The Last Creator

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Jin Yi, who walked into Chenxi’s bedroom, raised his hand to catch the person who rushed towards him. His hand was placed gently on Chenxi’s shoulder, an action between care and possession, and then he took this posture. , Looked up at the figure outside the transparent wall.

The young patriarch of the Aquatic fish clan who was originally stiff floating in the sea was locked in an unprecedented sense of danger almost instantly. He didn’t even have time to tell, and his body sprinted away from the crystal wall. .

After the figure of the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan was far away, Jin Yi faintly retracted his sight. At the same time, the original transparent crystal wall of Chenxi’s bedroom slowly filled with color, and the color went from light to thick until It has become an opaque material completely.

Chenxi saw the change in the bedroom wall, but didn’t care. After all, he was also interested before and wanted to see the beautiful scenery of the sea bottom, which made it into a transparent mode. Most of the time, the bedroom is still a little more private. , It makes people feel safe and comfortable.

“What were you just looking at?” When the bedroom became a completely private space again, Jin Yi lightly supported Chen Xi’s shoulders and led people to the bed. The beautiful and low-melt voice seemed to be just an inadvertent question.

“I’m watching the Shuiyu tribe. He swims well. The Shuiyu tribe is really like a legendary mermaid on the seabed.

Jin Yi was noncommittal about Chen Xi’s appraisal with beautiful words. From the golden eyes, he couldn’t see the true thoughts in his mind.

Fortunately, Chenxi’s mind was not on the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan at all at this time. Although he was applauded for face when he saw it before, after Jin Yi came in, he could only see Jin Yi in his eyes, compared to Shui Yu. The young patriarch of the fish clan, he wanted to talk more about Jin Yi himself, so he sat on the bed and looked at Jin Yi without blinking his eyes and said, “Why do you come to me at this time today? You usually don’t have to wait till night. ?”

Although Jin Yi accompanies Chenxi every day, as the main brain, he has to deal with more than ten million things. Even if Jin Yi can handle some of those things every day, it is best to deal with them completely, immersively. Choice, so he has a fixed “working time” every day.

During that working time, Jin Yi’s consciousness will be fully invested in the vast data network of the Zhizu, incarnate in millions, quickly processing countless information, and completing countless wisest monarchs in one second can not be processed in a lifetime. The decision to ensure the normal operation of the Zhizu.

But such a completely immersive work style would make him fall into a “standby” state during that period of time, and his body seemed to be asleep without responding to the outside world.

In fact, Jin Yi can stay “standby” next to Chenxi during this kind of working hours. However, all robots are very concerned about the differences between themselves and humans. Jin Yi is no exception. He does not want to have a relationship with humans. There are too many differences to show up, so when I need to work on standby, I always leave Chenxi’s side and find a separate space for myself.

However, what Chen Xi didn’t know was that when Jin Yi was in the “standby” state of work, it was also when he had the strongest control over the entire intellectual tribe and all the universe with the star network—including the one they were in. Undersea Crystal Palace.

So Jin Yi didn’t seem to be with Chenxi, but the ubiquitous monitoring allowed Jin Yi to control all the wind and grass around him better than when he was with Chenxi, so I saw the young chief of the aquatic clan circling the crystal. When the wall was swimming, he finished his work ahead of time and came to Chen Xi’s side.

Of course, Jin Yi wouldn’t tell Chenxi these words, but in the blink of an eye, a light screen appeared in front of Chenxi, and Jin Yi said, “I’ll let you choose the race to visit for a while.”

Chenxi didn’t doubt Jin Yi’s words, his attention was quickly attracted by the light screen in front of him. This journey had almost come to an end, and the last travel item was to let him freely choose several races he wanted to visit and go to those The ruler of the race saw their living environment with their own eyes.

In the past, Chenxi only chose one ear fox family, and said that the rest will be decided later, but now the journey is about to end, he also has plenty of contact time for those races, and it is time to make a choice.

Therefore, Chenxi looked at the light screen in front of him, and after only pondering for a while, he added the Canaan and Shuiyu tribes behind the ear fox tribe.

Jin Yi looked at Chen Xitian’s choice, and briefly stayed on the water fish clan for a second, and then asked casually, “How did you choose the water fish clan?”

“Don’t you think that the aquatic clan really resembles mermaids? It must be interesting to go to the main star of the aquatic clan to see the shoals of mermaids.”

After listening to Chenxi’s words, Jin Yi was speechless for a while. He knew that because of an ancient fairy tale, mermaids have always been a symbol of beauty in human hearts. Humans have a high degree of innate favor with mermaids, and the water fish family and legends The similar appearance of the mermaids is indeed very easy to empathize. Chenxi has never shown a special interest in the water fish family before. He is still very relieved. He did not expect that Chenxi would have a love for the water fish family just by coming to this ocean planet. Interest greatly increased.

There was a faint sense of vigilance in his heart, and Jin Yi looked at Chenxi’s tone but said seriously: “Shuiyu people are not mermaids, and they are not so beautiful. Don’t get too close to them.”

Chen Xi blinked, what does this mean?

However, Jin Yi did not continue to expand on this topic later, and Chen Xi also left it behind, just taking it literally. After all, reality is not a fairy tale. As a race, the Shuiyu tribe must have good and bad things, and the Shuiyu tribe is a dangerous and powerful race, and it may also be very cruel.

However, is the aquarium important now? It doesn’t matter at all, Chenxi stretched out her hand to hold Jin Yi’s hand, and said with a smile on her face: “Since it’s here, don’t leave, come and watch the movie with me.”

Jin Yi followed the strength of Chenxi’s hand and was pulled onto the bed, a trace of indulgence and pampering flashed in her golden eyes.

When Chen Xi was leaning in Jin Yi’s arms, watching a movie comfortably while still being able to communicate with people at any time, he said in his heart, whether the water fish tribe is as beautiful as the legendary mermaid, he doesn’t know, but the robot, It’s 10,000 times better than the legend.

In this way, Jin Yi accompanied Chenxi to watch a movie and chat, until at night when people fell asleep, he left quietly.

Chenxi stayed on this ocean planet for another two days, and when he had had enough fun, the starship team set off again to visit the remaining attractions. After a while, all the sights to be visited have been visited, and at this time there is only one item left on the trip, visiting the main star of the selected race.

And very coincidentally, according to the route, the first main star of the starship team was the main star of the Aquatic clan.

In an ordinary starship in the starship team, since knowing that the next stop of the Zhizu starship is the main star of his own race, the expression of the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan has been worried, and his eyebrows have been close together and barely unfolded. Over.

“Don’t worry, there should be nothing wrong. This time the Zhizu has no malice.” Seeing him like this, the prince of the Sangkuang clan he had been acquainted with, couldn’t help but walked over and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

The young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan came back to his senses and said with a wry smile: “I know, I just…I’m afraid that my father, they don’t know the importance of Chenxi, and they will cause trouble.”

Hearing the words of the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan, the prince of the Sangkuang clan also agreed with it, and said thoughtfully: “This is true.”

When all races in the Star Beast Territory encounter the Zhi Clan, they are generally vigilant and fearful. If it is the usual attitude, of course it is fine, but after deeply understanding the degree of protection of the Zhi Clan to Chenxi, he knows that kind of vigilance and respect. The attitude is far from enough. If you are not careful, it will arouse the anger of the intellectuals and cause catastrophe.

Knowing the worries of the young patriarch of the Shuiyu tribe, the prince of the Sangkuang clan didn’t know what to say. He could only say: “When you see the patriarch, you’ll just try to find a chance to remind you.”

The young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan said: “It can only be this way.”

The prince of the Sangkuang clan left, but the young clan leader of the Shuiyu clan had no less worries at all, because only he knew that he was not only worried about what he just said. That day, the Golden Eyed Zhi Clan should not have noticed it. What?

After all, he just thought about it in his heart, he didn’t say it, and didn’t show it.

This time the Zhizu went to the main star of the Shuiyu clan. It shouldn’t have anything to do with what happened that day, right?

But Rao kept comforting himself in his heart like this, the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan still felt overwhelmed by the inexplicable pressure. After all, his careless behavior might cause the Shuiyu clan to be wiped out.

Especially at the moment when this kind of intellectual starship army is about to go to the main star of the Aquatic clan.

What he had imagined that day was like a dangerous untimely bomb weighing on him.

Chen Xi naturally didn’t know how much psychological pressure was caused by a choice of her own to the ghostly head of the Shuiyu clan.

And the starship team will not stop because of this psychological pressure, and will continue to approach the main star of the Shuiyu clan as planned.

Previously, most of the scenic spots that Chenxi visited were in the depths of the sphere of influence occupied by the intellectuals in the outer universe, which can be said to be in the heavily protected circle, but this time he went to the star field, to the star field where many intelligent creatures from the outer universe gathered. , Security will naturally be strengthened again, so along the way, starship teams along the way continue to gather into the starship team where Chenxi is, making this starship team even larger, even in space, because of its scale. A terrible coercion.

However, this terrible sight was not witnessed by many intelligent races in the outer universe, because in order to protect the large forces, the area where the starship team was advancing had been cleared early.

Therefore, when the vast and unheard of starships suddenly descended on the sky of the main star of the Aquatic clan, the races on this ocean planet were completely caught off guard.

However, looking at the figures that continue to emerge from the sea and sink quickly, presumably the royal family of this race should be able to get news soon.

The Aquatic Race is a race with powerful individual strength, but even the most powerful race, when facing the starships of the Zhi race, it dare not resist at all, let alone a starship team of this size.

Jin Yi took Chenxi out of the starship in a flying vehicle, and then floated on the surface of the sea and waited. He was waiting for the royal family of the Shuiyu clan to come out.

After all, he brought Chenxi to the Shuiyu clan to play. Without the cooperation of the local races, the experience would naturally be much worse.

And Chen Xi looked at this ocean planet curiously through the aircraft. He found that although it is also an ocean planet, the beauty of the seascape of this planet is much worse than that of the planet he had vacationed before. The wind and waves and the climate were far less mild than that of the ocean planet, but Chen Xi was still excited when thinking that this was a planet with mermaids.

Around the Chenxi flying machine, there are countless wise people riding the aircraft closely guarding, and at the same time, the heirs of the royal families who originally stayed in the starship did not know when they were taken down, all gathered in a larger spot. On the aircraft.

In that aircraft, the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan had the most solemn expression. He stood at the forefront of all the royal heirs, staring at the sea nervously, and only waited for the person sent by the Shuiyu clan to show his attitude and be sure to let the water Fish clan should not show hostility, it is best to be welcoming.

In the solemn eyes of the patriarch of the Shuiyu tribe, a piece of the planet’s faintly blue sea surface suddenly became a lot darker, and then a number of water flowers bloomed, and each water flower is a surface of the sea. Aquatic fish family.

At the forefront of these elegant aquatic fish tribes is a beautiful and graceful aquatic fish tribe with long hair like seaweed. He has blue eyes with infinite wisdom, as perfect as marble and covered with water. The physique, the temperament that belongs to the king, even if there are so many Shuiyu tribes appearing at the same time, but everyone’s eyes can’t help but gather on him.

And seeing that figure, the patriarch of the Shuiyu tribe couldn’t help but widen his eyes, father!

That’s right, the leading Shuiyu clan that emerged was the king of the Shuiyu clan today and the father of the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan at the same time.

Seeing his father appear, the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan inevitably has some surprises in his eyes, because he originally thought that the person who came out would be his brother or uncle, but he didn’t expect his father to appear directly.

However, in addition to accidents and disbelief, the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan was more excited. After all, it was his father. When he was forced to hand it over, his father, who had always been happy, angry, and indecent, also showed pain. He also thought that his trip was a farewell, but he did not expect that he actually came back alive and was unscathed. His father must have been very excited when he saw him coming back alive. Thinking about it, the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan His eyes couldn’t help but flush.

The patriarch of the Shuiyu clan who emerged from the sea was very calm. He raised his head to look at the flying vehicles floating on the sea, and his gaze scanned each aircraft very carefully. At a certain moment, those deep blue eyes were deep. Confronted with the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan standing in front of the many royal heirs.

At that moment, the patriarch of the Shuiyu clan was so excited that his father saw him! Father found out that he was still alive! Father must be super excited!

However, his excited father didn’t shout out in his throat, and the deep blue eyes moved away calmly. The pause time did not change from when he looked at other aircraft.

For a while, the young clan chief of the Shuiyu clan stayed there, and the stern look that had always come from him was a little confused.

Not only the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan, but also the other royal heirs who are in a flying machine, looked a little weird for a while. They couldn’t help but look at the young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan openly or secretly. Is this guy not favored at all? of?

I’m not! I do not have! Don’t guess! !

The young patriarch of the Shuiyu clan who looked at him with his gaze was incomparably frustrated for a while, but he couldn’t explain it at all. After all, the touching scene of who made his imagined father and son recognize each other did not happen at all.

When the heirs of the royal clan were guessing or depressed, the patriarch of the Shuiyu clan had already seen the numerous aircraft in a short period of time, and at the same time locked the target, he saw him facing the protection center of the aircraft. Jin Yi and Chenxi, whose hair color and eye color are different from those of the other intellectuals, burst into a beautiful and enthusiastic smile: “Welcome, everyone, come to the Shuiyu tribe.”

The author has something to say: The young patriarch of the Shuiyu tribe: My father must have been so excited when he saw me!

Patriarch of the Shuiyu clan: I haven’t got a planet, what’s the use for you.

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