The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 107

Chapter 107 – At The Same Time, The World…

At the same time, in the Wang Family Garden in the southern suburb of Isdriel, the “City of Ten Thousand Rocks”, the capital of Mucania.

A baby’s loud cry breaks the morning silence. Several nannies and nannies took turns to take care of the newborn child, and a larger number of female officials served Her Majesty the Queen who had just given birth. The queen leaned wearily on a pile of soft pillows, and the maid carefully wiped the sweat from her forehead. After the royal doctor repeatedly diagnosed her eyeballs and pulse, and came to the conclusion that “the body is fine”, the lady who accompanied the queen finally dared to inform His Majesty the king who was waiting outside the door.

Like all new fathers, Clement IV was walking around outside the door anxiously. The squires had their fast horses ready, and a troop of royal cavalry, lightly armed, could march as fast as they could to the Yord coast at the word of command. As a matter of fact, they should have set off last night, having been delayed for many hours by the Queen’s birth.

The lady who often served the queen stepped out of the delivery room and curtseyed to Clement: “Congratulations, Your Majesty, the queen has given birth to twin princes, both mother and child are safe, and I ask your Majesty to take the little prince for you.” …”

Clement pushed her away and strode into the delivery room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and saluted him. The nurse and nurse came towards him with the newborn in their arms, but the king waved them impatiently to go and wait.

“My dearest,” he knelt by the bed, took the queen’s hand and kissed it repeatedly, “I am so glad to see you are fine!”

“It must be the protection of the Dragon God, allowing me to give birth to a pair of twins. Don’t you hug them?”

“Time is running out, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

The king turned to everyone in the room, “Stand back, let the queen and I talk alone.”

So everyone left the room one by one, including the newborn little prince, who was taken to the nursery by the nurse before they were bathed in their father’s love. When there were only two people left in the room, the king suddenly became serious.

“Bonnywell is dead.” He lowered his voice so as not to be heard.

The queen’s beautiful eyes widened: “How could this be? When… when did this happen?”

“Seven days ago, he was assassinated at a banquet. I wanted to tell you immediately, but I was afraid that it would affect your emotions…”

“I can’t believe it! How could this happen with Malcolm by his side!”

The king sighed: “Boniwell has made too many enemies, and Malcolm probably can’t handle it.”

“Boniwell is an important **** we have laid in the cities of Yord. If he dies, we will lose our inner support. What should we do…”

“That’s not the worst. As soon as I heard of Boniwell’s death, I ordered General Warren to follow the plan and raid the forts on the border of Yod, but for some reason, those forts should have been emptied of guards due to the change of defense. , but now they are full of soldiers and horses!”

The queen showed a disturbed expression: “This does not match the information sent by Boniwell! Either he lied to us, or the city-states of the Yods have already seen our plan…”

“I also understand this. Now that the raid has failed, we have lost the opportunity, so we can only bite the bullet and fight this battle.”

“In terms of the strength of the army, our Muchania is far superior to them, but our country does not have a navy, and the city-states of Yod can rely on the sea supply line to defend the city. Once the war is delayed, the situation will become more and more unfavorable to us. .”

“That’s why we need the ‘Black Crane Boat’!” The king clenched his fists and said excitedly, “We know its location and the time when the solar eclipse will appear, not to mention that the start key is also in my hand. I This is going to go secretly to that cave to get the ‘Black Crane Ship’. With its power, we can suppress the navy of the Yod city-states, and even… even… If the ancient books are true, a ‘Black Crane Ship’ Boat’ can help us seize the entire land of Fagus!”

“It seems that there is no other way, now we can only rely on the ‘Black Crane Boat’…”

The king kissed his wife affectionately: “I’m leaving now, you take a good rest.”

“Honey! Didn’t you see your sons before you left?”

The queen rang the bell beside the bed, the door opened, and a group of servants poured into the room. The lady serving the queen carried a heavy skirt, ran to the bed “dengdeng”, bowed her head and asked, “Do you have any orders?” His Majesty?”

“My child.” The queen beckoned.

The nanny immediately stepped forward with the little princes in her arms. To distinguish the twins, the nanny wrapped them in different colored swaddles. The lady first took over the eldest prince from the nanny. His swaddling clothes are the royal purple. The king looked at her timidly. Under the encouraging eyes of the queen, he mustered up the courage to embrace his eldest son. The baby’s eyes were closed, his little face was flushed, and his hair was soft and light brown.

The king touched his face lovingly, and said happily to the queen, “This boy really looks like me! Look at his nose!”

The queen smiled: “He is our firstborn son, the heir of Muchania. I want to name him Clement Richard, to commemorate Grand Duke Richard who married Princess Saifa. It is from them , this child has inherited the blood of Emperor Darien. What do you think?”

“Of course! Clement Richard, what a name!”

The lady brought the little prince over again and placed him in the arms of the queen. The child is wrapped in golden swaddling clothes. The king looked at the second son, then at the eldest son, and said, “They are twins, but they look different…”

The lady laughed and said: “There are indeed twins in the world who look exactly the same, even their parents can’t tell them apart; some are like ordinary brothers and sisters, although they are similar, they are not exactly the same.”

The king stretched his neck: “Who does this child look like…?”

The queen looked at the child: “He looks like my brother.”

“Why don’t you name the prince after Brother Ling.”

The queen smiled strangely: “It’s better to forget it. It’s really unlucky that he died when he was young.”

The king coughed twice in embarrassment: “Sorry, dear, I don’t know…”

“It’s not your fault, after all, I never said it.”

The king was greatly relieved.

The queen continued: “I have decided to name the child Alberto Carloman. He will accept my title in the future and become Grand Duke of Balanja.”

“He will rule over that fair land for his brother,” said the King excitedly.

At this time, a royal servant squeezed through the servants, came to the king, and whispered: “Your Majesty, it’s almost time.”

The king sighed, and reluctantly handed over the eldest prince to the lady. He ordered a few words, ordered the servants to take good care of the queen and princes, and then stroked the queen’s hair affectionately: “Wait for me. Wait for me to come back to pick you up in that legendary black ship that can fly. When the time comes, the two of us …No, the four of us are together, overlooking the world from above the clouds, and everything we can see is a gift from me to you!”

“I hope you will return home soon.”

“Goodbye, my dearest, my Gillisa.”

The king kissed the queen good-bye and left the room escorted by royal servants. The queen listened attentively, and there were horses neighing and chaotic hooves in the distance. She kissed the forehead of her second son, “Alberto, Grand Duke of Barranja.” Then she turned to her eldest son, “Clement V, noble emperor. My children, your parents are Princess Sefa and Prince The descendants of the Duke of Shad, the blood can be traced back to Darion the Great, not only that, but I also have a more ancient and noble blood. You have the right to inherit the throne of this world and be crowned as the ruler of Fagus. And that The day will come soon.”

Staring into the distance, she murmured and repeated: “Soon.”

Volume eleven take off the mask

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