The Last Creator

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

On the starship, Chen Xi was studying for one hour a day, staring at the relevant knowledge of cosmic string theory on the screen, frowning tangledly.

To say that everything in the future world will be good, that is, it will be a bit painful when learning knowledge. After all, knowledge is updated. Since you want to learn, naturally you must learn the current knowledge. The old and eliminated knowledge before, there is no need to learn it again. .

Therefore, the content that Chenxi learns every day can be said to be quite high. Except for the basic mathematics, physics and chemistry, the rest is related to the universe, what is the eight-dimensional universe, the use of cosmic light waves, quantum mechanics and space… etc. Wait for these daunting things.

Every time at this time, Chen Xi is a little envious of Jin Yi and the others. After all, they are born with this knowledge. Chips directly instill knowledge and AI intelligence can integrate and so on. Just think about it.

Of course, Chenxi didn’t feel particularly painful, because he chose to study for one hour a day, and if he’s tired of studying, he can change to art studies such as painting, music, and literature appreciation. In short, 95% per day. He is having fun all the time, this is just a way for him to adjust the richness of his life.

Just as Chenxi struggled to understand the knowledge on the light screen, there was a noise from the door of the room. Chenxi did not look up or care, but thought it was Binlan who sent the dessert.

Until a figure shrouded Chenxi’s back, long hair like water slid over Chenxi’s shoulders and arms, and fell on the back of Chenxi’s hands. It was as cold as fine golden silk. Chenxi’s hands trembled slightly, his face There was also a slight blush on the top, but he still looked at the words on the light screen calmly.

“What are you doing?” A deep voice came from Chen Xi’s ear.

Smeared by the magnetic voice, Chen Xi’s ear tips were dyed a little red, and she replied, “Studying.”

After finishing speaking, I seemed to feel that my dry answer was a little cold, and then deliberately explained: “What I learned today is a bit difficult.”

“Difficult…” The magnetic voice came closer, and the heat almost directly breathed into Chenxi’s ears, “Then I will give you some guidance.”

Counseling… After struggling for a while, Chen Ximin agreed with difficulty. He pointed to a theorem that he didn’t understand and asked Jin Yi, “What does this mean?”

However, Jin Yi did not answer Chenxi’s question immediately. He came from behind Chenxi and almost half-wrapped Chenxi in his arms, and said to Chenxi in this posture: “Pure tuition is a bit inefficient. , In order to enhance memory and increase the joy of learning, shall we play a small game while we are learning?”

“What game?” Chen Xi had a bad premonition in her heart.

“We have added a reward and punishment mechanism. After learning a knowledge point, I will ask you questions to check the effect of your learning. If you get the correct answer, then you will have to reward and give you a kiss. If you get a wrong answer, then Just punish, punish me and give you a kiss.”

After listening to Jin Yi’s reward and punishment mechanism, Chen Xi’s cheeks burst red. Sure enough, Jin Yi came again. Chen Xi didn’t know what to say for a while, and this reward and punishment were too shameful.

Seeing that Chenxi didn’t answer immediately, Jin Yi moved his face closer to Chenxi and said softly, “Will we play this game well? I want to play it.”

Jin Yi’s usual voice is cold and abstinent, indifferent and unfeeling. This soft voice sounds like she is acting like a baby. In addition, Jin Yi’s prosperous beauty close to him is staring at Chen Xi’s expectantly. Golden eyes.

Chen Xi quickly couldn’t stand it, and finally turned her head awkwardly, staring in one direction and said: “You, you are really clingy, forget it, since you want to play this game, let’s play it.”

Seeing Chen Xi tilted her head to speak, but even the tips of her ears were red, Jin Yi’s eyes couldn’t help but overflow with a smile.

I didn’t know when I came in with the dessert and accidentally witnessed the whole process of Binlan, but he sighed deeply in his heart. Since the mastermind successfully took the position and became Chenxi’s companion robot, he has seen this more than once. This is the case.

Faced with the approach of the mastermind, Chen Xi always proudly said that you are really clingy and don’t bother me. In fact, he likes the mastermind too much, almost responsive to the mastermind, and can cause violence to him almost every time. hit.

Why, such a good Chenxi, the superior companion robot is the mastermind?

Binlan silently decided in his heart that he had to work harder to change the companion robot bill that he recently participated in. Even the changed bill cannot change the fact that the main brain is Chenxi’s companion robot, but it is good to add a few more positions. of.

At that time, those who can enjoy Chenxi’s arrogant responsiveness may be able to have one of their own.

It was beautiful in her mind. Bin Lan suddenly felt cold on her body. When she raised her head, she saw a pair of golden eyes looking at her coldly. Bin Lan twitched the corner of her mouth, put down the dessert and retired with interest.

After Binlan left, Jin Yi’s study and counseling officially began.

At the beginning of the learning content, everything was normal. The knowledge points explained by Jin Yi were concise and easy to understand. Until entering the questioning session, Jin Yi asked: “What is the biggest asymmetry in the physics world?”

Chenxi thought for a while and replied: “It’s the spin of fermions and bosons.”

“What about it?”

“Hmm…” Chen Xi frowned, “Fermions want to spin… to spin… I can’t remember.”

“Fermions need to spin two circles to see the original scene, while bosons only need to spin one circle.” After stating the correct answer again, Jin Yi smiled and looked at Chen Xi and said: “You didn’t answer, I I’m going to punish you.”

After speaking, Jin Yi kissed Chenxi with a smile and lingered for more than ten seconds. When Jin Yi moved away, Chenxi’s blush rose to a new level, and her lips became rosy.

After studying for a while, I began to enter the second questioning session. Jin Yi asked: “What is the supersymmetry theory of N=8?”

“Well, bosons can be converted into fermions, and fermions can also be converted into bosons.”

“How did the bosons be replaced with fermions?”

Chen Xi was speechless, he only vaguely remembered something four-dimensional and eight-dimensional.

“Matter can be transferred from four-dimensional space to fermions to live in eight-dimensional space through spin, and from eight-dimensional space back to four-dimensional.”

After speaking the correct answer, Jin Yi smiled over Chen Xi again, “I want to kiss you.”

This time, Jin Yi kissed for an exceptionally long time. After Jin Yi left reluctantly, Chen Xi was already a little out of breath.

Seeing Jin Yi’s moody and anxious appearance, Chen Xi understood that Jin Yi didn’t care about things like he got the answers right and got the wrong answers. He just wanted to kiss him.

However, he answered incorrectly twice in a row, and Chen Xi, who was breathless again, was also upset. He decided that the next knowledge point must be studied more carefully, anyway, he must win it back once.

With Chenxi’s concentration on the third knowledge point, she answered the question smoothly as expected, and faced with Chenxi’s answer, Jin Yi didn’t hurriedly said: “That’s right, now receive your reward.”

With that said, Jin Yi smiled and put his face in front of Chen Xi. He didn’t know when he untied the neckline easily. Opening the collarbone under the neckline looked extremely attractive.

Chenxi looked at Jin Yi as expected, and doubted herself for a second. Why did he try so hard to win?

Well, it’s because it’s too embarrassing to be able to answer, and he wants to avenge Jin Yi just now for making him breathless.

Yes, he will come back with a kiss.

Wanting to understand, Chen Xi unceremoniously kissed Jin Yi’s lips, and tried his best to kiss Jin Yi for a longer period of time than Jin Yi had just done, making Jin Yi breathe harder than herself.

After more than a minute, Chen Xi slipped into Jin Yi’s arms without strength, and was held in consideration by Jin Yi reaching out.

Jin Yi, with his usual expression, looked at Chenxi who was gasping with concern and said, “My dear, don’t work hard, so I’m already very happy.”

Chen Xi, who was too tired to speak… felt ridiculed.

So in the face of being hung up all over, even breathing is just a disguised intellectual. How can he really want to compete with each other for endurance?

The time during the journey passed quickly like this. The starship team visited the planets of the heirs of the royal family that Chenxi left behind. Those royal heirs were put back, so the whole journey was very fast.

Until Chenxi came to the last destination, Ear Fox Star.

Facing this long-awaited planet, Chen Xi finally did not sit on the aircraft and did not land at all. After Canaan, he personally set foot on the land of this planet, and fulfilled his long-cherished desire to be on the green grassland. On a sunny afternoon, he was surrounded by a group of furry-eared fox cubs.

While he was lying on the grass, the eared fox cubs played beside him, some leaned on him to sleep, and some boldly climbed onto his chest and slept in his arms.

When he got up, he could even hold three eared fox cubs side by side in a circle with both hands. The ones who were not hugged, surrounded him, hurriedly pulling at the hem of his clothes, it was like heaven. life.

Chenxi stayed here very happily for a few days, until he had enough ear fox cubs before he left.

Unlike other royal heirs who were relieved or a little unwilling when he left, the prince of the ear fox clan knew that he was leaving, so he pulled his clothes directly and almost cried with tears in his eyes.

Chen Xi hugged him up in tears and said, “What’s the matter?”

“I, I can’t bear you.”

“What’s the reluctance of this, it’s not that I will never see each other, maybe I will come here to play in the future, and then if you have anything in the future, you can contact me with the intellectuals you meet.”

Chenxi comforted for a long time, and finally coaxed the ear fox prince who was about to transform into a crying bag back. Of course, Jin Yi’s increasingly cold eyes on the side also played a certain role.

Feeling the colder gaze on his body, the ear fox prince knew that he should get out of Chenxi’s arms, but when he thought of the difference, he didn’t know when to meet again. He continued under pressure again. Staying in Chenxi’s arms, he raised his big watery eyes and looked at Chenxi seriously and said, “Thank you, thank you for everything you have done for the ear fox clan, I will always remember you.”

Chen Xi laughed, “I am not the only one you want to thank.”

Hearing what Chenxi said, the prince of the ear fox family turned his head to thank Jin Yi, but before he could speak, Jin Yi, who had endured to the limit, reached out and took it down.

“Okay, let’s go.”

After saying this, Jin Yi took a cold look at the prince of the ear fox tribe on the ground, then took Chenxi’s hand and turned and left. The ear fox tribe should thank them for their small size, and the adult ear fox tribe also Can’t reach the height of human thighs, if the ear fox tribe is a foot taller, Jin Yi, who becomes more possessive after becoming a companion robot, how can he tolerate adult male creatures being held in Chenxi’s arms? At that time, not to mention the current treatment of the ear fox tribe, it is possible to become the first race to be directly exterminated under the rule of the Zhi tribe.

After boarding the starship, the starship team slowly left Earfox. Since then, Chenxi’s trip to the outer space has all ended, but because Chenxi didn’t want to play and cut down many attractions, the time was longer than before. The planned travel itinerary takes a lot in the morning.

Seeing the extra time, Chen Xi thought for a while, and came to Jin Yi’s side in a hurry, and asked him, “Do you have a place you want to go?”

Jin Yi shook his head.

Chen Xi seemed a little unwilling, “Really not? No place to be interested in before, but no time to go?”

Jin Yi felt that Chenxi’s attitude was a bit strange, and asked suspiciously: “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, cough…” I don’t know what was thinking, Chen Xi’s face was flushed again, and she slowly said, “Isn’t it the custom of honeymoon after marriage? I think after we got the certificate, there was nothing. Do it, so if you have any place you want to go, I will accompany you to it, and it will be… your honeymoon.”

As soon as Chenxi’s words fell, the Zhizu in all directions in the starship raised their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of Jin Yi. If you want to describe their eyes specifically, it would be to eat a ton of lemons.

Ahhhhhhhh! Chen Xi is a matter of spoiling her partner mad demon, and it’s really hammered.

After understanding Chen Xi’s meaning, Jin Yi’s mouth couldn’t stop bending, and a happy smile appeared on his face naturally, and the golden eyes seemed to become a little brighter.

He approached Chenxi and held Chenxi, who was still blushing, in his arms, staring at him with golden eyes, and said with a slightly dumb voice: “Where you are, is where I want to go.”

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