The Last Creator

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Outer universe? !

Chenxi’s eyes widened uncontrollably. During this period of time, through the star network, he has also learned about the universe that was discovered by the robot tribe after the extinction of mankind. He also knows that there are many intelligent life there. Listen now. When Jin Yi asked him if he wanted to go to the outer universe, he was also a little excited. After all, the outer universe, intelligent life, isn’t that an alien?

Chen Xi said almost without thinking, “I want to go.”

However, after answering in one mouthful, Chen Xi remembered the flying cars and aircrafts that had been parked in the entire parking lot in the base. He hadn’t finished the test flight yet, so he couldn’t help but feel a little bit reluctant.

Jin Yi noticed the strange expression on Chenxi’s expression, and after asking the reason, he couldn’t help but chuckle, “It’s not easy. Take all your speed cars and flying machines.”

Chen Xi was subconsciously sluggish for a moment because of Jin Yi’s words, but after he was surprised, he found that this method seemed… indeed feasible.

In this way, Chen Xi, who was unknowingly affected by Jin Yi’s trench, found that everything was not a problem, and soon, he and Jin Yi boarded the starship specially built for him.

Chenxi saw this starship specially designed for him today. The reason is that he was too busy after arriving at the base. He was busy exploring his huge steel lair residence, and was busy trying to fly various powers. The handsome speeding cars and flying machines are busy experiencing the various equipment for human service that the orange-eyed robots have recovered and reproduced from historical data, and there are also treasures, immortals, and they are so busy that they have no time to see them. This starship was built specifically for him.

But although she was not available before, Chen Xi was still amazed after she really walked into this starship specially built for him.

As we all know, starships have two main roles in space. One is a means of transportation, and the other is a war weapon. Regardless of which aspect of these two, they serve the group, and the requirements for the internal structure of the starship are also extremely high. High, trying to achieve the most reasonable space planning, the highest utilization rate, and no space waste.

Under this design premise, the interior style of the starship of the entire robot family is extremely simple. Except for the storage of armaments and energy areas, in the living area of ​​the robot family, except for some necessary public places, the rest is a neat and uniform private room. In order to maximize the utilization of space, the private room of each machine clan is not large. This is also the case that Chenxi had found the largest living room for him on the starship where she woke up, but it didn’t. It seems very luxurious, but this starship specially built for him has gone to the completely opposite design path.

First of all, this starship does not need to fight, it must be heavily guarded at the center, so although the hull uses the strongest protective materials known, it does not install too many weapon systems, which saves a lot of money. Up space.

Secondly, this starship is not for groups. It only needs to serve one person instead of thousands of robots, so thousands of private rooms that are uniform like military camps are not needed. Yes, and all the space saved is enough for the interior of the starship to build the most luxurious palace.

The robot family advocates simplicity and hates all unnecessary things that waste time. They are not keen on entertainment, are not obsessed with pleasure, and even when communicating with their peers, they often don’t even bother to talk. They directly connect data through the star network and complete the communication in one second. .

But if they are not keen on this, it does not mean that they are not good at it. In fact, every machine clan is an almighty master and super artist.

It’s just that they didn’t bother to use what they knew before, because it was not necessary, but now, the need is coming. In this starship specially built for Chenxi, they put all their enthusiasm into it and built it into A perfect artwork.

Standing in this starship, Chen Xi couldn’t believe his eyes. At this moment, he even suspected that he was still in the starship of future science and technology creation, or really came to a palace.

At that glance, the magnificence and magnificence everywhere, that every piece of furnishings that can be called art, and all the extravagant and exquisite details, Chenxi promises that this is the most gorgeous one in all the palaces he has seen. .

Chen Xi thought that his steel lair residence was enough to amaze him, but he didn’t expect that the machine race could break through the limit of his imagination time and time again.

In this starship that seemed to be a luxurious palace, Chenxi explored with excitement for a long time.

This is a palace specially built for Chenxi. Except for the amazing palace halls, most of the space is Chenxi’s private places, such as games room and fitness room. In an area, there lived the robot tribe serving Chenxi. There were those orange-eyed robot tribe who had been working tirelessly to improve the quality of life for Chenxi, and the red-eye robot tribe responsible for the internal security operation of this starship and all other services.

In addition, Chenxi’s bedroom is also extremely luxurious, the area is extremely large, and there is also a super large and super luxurious bed. Chen Xi couldn’t help but go directly up and roll a few times, and then lay on the bed and watched. The extremely gorgeous ceiling can only remember the words that the king will not come to court early.

Corrupt, so corrupt, and Chenxi knows that this is not the most corrupt, because he knows that in the starship team that went out together this time, there are two whole ships loaded with his stuff, and one ship is full. He hasn’t finished the test flight, and can park all kinds of speed cars and aircraft in one parking lot, and the other one is equipped with all kinds of large entertainment equipment he likes very much.

In short, if it wasn’t for the sun mine at home, who would dare to be so extravagant.

Chen Xi, who had been lying on the bed for a while, heard a few small meows. He sat up and saw a godlike figure walking in with a little white group in his arms. Chen Xi smiled and stretched out his hand. Soon, the little white group arrived in his hand, and he was holding the fluffy kitten, and said in a very good mood: “You like this place too, don’t you, Xianxian.”

After playing with Xianxian, Chen Xi raised her head and wanted to speak to the figure who had been standing quietly by the bed, but he seemed to remember something suddenly, looked around with some doubts, and said: “Jin Yi What? Well, I mean the other you?”

Hearing Chenxi’s question, the gorgeous figure standing next to the bed calmly said, “The outer universe is no safer than the inner universe. To take you to the outer universe, I need my body to fully protect you. Safety. As for the spare body, I stayed at the base and handled daily affairs on behalf of the body.”

Jin Yi’s explanation sounds reasonable, and it seems very reasonable.

But Chen Xi didn’t know why, but he felt like he was… deliberate.

And looking at Chen Xi’s accusing eyes, the godlike figure beside the bed could not help leaning closer, gently lifting Chen Xi’s chin with one hand, her bright golden eyes and those black eyes looking at each other. , Spit out a warm breath, “Why, you have me, isn’t it enough?”

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