The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 105

Chapter 105 – Revenge Feast 5

The alarm bells rang crazily, tearing apart the peace and joy during the Vanessa Festival. The people in the tavern who were still talking and drinking looked out the window in confusion; the children woke up from their sleep and hugged their mother’s arms; the mother hurriedly lowered the latch; Everyone is whispering: what happened? Why are the alarm bells ringing? Is it a sideshow?

One walked calmly through the bewildered crowd and descended the embankment steps to the banks of the Derain. He wears a gray velvet cloak and a plain white mask under the hood. A similarly unassuming boat is waiting on the shore. The boatman resting at the stern was a woman, also wearing a dark gray cloak. She was tall and strong, as if she was used to manual labor. Seeing the man in the white mask, she calmly stood up and picked up the boat pole.

“Master Malcolm, everything is ready,” she said.

“Ah, Patty, you also escaped successfully.”

“As soon as they took the dagger, I went to light the fuse, and then quietly left the Governor’s Palace. I counted the time, and the second was right.”

Malcolm looked approvingly, “Good job. Now that the alarm bell is ringing, it means they have succeeded. With the skills of those two, it would be strange if they failed. But…whether they can escape or not is another matter .”

“My lord, stop gossiping, let’s go quickly, the city gate will be sealed after a while.”

Malcolm boarded the boat. Patty deftly punted the boat away from the shore. The boat went upstream and headed for the water gate of Vanessa. Marco rested leisurely on the bow, admiring the panicked crowd on the shore.

“What a beautiful city!” he exclaimed.

“It’s a pity we’re leaving soon.”

“Are you from Vanessa? You are about to leave your hometown. No wonder you feel sad. But what’s the problem? One day our great master will take it into his pocket, and we can come whenever we want.”

“Speaking of which,” Patty changed the subject, “will I also be rewarded by the master?”

“Of course.” Malcolm played with the corner of the cloak absently, “You are my right-hand man, and I will definitely recommend you to the master. You are so smart that you are more than enough to be a maid by the master’s side.”

“I come from a humble background, but I can’t be a female official. It’s better to give money.”

“Of course there will be no shortage of money. With the power of the master, are you afraid of missing a few gold coins from you?” Marco snorted lightly.

The boat sailed under the Ains Bridge, a famous scenic spot in Vanessa. Because it was night, the bridge was dark, and you could hardly see your fingers. Malcolm could see nothing, but felt the boat bump into something. This is normal. Ships come and go on the Deran River, and collisions between ships often occur. He frowned, wanting Patty to quickly turn the bow and change direction. But the sound of the boat’s pole drawing water stopped abruptly, and the boat just stopped under the dark bridge hole.


Marco stood up with a “huh”, took out an alchemy lamp ball from his arms, and shook it violently a few times. The light bulb flickered, and finally gave off a faint but steady light. Marco, who had regained his light, sank in his heart, because he saw that besides them, there was another boat parked in the bridge hole. A tall and strong man stood at the bow. His dark skin and strong muscles in his arms showed that he The identity of the boy of the sea. He was holding an unsheathed saber, and he seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, just waiting for Malcolm to deliver it to the door.

“Long time no see, Captain Barsano. If I’m not mistaken, you’re here to avenge Master Fernand?”

“It’s good to know. Give you a chance to kill yourself, otherwise I will let you live or die!”

Marco smiled and shook his head: “You are still naive as always. You didn’t come up with this revenge plan, but someone is behind you to help you, right? I guess it’s the silent one?” He turned his head slightly and glanced behind Patty glanced at him, “I made a mistake in telling them your name so early, so that they would have a chance to bribe you.”

“Sorry, my lord, they gave more than you.” Patty responded calmly.

“Unexpectedly, you would betray me for such a small profit. How much did they give you? My lord’s wealth is not comparable to that of pirate assassins. As long as you ask, you can give you any gold, silver and jewels. Patty , make an offer.”

“They didn’t just give money.”

“Oh? What else do you want besides money? Fame? Status? A husband of noble origin? Or give you the title of baroness directly?”

“Five hundred and thirty-one.”

Marco was taken aback: “What?”

Patty whispered, “Five hundred and thirty one women donated their jewelry to rebuild the bridge. Aines Bridge, also known as ‘Five Hundred and Thirty One Patriot Bridge,’ all Vanessa Women’s pride.”

She flashed a dagger from under her cloak, “It’s one thing to kill the corrupt governor, but it’s another thing to betray Vanessa! This is my hometown!”

She leaps at Malcolm!

The spies were prepared. He ducked past Patty’s first blow, then bent his knees and punched Patty in the stomach. The woman was kicked into the river by him. At the same time, Barsano swung his blade forward, and Marco drew the dagger from his boot to block his attack. The boat was rickety, and it was in danger of capsizing at any time, but the two of them jumped from one boat to another as if they were walking on the ground, and the saber and dagger collided with each other, making a crisp metal clanging sound.

“Marco! You have done all the tricks, but you never imagined that you will have such a day! I advise you to confess honestly, who is the mastermind behind you?”

“Ha! I will never betray my master! Go to Netherland to meet your little lover, Barsano!”

Although the pirate leader is skilled at swordsmanship, Marco is even better, dazzled by dancing a small dagger. Barsano took advantage of the surprise attack at first, but gradually fell into the disadvantage after a while. Pushed to the stern, the boat was high at one end and short at the other end, and it was about to capsize!

“Marco! Your time has come!” Barsano yelled.

Just as Malcolm was about to laugh, a sharp knife suddenly pierced his chest from behind. Is it Patty? No…she’s still in the water, so who is it?

A shadow rose from behind him, slowly condensing into a human form. Malcolm suddenly fell into an ice cave. Impossible, this guy is dead, he was killed by himself, how could he appear here? Could it be… Could it be that the elves can die and come back to life?

“This is for you.”

Orrasha, the elf whose hand was cut off by Malcolm and nearly died, appeared behind him.

“I…no…” Marco spat out blood, “I can’t…die here…Master…”

Balsano raised his saber and slashed across Marco’s neck, cutting a deep **** from one ear to the other, as if putting a **** smile on the spy’s neck.

The spy’s head was tilted at an odd angle.

“It’s for you too,” Barsano said.

A black boat was slowly going down the river. There were two people on board. The boatman was wrapped in an airtight black robe, and the guests were wearing gaudy costumes and a beak mask. Seeing the tragic situation of the spy, the boatman in black clicked his tongue.

“You killers! Can’t you rest like ordinary people during the festival? After you kill people, pat your **** and leave. We are the ones who worked hard to collect the corpses!”

“Sorry, master black-clothed boatman,” said the beak mask, “the reward will be more this time, please hurry up and transport him away.”

“What should I do if I die like this? The people you killed, bring them up yourself!”

“Okay, okay.” The beak mask company said yes, turning to Barsano, “You two quickly lift the dead up!”

He paused, “Huh? Why is there only one person left? Where did ‘one hand’ go?”

While speaking, a dark shadow swept across the river surface, lifted the fine water ripples, and swam towards the sea.

seaside. Somewhere on an unknown beach.

Giuliano wiped away tears. He described himself as embarrassed, soaked, with wet sand on his clothes, his eyes were swollen like peaches, and his lips were bleeding from his own bite, but when he looked at Enzo, the assassin was surprised to find that his eyes were more firm than ever before. . Like the sky after the storm, it is clear and pure, without a trace of shadow.

The Assassin had seen many people become empty and empty after revenge, but Giuliano was not like that. Instead of breaking him, hatred honed his will. The flames of hatred burned many things in his heart, but like tempering steel, it also burned his soul to be extremely strong. His heart after the blaze was extinguished was like the land after a volcanic eruption, desolate and dangerous, but the embers after the catastrophe brought rich nutrients, making his reborn soul grow stronger than before.

Enzo felt extremely gratified. This young man—this sword he forged with his own hands—was good enough to be his successor. All that he could give has been given, and the gods will judge the rest.

“Let’s go,” Giuliano said hoarsely. “I don’t know where we were swept by the dark river. We must find our way back quickly.”

“No, we’re not going back.”

Giuliano raised an eyebrow.

“We are the murderers who assassinated the governor now, how can we go back to Vanessa?” Enzo said, “Besides, the task has been completed, and the aftermath will be left to Petro and Barzano. There is no need for us to stay in Vanessa.”

“Then where?”

“Do you still need to ask? Of course it’s Luo Erran. Go north directly, bypassing Vanessa,” Enzo looked north, “It’s time to go to Ponto City to report to the client, and take the next task by the way.”

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