The Last Creator

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Gae felt the enthusiastic attitude of the two people who didn’t look at him before, plus other races in this space that may or may not be recognized, and either took the initiative to say hello to him, or be polite to him. Gai nodded gently, as if he had already treated him as a person of equal status, Gae couldn’t help but feel a little complicated.

His actions in the Canaanite clan are extremely secretive, and his power hides extremely deep. Not to mention these foreign races, even within the Canaanite clan, not many people really know his power, just thinking that he is just an ordinary and mediocre third prince.

So, how much do those intellectuals who seem to have little contact with them know about them? At this moment, Gae actually felt a little shuddering.

The eldest son of the mad beast clan was extremely enthusiastic towards Gae, and the prince of the Yan clan never left. The three stood together and formed a small circle. Gae did not refuse their approach, because he urgently needed what they shared. information.

At the same time, Gae also noticed that in this large hall, most of the remaining people gathered together in twos and threes, as if they had formed an alliance, and occasionally one or two stood alone in a corner. Too far away from the crowd, it seems to be collecting information silently from their conversation.

From the eldest son of the mad beast clan and the prince of the flame clan, he learned that they arrived here a day earlier than him, and before that, they were also on the main star of their race. The muzzle forced it out.

Then the experience behind, all the same as him, after being taken aboard the starship, they were kept in a separate room, until yesterday, they were taken here, and then they saw other people.

In fact, this place, to be precise, is no different from the room where they were previously closed. It is also a confined space that can’t get out, but it has a larger space and a wider range of activities, allowing them to communicate. The place where they are now is the hall. Walking inside, there are a lot of small rooms similar to the ones they lived in before. As long as there is no one living in them, they can choose one to live in. It is a show of enthusiasm. He personally took Gae to pick an empty room and told him how to open and close the door, and then the three of them returned to the hall.

At this time, the silver wall of the hall opened silently again, and the heirs of various races who had been communicating in the hall calmed down at the same time and looked there.

I saw a group of expressionless intellectuals standing outside the open entrance, as expected, and then with a cold voice: “Go in.”

A short figure with only the thighs of the Zhizu walked in cautiously.

That figure is really short. All races in the hall must look down at him. He has snow-white skin, big watery eyes, two pointed beast ears on his head, and a large furry behind him. The tail, as soon as it came in, shrank into the corner very carefully. When he looked up to see the people in the hall, especially after recognizing a few races, his face turned pale, his eyes were full of panic, and he seemed to want to take the road at any time, and the whole was full of a kind of…weakness. breath.

Those who don’t know what race this newcomer is, it’s okay, they just looked at him with inquiring eyes.

And those who knew what race this was, their eyes were filled with surprise and inconceivability. The eldest son of the mad beast clan stared at him in disbelief for a long time, his cheeks flushed, as if he had received some insult and said: “Ear fox Clan? How could he come here?”

The races in the Star Beast Territory are hierarchical. In a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, the powerful races can naturally oppress and enslave the weak ones, and the ear fox race is a race with fast reproduction speed but weak strength. Because of the two characteristics of being weak and reproducing quickly, they were sold to various planets by star beast merchants, and then thrived on various planets. They are a large number of races that are widely distributed on the planets inhabited by many races.

However, a large number does not mean a good life. Because it is too weak and easy to breed, the ear foxes are the lowest servants no matter what race they are in, and they don’t get any pity.

The most bitter, tiring, and most dangerous things are always done by the ear fox family, which makes the owner angry, and often kills them. Because it is cheap, it is almost a consumable. The cheapest slave seems to be the ear fox. Family label.

And the eared fox clan in front of them, although not as dirty as they usually see, the hair on the tail is tangled into a dirty look, combined with their status, the other party should also be the heir of the eared fox clan’s royal family. , But the royal heir of the ear fox tribe, can he be compared with them? !

Ever since I came here and saw the royal heirs of other races, the eldest son of the mad beast clan has long had a guess in his heart, that is, the wise race gathered them together, it seems that they are ready to let them participate in one thing only the successors of the various races. Things that are eligible to participate.

No matter what it is, this is something that only people of his level can participate, and the races that I have seen since I came here are almost all powerful races that are as strong as his wild beasts. Those who didn’t know him also had the aura of a strong person, which made him especially full of a sense of identity, but what’s going on now? The ear fox family actually appeared here? Could it be that in the eyes of those wise tribes, the ear fox tribe actually sits on an equal footing with his noble beast tribe? !

At this moment, the eldest son of the beast clan emperor felt deeply insulted.

The prince of the ear fox clan felt the unkind sight of the eldest son of the wild beast clan, and immediately hid to the place farthest from him.

Dare to hide? The eldest son of the mad beast clan king looked tyrannical, and was about to walk over to clean up the opponent for a while, then the silver wall that had been closed not long before was opened again.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes immediately looked there again. The eldest son of the mad beast clan was no exception, and when he saw the person who walked in, his eyes were almost sluggish, and naturally he completely forgot to teach that. The thing about the ear fox tribe.

The person who walks in is like an eye catcher, which is far more attractive than anyone who walked in before. There is no other reason, because the figure that walks in is a real interpretation of the pearly treasure and attracting eyes to the extreme.

The ruby ​​falling on the forehead, the few strings on the neck that are round and large, shimmering pearls, and the gorgeous clothes that keep changing their luster while walking, and ten fingers, A huge gem ring worn on each finger.

When the man walked in, he saw everyone in the hall also stunned for a while. He recognized the faces of several people one by one for a while, and then quickly figured out what, the original weight on his face receded a lot, and then turned out. There was a wicked and arrogant smile, “It seems that I am late. Is there any highness who can explain to me what is going on?”

Looking at the gorgeous and arrogant figure, Gae moved his lips slightly and said, “Sangkuang Clan.”

The eldest son of the mad beast clan and the prince of the flame clan did not speak, but they both stared at the figure without looking away, the Sangkuang clan, a powerful and extremely wealthy race.

The planet of the Sangkuang tribe has a large number of gem mines, and the products are rich and the people are rich. Those gem mines can easily exchange for whatever they want. The royal family of the Sangkuang tribe has always been the most luxurious of all races. Yes, all kinds of deeds are widely circulated among various races, and people talk about them.

Other races are not greedy for the richness of the Sangkuang tribe, but while the Sangkuang tribe is rich, they also have the strength to protect that kind of wealth. It is a race that is not easy to provoke.

Therefore, this is a strong, rich, comprehensive strength, and one of the best among all races.

Because of the wealth and power of the Sang Mine Clan, even in this environment, after the Prince of the Sang Mine Clan asked that sentence, two royal heirs stepped forward to answer each other’s questions, and the Sang Mine The clan prince listened very seriously, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The eldest son of the mad beast clan looked at the two people who could not wait to come forward to cheat, he couldn’t help but sneered, and whispered: “Smuggler.” He really lost the face of their royal heir.

But despite thinking so, the eldest son of the mad beast clan couldn’t help but glance at the few strings of pearls hanging on the neck of the prince of the sang mine clan, and tried his best to control not to show jealousy, it belonged to the water fish clan. The Pearl of the Deep Sea has the effect of being able to develop the potential of the body. Each one is a priceless treasure. Even if he is the eldest son of the mad beast clan, he will only get two of them. Kind of directly getting a few strings, big thorns hanging on the neck of pride.

The eldest son of the mad beast clan emperor thought about it, the more it was unpleasant, and finally turned his head to ignore the place, so as not to make trouble.

After the Sangkuang clan, there have been no more people in this hall, except that a few sages came in behind, and a lot of light yellow tubes were placed on a large round table in the hall.

The races were already familiar with this thing, and after the Zhizu left, they all stepped forward to take a few.

And when the prince of the ear fox clan with a big furry tail wanted to probe his hand to take the nutrient on the table, a violent shout came from behind him, “Get out of the way.”

The prince of the ear fox tribe shivered, and immediately shrank to the furthest place, and then waited for the eldest son of the wild beast tribe to take it, and saw no one near the table, then went to get two, and then shrank immediately. In the corner.

In order to better exchange information and get the latest news, almost all the royal heirs gather in this hall when they are awake, and only go back to the room when they really need to rest.

Gaes pondered the question. When he recovered, he realized that there were almost no people in the hall. He started to go back to the room to sleep, but he paused when he saw the white ball in the corner of the hall. Obviously, no one told the other party how to open the room.

Gae has no prejudice against the ear fox tribe, but he doesn’t think this weak ear fox tribe deserves any thoughts, but all of them are gone, but the picture that no one tells the other party alone still makes him feel After a little touch, his eyes couldn’t help becoming a little gloomy, because this picture reminded him of his weak and sad childhood.

Those memories, no matter when they think of it, are gloomy and make people feel unhappy. When Gae comes back to his senses again, he realizes that he has unknowingly walked to the other side.

And the prince of the eared fox clan was looking at him shiveringly, with a look of horror in his watery eyes.

Gae couldn’t help but sneered at how he walked here, but now that he had walked over, he was not going to change his mind.

He stretched out a hand, picked up the opponent casually, then walked to a door of a room, put it down, and said, “Look, teach you to open the door.”

After speaking, Gae demonstrated how to open and close the door, then lowered his eyes and said, “Will it be?”

The prince of the ear fox clan nodded repeatedly, the original fear in his eyes had disappeared, and he looked at Gae and said sincerely, “Thank you.”

However, Gae didn’t bother to listen to the other party’s thanks, and didn’t bother to continue to take care of the other party. After seeing the other party, he opened the door of his room without looking back, and then walked in.

At this time, Gae would not know how he made the most valuable investment in his life in that short period of time.

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