The Last Creator

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

In the starship, Jin Yi used a huge bath towel to hug Chenxi and walked out of the bathroom. Chenxi’s hair was moist, her cheeks flushed, and the whole body was full of fresh water vapor. He looked up and saw the superior chin curve of his partner. I couldn’t help but raise my hand to support Jin Yi’s shoulder, climbed up slightly, and then took a bite and kissed Jin Yi’s beautiful and soft lips.

A smile flashed in Jin Yi’s eyes, and Chen Xi gently placed Chenxi on the soft bed, and said, “Finally, are you willing to kiss me?”

Chenxi’s cheeks were slightly red, and she let Jin Yi wipe her hair, and said, “Isn’t that because I haven’t taken a bath for a long time.”

Within tens of seconds, Chen Xi’s hair was completely dry, and he turned around tentatively, “Why, I am angry? Then I, make up for you…”

With that said, Chen Xi climbed onto Jin Yi’s neck, kissed that beautiful lips, and kissed again…

Every time Chenxi kissed, Jin Yi’s expression became softer, and finally she was obediently pressed onto the bed by Chenxi, and she looked at Chenxi quietly with a pair of pure golden eyes.

Chen Xi couldn’t help sighing in her heart that her partner is really coquettish and coquettish, so how can people not love it.

Just when the two were looking at each other quietly, and the atmosphere was quiet and warm, Jin Yi raised his hand to support the waist of Chen Xi who was pressing on him, “118.46 Jin, you have lost weight.”

Chenxi, who almost didn’t react…Can you not show your accurate body scale function at this time?

But before Chenxi had more complaints in her heart, he was suddenly pressed tightly in her arms by Jin Yi, and Jin Yi’s deep and nice voice came in her ears, “This kind of thing will never happen again in the future. ,I promise.”

Chen Xi also fell silent for a while, lying on Jin Yi’s chest, listening to his heartbeat, obediently said: “Yeah.”

While Chenxi and Jin Yi quietly enjoyed the sweet and warm time together, the vast expedition team of the Zhi tribe split out half of them and drove to the depths of this star field. Their mission is to completely wipe out. Red tide insects.

It is indeed a big project to completely wipe out a creature with a survival footprint all over the star field.

Of course, Jin Yi said that he took the extermination of the red tide insects as a gift, not only to thank Carlos for doing so, but the more important reason is that he dare to attack Chenxi, and only kill the red tide insects on one planet is enough to vent his anger. To contaminate the treasures of their wise race, it is natural to prepare for the extinction of the race.

And after they completely wiped out the red tide bugs, it was naturally the intelligent races of this star field that benefited the most, so he said that it would not be an exaggeration to take the extermination of the red tide bugs as a gift.

After all, for the intelligent races of this star field, there is probably nothing more important than this.

If you want to completely exterminate a creature, the first thing to do is naturally to understand them. So after the Chi tribe caught some red tide insects in the star field, they started to deal with the insects in the laboratory in the starship. Comprehensive research.

The scientific research speed of a group of super intellectual brains does not need to be questioned. In just half a day, these red tide bugs have been thoroughly studied inside and out by the intellectuals. From the gene spectrum to the protein composition, I am afraid that these red tide bugs themselves do not have it. The Zhizu knows himself so well.

In the study of red tide insects, the Zhizu found a very interesting point, that is, these insects have no reproductive ability, and they have no reproductive ability. What does this show? It shows that they have the existence of the insect king!

When this point was discovered, all the Zhizu’s eyes were astonishingly bright.

If the red tide insects are wise enough, they will definitely shudder at this look, because it is definitely not a kind look.

In addition to discovering the existence of the insect king of the red tide bug, the Zhizu also discovered a very peculiar place in the brain nerve structure of the red tide bug. That is the part where the red tide bugs are mentally connected with each other. The red tide bugs are emitted from here. And receive the signal, so as to achieve unified action, and even cooperate with each other to set traps for the prey.

In their research on the neural connections of the red tide worms, they found that in addition to establishing a spiritual connection with the surrounding red tide worms, there is also a thicker spiritual link that is far greater than all other links, leading to the depths of the starry sky. .

The Zhi tribe caught tens of thousands of red tide insects in different places in this star field, but every red tide insect, no matter where it was caught from the star field, no matter where they were when they were researched, each of them The thick and strong spiritual link in Zhi Chong’s mind was all sent in the same direction.

This shows what?

This shows that the insect king is there!

All the Zhizu smiled at the bright road signs in the minds of these so cute bugs, but there was a gloomy smell in the smiles.

Then these worms were put into the glass cover, and sophisticated instruments were constantly detecting the mental links in their minds. With these living pointers, the starship team of the Zhizu moved forward in that direction at full speed.

Carlo has been in a daze for the past two days. One is because Little Cutie has left. He often cooks things habitually these past two days. When he wants to pass it to Little Cutie, he remembers that Cutie has gone, and then he just can’t control it. Living in depression and sadness.

Another reason is that what the little cute partner said that day still lingered in his mind, even if he was ridiculed when he asked Fang with these words, but for some reason, those words were always in his mind. Can’t disappear.

Maybe it’s because the person speaking has an inexplicable breath that makes people unconsciously believe that everything that comes from his mouth is true.

However, he will be able to see what he said then, what does it mean?

Could it be that when they went to kill the red tide insects, they would also bring him with them?

When all kinds of confusing speculations emerged in Carlo’s mind, he suddenly heard one after another in exclamation sounds around him. The sounds were astonishing as he saw that the sky was about to fall.

what happened? Carlo looked around suspiciously, and then the next moment, he couldn’t help but raised his head, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his breathing stopped for a moment. Because the sky did not collapse, but the sky was covered by a clear picture.

It was a picture of a huge and intimidating steel team navigating in the starry sky. Those giants made of steel, he had never seen it before, and he didn’t know what it was, but the smooth silver plane was like a mirror. The icy sharp edges at the corners seem to tell everyone that they are not simple.

Suddenly, Carlo thought of the gloomy and suppressed sky on the day Little Cutie was picked up, and the huge dark shadows behind the clouds in the sky. Could it be that that day, behind the clouds, were these things?

On this planet, using the sky as the screen to broadcast the live broadcast of the front line of the red tide bug team, the Zhizu is also reporting to the main brain, and the live broadcast has been arranged.

Jin Yi nodded faintly, thought for a while, and suddenly said, “The network connection with Star Beast Domain is still maintained?”

In ancient times, human beings did not move their soldiers and horses, and the food and grass were the first. For the intellectuals in the interstellar age, the star network was their essential for efficient communication, their air and water, and the key to keeping in touch with the rear at all times.

Therefore, when the Chi tribe army rushed all the way here, a simple star network route was also laid out along the way, allowing Jin Yi and the others to keep in touch with the rear of the guard at all times.

For Jin Yi’s question, naturally he got a positive answer.

Jin Yi groaned for a moment, and said, “Transfer the front-line picture back and broadcast it over the intelligent race planets in the Star Beast Domain.”

No one questioned the command of the mastermind, so the command was quickly implemented.

Jin Yi squinted slightly. The wisdom races that have already occupied the star domain, except for some rules that must be followed, are basically in the state of stocking, but it may also be because they have already dealt with the wisdom races in the territory. It has been too long without iron-blood measures, and after a long time, some races will inevitably give birth to other thoughts.

They didn’t care before, because they had no weaknesses.

But after Chen Xi appeared, especially this accident of spatial fluctuations, he suddenly realized that accidents would always appear in unexpected places.

In this case, the intelligent races in the intellectual realm also need to be beaten and beaten. This time the intellectuals’ action to eradicate red tide bugs will be their best educational film.

Because the two star regions are too far apart, there is a delay even in the speed of the star network, but the delay will not go too late, but after half a day, the sages who stayed behind in the star beasts accept it. At the command of the main brain, there is a live broadcast screen that arrives in sync with the command.

There was almost no delay, and thousands of starships scattered and went to each target planet to broadcast live broadcasts.

And at the edge of the star beast region, a lonely habitable star hiding in the barren star region also passed by a starship.

That’s right, those races who hid on the edge of the Star Beast Territory because of their dissatisfaction with the rules of the Chi tribe and their rebellious hearts, in the mind of the Chi tribe, are still on the territory of the Chi tribe. They usually don’t bother to take care of you, but educational films, Must see.

So these races, who were full of panic and talk a while ago because of the terrifyingly large team of Zhizu passing by, suddenly noticed that another starship was coming, and it seemed that it was not passing by, but straight toward them.

The races were so scared that they were so scared that their souls were gone. Before they decided whether to surrender now or immediately abandon the habitable star and flee to a farther place, the sky was huge. The picture is covered, and what they see on that picture is what they saw some time ago, the huge team of Zhizu that is enough to scare people to collapse.

Cass, who was still staying on this planet, froze as soon as the scene in the sky appeared, because compared with those in the Star Beast Realm races who were completely unfamiliar with the scene in the scene and looked blank, When he glanced at it, he noticed that in addition to the starship team of the Zhizu in the picture, there was also the red ocean that was so palpitating and familiar to him in the distance.

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