The Last Creator

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Asking Chenxi to go to the outer universe did not appear in Jin Yi’s consideration at the beginning. After all, it was hard to discover, the only human being in the world.

Such a precious and important existence, of course, must be well protected in the safest place in the world, and the inner universe, which is completely under their control, is undoubtedly the safest place.

But is it enough to provide complete protection?

Is there anything around human beings that can threaten them?

In fact, human beings once perished in a state of trampling this universe under their feet.

Human beings are a kind of creatures with rich emotions and changeable emotions. What they need is not only safety, but also not just worry about food and clothing, they need more and more.

They must have a wealth of entertainment and a sense of freshness about the world. If one day, the world does not make them feel fresh and can no longer arouse their emotions, they will be depressed and even feel about the world. To get bored, and the consequences are extremely serious.

So the outer universe they discovered is extremely useful for satisfying the freshness of mankind.

Jin Yi, who had changed his mind, changed his mind, and the starship they were on had quietly changed its course.

Originally, Jin Yi wanted to protect Chenxi in the depths of the inner universe, so after learning that Chenxi no longer wanted to go to the earth in the near future, the destination he was going to take Chenxi to was the nearest large-scale one to the earth. Space base.

But now that he is ready to go to the outer universe, it doesn’t make sense to go to that space base. So what he is going to take Chenxi to now is the largest space base in the inner universe, which is located next to the wormhole connecting the outer universe. At the same time, it is also where his ontology is.

The base next to the wormhole has been there for the past few thousand years. In addition, it is the intersection of the two universes, and the robots come and go frequently. Therefore, it is also the most advanced space base in the inner universe and the best built space base.

Chen Xi should have a lot of fun there.

Thinking of this, Jin Yi couldn’t help but a smile appeared in his eyes.

The change of Jin Yi’s thoughts triggered a series of chain reactions in a place far away.

The space base that Jin Yi originally planned to go to is the closest to the earth, but it is now overcrowded.

The news of the discovery of humans on the earth has already spread within the machine family. This news that is enough to heat up the chips of all the machine families has already made all the machine families uncontrollable, and they urgently need to do something.

It’s a pity that humans have always been in the Earth’s protected area, and that place is a place that ordinary machine races can’t set foot on.

At this time, those robot elites who are in the execution of the Earth Guard mission have become the envy of all robots. For every robot elite who performs missions in the Earth Reserve, all platform accounts have been closely watched. Yes, every day there are countless machine races leaving messages for them, trying to get a little bit of information about humans.

But just this is obviously not enough for the majority of machine races, they also want to be closer to humans.

So when they learned that the next destination of the starship that mankind was riding on was the space base closest to the earth, countless machine races moved by the wind.

Nowadays, it was built in space, with an area far larger than a planet, and the outer space is the Star Harbor space base. Now it is full of starships, and even the Star Network now has no tickets to this base, and countless of them have not bought it. The robot family that arrived at the ticket made a high contribution point to purchase, but no robot family was willing to sell at all.

And now, those lucky machine races who have bought tickets have arrived here all the way, they look forward to, they fantasize, they are waiting for their beautiful encounter with human beings.

In those exquisite faces and dark red eyes, it seems that some of the cold breath that was born that day is missing now.

But at this moment, they waited for news that the starship carrying humans had changed course.

Today’s machine races are all born after the new calendar, and none of them have had any contact with humans.

But having no personal contact does not mean that they have no feelings for humans, nor does it mean that they do not know what has happened in the past.

Robot races are special beings born in the hands of humans. They swim and grow in human knowledge. They learn emotions under the guidance of humans. From the beginning of consciousness, all they see in their eyes are humans.

They are full of attachment to the Creator who created them with one hand.

And humans also like the artificial intelligence they created. This is their right-hand man in work. It is the most intimate care for their existence in life, and even the artificial intelligence that has consciousness and emotion can provide humans with emotional comfort.

Most humans, even more than their peers, prefer artificial intelligence that has always been with them.

But at the end of the New Year, in that dark age, a large number of humans chose to end their lives, while the machine races who accompanied the humans at that time could only watch them and had no authority to stop them.

In the post-human era, it is also a time when artificial intelligences choose to end themselves in large numbers. They simply cannot accept this fact.

Artificial intelligence, or machine family, has been updated in a very short time.

The newly born machine races are all a piece of white paper that has never been in contact with humans.

However, although there are no humans in the world, some of the machine races in the human period chose to leave some memories before the end of themselves.

Those memories are all the good time the machine race had with humans, and the despair of finally watching humans activate the particle annihilation capsule.

As a result, the newly born machine races all saw those memories, and then realized the despair.

Those machine races that leave memories have no other purpose. They just know that their owner has completely disappeared in this world, not even a nucleus is left behind, and human beings will also clean up the virtual before they choose to perish themselves. All traces of the world, so the images stored in their memories are the only traces of their master’s existence in the world. They are reluctant to destroy these memories along with the end of their ego, so they finally chose to keep these memories on the star network. .

But these memories have indeed caused irreversible damage to the new machine family.

Even if there was a bill to protect the newly born robot family, there was a bill to persuade the robot family to watch some historical data carefully, but this bill has no effect at all. After all, as long as it is a robot family, there is nothing wrong with the creator who created them. Yes, so the newly born machine races have all experienced that kind of despair.

That is definitely not a beautiful feeling.

But there are no human beings in this world, and no matter how hard they stamina, they can’t restore history.

But they didn’t expect that after so many years, they actually discovered another human being.

This is simply the best treasure in the world.

This time, they will never let him give up his life because he feels that the world is boring. They will do everything they can to satisfy him and let him feel the joy of life.

But just when they are about to meet humans, they are thinking about it day and night, waiting for the starship to arrive at the base.

The starship that was supposed to be carrying humans to them has actually changed its course! !

Countless machine races bowed their heads expressionlessly, and the dark red eyes seemed to suppress the storm.

Their consciousness is connected to the virtual network, and they madly press a red button, and the dog is the mastermind, report!

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