The Last Creator

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

The sequelae of Chenxi’s dynamics on the star network seemed to have been completely resolved, but in fact it was far more than that. Some more far-reaching effects were slowly fermenting where Chenxi hadn’t noticed.

In the outer universe star beast domain, in the vast space, a group of starships is moving forward. At the speed of the starship, the planets are quickly passing by. At this speed, when a group of star beasts finds far away After entering the starship team, the race within it almost stood upright, and then immediately used the fastest speed to drive the star beast to the side, making sure not to block the path of the Zhizu starship.

Fortunately, this vigilant team of star beasts discovered that the starship was discovered early, and everything was still too late. When the star beasts were transferred from the route of the intellectual starship in time, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and even couldn’t help but wipe it. Fortunately, I found out early if I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead. Otherwise, if I really block the way of the Zhizu, those cold and ruthless Zhizu will not talk nonsense with them, and the end of the game will be unpredictable.

These star beast teams who retreated to the side did not act rashly, but waited quietly, wanting to wait for the starship of the intellectual race to pass, and then continue to their destination. At the same time, they inevitably looked at it with fear and dizziness. The starship of the Chi race is fast approaching. After all, not everyone has a chance to meet the starship of the Chi race in space. This is enough for them to brag with their peers for a long time after they go back.

As the Zhizu starship approaches, they can feel the cold, towering and hideous nature of the Zhizu starship. When the behemoth is constantly approaching, it can almost stop the hearts of all races unconsciously, but Fortunately, the starships of the wise tribe will never take care of these races casually. As long as they don’t block the course of the starship and don’t get close to the starship by themselves, then the starship of the wise tribe will completely ignore them. Soon, the starships of these intellectuals will pass in front of them.

However, in the next moment, all the races who believed in this group of star beasts saw a scene that almost truly stopped their hearts, that is, when the starships of the intellectual race stopped in front of them, they stopped!

The feeling of being scared to death, that’s it.

The race heads among all the star beasts were stunned, their eyes were frightened, their hands and feet trembled as they looked at the starship team parked in front of them, but they didn’t understand how they angered the Zhizu.

At the same time, in the starship team parked in front of the group of star beasts, the perspective image of the opposite star beast team was displayed on the huge display in the command room.

It can be seen from these imaging diagrams that most of the star beasts on the opposite side are wild beasts, and there are also some other races, but this is not the most important one. The important thing is that some of the star beasts in the middle of the star beast team, those star beasts. The inside of the beast is crowded with other star beasts, but compared to normal thermal imaging, it is simply a dazzling red color. It can be seen that there are so many living creatures that are densely packed. The kind of space that is stacked on top of each other is extremely crowded and oppressed. , Has almost exceeded the safety line required for survival of the creatures. More importantly, they can tell from the scan on the screen that those crowded and stacked among the star beasts are all ear foxes.

The intellectuals present almost instantly understood what the star beast team was doing. They were slave merchants. Combining their location at this time, these ear fox tribes should have been captured from the ear fox planet, and then prepared Sold to other planets.

It’s not the first time that the sages on the starship have seen this kind of thing. Before, they all ignored it and didn’t have a glance at all. After all, for these races in the outer universe, they are only responsible for controlling their development range and maintaining The basic ecological balance, as for other things, such as how they get along with each other, that is their own business.

But today, when they saw the dazzling red in the thermal imaging, these starships could not help but stop, and almost all the sages in the command room were looking at the red.

In that red area, there are a large number of ear fox tribes. With that degree of crowding, when the star beasts reach the target planet, not all the ear fox tribes in it will survive. Then the dazzling red , There will definitely be a mottled dark one everywhere.

And even those lucky ear fox tribes who survived will not have a good life waiting for them. They will be trafficked into slaves, they will live the hardest and worst life, do the most work, but still can’t. Guarantee to live without incident forever.

At this time, the words of Chen Xi appeared in the minds of all the wise tribes-the ear fox tribe is really cute, and the ear fox tribe is the most favorite.

This is the race Chen Xi likes. If these ear fox tribes die, Chen Xi should be sad.

As long as this possibility was thought of, there was a wave of fluctuations in the dark red and cold eyes of all the intellectuals. Then, the starship of the intellectuals raised the muzzle and aimed at the star beasts.

And the wild beasts among all the star beasts were almost paralyzed when they saw the muzzle of the starship aimed at them, and what happened afterwards made them feel magical, so that they waited for everything. It’s all over, or there is some unreality, they were actually robbed by the Zhizu? !

But look at the star beasts that are missing from the middle of their team, and then look at the star beasts that are dragging away quickly with the net bag under the starship of the Zhizu, they have to admit this fact.

But at this time, no one was heartbroken for losing the captured slaves and the precious star beasts. All of them were immersed in the aftermath of the catastrophe, and even drove the star beasts to leave here quickly. It was terrible and terrible. Now, they thought they were going to stay here forever.

At the same time, on the main star of the ear fox tribe, a gathering place of the ear fox tribe was immersed in heavy grief. The ear fox tribe in the gathering place was less than half overnight. The doors of many thatched houses have never been opened again.

One by one, small children who were less than half the size of the other eared fox tribes watched for a long time at the entrance of the gathering place, and then walked back in despair until the sky darkened.

After returning home, the house was also empty, only grandpa was preparing dinner, which was completely different from the usual lively scene.

“Come back, let’s eat.” The gray-haired grandfather put the cooked food in front of him.

But smelling the scent of the food in front of him, the little eared fox had no desire to eat at all. He raised his face and asked, “Grandpa, mom, dad, brothers and sisters will they come back?”

The old ear fox tribe was silent for a while, and said with some difficulty: “They have gone far, far away, and it will take a long, long time to come back.”

However, when he heard what his grandfather said, tears appeared in the eyes of the little ear fox, “You lie, I heard Uncle Ace said that they were taken away by the slave merchant and will never come back.”

Listening to the cry of the little eared fox, the old eared fox tribe was not comforted, because this is a painful fact. Now that the little eared fox knows it, it is better to accept it earlier.

However, the little-eared fox is young, crying, and whimsically asking: “Then if I grow up to go to other planets to find my parents, will I still have a chance to see them?”

The elderly ear foxes heard this but their eyes were more complicated, then they lowered their faces and said in a serious and admonishing tone for the first time: “Never have this idea, the ear foxes who can stay on the ear fox star , Is the happiest ear fox family in life. There is no such life in any other place.”

The little-eared fox started crying again when he heard what his grandfather said, because this is not a side description. Will the detained parents, brothers and sisters lead a bad life? The little eared fox cried out of breath, and sobbed: “Why, why did they come to take away Mom and Dad? Why did they take us away?”

The old ear foxes did not answer this question, but they felt more painful in their hearts. Why? Because of the weakness of their ear fox tribe, and because their ear fox tribe can’t beat anyone, anyone can bully their ear fox tribe, and even come to their main star to take the ear fox tribe and use them as slaves.

Or it can be said that it is a miracle that their ear fox tribe still owns a planet. Thinking of these sad facts, the back of the old ear fox tribe can’t help but become more rickety.

Because of these things, the old ear foxes suffered from insomnia and tossed and turned until it was almost dawn before they finally fell asleep.

The next day, the old-eared fox, who got up early, started a day’s work. After all, all the young eared foxes in the family were taken away. They had to work harder if they wanted to have food.

Almost all the ear foxes remaining in the gathering place had the same idea with him, so although the ear fox gathering place in the early morning was a bit cold, it was busy, even the red and swollen little eared fox that cried last night. After waking up, he also began to help Grandpa.

Just when most of the ear fox tribes were immersed in their work, they suddenly felt that the originally clear sky seemed a little darker. Some ear fox tribes subconsciously raised their heads to look at the sky, and then they seemed to be caught by their necks. There was no sound, only a panic in his eyes.

This peculiarity was noticed by more and more eared fox tribes. The old eared fox tribe also subconsciously looked up because of the strangeness of the people around. Then the next moment, the farm tool in his hand fell to the ground, only knowing that it was sluggish. Looking at the huge fleet of Zhizu that almost obscured the sky.

The starship that shocked all ear fox tribes, the cold and towering, silver hull shining brightly in the sun.

When seeing the star beasts of other races, the ear fox tribe still knew to escape, but when the starship of the wisdom tribe appeared above them, all the ear fox tribes were shocked and fearful, but they didn’t know what to do. reaction.

They watched the starship slowly approaching their direction, then dropped something down, turned the ship’s body, and disappeared in the clouds again.

All ear fox tribes didn’t seem to regain the ability to think until the starships completely disappeared. Then, their attention re-focused on the things that were left by the wise tribe and descended slowly.

Star beast?

This is what scared them the most, because the appearance of star beasts generally represented the arrival of alien races.

But these star beasts were thrown down by the Zhizu? What is going on here?

Because there were so many puzzled places, most of the ear fox tribe did not rush to escape, but watched the direction of the star beast’s fall with vigilance, until some ear fox tribe suddenly felt that these star beasts were different from the previous ones. The wild orcs who catch them use something similar.

However, most of the star beasts are similar in length, and they are not sure, but subconsciously, they still approach the star beasts a little bit with expectations that they don’t understand.

And those star beasts slowly landed under the gaze of all the ear fox tribes until they stopped on the ground, and then moved slightly, one after another familiar figures with large furry tails reappeared in their field of vision.

All the ear fox tribes in the gathering place showed unbelievable expressions.

Today is a good weather, the sun is warm and dazzling, and all the ear fox tribes have seen miracles happen in such bright light. They looked at the many relatives they thought they would never see again in this life, embarrassed. They supported each other, and then ran towards them with happy and excited smiles on their faces.

And when he saw his son, daughter-in-law, and a few grandchildren there, the old ear fox tribe suddenly burst into tears. He never believed in miracles before. The ear fox tribe who was captured by slave merchants He never came back, but today, he witnessed the miracle happen with his own eyes.

While these forcibly separated ear fox tribes were enjoying the joy of reunion, those wise tribes who brought back the star beasts that contained the ear fox tribe and placed them on the main star of the ear fox tribe were also in a good mood.

Of course, after doing good deeds, they did not forget to take the most important step, that is, the process of doing good deeds and the photos of the ear fox tribe they rescued were posted under the news of the ear fox tribe in Chenxi.

PS: I saved a lot of ear fox tribes today, and I am really happy to see these cute ear fox tribes reunite with their families.

And obviously, it is not just this starship team that has performed similar behaviors in different places in the universe. In a short period of time, Chenxi’s dynamics were almost overwhelmed by such comments.

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