mistria, my name is Sonia Carnelian. Your Highness, Hailmine. I apologize for declining your invitation the other day.”

“Oh, you knew who I was. Hmmm……”

You’ll see. It would be about my real daughter who can look fine dressed like this at a tea party hosted by the First Queen.

Hailmine glanced at my whole body and frowned.

I’m wearing a classic grey one-piece dress I brought with me. It’s an orthodox design in Mistria, and I like it. He also had a good reputation from Ville and Rosé.

I’m going to have chosen to damage the garden landscape, to stand out evil among real nobles, to be careful not to overexpose my skin, but is there something strange about it?

“… you’re not in mourning anymore. It hasn’t been a year since Lady Rain’s death, has it?

Suddenly I threw in a delicate topic, so both me and Bill held their breath for a moment. The upset runs among the other invitees who were around.

I see. Her wrapped black is a mourning. You were a tragic princess who lost her fiancée twice, for sure.

“Yeah. Lady Rain died after we dissolved our engagement. Besides, where I mourned my death, Lady Rain would just be in trouble.”

Or he’s not dead. Now as a pen friend, I’m more honest with you than I used to be.

There will be no reason for Halemine to know, but it was someone else who died in the second King’s Capital raid. I’m sure he doesn’t want me to be in mourning either. Now is not the time to be saddened, though one day you will want to build a tomb with my self-satisfaction.

Halemine compared me to the ville behind me and laid her eyes blatantly down.

“Yes… I thought I could get along with you. I lost someone who was supposed to be my husband in the future, and I thought I could tell.”

“Thank you for your concern. But the situation is too different between me and Master Hailmine. I was wondering if it would be difficult to share grief…”

“I guess so. Sonia doesn’t know how I feel.”

Hailmine with a handkerchief on her eyeball. A squeezing voice sounds like a curse. The clouds are getting suspicious.

“I refused my invitation, but thus we both responded to Mother’s call. Could it be that you wanted to show off your new lover?


“You’re terrible… you don’t like me, do you? Didn’t I get blown into something that’s never been from Roselint?


I’ve lost the word that what I did gives back.

It was a pain in the ass that I turned down Halemine’s invitation… not because I was busy doing a lot of things.

The reason I reluctantly attended today’s tea party is because the people of Ruziaro, especially Olivia, don’t hate me.

Although I don’t know the full extent of Olivia’s thoughts, Ecliffe said, “We can’t let her not entertain guests from Mistria and let them act in hiding”.

Finally, you want to stab the nail so I don’t like it.

Investigate issues where witches from other countries can rock their country. In some cases, it could be uncovering the secrets of underground ruins. Some lovers of the country react in refusal to allow foreigners to come into contact with their country’s history.

In fact, I’m offering to look into the doors of The Angel’s Sitting Garden, but you can’t really get your permission down. Looks like someone is strongly opposed to me approaching.

Though we work together to save Ruziaro, it may seem like we’re up to something from the side.

Lord Ecliffe trusts me because I have a connection with his brother, but it’s suspicious to say so yourself. There’s actually something to hide, so I can’t even crack my stomach and talk. We’ll just have to stand around and gain a little trust.

Anyway, my position and purpose and the costumes that wrap up in this setting are different in Heirmine and I.

You can’t just stick with her and buy a Luziaro cunt here…. So, Ville, don’t stare at them too much.

“It’s a hell of a thing not to like Master Halemine. But if my words and actions bothered you, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but we’re leaving this time.”

I can’t hang out with you.

Something that may make Olivia’s heart certificate worse, but if she stays like this, she’s going to be decisively caught. “Let’s do that, we should leave now,” Ville also complains strongly with golden eyes.

But Halemine says it doesn’t seem funny.

“Well, then, isn’t it like I kicked you out? It’s okay. You enjoy your tea party.”


“I’m sure you’ve all been looking forward to talking to you.”

Hey, and when Halemine asked for consent, the other invitees roared in confusion.

Should I agree here or not? You wouldn’t want us to be entertained on this occasion, given Halemine’s character. I don’t know about fierce men who might buy the princess’s unhappiness, but want to talk to us about it.

If you noticed, the limp air was drifting around you.

It’s going to ruin the tea party like this, but could this be my fault?

If I run away from this scene, Hailmine will mourn the victim and make a bad impression of me. Even if I stay on this scene, I get isolated and just feel miserable.

I see, is this the kind of M.O.? It’s called harassment of Rosé, it’s really nasty.


No one can say anything. I saw Halemine laughing thinly and wanted to pound her tongue.

“Come on. The tea will taste bad.”

It was a carefree gentleman who just paid for the unpleasant air. In his mid-thirties or so, a shadowy man of Master Olivia. You don’t have to……

“His Royal Highness Prince Wang…!


“No, wait. This is not good.”

The First Prince of this country, Lady Astral, came to the Tea Party late and attracted all the attention at once. It seems that Olivia and Ecliffe, who were also welcoming with other guests, have finally noticed the anomaly on this occasion.

“Brother, what…”

“Hailmine. Are you not ashamed to wear such strange clothes again”

“This is… a mourning! Silva and Brass, and Lady Rain’s -”

“If you want to be in mourning so much, you better leave this place. depressing. At a good age, can you read a lot of the air in the field?”

I was driven by the urge to go in to read the air. I won’t, though.

“Dear Zama, I can’t find a third fiancée. Just expose the royal shame where I let my wife. I want you out of the castle before I take over the throne, but what’s the matter?”

To an outspoken sigh, everyone and he all froze.

Prince and Prince of this country say things quite clearly. Heirmine’s getting a little pathetic.

Hailmine turned her face bright red and shivered with a grudge.

“I don’t feel so good, so excuse me.”

“Oh, get out. Get out.”

Everyone exhaled in unison as Halemine left with her maid of honor. Looks like some people were not breathing very much of the tension.

“… my stupid sister has been rude, a Mistrian guest. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Yes, no, not really.”

As if nothing had happened, Master Astral picked a sandwich from the table and panicked the samurai in hopes of tea.

“Is Sunnig a breath disaster?

Look at me, Astral asked.


“Right…. I didn’t expect to get to the throne before me. An interesting man. Mistria will be in trouble now, but it won’t be any stranger than Sunnig becoming king. Rather, Luziaro is getting weirder”

Master Astral laughed “Phew,” recommending tea and treats to me and Ville. I’d love to, but I can’t really afford to taste it.

“Astral, don’t irritate me too much Halemine”

Master Olivia, who came, was holding his temples. Looks like Mr. Ecliffe is struggling to restore the air in the field to something soothing again. It’s tough being pinched by a weird brother and sister.

“Mother, you shouldn’t spoil him too much. Once you don’t thoroughly correct your character, you really don’t have a daughter-in-law.

“The way it’s done is too rough. Hayrmine grew up that way because you were… no, that’s good.”

Thinking of the Queen’s hard work, me and Ville felt sympathy from the bottom of our hearts.

“… Mr. Sonia, Mr. Ville. I was wondering if you could spare me a moment.”

After the tea party, Olivia snuck up on me.

I thought you meant Halemine or Roselint, but it wasn’t.

“I want to show you something.”

In the room where I was guided, me and Ville saw something outrageous.

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